Real Birth Project

About Real Birth Project

Practical Hypnobirthing for all Births
Online: Groups & 1: 1
Emotional Wellness from Pregnancy to Parenthood
Birth Trauma Resolution Therapy

Real Birth Project Description

Practical Hypnobirthing for all births, feel confident, calm & informed.
Meet-ups and therapy for emotional wellbeing after birth.
All voices welcomed.



We've teamed up to bring you a one of a kind day to prepare you for birth and life with your baby. In this four hour workshop you'll learn hypnobirthing techniques and tools that can be used in any birth environment as well as how to rest, recover and look after yourself in the days and weeks after giving birth to create a more connected and positive experience for yourself, your baby and your partner.
The Hypnobirthing Session: Each birth is unique but by understanding what ...
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Tonight at 7:30pm in the Tranquil Birthers group Sophie Griffiths from Mama Buba Bump will be talking about any of the POSTNATAL topics you may want to cover, as well as some of the hot topics new mamas ask about...
Feeding? Baby sleep? Your sleep?... Baby wearing? Weaning?
Bring any questions and a cuppa and join the chat. Click here to go to the group 06648
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August News & Events - Come and join the supportive community, enjoy a free relaxation or find about more about Hypnobirthing with an online taster.


I was teaching last night and each time I do, it really dawns on me just how unique we all are. Our beliefs, life experiences, hopes plus all the other things that make us who we are. All that uniqueness is taken into and through birth and into parenthood too. ... As you consider your choices and options in birth you need to be at the centre of those and your choices don’t need to look like anyone else’s, they just need to feel empowering for you. So where ever and however you are preparing for birth, give yourself some time to consider what your needs are, process the information and being gentle with yourself, make it work for you.
Empower yourself and congratulate yourself for your inner resources.
There is no ‘right’ way to birth, just what works for you and your unique circumstances.
When do you feel most empowered and at your best? If you’ve given birth, were there parts or aspects you felt totally connected YOU to the experience? For me it was water... #yourbirthmatters #uniquebirth #betterbirth #birthchoices #birthrights #womensbodies #birthingwoman #pregnantmum #waterbirth #hypnobirthing #birthtraumaawareness #birthpreparation #hypnobirthingteacher #instabump #pregnancytip #hypnobirthingteacher #hypnobirthingmum
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Are you on Instagram? Come over and say hi! @tranquilbirth on Insta


IF IT’S NOT BROKE DON’T FIX IT - When approaching birth Keep It Simple
Yesterday I went out for my anniversary dinner and it dawned on me how complicated we can make everything, why do we humans struggle with Keeping It Simple?
This is so true of birth too. We prod it, poke it, measure it, confine it (the women too that is!)
... I had several encounters of this yesterday but the one that sticks was busting an ice cream palour in Soho that I loved (if you saw my stories on @sakina.ballard, you’ll know which one) that used to have amazing Italian ice-cream in yummy flavours (I’m digressing here but a scoop of the dark chocolate next to a scoop of the pistachio is a heavenly memory). 🍨 When I went yesterday it was a place that you had to ‘construct’ your ice cream, it came and liquid and they froze it with liquids nitrogen. Mine was mainly runny as not set properly and very expensive.
Isn’t this a bit like modern birth? Yes we need and are lucky to have assistance sometimes but in general isn’t it all a bit like a making ice cream with liquid nitrogen - Creating more issues than it solves?
What happened to the process?? The churning, the enjoying, the creativeness...
There is magic in simplicity.
#birthtalk #acreativeprocess #birthjusthappened #womensrightsinbirth #birthingwoman #positivebirth #antenatal #instanatal #instawisdom #trustyourbody #ifitsnotbrokedontfixit #keepitsimple #overcomplicated #birthpsychology #empoweredbirth #womeninbirth #birthingbodies #birthjourney #birthstories #positivebirth #positivebirthmovement
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Affirmations can be useful in creating and reinforcing the thoughts we want to be having through pregnancy and in birth.
Where the mind leads the body can follow.
... Where ever and however we Birth, softening our bodies by releasing tension as much as possible helps relax the muscles and during physical transitions such as birth support them by removing strain and resistance.
If you’ve had a baby, releasing and soften the body can be useful to reducing tension and stress. To discover more come and join the Facebook group for more positive birth and Hypnobirthing ideas (link in bio)
1. Ways to do this - pay attention to the release during pelvic floor exercises (check out @mothers.wellness.toolkit @physio4meuk @pelvicfloorpatrol @the_motherhood_movement ) 2. Slowly scan your body and breathe out any areas of tension as you scan down from had to toes
#mondayaffirmation #birthaffirmation #womensupportingwomen #onemumtoanother #hypnobirthingtips #positivepregnancy #positivebirthpreparation #birthingtips #positivepregnancytest #antenatal #instanatal #instaffirmation #positivebirth #birthingbodies #birthwithoutfear #hypnobirthing #kghypnobirthing #hypnibirthingteacher #pregnancygroup #positivepsychology #powerofthemind #youcandothis #birthingwoman #mumtobe
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Want to talk about birth positively and learn more about Hypnobirthing techniques?
Come and join the Tranquil Birthers group, it’s open to all; pregnant women, expectant parents, new parents, birth partners and birth professionals.


