Relationship Counselling Therapy Edgbaston Birmingham

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -

About Relationship Counselling Therapy Edgbaston Birmingham

Relationship issues…“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. ”Working with clients to understand themselves, their relationships and their emotions and behaviours. Effecting change and resolution

Relationship Counselling Therapy Edgbaston Birmingham Description

Relationships are the testing ground , the ultimate proof of our ability to love ourselves. The bright and sometimes harsh searchlight of love will bring to the surface anything in ourselves that we have not loved .
That is why relationships afford the greatest opportunities for us to learn to stay centered in our love for ourselves. Only by loving ourselves, can we really love others .
Until you learn to love yourself, you will always be demanding from others what you have not given yourself. Love then becomes need , not a celebration .
In every human being resides the needs for closeness and independence. We have deep urges to merge with another person, and we have equally strong urges to develop ourselves completely as separate beings. Ideally we would surrender ourselves fully to union with others at the same time that we explore and express our own full potential. Often it is not so easy , many of us are blocked in one or the other of the two dimensions, sometimes both. We may not allow ourselves to get close, but we may not allow our selves to be independent, either . We end up locking ourselves in a intermediary zone, a psychological purgatory , neither in union or autonomous.
Often closeness in a relationship will bring fear to the surface and the affected partner attempts to control the relationship to keep from being abandoned. Another trait used is invalidation, if the partner is wrong or invalidated , abandonment will not seem such an issue but will reinforce beliefs and insecurities.
Learning to love yourself , in the passion and friction of close relationships
All relationships have their ups and downs. Relationship therapy is all about creating a healthier new relationship with yourself so that you can create that healthier relationship with your partner. You can discover why you fell in love with your partner, and what lies underneath your frustrations, disagreements, communication struggles, resentment, not feeling loved, feeling alone in your marriage, loss of trust, and infidelity.

Many of the couples that I see have loving and passionate relationships – but they want more. Relationship counseling helps couples — married or not — recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships.

Through marriage counseling, you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding your relationship or, in some cases, going your separate ways.

Relationship counseling really gets down to recognizing that your partner is reflecting back to you your own opportunities for healing. You are the one feeling hurt or angry or unloved. Your partner can’t fix that for you. When you love that part of you that feels unloved, then you can receive the love from your partner.
Call Stuart: + 44 7825 599340 / 0121 403 3163
stuart@stuartdowning. co. uk
www. stuartdowning. co. uk



