Rebecca Mcqueen

About Rebecca Mcqueen

Health coaching and Support to show you how to give yourself some time, love and attention to be healthy of body and mind. Working to get to your natural rhythm finding your healthy happy place in body and mind



Having the best day at the vision board workshop day full of women on a mission to create change. plant based food ( including muffins made by my lovely Darren to help me out while we also try and move house today) intentions, meditations and visualisations #essex #visionboardworkshop #plantbasedfood #glutenfree #liveyourdream #lovethelifeyoulive #ukhealthcoaches


Getting all prepped for the vision board workshop this Saturday in Essex. Always a wonderful day. Just made some tools to enhance our intuition release fear and connect to our highest self or spiritual realm . Whilst diffusing frankincense for meditative enhancement and powerful cellular healing as well as feasting on home made oil infused snacks to awaken the visualisation and manifestation of our body and mind , we will also be using on our pulse points and via inhalation a...methyst infused lavender blend. Lavender allows us to feel calm, to move from fear to faith and courage combined with security, it makes us feel comforted and safe putting us in the perfect state to follow our bliss, amethyst works with enhancing our crown chakra so opens up the channels of the higher energies to allow us to be open to important messages. Wild orange and citrine blend these work with the third eye, enabling us to convert them message in to a visual representation to manifest. citrine is a stone of manifestation which is best used with affirmations and intentions. It is the stone of abundance and prosperity while wild orange boosts inspiration and uplifts your emotions from a cellular level to the surface . Frankincense with rose quartz blend. Rose quartz is the stone of the heart chakra, enabling us to love ourself and our journey unconditionally. The heart must be open and willing to bring all our dreams in to reality, it is an important stone for feminine healing, perfectly combined with the king of oils frankincense to encourage and support our purpose !
Eek 😬 I can’t wait ! Love vision board workshops
If you want to book on click the link in the bio still 4 more spaces left
If you want to learn more about the essential oils that are life changing on too many levels then I run weekly workshops in Essex as well as online. My purpose for this year is to grow and educate myself and others on the Importance of clean living, living naturally and taking advantage of all nature has to offer #visionboardworkshop #essentialoils #doterraessentialoils #lavender #wildorange #frankincense #crystalpower #mothernaturerocks #rosequartz #livegently #livewithpurpose #essexevents
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Just been listening to a great video from Oprah Winfrey and one of guests on how they get where they are. So much about having a vision for your life, living with purpose and above all keep pushing towards your dream. I have tried many things and failed and sometimes this makes you feel like a failure, but I guess the only real failure is being too scared to dare to dream and dare to pursue those dreams. Life is all just a game anyway, win some lose some but live with courage, purpose and kindness and you will reap the rewards one way or another 🙏💕


The smoothie vibe will never be over for me 😀#rawchocolate #smoothie #foodismedicine #doterra #ukhealthcoaches


No long now, I am bringing a blank one and doing it myself I reckon, love the group manifestation vibe. 4 Spaces still remaining if you want to join us for good plans, good company and good food #visionbaord #essex


Even your struggles are blessings and you are always progressing to be a stronger version of yourself . Have faith in yourself and the universe that supports you also . Health coaching helps not just with food but a strong mindset!


A good day starts with a good breakfast. Odd skool fuel a simple porridge with cocoa nibs and banana. #feedyourcells #plantbasedbreakfast #ukhealthcoaches #essexmums


Happy first New Moon of the year. A time to send your wishes up to the sky and let the universal energies support your goals. You can access a new Moon meditation that I’ve recorded for all the people Coming to the vision board workshop. To live fully we must live intentionally 😀🌙🌑🌙…/New%20M oon%20Meditation.mp3…


A few important rules to teach your daughter❤️❤️
1. It’s okay to cry when you’re hurt. But, wash your face, and get up off the floor when you’re done. You don’t belong down there.
... 2. You are a woman, you do NOT need a man, but you can absolutely enjoy your life with a good one.
3. Happiness is not a permanent state. Wholeness is. Don’t confuse these.
4. Never walk through an alley alone.
5. ‘Can’t’ - is a cop-out.
6. Hold your heroes to a high standard. Be your own hero.
7. If you can’t smile with your eyes, don’t smile. Insincerity is nothing to aspire to.
8. Stay true to yourself always.
9. Your body, your rules.
10. If you have an opinion, you’d better know why.
11. Practice your passions.
12. Ask for what you want. The worst thing they can say is no.
13. Wish on stars, and then get to work to make them happen.
14. Stay as sweet as you are.
15. Say Please, Thank You, and Pardon Me, whenever the situation warrants it.
16. Reserve “I’m sorry” for when you truly are!
17. Question everything ... except your own intuition.
18. You are amazing! Don't let anyone ever make you feel you are not. If someone does....walk away. You deserve better.
19. No matter where you are, you can always come home.
20. Be happy and remember your roots.
21. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
22. Be kind; treat others how you would like them to treat you.
23. If in doubt, remember whose daughter you are and straighten your crown. 👑👊🏼
Copy, paste and post a picture of your daughter(s).
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This is very Interesting that such a scientist has made this connection, that action can be taken and changes made. I am due to move any day now and have a baby in a few weeks and those two things really made me think about how I had slipped with my eco friendly approach to cleaning products and environmental toxins. This is more reason and motivation to get making more of my own home cleaning products to help not just the health of my family but the health of our planet too 😀


Day 3 of the year, start as you need to go on. Up for a hot and cold shower to wake up all the senses of the body, followed by pint of water with 1x drop of lemon essential oil to refresh and revive every cell in my body, kundalini morning meditation 🧘‍♀️ chanting Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo meaning “I bow to the divine wisdom and the creator within” and a bowl of cinnamon porridge with stewed pears,satsuma, seeds, cacao nibs and goji berries... ready for first school run of the term! #loveyourself #metime #selflove #morningroutine #mindset #ukhealthcoaches #lifestylemedicine #essexmums #essexbusiness


Day two of the year and day two of nourishing my body with nutrients and nourishment. My daughter summer had pineapple, banana, coconut milk with hidden avocado. Liliana and me had coconut milk, raspberries, mango and pineapple 🍍 with pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. Great for both our digestion and skin. Feels good in the inside, looks good on the outside. #plantbasedbreakfast #smoothie #lifestylemedicine #feedthemwell #eatfortheplanet #ukhealthcoaches #healthykids #lifestylemedicine #essexbusiness


A juicy start to the new year. Me and my little Liliana, she’s feeling a bit sick and I’m just greedy for her and juice 🥤. Carrot, ginger, lemon and a pear 🍐. She’s feeling better already #mumanddaughter #juicetherapy #ukhealthcoaches


For the new year my wish for you is you learn to love yourself just the way you are, expect the unexpected with a happy heart and to always look how far you have come x


Good Morning my lovelies! Hope you all enjoyed the festivities! Onward and upwards as the new year approaches, all your goals, be them physical health, better relationships, career goals etc stand a greater chance of being real if you make it a daily mission to take the action needed and it all starts with creative visualization.
BOOK NOW to experience the power of connecting with who you are and learning how to take daily action to create the change you want to see in your
Share together a magical day of realizing you are good enough and you do deserve the life you dream of on every level.
Remember Everything is possible even the word 'impossible' actually say's' i'm possible'
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10 Minutes of daily meditation makes all the difference.
If you are not already doing this daily then make it top of your list for your new year new you list and make it a daily practice. Meditation is great it is one of few things that gives you an immediate benefit you can feel, with the additional bonus of also enhancing your physical health.
It is very easy to feel overwhelmed on a daily basis, never more so than in the month of December aggghh. It is now, you need it
How beautiful it is to step out of your perceived worries and troubles for 10 minutes, to be in a safe space and your intuition. To refuel, reboot and return to your day more grateful and positive with greater clarity and focus to take on the day ahead and any challenges that arise.
This article gives a little more info on the benefits…/5-benef its-of-a-10minute-me…
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Such an enjoyable class , where I got to share home made samples with the bonus of the therapeutic oils to benefit our health. Next classes are in the new year and available evenings and daytime 😀


Had a lovely day creating healthy snacks for us all and for the essential oil class tomorrow. It can be so hard feeding ourselves and our children healthy, nutritious food, the education around food and the school dinners that are provided are not what you would call optimum nutrition worthy. As a mother this stresses me out as I know that what they eat now is creating their future as we are both what we eat as well as what we think.
Yesterday's snacks were a success as was... breakfast today...often it is hard to know what to feed our children and ourselves and it can be time consuming as their tastebuds seem to change as they get older (especially school age) and they refuse anything that isn't covered in sugar and salt! The extra effort this may take will always be worth it. The education of self care and self love falls on us to learn and provide, it is not part of the curriculum, it is not yet common practice in the NHS, it is down to us to educate and provide opportunity for not just ourselves but our children to be their best selves. The first steps of this are practicing kindness to self and each other and providing nourishment in both our words and our food provisions. If you don't know where to begin then seek help either with a professional (like me ;-)) or the internet is such a vast resource especially for recipes, it is trial and error but it is maybe our most important mission of all.
I am a HUGE FAN OF The Minimalist Baker she has amazing, simple healthy recipes, such as the one I made yesterday with a little tweaking, so worth it, check her out for inspiration for everyone for everymeal.
If you are thinking of what your goals and focus will be for the coming year, then make nourishment and nurturing of self and family top of your list, without our health of body and mind what good is anything else x
Now to much brownies, before my next appointment :-)....
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I've just had a very interactive session in the kitchen. Not teaching me how to cook but for someone who works full time and always states 'they don't have the time to cook' I made five dishes within 30 mins all nourishing and nutrition dense and so easily done, who doesn't have an hour on a Sunday afternoon to do this, no more excuses from me now on.looking forward to my next appt. thanks Becky xx


I went to the workshop Monday and really enjoyed it, Becky was fantastic, very informative and helpful - would throughly recommend The Mum Mentor! Xx


I attended Becky's 'Remember who you are Vision Board Day' and it was amazing. The workshop was very well planned with a workbook to use for the day as well as all the tools required to create your own personal vision board. Becky talked us through each area in a fun and informative way and it was interactive in a safe, confidential environment. For me, this gave me the time to really think about what I want to manifest in my life and produce a vision board for this (I have never done a vision board before).

I have worked with Becky before and always feel inspired and motivated as she has such passion (and empathy) for helping people. I would definitely recommend this workshop and I look forward to attending more. Thank you, Becky.


Had a food intolerance consultation for my daughter today, Becky is very friendly and professional. Really happy with what we discussed today following her results. Very much recommend, thank you Becky :)


Early this year or late last year I attended a stress less workshop, as a working mum whose daughters schedule and my working hours clash massively! Trying to be a wife and friend who never seems to have enough time in the day to please everyone (so I think) I needed help... massive external influences affecting my confidence in work and health problems from almost 5 years ago factoring heavily on my ability to chill or sleep.. stress/anxiety at an all time high... after spending a good few hours with Rebecca I decided to take one to one sessions and what a difference a day makes!! Not only am I learning new techniques but then the stress less app arrives ... a mission our quest to stress less and be healthier... I love it � even when I feel low I listen to the videos the meditation reflect on what I have learnt so far and reminder of what to do. Plus an on line community all going through the same thing a support network with Rebecca on hand 24/7 to help listening and give advice. Def been a life changer for me ���


Been working with Becky for over 5 months and she has changed my whole lifestyle and relationship with food. She is amazing!


I've just had a very interactive session in the kitchen. Not teaching me how to cook but for someone who works full time and always states 'they don't have the time to cook' I made five dishes within 30 mins all nourishing and nutrition dense and so easily done, who doesn't have an hour on a Sunday afternoon to do this, no more excuses from me now on.looking forward to my next appt. thanks Becky xx


I went to the workshop Monday and really enjoyed it, Becky was fantastic, very informative and helpful - would throughly recommend The Mum Mentor! Xx


I attended Becky's 'Remember who you are Vision Board Day' and it was amazing. The workshop was very well planned with a workbook to use for the day as well as all the tools required to create your own personal vision board. Becky talked us through each area in a fun and informative way and it was interactive in a safe, confidential environment. For me, this gave me the time to really think about what I want to manifest in my life and produce a vision board for this (I have never done a vision board before).

I have worked with Becky before and always feel inspired and motivated as she has such passion (and empathy) for helping people. I would definitely recommend this workshop and I look forward to attending more. Thank you, Becky.


Had a food intolerance consultation for my daughter today, Becky is very friendly and professional. Really happy with what we discussed today following her results. Very much recommend, thank you Becky :)


Early this year or late last year I attended a stress less workshop, as a working mum whose daughters schedule and my working hours clash massively! Trying to be a wife and friend who never seems to have enough time in the day to please everyone (so I think) I needed help... massive external influences affecting my confidence in work and health problems from almost 5 years ago factoring heavily on my ability to chill or sleep.. stress/anxiety at an all time high... after spending a good few hours with Rebecca I decided to take one to one sessions and what a difference a day makes!! Not only am I learning new techniques but then the stress less app arrives ... a mission our quest to stress less and be healthier... I love it � even when I feel low I listen to the videos the meditation reflect on what I have learnt so far and reminder of what to do. Plus an on line community all going through the same thing a support network with Rebecca on hand 24/7 to help listening and give advice. Def been a life changer for me ���


Been working with Becky for over 5 months and she has changed my whole lifestyle and relationship with food. She is amazing!

More about Rebecca Mcqueen
