Rejuv Wellness

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Rejuv Wellness

We are specialize in Physio & Nutrition. Passionate about seeing people healed and set free from the vicious cycle of pain, disease and poor health.

Rejuv Wellness Description

Rejuv is a wellness clinic offering Physiotherapy and Nutrition to bring you back into vibrant health. The Back Clinic at Rejuv is the only clinic in London using the advanced MedX machine in a clinical environment allowing our team to cure back pain. On the nutrition side Dr Simone has developed her own weightloss protocol allowing you to lose 3-5kg per week and to re-set your metabolism so you keep the weight you lost off long term!



What is exactly in our Fat Burner pack? As requested here is more info; 🌶 Thermoslim capsules to boost your metabolism and reduce appetite. 🌶 Fat and Carb Blocker capsules to support your digestion of fats and carbs and balance blood sugar levels allowing you to process fats and carbohydrates, so you can burn them instead of storing them. 🌶 Liver Clear capsules to support the function of your liver and gallbladder for these organs are key to allow you to burn fat. 🌶 Go capsules supporting the detox of your lymphatic system and remove un-necessary water retention and related cellulite. 🌶 OR based on my latest research you can swap out one product for Rejuv Digestive Aid powder if you feel your gut function and appetite need more help. See our website for a list of all the vegan plant based ingredients 👈🏻 🌶🌱🌶🌱 #fatburn #burnfat #beachready #beachbody #nourishyourbody #cleanse #cellulitereduction #feelgreat #loveyourbody #loveyourself #liveyourbestlife #boostmetabolism #liverdetox #lymphaticdrainage #calebjudepackham #drsimonelaubscher #drlaubscher
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Ask and you shall receive! Rejuv Summer Body Blitz is here 💚. We have had so many messages these past weeks with clients sending out an SOS of how they have been so busy with work / family life & they didn’t have time to get beach ready for their summer holidays. So good news, Rejuv has teamed up with the famous Yogi Master and Exercise Physiologist @calebjudepackhamyoga to bring you a fast track nutrition and movement plan to get u lean & beach ready! Simply purchase one of ...our Rejuv Fat Burner packs and you get our Rejuv Summer Body Blitz for FREE! Also note if u need belly fat or more cellulite/ thigh reduction we can tweak your fat burner pack at no extra charge to suit your goals. See our bio 👈🏻 or below for details 💚💚💚 -burner-pack #bodyblitz #yogablitz #yoga #alkalinelifestyle #detox #cleanse #burnfat #beachready #holidayready #nutrition #naturopathicdoctor #naturopathicnutrition #funinthesun #calebjudepackham #drsimonelaubscher #drlaubscher
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....and relax! We at Rejuv have teamed up with Well-being Escapes to work with their medical teams at hundreds of their amazing spas & retreats all over the world. Bespoke retreats based on ur physiological needs, whether you simply want to detox or you’re walking out your healing from disease we have the protocol for you. We have 2 patients here this week at the stunning @comoshambhalaestate in Bali & they are loving their experience. What are you waiting for? 💚💚#retreat #detoxretreat #alkalinelifestyle #bestill #bestillandknow #relax #medicalspa #medicalfasting #nourish #cleanse #destress #letgo #oneness #onenesswithgod #drsimonelaubscher #drlaubscher