There Is a Cure for What Ails You in Life and Love, And It’s Been Within You All Along Throughout the years, I’ve met many smart and wonderful people who have told me that they think something is wrong with them, because they can never feel truly happy and at peace in life and love. I’ve seen people like this go to the ends of the earth and to endless specialists seeking a cure for that gnawing emptiness inside. They build dream houses, they go on cruises, they consult psychi...cs, and they join crusades. They hop from relationship to relationship, looking for the perfect partner but never being able to find satisfaction in love. None of the striving and struggle works to fill the emptiness, because that space cannot be filled by acquiring wealth, buying an object or getting someone to love us. Believe it or not, we won’t ever learn to love ourselves by hearing someone tell us, “I adore you,” “You’re the one for me” or praise our good qualities to the heavens. That space, that well of dissatisfaction, can’t be filled with a promotion, raise, or an award recognizing your achievement or hard work. That space that gnaws at you can only be filled by one thing – learning to love yourself. Call Stuart -07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your self - love issue and see how hypnotherapy can remove those inherent fears and set you free to find love and be truly loved.
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Loving Yourself Changes Your Life More Than Anything Else You Can Do Here’s the thing about loving ourselves: until we do it, we don’t realize its power.
We think the reason for our unhappiness is “out there,” and we go around searching for someone, or something, to solve it for us.
... We do whatever we can to avoid looking inward, because looking inward feels scary. It means acknowledging our sadness, remembering past hurts, facing our fears.
We reject self-love as the powerful, uplifting force in our lives it can be. We reduce it to the territory of “conceited people” or scoff at the ridiculousness of “positive affirmations.”
We take our credit cards, our four course meals, our barely-satisfying relationships, and we wrap ourselves in their protective cocoon… anything but acknowledging how we feel inside.
But we are wrong… so very wrong about what loving ourselves means, and how it feels.
Loving yourself means you don’t hide who you really are. You share your feelings – even the messy ones – and own up the truth of your life and your mistakes.
You don’t need to prove anything to anyone, because you know the only opinion that matters about your self-worth is your own.
You don’t accept bad treatment, or social pressure, or feel compelled to do things you don’t want to do just because you are “supposed to.” You can fully accept and enjoy being loved by someone else. You aren’t doubtful of their feelings. You never worry if their love will end, or if you aren’t good enough, or unworthy.
You aren’t afraid of getting hurt. You don’t push love away, or run away, or subconsciously create reasons why your relationship will let you down.
You are at peace with yourself, and can channel your energy into CREATING what you want, not PROTECTING what you don’t want to lose. Call Stuart -07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your self - love issues and see how hypnotherapy can remove that inherent fear and set you free to find love,
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Secretly Afraid To Love ? When you've been looking for love for a long time, it can make you a little crazy.
Most of all, it can make us downright fearful.
... Afraid that we're doing (or not doing) the right thing.
Afraid that we're just not cut out for love.
Afraid that we somehow missed the boat, and that the right partner has passed us by.
Fear is one of the greatest blockers of love; because it prevents us from being present, from being ourselves, and from connecting with others. And the more you experience it, the harder it is to actually meet the right partner.
That's why, if you want to finally attract the love of your lifetime, you need to get out of the fear zone.
But fear is often difficult to recognise, especially if you've been living with it for a long time. When you hear about a long-time bachelor who won't commit, you might think he's afraid of intimacy.
And when one of your friends is hyper-picky about her dates, you might also conclude that she's secretly afraid of falling in love.
In both cases, you're probably right. Fear makes people do weird things. Someone who won't settle down could be afraid of losing himself (and his freedom) with one partner.
And a person who has unreasonable expectations of their dates could be keeping intimacy at bay by fault finding. Call Stuart -07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your issue and see how hypnotherapy can remove that inherent fear and set you free to find love,
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Secretly Afraid To Love ??- subtle indicators of fear-based behaviour: You feel like you have to be extra nice and accommodating If you find yourself trying to show what a great catch you are with a new prospective partner - being the wittiest conversationalist, going with whatever they want (and ignoring your preferences), buying them presents, or being available at all times - then you're likely operating out of fear. Deep down, you're afraid that you might not be good enou...
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Dissolving Fear And Opening To Love Fear is a major reason why we attract unsuitable partners and why the search for love can become the most arduous and frustrating task.
When you're in the fear zone, you end up focusing on the wrong things. You focus on superficial tactics rather than on deep internal shifts. Superficial tactics (like when to call someone back, how long to wait to say "I love you," when to get intimate) get you a date, not a Soul Mate.