Today was the @pbmnorwood meet up @coffeecraftldn & we were talking about BONDING
What does bonding mean to you? It’s a hard thing to pinpoint exactly what it is. Is it that ‘rush’ some people get straight after birth but not all? Or is it the forming of a bond, a relationship with another person that is unique to you both?... Relationships start in different ways, some start with a moment or spark, others develop through time and experiences. Let’s remove the pressure to feel any particular way directly after birth and support the forming of relationships and understanding between parents and their babies - each bond and journey is unique 💜
If you’d like to attend a @positivebirthmovement meet up, check out the #positivebirthmovement site for your nearest group. they are free, informal and a great for realistic discussions about birth.
#freebirthmeet #antenatalgroup #freegroup #se25 #pregnantlondon #positivebirth #iminyourvillage #parentsmeet #mumtobe #tranquilbirth #mumtomum #peersupport #womensupportingwomen #realbirthproject #positivebirthpreparation #mumtobe #positivebirthexperience #hypnobirthingteacher #southnorwood #londonse25 #communitygroup #coffeemeeting #birthrights #birthgeek
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I loved reading during pregnancy though I read a few weeks on reflection after my first birth, the books I read weren’t fully preparing me. Since giving birth twice and working around birth for the last 3 years I’ve had the chance to find a lot of other books that I think are greatly useful when it comes to birth preparation. Here are a few of my favourites that I recommend to pregnant couples (more in my blog - link in bio):
1. The @positivebirthbook by ...@milli.hill founder of @positivebirthmovement this is a number 1 book for me when I teach courses and expectant parent, I give it out to everyone. Comprehensive & really supports a meaningful Birth preparation.
2. #thehypnobirthingbook by @kghypnobirthing I trained with KG & used KG Hypnobirthing for my 2nd Birth. I read this and the #monganmethod in my preparation & the information really changed my view of birth after my #birthtrauma
3. Books for birth partners, father figures and dads are also great to read and share. @dadf.c & #markharris #menlovebirth are a couple of those I have on my shelf
4. #Pilatesforpregnancy is a fantastic new book by Anya @mothers.wellness.toolkit - taking care of our bodies and strength is vital & helps our overall wellbeing
5. #yournoguiltpregnancyplan by @rebecca.schiller is a new favourite, brininging together information & emotional wellness around birthing choices - something @tranquilbirth courses are aimed at.
I still love reading about birth now, what are you favourite books? I’d love to hear your thoughts on these or any new recommendations you may have...
#instanatal #instareads #instabooks #pregnancybooks #pregnancyreads #pregnancyblog #healingbirth #secondbirth #expectantparents #mumtomum #mumtobe #positivebirthpreparation #hypnobirthteacher #hypnobirthingmum #antenatalpreparation #hypnobirthingtips #pregnancypilates #perinatalwellness #realbirthproject #tranquilbirth #empoweredbirth #birthsupport #hypnobirthinglondon #antenatalcourse #mumtips #pregnancytips #pregnancywellness #maternalmentalhealth
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The next Postive The Positive Birth Movement meeting for Positive Birth Movement Norwood is this Saturday, 2:30pm at Coffee Craft cafe, all are welcome


I saw post today & love this affirmation.
All women’s bodies can be considered this & during birth; whether via vaginal, supported or belly birth - the power & strength are undeniable.
... Do you use affirmations? What are your favourite ones? 💜
#mondayaffirmation #birthaffirmation #hypnobirthing #postpartumhealing #hypnobirthingaffirmations #positivebirthpreparation #positivebirth #positivepsychology #birthbetter #visualisations #birthhypnosis #birthpreparation #positivebirthmovement #positivebirthexperience #healingbirth #loveyourbody #hypnobirthteacher #hypnobirthingmum #birthsupport #mumtomum #womensupportingwomen
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Car Seat Live Q&A will be in the Tranquil Birthers Group today at 9pm. Margaret is the ‘car seat lady’ an expert on safety, fit and all things car seat. If you have questions or to watch her live demo over in the group click the link below 06648


Tomorrow at 8pm documentary on breastfeeding on C4…/channel-4- dispatches--breastf…/


I came to Hypnobirthing looking to create a more positive birth experience after a very difficult first birth in which I found myself lost and without inner tools or resources to rely on, though I’d had lots of information.
My second birth was about learning to listen to myself, understanding what had happened and feeling empowered to make the choices that felt right for me and creating and inner and outer experience The was subjectively p...ositive.
I now work with many couples who are looking to do the same, particularly through 1:1 personalised sessions which focus on their needs and looking at ways of preparing positively, whilst understanding the difficulties they have faced.
Birth is so personal and healing bad births whilst also creating more positive foundations for future births is possible and can be supported through various methods. If you’d like to read some of the healing birth stories on the site check out the link in bio 👆🏼
If you’re pregnant after a previously difficult birth experience and would like to discuss preparing for this birth or if you’d like to talk in a non-judgemental way after a difficult birth then please DM me.
#birthreflections #youcanhealabadbirth #healingafterbirth #healingafterbirthtrauma #positivebirth #positivebirthmovement #positivebirthstory #positivepsychology #positivebirthexperience #positivebirthpreparation #realbirthproject #tranquilbirth #healinghypnosis #healingbirthstory #vaginalbirthaftercesarean #caesareanbirth #cesareanbirth #birthwithoutfear #hypnobirthteacher #hypnobirthing #birthtraumahealing #birthtraumaresolution #instanatal #postnataltherapy #antenatalpreparation #antenatalclass #hypnobirthinglondon #pbmnorwood
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Car Seats, Mum & Baby Yoga & Staying Cool in the Heat -


This Hypnobirthing Techniques course has been created ideally to accompany an antenatal choices and education course such as NCT. Bringing together birth choices with Hypnobirthing technqiues, using practical tools and exercises to help support you in creatting a better birth experience that is uniquely yours. Running each month from South London / Croydon borders over 2 consecutive Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm. 4th & 11th September. This 5 hour course that is just £150 per cou...ple will give you tools, techniques adn inspiration to create an empowering and positive birth experience that works for you, in a realistic and non-judgmental way. We will cover: Hypnobirting Theory Mind-Body Connection Practical Hypnobirthing Technqiues inlcuding breathing Enjoy Hypnobirthing relaxations Learn the Physiology of Birth Look at how we can maximise positive experiencecs in all Birth Environments Explore the Birth Partner Role You Will Get: Resource Pack Positive Birth Book Hypnobirthing Book Selection of Audios Closed Supportive Facebook Community Ongoing Teacher Support Goody Bag Invitation to Meet-ups and Events If you would like more details, please email or explore the website "I can’t describe how grateful we are for your help and guidance, which transformed our experience into something that was tough, but definitely positive!"
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Car Seats, Mum & Baby Yoga & Staying Cool in the Heat -


Hi, I'm Sakina, mum of 2, Qualified Hypnobirthing Teacher, Positive Birth Movement Facilitator and Birth Trauma practitioner. I was drawn to Hypnobirthing as tool to reduce fear and support a calmer birth after a difficult first birth experience. I found the tools practical and incredibly useful, so was inspired to train as a teacher and share these with others. All my courses and work is focussed around supporting women and their partners in discovering birth experiences that feel positive for them. Every family is unique but I believe they all deserve a calm and empowered journey through the connected stages of pregnancy, birth and parenthood.


Thank you Sakina. We loved working with you on the hypnobirthing refresher course as you are such a calming, positive person to work with. We really appreciated having the time with you to really engage with what was worrying us from our previous birth experience and finding ways through to feel ready to birth again.

And best of all, we had the birth experience we worked for with you and are very grateful for help you gave us. Thank you!


Thank you Sakina for all your help. The birth was calm and focused and lovely, a total contrast to my first one. Recommend to everyone! xx


My partner and I enjoyed a really lovely hypnobirthing session with Sakina. Learning hypnobirthing breathing and relaxation techniques but also being able to openly discuss pregnancy, birth and early parenthood in a welcoming environment. Considered and thoughtful post course materials and information are extremely helpful to guide our next steps. Would certainly recommend this as a first time parent, but also to share the session with experienced parents and learning from each other.

Incredible value!


Thank you Sakina. We loved working with you on the hypnobirthing refresher course as you are such a calming, positive person to work with. We really appreciated having the time with you to really engage with what was worrying us from our previous birth experience and finding ways through to feel ready to birth again.

And best of all, we had the birth experience we worked for with you and are very grateful for help you gave us. Thank you!


Thank you Sakina for all your help. The birth was calm and focused and lovely, a total contrast to my first one. Recommend to everyone! xx


My partner and I enjoyed a really lovely hypnobirthing session with Sakina. Learning hypnobirthing breathing and relaxation techniques but also being able to openly discuss pregnancy, birth and early parenthood in a welcoming environment. Considered and thoughtful post course materials and information are extremely helpful to guide our next steps. Would certainly recommend this as a first time parent, but also to share the session with experienced parents and learning from each other.

Incredible value!

More about Real Birth Project