Love this post by the amazing team lead by the founder of @lighthousearabia Dr Saliha Afridi. One of my top 10, for any patient fighting disease such as cancer is to oxygenate & laughter is a key way to do this (& it’s free) 💙 I always tell cancer patients to laugh on purpose each day for around 30mins, good funny friends or comedies are the easiest, as part of their alkaline healing. I also encourage such patients to only spend time with people that make them feel great and... not zapped of energy. Research shows that stress is the main cause of disease and laughter is a simple way to combat stress. Thyroid patients also benefit hugely from laughter due to the thyroid being located in your throat. Thanks @nailataryam for informing me of the fabulous work of @lighthousearabia too, so great to increase my referral base with gifted practitioners 💜 #laughter #healinglaughter #healingdisease #healingcancer #oxygenate #oxygencurescancer #oxygencuresdisease#familyfun #laughwithfriends #healyourlife #alkalinelifestyle #drsimonelaubscher #drlaubscher
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Well it’s Friday night and we at Rejuv never claimed to be ‘holier than thou’ 💚 Of course we don’t recommend weekly binge drinking, for the key to life is balance after all, but when one of your besties is in town it’s fun to kick your shoes off, have a heart to heart and have a drink or two. I usually choose an ‘adjusted’ Mojito so I choose a non- grain vodka, fresh lemon, lime & mint, soda water, lots of ice & cut the sugar 🌱. Refreshing, low GI & best of a bad bunch for no...t only ur health but your waist line too. I also take 3 of our Rejuv Nutrition Liver Clear capsules before I have a drink (take 1 capsule per drink you plan to have). Helps your liver process the alcohol faster so you wake up feeling fresh and no hangover too. Got to love that 💚 If alcohol is not ur thing have a virgin ‘adjusted’ mojito instead and have more fun with your food. Toxin is toxin after-all so alcohol or food based, if you plan to let your hair down support your liver first. Here are the key whole-food plant based ingredients of our Liver Clear caps I formulated; 🌱 Artichoke 🌱 Burdock Root 🌱 Holy Basil 🌱Dandelion 🌱 Cayenne 🌱 Fennel 🌱 Licorice Root 🌱N-Acetyl L-Cysteine 🌱 ParIsley 🌱Coriander 🌱 Alpha Lipoic Acid 🌱Kombucha🌱Garlic 🌱Turmeric 🌱Glutathione 🌱 Ginger. For more information see my blog on the link in my profile 👈🏻 & scroll down till you reach the blog titled ‘Achieving your detox & re-tox balance’ so you have my top 10 tips on how to survive the holiday season 💚 #liverdetox #liver-detox #balance #holidayfun #livercleanse #vodkamojito #weekendvibes #weekendfun #alkalinelifestyle #drsimonelaubscher #drlaubscher
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So how do you keep your kids happy on school holidays? Play & drink @welleco Kids Nourishing protein 💚 This morning at 7am we did a 30min run with our 2 pups, then ran around on real grass with no shoes for a little grounding & then jumped in the pool! We are blessed to have a park at our back gate where we live which makes an early morning run easy since 7am it is already 33 degrees here 🌞😳. This afternoon indoor rock climbing or trampolining & probably another swim. After such activity I always give my kids @welleco kids chocolate shake and


Vegan Red Velvet Cupcakes - Happy Sunday! School is out for summer so that means my kids and I are baking and inventing new recipes 🍓We take regular recipes and swap out all of the nasty ‘chemical’ (as they call them) ingredients to make them healthy, but still delicious! Also with England’s amazing win last night the colour scheme works well too 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 We swap out regular flour for spelt and almond meal, we swap out cow’s milk for almond or plant milk, swap sugar for s...tevia, swap salt for pink Himalayan, cut the eggs, instead of the butter and sugar frosting we use Coyo vegan yoghurt and decorate with fresh strawberries and most importantly we SWAP out nasty red food coloring for purée organic beetroot ❤️ For the full recipe and instructions see my blog on my website ⬅️ see link in profile 🍓🍓🍓 Enjoy! #vegancake #veganredvelvet #veganbaking #vegankids #vegankidsbaking #summerholidays #summerbaking #summerfun #schoolholidays #alkalinelifestyle #vegantreats #drsimone #drlaubscher #drsimonelaubscher
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Using diet alone it will take at least 6 months to clear Candida by eating foods that starve this fungal superbug & some even after that length are still not healed, for let’s face it zero sugar, carbs, coffee & alcohol is not so easy for most for a minimum of 6 months. After treating clients for over 20 years I was tired of supplements not being complex & enough having to buy one ingredient for one issue and or they had synthetic ingredients that didn’t work! In my heart I a...lways want to move the client into good health ASAP 💚. This in mind and since the level of Candida overgrowth in my clinic has increased 10 fold in my career I formulated Candida Gone to not only help kill off the overgrowth but to boost the good bacteria in your gut microbiome, changing the balance of power and bringing about good health! The average client only needs 2 capsules per night before bed on an empty stomach combined with the anti fungal diet and alkaline lifestyle with added @welleco Super Elixir and they are free of this opportunistic fungus and they are in optimum health in only 1-2 months (instead of over 6 months with diet alone). Got to love that! To kill off Candida you need more than just probiotics & diet. So in my Rejuv Candida Gone formula 2 capsules provide a base of 100 billion acidophilus & bifidis probiotics to repopulate your good bacteria but it is essential to marry in a bunch of natural anti-fungal herbs to kill off the overgrowth so I included; 🌱 Caprylic Acid 🌱 Cloves 🌱Grapefruit seed extract 🌱 Oregano 🌱 Rosemary 🌱Thyme 🌱 Cinnamon Bark 🌱 Garlic 🌱Aloe Vera 🌱Quercitin . The ingredients alone are powerful but when synergistically combined with the probiotics you have all you need to fast track your health and say farewell to all of the horrid mental and physical effects of this pathogenic yeast ; Candida Albicans! 💚 #candidagone #yeastinfection #candidaovergrowth #fungus #antifungal #antifungaldiet #alkaline #alkalinelifestyle #gut #guthealth #gutmicrobiome #microbiota #drlaubscher #drsimone #drsimonelaubscher
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So how do you clear Candida & Fungus? Clean up your diet and embrace the alkaline lifestyle 💚 🌱Start each day with 500ml water + juice of 1/2 lemon, pinch of turmeric & cayenne & ginger to taste 🌱 Swap out sugar for stevia 🌱Add cloudy apple cider vinegar to your diet 1-2 tbsp /day 🌱Eat and drink more plants & green veggies 🌱Add 2 teaspoons of @thesuperelixir in 500ml water to create an alkaline environments since Candida loves the opposite an acidic environment (but alwa...ys 1 hour away from hot or caffeinated drinks 🌱Add in sauerkraut to boost your microflora 1-2tbsp per day 🌱Add in coconut oil due to it’s antimicrobial action of lauric & caprylic avid both internally and topically 🌱Eat 2-3 cloves of raw garlic a day- great broad spectrum anti fungal action (but make sure ur partner does too 😉) 🌱Add in the prebiotic inulin with added probiotics to up your level of good bacteria to kill off the excess bad bacteria 🌱 Add chia and flaxseeds to boost your polyphenols 🌱Avoid fruit juices & high GI fruits & grains for all foods that convert to glucose feed Candida 🌱Avoid alcohol that contains yeast and sugar - which is most (but doesn’t have to be forever usually 4 weeks) 🌱Avoid peanuts for they carry mold 🌱Avoid dairy 🌱Avoid all vinegar except apple cider vinegar or have lemon juice instead A long list but after a week you will be in the swing of things and feeling SO much better 💚 #alkaline #alkalinelifestyle #thesuperelixir #greenjuice #supergreens #candida #candidadiet #candidacleanse #drlaubscher #drsimone #drsimonelaubscher
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Do you have a white coat on your tongue? If so it’s safe to say you have Fungus / Candida Overgrowth Syndrome (COS) ! Common signs include oral and genital thrush, fungal infections of the skin and nails, digestive problems (gas/bloating) depression, sugar cravings, weight gain, bad breath, brain fog, joint pain, reduced libido, fatigue, UTI’s, poor immune system, leaky gut & hormonal imbalances. Candida also produces mycotoxins that impair the apoptosis process (the body’s a...bility to detect and destroy mutated cells) allowing cancer cells to thrive unprotected! Candida overgrowth also protects cancer tumors acting like acid glue to hold cancer cells and tumors together. So for great health short and long and long term it is wise to get tested and to kill off any Candida overgrowth. At Rejuv we have a very inexpensive urine test for only £15 which can tell you if you do indeed have COS. Contact us at for more details #candida #candidaovergrowth #fungus #gutfungus #yeastovergrowth #yeastinfection #cancer #brainfog #thrush #cancerisafungus #candidacleanse #antifungal #antifungaldiet #alkaline #alkalinelifestyle #drsimonelaubscher #drlaubscher
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Small lifestyle changes can a make a huge positive impact on your health, especially when done in love towards yourself instead of an act of punishment for your body doesn’t look and feel like you want it to. Such small changes include; 🌱 Hydrate by drinking 3L of water per day for your body has many daily cries for water & hydration 🌱 Nourish yourself & eat more plants and less animal products 🌱 Reduce caffeine to maximum one cup per day 🌱 Chew your food 20 times each ...mouthful 🌱 Choose a probiotic food source each day with sauerkraut, kombucha or vegan Kefir 🌱 Cut sugar, dairy & gluten 🌱Drink less alcohol 🌱Leave your fun foods and drinks to once a week (balance over abstinence works best for most human psychological types) 🌱 Be kind to yourself and speak to yourself like you would a dear friend 🌱 Oxygenate & practice deep breathing daily 🌱Sweat on purpose in a sauna for 30mins 3x week or more 🌱🌱 Play and move your body each day with an activity you love 🌱 Be still and connect to God and find your inner peace 🌱Speak less and listen more 🌱Accept you have a mind, body and spirit and embrace all of your wonderful parts of you 🌱Practice unconditional love. All of these small changes will not only impact you at a physical cellular level but also release trapped emotions which can make you unwell in years to come if not given an outlet 💚💚💚 #smallchanges #bigresults #bestill #nourish #play #bekind #trappedemotions #breathe #hydrate #chewyourfood #balancedlife #drsimone #drlaubscher #drsimonelaubscher
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Heal your gut, heal your life 💚 Have had amazing feedback with so many patients getting healed of their IBS, leaky gut, bloating, sugar cravings, indigestion and constipation with my latest product that I formulated; Rejuv Digestive Complex Powder. One patient commented this product was a ‘game changer’ for her for not only is her digestive system healed after years of problems, she also lost 7 pounds in 7 days for sugar cravings have gone, her appetite greatly reduced and sh...e lost lots of body fat! For scientific research to support the efficacy of this product please see my latest blog & click our link in my profile. #digestivehealth #digestiveenzymes #healyourgut #gut #guthealth #leakygut #bellybloat #fatloss #weightloss #fatburn #newyou #nourishyourbody #prebiotics #probiotics #psyilliumhusk #inulin #peppermint #fennel #drsimonelaubscher #drsimone #drlaubscher #rejuv
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So how do you know if you have poor gut health? Some signs are obvious such as IBS, wind, bloating, constipation, diarrhea & bad breath but others more subtle like fatigue, sugar cravings, weight gain, Candida/ fungus, depression and anxiety. Simply put if you have too much bad bacteria and not enough good bacteria your health will not only suffer in the short term but you can also invite disease in the long term. So how do you fix this? Clean up your diet, eat less junk, get... off the sugar, gluten, dairy & toxic meats, limit alcohol & coffee, eat more plants, drink more water & eat more prebiotic foods such as onions, garlic, asparagus & sauerkraut! If you already have any of those symptoms above then your gut is already out of balance so take 1 soup spoon of Rejuv Digestive Complex Powder in a glass of water 1 hour or more after dinner each night to heal your gut while you sleep! 🌿🌿🌿 #gutmucrobiome #guthealth #gut #healyourgut #healIBS #leakygut #fungus #candida #cancer #foodismedicine #drlaubscher #drsimonelaubscher
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Launched my new Digestive Complex powder last week in London at Rejuv @25harleystreet with the added increased ratios of prebiotics. Based on my current research masters on the Gut Microbiome I discovered that if prebiotics are the food your good bacteria needs to flourish then we need to focus on these more that probiotics, so I changed this formula to reflect my discoveries. There is also exciting new research linking not only the health of your gut with better immunity and... disease healing & disease prevention but also linked with reduced obesity. Check out my latest blog and the support research statistics at Here is a list of the ingredients of my Rejuv Digestive Complex Powder; 🌿 prebiotic inulin to feed your good bacteria,balance blood sugar levels and reduce obesity 🌿probiotics Lactobacillus Acidophilus & Bifidobacterium to boost your good bacteria 🌿 L-Glutamine to heal IBS & Leaky Gut 🌿 Organic Fennel, Ginger to soothe and support digestion 🌿 Psyllium Husk Plantago Ovata as insoluble fiber to clean and detox your entire intestinal tract (which of the length on one side of a football field) For more information on this product see 💚💚💚 #healyourgut #healyourlife #prebiotics #probiotics #leakygut #ibs #obesity #inulin #psyilliumhusk #digestiveenzymes #digestivehealth #drlaubscher #drsimonelaubscher
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A family that plays together stays together 💚 Not only is bouncing on a trampoline (or even a small rebounder like I do at home) a great way to oxygenate your body, improve your cardio function & support lymphatic drainage it also reduces stress and releases endorphins -your feel good brain chemicals! When bouncing as a family we are also all laughing, real belly laughs, which of course is so good for your family connection & your mind, body and spirit. This Aqua bounce @welovesofiteldubaithepalm is actually a full obstacle course which we did for around 4 hours so I’m going to be sore tomorrow 💙 #trampoline #rebounder #bounce #aquabounce #familyfun #familyfunday #joy #bounceforhealth #laugh #healinglaughter #drsimonelaubscher #drlaubscher


Sweat, ice, plunge -repeat! Every 3 months we go for a stay-cation in Dubai @welovesofiteldubaithepalm . Our children love the kids club there & my hubby & I love the spa. My favorite thing do is the dry sauna set at around 80 degrees Celsius & the cold plunge at around 13 degrees. I also use the ice and rub all over my body including my face! The health benefits are huge from improved immune system, improved blood pressure, toxin release, fat burning, improved heart and car...dio function, reduced pain & post gym muscle soreness, lower cholesterol and have even been linked to improved mental health & reduced depression. The main ways the body releases toxins is through your breathe, urine, stool and sweat. Exercise is a great way to sweat but nothing beats a sauna. The ice and super cold plunge also improves circulation through vasoconstriction and blood shunting. Far infrared saunas are also amazing and I even have one in my home and do regularly each week but I don’t have a plunge pool unfortunately for this combination I find really accelerates the health benefits 🌶❄️🌶❄️ @ Sofitel Dubai The Palm Resort & Spa
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Still a few tickets left for this Sunday the 24th of June at 6pm for the Lotus Rising London event run by my dear friend and colleague @calebjudepackhamyoga Here is all the info; @fusionyogaevents presents @LotusRising London with @calebjudepackhamyoga A fully immersive yoga and sound experience on #FloatingPocketPark Live music by STIR. Open to all levels - even absolute beginners. Don’t miss the yoga event of the summer! Book at


How do you hydrate when you play? We at Rejuv prefer to call exercise ‘play’ so you reconnect with how your body loves to move and you therefore enjoy this daily ritual instead of despising it 😅 Years ago when I was chatting to @ellemacphersonofficial re exercise she described how she moves her body each day and mixes this up to incorporate things she loves to do. I took this on board and asked myself what I also loved to do. I now do a variety of exercise and one form I enj...oy is running twice a week for I love the endorphin kick & how it makes me feel. So my energy doesn’t flag when I’m doing more intense exercise such as running, I hydrate not only using my lemon and ginger water but also with 500ml of water mixed with 2 teaspoons of @thesuperelixir to nourish my cells and keep my blood sugar levels balanced. I simply get still & listen to my body and let it tell me how I want to play that day and how I also want to hydrate 💙 #hydrate #hydrateyourcells #play #nourish #exerciseandplay #moveandplay #nurtureplaylove #welleco #thesuperelixir #ellemacphersonofficial #ellemacpherson #drlaubscher #drsimonelaubscher
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Traveling these holidays? Need an In-flight detox? I hear all the time how hard it is to eat well when traveling.... I find it easy in fact when I travel I often do a my seasonal cleanse program of veggie juices, bone broth, veggie soup, raw salads and take my #Rejuvwellness detox products & Welleco. products to facilitate cellular cleanse & toxin release. If I have work dinners it’s always easy to get soups & salad. It’s all a matter of perspective🍏Even my husband Dirk at our UAE clinic #harleystreetmedicalcentre recommends our seasonal cleanse to all of his Physio patients (so it’s no just for weight-loss we all need this) #detox #cleanse #nourish #therejuvlifestyle #keepitsimple #inflightdetox #livethedream #createalifeyoulove #welleco #drsimonelaubscher #drlaubscher #dirklaubscherofficial


Articulate the life you love and build a life around that 💚


We feel beyond grateful that our paths have crossed with Simones, finally feel like we are not guessing the dark when it comes to our health. Thank you for light and solutions, you are amazing xxx


Thanks Sim, I love Rejuv, as you know I'm ancient and still look youthful enough to be mistaken for at least 20 years younger, so yay!! keep up the good work xxxxx


We feel beyond grateful that our paths have crossed with Simones, finally feel like we are not guessing the dark when it comes to our health. Thank you for light and solutions, you are amazing xxx


Thanks Sim, I love Rejuv, as you know I'm ancient and still look youthful enough to be mistaken for at least 20 years younger, so yay!! keep up the good work xxxxx


We feel beyond grateful that our paths have crossed with Simones, finally feel like we are not guessing the dark when it comes to our health. Thank you for light and solutions, you are amazing xxx


Thanks Sim, I love Rejuv, as you know I'm ancient and still look youthful enough to be mistaken for at least 20 years younger, so yay!! keep up the good work xxxxx

More about Rejuv Wellness

Rejuv Wellness is located at 25 Harley Street, W1G 9QW London, United Kingdom
+44 20 7486 8822
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -