
About Refuge

The country's largest single provider of domestic violence services.

Refuge Description

Refuge opened the world’s first refuge in Chiswick, West London, in 1971. It is now the country’s largest single provider of specialist accommodation and support to women and children escaping domestic violence and other forms of violence and abuse. On any given day Refuge supports more than 6, 000 women, children and men.

Refuge provides emergency accommodation through a national network of refuges, alongside many other specialist services, including the freephone 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247. Refuge also offers community-based outreach services, culturally specific services and a team of independent domestic violence advocates (IDVAs), which supports women at the highest risk of serious injury or homicide. Refuge also runs award-winning media and advertising campaigns to raise public awareness of the issue and campaigns and lobbies for better provision for women and children experiencing domestic violence.

Charity no. 277424
Company no. 1412276



1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. This means that someone you know – a sister, daughter, friend, colleague or neighbour – could be at real risk. Do you know how to support a loved one experiencing domestic violence? Find information and an interactive video, produced in partnership with Avon, here:…/campaig ns/1-in-4-women-avon/


Something to cheer up your Tuesday: backpacks filled with essentials like toothpaste and pyjamas, and goodies like teddies and books, have been given to children staying in refuges across the country. One of our frontline staff said she'll "treasure forever the expressions of joy on the children’s faces" after receiving the bags.


All women, especially those experiencing domestic abuse, should have access to finances so they have a better chance of leaving a violent partner. We will continue to campaign for split payments of #UniversalCredit to help women, like Sara (name changed), mentioned in Sandra's blog for the i Paper, gain financial autonomy:…/universal-credit- promises-to-help-cl…/


A 24-year-old man from Manchester who inflicted psychological abuse on his girlfriend, by doing things such as controlling her social media use & threatening to kill her family, has been jailed:
Spot the signs of emotional abuse:


"I was betrayed by the two people who are supposed to protect, love and keep you safe." The parents of a Leeds woman have been jailed for tricking her into travelling to Bangladesh to force her into marriage
Find out more about on forced marriage on our website:


Our #FridayFundraiser this week is Rob Fisher from fitness club, Fitness Outdoors. He took on the Ironman challenge earlier this month and not only completed it two hours faster than he thought, but raised a fantastic £220 for Refuge. Well done Rob!


Positive progress is being made in New Zealand as a new law, which allows victims to take up to 10 days paid leave a year, and requires employers to have policies in place to support victims, has been passed. We urge the UK Government to follow suit : ific-44951237


The Work and Pensions Committee has today published a report on Universal Credit and Domestic Abuse. Refuge applauds the Committee for its strong report and recommendations.
Sandra Horley, CBE, Chief Executive of Refuge, said: “We are hugely encouraged that the Committee has recognised Refuge’s argument that single Universal Credit payments represent a real risk for survivors of abuse. We now urge the Government to follow through and make the necessary amendments to protect w...omen and their children from economic abuse.
“It is essential that the system does not roll back years of hard-won women’s equality, limiting their financial independence by handing the purse-strings to the ‘man of the house’ and putting women and children at risk.”
Read more on our response here:
See More


Naz Shah has highlighted the astounding level of violence against women and girls worldwide and why there is no honour in so-called ‘honour killings’:…/honour-ki llings-male-shame-vi…
We support survivors of 'honour'-based violence through our culturally-specific services:


Well done to all our cyclists who took part in RideLondon on Sunday. You completed 100 challenging miles all for Refuge and are set to raise £5,500 for us. We hope you're enjoying a well-earned rest!


This #CharityTuesday, we want to thank all of our fundraisers up and down the country who are doing all sorts of fundraising in the name of Refuge. Without you all, we would not be able to continue providing services to protect women and children against abuse. Thank you!


An honest and thought-provoking blog from Refuge champion Luke Hart on why the media narrative on domestic violence and coercive control must change to stop perpetrators, like their father, being made to look the victims:…/my-father-killed- my-mum-and-sister-y…/


A woman, whose partner was said to have shown signs of “coercive and controlling behaviour”, killed herself after a row with her partner: r-44902912
In a recent study of Refuge’s clients, 83% felt despairing or hopeless - increasing the risk of suicide. We’re calling for a commitment to sufficient, specialist services for survivors of abuse, to stop this tragic loss of life:


We want to give a big shout out to our incredible #FridayFundraiser Isabel Hardman who has challenged herself take part in not one - but multiple events - over the past year. She has raised over £7,000 for Refuge and we cannot thank her enough for her support. Go Isabel!


As part of AVON UK's promise to help end violence against women and girls, today they are launching their new Infinity Bracelet. Priced at £3, at least £1 will be donated to Refuge and Women's Aid to support our live-saving and life-changing services. Get yours now!


Wigan Council has launched a positive new initiative, urging residents to be the ‘eyes and ears’ in their local community and encouraging them to report any concerns they have about children or adults at risk of abuse:…/Wigan-Boroug h-stands-together-ag… See our guidance on recognising abuse: cognising-abuse/


Natasha Toffa is an amazing survivor of domestic abuse from Australia who's made it her personal mission to help other victims, wherever they are in the world, by giving them advice on social media and flying overseas to support them. If there's one thing you watch today, let this video be it - it's so inspiring and moving.


Nav Jagpal lost his sister Gurda to suicide. She endured 25 years of physical and emotional abuse at the hands of her husband:…/my-sisters-suicid e-came-after-years-…/
Gurda's story inspired our research into the links between domestic abuse and suicide and we are so glad to have Nav supporting this work. Together, we must ensure that there are no more vulnerable women who feel so trapped and despairing by domestic abuse that they believe suicide is the only escape - it is not:

More about Refuge

+44 20 7395 7731