
About Rent-A-Chicken

This is for experimentation only- Not a real site.

Rent-A-Chicken Description

Short Description: Welcome to Rent-A-Chicken! The place to go to try before you buy. . . own a pet without all the stress of what happens if something goes wrong.

Long description:
Hello fellow pet lovers, and welcome to the Rent-A-Chicken facebook page!

Rent-A-Chicken is a community, a place to bring people together. Not only do we provide the chickens for families to learn how to love and care for them, but we aim to provide support for our customers through this page, and furthermore hope that our customers can meet other like-minded families.

Our chickens are given the utmost care. They are kept free-range and are cared for 24 /7 with our wonderful staff, who tend to them. We also have CCTV cameras which are set up in the henhouse overnight. We are completely devoted to our chickens and our aim is to educate and inform others about how to look after their chickens and ultimately, give them the best quality of life.

Chicken eggs: Not only do you get the excitement of owning your own pets but you also get the privilege of having eggs from your chickens, which you can sell on or have a delicious breakfast!

Coming soon: CharityChickens. A new initiative aiming to provide disabled children and adults a new focus in life. They will be coming to learn about caring for chickens and will be helping in the development of new projects which are just around the corner!

By following this page, you’ll be first in line to see our wide variety of chickens that come available, especially as they are in high demand! Competitions and prize giveaways also feature on this page, with a prize for the best ‘Most look-alike pet and owner’ photo.

We are just one big happy family, chickens and all! We can also be found on our website and on twitter.