... Your Soul Mate can only find you when you address what's going on at a much deeper level. It's about shifting the very beliefs and behaviours that have created unhealthy patterns for you until this point. You can cut through the superficial stuff and learn what really works to find love. . How to identify and dissolve your unconscious blocks to love. These include any hidden fears or patterns you may be repeating since childhood. . How to get a clear picture of what you want and need in a mate - including what turns you on! .How to create the right conditions for true love to enter your life - so that when you do meet that partner, they'll feel right at home with you. You can knock fear out of your life by making the kinds of shifts that will empower you, fill you with confidence, and make you incredibly attractive to the partner you're looking for. Fear can keep you trapped and loveless. It can cause you to repeat the very same patterns that are preventing you from finding the love you deserve. Call Stuart -07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your issue and see how hypnotherapy can remove that inherent fear and set you free to find love,
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End the Cycle of Negative Thoughts, Chronic Dissatisfaction and Relationship Drama The hidden cause of most , relationship discontent, weight issues and general sense of fear and loneliness....... is learning to love yourself. When we don’t love and accept ourselves fully, we can’t ever have a great relationship or a happy life. Our partner may whisper, “I love you so much” and we won’t believe them. We’ll always be looking for evidence that they are secretly losing interest.... Did they call us when they said they would? (If they didn’t, it’s because they don’t love us.) Did they initiate sex, or cuddle like they used to, or hold our hands when we walked down the street? (They are losing interest. They’ve met someone else. I’m less desirable than I was ten years ago.)
We can’t tell them our secret feelings or fears, because it will push them away. We feel like we “aren’t good enough” to date our desires, or we settle for someone who is “safe” or “fine” but who doesn’t make our heart leap with joy.
We don’t trust our partners (they aren’t telling the truth). We think they are cheating (where was he/she last night?)
We carry around the pain of never feeling good enough to have the kind of love other people experience. We doubt ourselves; we doubt our partners; we doubt love.
We let challenges demoralise and deflate us, and it’s not long before we realise we’re a much smaller version of ourselves. Call Stuart -07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your self esteem issue and see how hypnotherapy can remove that thought process and set you free to find love,
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Everyday Practical Tips For Easing The Pain Of A Broken Heart ? You’re going to hurt, and you’re going to suffer. But there are things you can do that will make it easier to cope on a day-to-day basis. Here are some practical tips to help speed up your recovery.
Stay healthy – eat healthy foods, even if you don’t feel like it. They’ll give you energy and keep your immune system strong.
... Talk about your troubles – feel free to express yourself, to get things off your chest. You can speak to a friend, a member of the family, or a therapist experienced in relationships, like myself Just being able to talk about how you feel will help to take the edge off those intense and painful emotions.
Avoid artificial downers – things like alcohol might numb the pain in the short term, but as soon as you sober up it’ll be back with a vengeance and you’ll probably feel even worse.
Get plenty of sleep – when you’re overwhelmed with emotions like this, it wears you down. Sleep is your body’s natural way of rejuvenating itself and replenishing energy reserves. If you’re having trouble sleeping, get advice from your doctor or health professional.
Try to maintain a routine – are you in the habit of walking the dog twice a day? Or doing yoga in the garden early in the morning? Keep on doing those things. They bring a sense of normality and help you gradually realise how full and meaningful your life can be.
If your heart is broken, you need to grieve. If you’re not able to do that, a number of unfortunate side-effects can develop, such as:
Being unable to form new relationships Blaming other people for what happened to you Projecting your resentment onto friends, family and others who only want to help Being afraid to commit to another relationship for fear that it will end in a similar kind of betrayal, disappointment, and intense pain One of the best ways to successfully navigate the grieving process is through hypnosis. Techniques can help rebuild a person’s self-esteem and allow them to put the relationship into perspective.
Hypnosis .... Help to Heal A Broken Heart... Fortunately, you can rapidly move on from a Broken heart/relationship,you can heal a broken heart using hypnosis. Call Stuart -07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation. or email, all enquiries are strictly confidential
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Why You Shouldn’t Expect Perfection In Any Relationship? Know why relationships are so complicated? Because they involve two people. It’s almost impossible for two people to be so in sync that there’s no danger they’ll ever grow apart.
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What is heartbreak anyway? It’s a form of grieving.Hypnosis Can Help You Recover From A Broken Heart. Heartbreak & The 5 Stages Of Grief According to medical experts, there are 5 distinct stages of grief. These 5 stages are:
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What is heartbreak anyway?
It’s a form of grieving.
It stirs up the same emotions as those you experience after a loss.
... Because if you’re broken hearted, you have lost something.
You’ve lost the love of another person, and possibly a whole lot more.
It can impact:
Your day-to-day life Your social life Your love life (obviously) Your professional life Your relationships with other people In other words, a broken heart can affect every aspect of your life. Brain studies have shown how the withdrawal of romantic love triggers the same mechanisms that are activated during withdrawal from drug addiction.
That’s how powerful heartbreak can be. It’s a complicated psychological process that can lead to:
Insomnia and other sleep related disorders An inability to focus A serious lack of energy and enthusiasm A weakened immune system The grief that comes with heartbreak isn’t something that a person can simply snap out of.
And unless you’re able to come to terms with it, it can play havoc with your life.
It can alienate your friends and family.
It can make you inefficient and unproductive in the workplace.
It can lead to sickness and excessive amounts of time off, with all the ramifications that might bring. Fortunately, you can rapidly move on from your heartbreak,you can heal a broken heart using hypnosis. Call Stuart -07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation. or email, all enquiries are strictly confidential
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Ever had your heart broken? Then you know overcoming a broken heart is one of the hardest experiences anyone has to go through. Thankfully, hypnosis can help.... Heartbreak is all-consuming, both emotionally and physically And worst of all?... It's not something you can just "snap" out of. How hard is it to get over the breakup of a relationship and mend your broken heart? The chorus to one of the Bee Gees songs puts it like this: “And how can you mend a broken heart? How can you stop the rain from falling down? How can you stop the sun from shining?” That’s how hard it is. You might as well ask the sun to stop shining. Or the rain to stop falling. Fortunately, you can rapidly move on from your heartbreak,you can heal a broken heart using hypnosis. Call Stuart -07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation. or email, all enquiries are strictly confidential
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When We Don’t Love Ourselves, We Can’t Be Loved By Someone Else When we don’t love and accept ourselves fully, we can’t ever have a great relationship or a happy life.
Our partner may whisper, “I love you so much” and we won’t believe them. We’ll always be looking for evidence that they are secretly losing interest.
... Did they call us when they said they would? (If they didn’t, it’s because they don’t love us.)
Did they initiate sex, or cuddle like they used to, or hold our hands when we walked down the street? (They are losing interest. They’ve met someone else. I’m less desirable than I was ten years ago.)
We can’t tell them our secret feelings or fears, because it will push them away.
We feel like we “aren’t good enough” to date our crush, or we settle for someone who is “safe” or “fine” but who doesn’t make our heart leap with joy.
We don’t trust our partners (they aren’t telling the truth). We think they are cheating (where was she last night?)
We carry around the pain of never feeling good enough to have the kind of love other people experience. We doubt ourselves; we doubt our partners; we doubt love.
We let challenges demoralize and deflate us, and it’s not long before we realize we’re a much smaller version of ourselves. We won’t ask for a raise; we’ll stay in dead-end jobs.
We’ll lose weight and feel fatter than ever. We give up on our health, thinking it’s too hard or takes too much effort.
We’ll look for quick fixes to make ourselves feel better: a new haircut, a one night stand, a bottle of bourbon, a brownie sundae.
But none of these fixes fix us at all. They leave us feeling lonelier, emptier, sadder.
And we will remain that way until we stop looking for other people to give us the love and care we yearn for and deserve.
After all, why would someone else love us, if we don’t think we are worthy? Call Stuart -07825 599340
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How We Stay Stuck In Emotional Pain When you feel underappreciated, dissatisfied, frustrated, abandoned, or criticized in your relationship, you want to make the emotional pain go away. And if you're like the thousands of people we've worked with, here's what you're most likely to do:
Fight with your partner Withdraw from your partner... Leave your partner altogether Yet, in each of these scenarios, you've only treated the "symptoms." Unless you uncover and dissolve the underlying cause of your pain, you will continue to hurt in love.
Pain in our hearts - the natural grief and other emotions that all humans feel - is likewise a messenger. When you feel emotional pain in response to what your date or partner did - or didn't do - that's your inner compass telling you that there's something that needs to be healed on the inside.
If you keep experiencing the pain of people leaving you, there is an underlying cause.
If you always feel like you're the one giving in your relationship, there is an underlying cause.
If you feel like your partner isn't sufficiently attracted to you, there is an underlying cause.
And you will keep attracting people and situations that trigger your emotional pain - whatever it is.
Heal Your Heart Once And For All Just as physical pain resolves once you treat the underlying condition, your emotional pain will also stop once you treat the root causes.
That fight you keep having over and over with your partner will stop.
Those players you keep attracting will leave you alone.
That ache of dissatisfaction you feel in a relationship will vanish.
But recognising your underlying patterns can be tricky. After all, they've been with you for most of your life. Call Stuart for a free 30 minute telephone consultation - 07825 599340
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More about Relationship Counselling Therapy Edgbaston Birmingham

Relationship Counselling Therapy Edgbaston Birmingham is located at Quadrant Court, 51-52 Calthorpe Road , Edgbaston,Birmingham , B15 1TH, Birmingham, United Kingdom
+44 7825 599340
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -