Red Tractor

About Red Tractor

Red Tractor is your independent sign of quality and traceability you can trust on your food.
Visit www. uk for more info.

Red Tractor Description

Red Tractor is run by the independent not-for-profit organisation Red Tractor Assurance and is supported by the whole food industry. Thousands of UK farmers, growers, brands, processors, packers, retailers and shoppers are involved in the scheme, delivering quality food produced to high standards from farm to pack.

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It's only the first day of Red Tractor week 2018! Every year ┬Ż14 Billion worth of products are assured annually, from Apples to Spuds to Mincemeat and your Sunday roast. If it can be farmed in this country we can assure it. With over 400 assessors we ensure that your food is Traceable, Safe and Farmed with Care. We're super excited to be launching our first ever TV ad this week on Back British Farming day! Here is a sneak peek of what you can expect... ­¤ć¼­¤ć¦


Here's a toast to toast! ­¤Ź× Thanks to farmers like James Price for your hard work with helping to put bread on Britain's tables! ­¤ÖīŌĆ”/james-p rice-red-tractor-wheŌĆ”


Our strawberry stem hack the perfect way to prep your strawbs and cream for the big match! GENIUS! ­¤Źō­¤ÄŠ


Strawberries & cream is the official food of Wimbledon. Each year they go through 166,000 servings on average! ­¤Źō


No baking needed and perfect for picnic hampers!ŌĆ”/picniŌĆ ”/strawberry-cheesecake


Don't forget to support Great British farming & eat in season! Summer's bounty brings us succulent strawberries!


It's strawberry season! ­¤ŹōŌĆ”/news/it -s-strawberry-season-


Crack out the cream teas!! Official RoddaŌĆÖs Cornish Clotted Cream


A recipe for each day of Wimbledon & for all of your strawberry needs! Great British Chefs


We're grateful to all of the dairy farmers and their cows for supplying us with fresh cream to top our strawberries with on these lovely sunny days!


Watching a game of tennis? That means only one thing...It's Pimm's O'Clock... clotted-cream-tea


Any chance to have a BBQ? Wimbledon is the perfect excuse to crack out the coals & throw something on the barbie!


Test out your baking skills & amaze your mates this Wimbledon! Don't forget to let us know how you get on ­¤śēŌĆ”/smashing-s trawberry-recipes-foŌĆ” Tesco


It's time to get tucking into tasty, juicy strawberries, just in time for the tennis!ŌĆ”/news/it -s-strawberry-season-


Picnics don't have to just be about sandwiches and pasta salads! ­¤Źō ­¤Ź░ŌĆ”/picniŌĆ ”/strawberry-cheesecake


Quick, yummy and filling spinach & cheese muffins. Recipe here ­¤æē Xk #NationalPicnicWeek


Grab a fork and dig in! ­¤śø­¤źö ipes/picnics/jersey-royals


u can trust the logo knowing you are getting the best genuine food this country as to offer so if your not buying it why are you not buying it shame on you


When I see the Red Tractor logo I know that I buying the best quality food for my family. Good quality equates to good health. Thank you for making life simpler.


Red tractor tells me quality and British that's why it's so great for people to choose the best!


I want the best my money can buy and Red Tractor do all the hard work for me by guaranteeing that is exactly what I get, all I have to do is look for the little red stamp of approval.


I now serve red tractor sausages in my cafe. They may cost slightly more but the quality is so much better and they have a higher meat content. All my customers say they are delicious.


A great scheme, that reassures you about the safety and provenance of the food and drink it appears on.


red tractor one best things to come out for animal welfare and quality but still limited in what can buy online at Asda should push the major supermarkets to stock a wider range


What a pointless and money obsessed group of individuals you must be. Ignoring blatant animal cruelty violations at Hogwood Farm. The more you fail those animals in your duty of care, the more people will wake up to the atrocities of animal agriculture. This is why veganism is growing.


We have just had our Christmas tradional trifle spoiled, lovely cherries ’┐Į in a Black Forest trifle , jelly all set ready for pouring of Ambrosia custard and I find only as I'm pouring it in I have a can full of watery slush. Yuk !!


They teach us in schools about racism and sexism, but they don't talk about speciesism. Speciesism is the belief than nonhuman animals matter less, simply because they don't belong to our specie. It's time we evolve and stop using nonhumans as properties/slaves for the human kind. It's time for humans to convert their farms into sanctuaries. One day we'll look back to our past and we'll ask ourselves "how could we do that to the rest of the animals". So here is my question for you: are you ready for justice?


These are living beings! No one should be treated or HAVE to live this way!! I mean really?!?! If you see the conditions these animals live in and still are able to eat them, then you are as sick as these animals that kill them! Eat a carrot!!!


I wish I could give you 0! For you to say that activists caused detriment to the pigs on Hogwood Farm is just appalling. And even worse is the fact that this hellhole meets your standards for animal welfare and hygiene! Dead and rotting pigs and piglets, covered in sores, and faeces. Crammed in with no room to move, farrowing crates used. You're a disgrace, and a joke!!


I am truly horrified by the conditions of those poor pigs at Hogwood Farm, and even more dismayed that this hellhole is in keeping with your "standards"! As one newspaper described it, the sight of like "A vision of hell".


How can we trust your standards if farms like this have your label I looked at every label on meat today nothing avalible except 3freerange organic chickens everything else asdas labels no details of how the animals live are looked after nothing... Only your red tractor that's clearly failed as horrific farming is still happening today. So just a big fat lie


Hogwood Farm. Not a one-off. Red Tractor seem unperturbed with giving their label to a farm which places animal welfare way down on it's list of priorities. Dead and dying pigs and piglets, dark barren conditions. No daylight. Concrete floors. Living animals in faceses next to dead animals. Many animals die here weekly, but then Farmer Brian Hobill couldn't care as he has 15,000 of the blighters. A few dead each week mean nothing. This is the truth of Red Tractor. They support the money, they are not interested in welfare.


Having seen the video footage from inside Hogwood Farm, and footage of pigs arriving at various slaughterhouses covered in bruises, lacerations and faeces, some dehydrated, vomitting and shaking, in lorries with the Red Tractor logo it is obvious that the high welfare assurances are meaningless.


Good food does=good mood. Unfortunately, pigs are not good food, zero animals are.


Animals don't belong on our plates. This day and age there are SO MANY vegan alternatives available. Wake up. Stop the animal holocaust. Go vegan.


Animals are not 'food' or a 'piece of meat'

Please consider kindness and compassion toward all beings

More about Red Tractor

Red Tractor is located at Red Tractor Assurance Europoint Centre, 5-11 Lavington St, SE1 0NZ London, United Kingdom
020 7630 3320