Realms Of The Magical Light Beings

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Realms Of The Magical Light Beings

This page is all about the beautiful and magical light beings that exist around us all the time such as angels, unicorns, faeries and mermaids.



This is a post from my Voice Of Kell page, but it needs sharing as much as possible xx


Some very interesting information channelled from the Arcturians and Pleaidians about our current ascension process into the 5d way of being x


Whilst channelling with my crystal skulls on Saturday, a beautiful being from Andromeda came through and spoke of crystal cities, Atlantis and the way ahead for humanity and for each of us individually. Here's a bit more info about Andromeda x


God- this card is drawn from the Mary Queen of Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. This card is advising us to take a step back from whatever situation is causing us difficulties at the moment. It is within our nature to try and control certain outcomes and force things to happen the way we want them to, when we want them to. However, we are being asked to step out of the situation and surrender to the divine. When we try so hard, we can actually block a positive happy outcome for the highest good of all. We need to let go and let God. By trusting that God and the Universe knows what's best for us, we allow situations to unfold as they should and we avoid much pain and suffering along the way. Many blessings xxx


If you love the world of the fae, take a look at this folks. Karen Kay sings about gnomes in a very magical piece of music x


A beautiful statue of Quan Yin x


Ascension of this planet and the human race is very real and happening here and now. It is no longer some abstract concept. I will be offering Ascension readings and talks to help support folks on their journey with this process in the near future. Please watch this space for more details. Many blessings x


Today's card comes from the 'Wild Kuan Yin Oracle' by Alana Fairchild. She tames by laying down the staff and rope- there is a situation in your life that you have been trying to force or make happen. This card is advising you to let go and step back. Force, control, blame or judgement are not the ways to go. Always remember that what is truly meant for you, will come back....unless you drive it away! Be open and inviting but do not force. This is the essence of true love and also the key to achieving what we truly want in this life. By being the best version of ourselves that we can, we will attract everything we have ever dreamed of. Many blessings xx


Something very interesting for those of you aware of this x


Soul Connections and Ascension The consciousness of humanity is rising across the whole planet. As a result of this, we are moving away from the old painful relationship templates (mainly based on the lower chakras) to the new heart and soul centred ones which are based on unconditional love and joy. More and more twin flames are coming together and clearing karma from themselves and their family bloodlines. They have volunteered to take the more difficult fast track to Ascen...sion in order to raise their own light frequency and, in turn, that of the planet. No easy task, not only is this extremely painful and frightening, but it may take many years and therefore has to be undertaken by courageous, old, spiritually evolved souls. However, this work is beginning to show many rewards. More and more variations in soul connections are also occurring, other than just twin flames. More and more people are choosing to live from their hearts and souls, rather than from the old 3d fear and control. Times may feel tough but we are birthing a new and much happier era for humanity and the planet as a whole. Many blessings xx
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Ascended Master Babaji and Diamond- when a soul reaches a level of evolution where it becomes capable of loving and trusting the Divine to such an extent that it will not turn away from anything that life asks of it, the will within the soul has become a diamond will. It serves unconditionally. The diamond soul has developed through initiation and struggle. It takes lifetimes and lifetimes to create this undeniable strength. This strength prevents the soul from yielding to or doubt and allows it to trust in the workings of the Divine, even if these are not understood. The free will has merged with divine will. The trust and surrender within the soul to the workings of the Divine is so complete that there is only one will- unconditional love. There is no separation. This is how it becomes possible to know that the truths and desires in your heart are actually in alignment with your highest destiny. It may be this is your lifetime on Earth, if you feel this, this card brings confirmation. Love yourself and let the Universe love you.
I have chosen this card as this page's main pic as the Ascension of mankind accelerates to the highest level it has ever been since ancient times. The ancient ones are returning and bringing their light, truths and unconditional love with them, pushing the planet into mass Ascension. Many blessings on this day xx
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Crossroad of Destiny- today's card is encouraging us to think about what security really is and whether a new destiny is calling us. Many of us continue to lead familiar uninspiring lives as we feel this brings us security. However, as with all the laws of the Universe, the things we chase the most will evade us. Are you at a crossroads where you are needing to shift out of a habitual way of being that has been stifling you? Maybe it's time for you to be a spiritual adventurer on your own untravelled path? The Divine Mother will protect, assist and guide you as you find your way. It is safe to trust the call to new life you feel inside. It is your destiny urging you forward into so much grace. Many blessings xx
Card drawn from the Crystal Mandala Oracle by Alana Fairchild.


Sacred Play This year has been incredibly tough in terms of life situations that have forced us to courageously connect with our inner worlds. To succeed on the spiritual path, there has to be a willingness and maturity to live with depth and to enter the darkness. The pain and darkness has to be opened in order to liberate the love from within, opening up the darkness to receive the divine light. This card now comes as a peace offering from the Universe. It's time to play and have some fun. Do things you love, paint pics, make music, sing and dance, create. Have fun and play. Be present and allow the sacred play to heal you, to lighten the heart and uplift your spirit. Let your lightness of heart enlighten the world. Happy Xmas and many blessings everyone xx
Card drawn from the Crystal Mandala Oracle by Alana Fairchild.


Shiva and Shakti- twin flames. Shiva represents the masculine cosmic energy that flows down through us. Shakti represents the feminine earth energy that rises upwards through us. This kundalini energy normally sits dormant at the base of our spine until something awakens it. This could be another kundalini awakened person or teacher, true sexual union, a traumatic or near death event (amongst other things). This kundini is represented symbolically as snakes and once awakened will lead to a spiritual awakening in the person. Not everyone has kundalini but, in those that do, it will connect them to God and the true meaning and secrets of the Universe. This can be a very difficult and painful pathway, but it will ultimately lead to a life of greater truth, authenticity, beauty and unconditional love. Many blessings xx


Twin flames- the same soul in 2 physical bodies, yin and yang, the feminine and masculine polarities. When TFs meet in the physical, the energy is atomic and they are both sent on a challenging and painful journey of the soul to make them ready for union. Only pure unconditional love can exist between these 2 or else the low frequencies will cause tremendous suffering. This is a spiritual union and not at all like other relationships. TFs often take years to work through the ...process in order to raise their soul frequency to a level that they can safely be together. They have a powerful mission together that will change the world. They are each other's ultimate mirror and when one heals, so does the other. Heal yourself and you heal your twin. Physical separation often occurs for long periods of time, but they will always find their way back to each other. They are one soul. The powerful chords and connection between these 2 can never be broken, not ever. They know each other's thoughts and feelings, even when on other sides of the planet or Universe.
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More about Realms Of The Magical Light Beings

Realms Of The Magical Light Beings is located at The Crescent, Devon Plymouth
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -