
About Republic

Join Republic at www. uk /join and find out how to get involved in the campaign.

Republic Description

Republic is a non party-political organisation with members from all political parties. Its distinguished supporters include leading figures from politics, journalism, law and the arts.



"Why on earth should elected power defer to inherited privilege in this way?"


"Once again, May nearly smashes her head off the pavement, in a grotesque curtsey to Prince William"


If, like Meghan, you're frustrated with the monarchy, join Republic today from as little as £2 at


Graham Smith, chief executive of Republic said: “The duchy of Lancaster is not the Queen’s private property but a land portfolio gifted to her by parliament. Our head of state does not need this £20m income when people are struggling to put food on the table and at a time when there is such economic uncertainty.”


Help us abolish the monarchy - sign up today at us abolish the monarchy - sign up today at


This year the royals announced their official spending has increased by 13%.
Get a copy of our Royal Expenses report today to discover the true cost of the monarchy – at a staggering £345m – and uncover the real political cost to our country.


Last week the royals announced their official spending has increased by 13% - if you think that's wrong, join the campaign to abolish the monarchy.
It's never been easier to become a member of Republic - you can join from as little as £2 per month 💷 - we've got direct debit and quick card payments 💳. Sign up today ↓


"In 2016-17 the Sovereign Grant was £42.8m, rising to £76m in 2017-18, with the increase difference earmarked for refurbishing Buckingham Palace.
But the cost does not include the security costs of looking after the family, which could add up to £100m a year, pushing the actual annual public cost to almost £350 million, according to reports."
Support Republic's campaign to end the royal expenses scandal at


Prince Charles spent a whopping £1m on travel in 2017.
Support our campaign to end the royal expenses scandal at


Did the royal family pick a good day to bury bad news about its finances?


Funding for the younger royals has shot up by 40%, from £3.5million to £5million. The monarchy now costs well over £345 million each year.
Support our campaign to end the royal expenses scandal at


Every year Republic exposes the real cost of the royals. Your donation will keep that work going!
We're raising £3,000 to expose the myths and challenge royal expenses - please donate today!


Dear BBC News,
Your article is making false statements about royal funding and is misleading the public.
The Crown Estate has no part to play in funding the monarchy, it's all from the taxpayer.
... Can you please correct it. Thank you.
See More


Every time Prince Charles uses the royal train it costs £20,000.
Help us end the royal expenses scandal at


The Queen is getting another pay rise - and you're paying for it.
Support our campaign to end the royal expenses scandal at


It's that time of year again - royal finances season - and today we find out how much taxpayers 'officially' spend on the royals.
But how good is your knowledge of royal expenses? Take our 'Cost of the Monarchy QUIZ' to find out!


"The reality is that the monarchy costs the British taxpayer dear, more than £345m a year. That's a symptom of a secretive and unaccountable institution."


“This is a blatant abuse of public money. If that were an MP they'd be in serious hot water."


"A blatant abuse of public money."


Yes. Well past the time to get rid of the old bag and the whole stupid family.


While you fight to get your rights to choose a head of state, in my country, a minuscule percentage wants the back of that obsolete system. You have more than my support. Greetings from Brazil


These repulsive lizards are laughing at us all while the working poor are forced to use food banks and the Saxe Cobufg Gothas spend thousands on Tat


The Monarchy is no longer relevant and serves no other purpose than to sustain itself. A modern Democracy has no place for Royal leeches. End this Nonsense Now.


Republic has clear and concise arguments to place forward for the end of the Monarchy.

Whether it's the typical "Good for tourism", "Great British tradition" or the "They don't have any real power" arguments, it can all be proven wrong and Republic is leading the fight to end the existence of a quasi-feudal mess we call a system of governance.


People who don't identify with the monarchy system should have the right to speak out.


No need for a royal family; people should be judged on the deeds they do in life and not who they marry or are born to.


Makes a calm, rational case for an elected Head of State in our country. Giving a voice to those of us who hold this view is much needed in the 21st Century UK.


Its brilliant that someone is standing up for my kids, who cannot aspire to be our head of state.


Absolutely no need for this outdated, archaic institution in the modern age. It's completely immoral for a single family of parasites to receive millions of pounds of taxpayers money when there is so much poverty in the rest of the country.

And for those idiots talking nonsense about patriotism and disloyalty to your country - grow up! It's perfectly possible to love your country and be patriotic without wanting to continue with an unfair relic of history. Look around you - there are plenty of countries that manage perfectly well without a royal family.


A better world always comes from progress, technology & reason. All monarchical systems (now a days, at least) are based on the principle that "we need to conserve things for the sake of conserving them". The Queen, William, etc. may be very nice people (from what I've gathered, they are, and I'm not denying that), but they represent an outdated, tyrannical, & authoritarian system that is not compatible (in any way, shape or form) with scientific & technological progress.


"Republic" is a much needed organisation in these times when people are thinking seriously about the relevance and accountability of government systems. The amount of research behind this page is most impressive. It is inspiring to see how unafraid the contributors are to demystify the British monarchy and tell it as it is. Thank you for providing a counterbalance to the unrelenting promotion of monarchy which comes out from popular magazines and television networks. This is most refreshing and should, over time, lead to change. Well done!


Untill we have a republican political party we will only continue to tread water , if we want change we have to be politically minded and to fight for power and change . So even though I love your movement I will continue to search for a political party I can support both financial and vocal


The monarchy is a hyper manipulative institution that has no place in the modern world.


It may seem to many people that given the many urgent problems facing the UK at the moment, the fight for a Republic should not be particularly high on the agenda. But this is an issue of injustice and corruption inherent our constitutional structure: the ideal time to address it was about 330 years ago, but better late than never.


Completely aligned with Republics aims, and congratulate those who work hard to bring fairness. However find everything about Republics strategy, branding, and particularly messaging unimpressive. If we want to make a difference and get the message heard we really need more strategic thinking and stewardship instead of the same old stale lines.


The tourism the Royal family bring in makes them a huge asset, and our country had tradition and history. The jealous minority want to oust the Royal family. If you hate them and the good they do then renounce you citizenship and heritage and leave the UK. You will not be missed.


Rebuplic are worthless, self righteous idiots, with little or no facts about anything.


No need for a corrupt elected politician to take this role. Keep it as is.


Yes. Well past the time to get rid of the old bag and the whole stupid family.


While you fight to get your rights to choose a head of state, in my country, a minuscule percentage wants the back of that obsolete system. You have more than my support. Greetings from Brazil


These repulsive lizards are laughing at us all while the working poor are forced to use food banks and the Saxe Cobufg Gothas spend thousands on Tat


The Monarchy is no longer relevant and serves no other purpose than to sustain itself. A modern Democracy has no place for Royal leeches. End this Nonsense Now.


Republic has clear and concise arguments to place forward for the end of the Monarchy.

Whether it's the typical "Good for tourism", "Great British tradition" or the "They don't have any real power" arguments, it can all be proven wrong and Republic is leading the fight to end the existence of a quasi-feudal mess we call a system of governance.


People who don't identify with the monarchy system should have the right to speak out.


No need for a royal family; people should be judged on the deeds they do in life and not who they marry or are born to.


Makes a calm, rational case for an elected Head of State in our country. Giving a voice to those of us who hold this view is much needed in the 21st Century UK.


Its brilliant that someone is standing up for my kids, who cannot aspire to be our head of state.


Absolutely no need for this outdated, archaic institution in the modern age. It's completely immoral for a single family of parasites to receive millions of pounds of taxpayers money when there is so much poverty in the rest of the country.

And for those idiots talking nonsense about patriotism and disloyalty to your country - grow up! It's perfectly possible to love your country and be patriotic without wanting to continue with an unfair relic of history. Look around you - there are plenty of countries that manage perfectly well without a royal family.


A better world always comes from progress, technology & reason. All monarchical systems (now a days, at least) are based on the principle that "we need to conserve things for the sake of conserving them". The Queen, William, etc. may be very nice people (from what I've gathered, they are, and I'm not denying that), but they represent an outdated, tyrannical, & authoritarian system that is not compatible (in any way, shape or form) with scientific & technological progress.


"Republic" is a much needed organisation in these times when people are thinking seriously about the relevance and accountability of government systems. The amount of research behind this page is most impressive. It is inspiring to see how unafraid the contributors are to demystify the British monarchy and tell it as it is. Thank you for providing a counterbalance to the unrelenting promotion of monarchy which comes out from popular magazines and television networks. This is most refreshing and should, over time, lead to change. Well done!


Untill we have a republican political party we will only continue to tread water , if we want change we have to be politically minded and to fight for power and change . So even though I love your movement I will continue to search for a political party I can support both financial and vocal


The monarchy is a hyper manipulative institution that has no place in the modern world.


It may seem to many people that given the many urgent problems facing the UK at the moment, the fight for a Republic should not be particularly high on the agenda. But this is an issue of injustice and corruption inherent our constitutional structure: the ideal time to address it was about 330 years ago, but better late than never.


Completely aligned with Republics aims, and congratulate those who work hard to bring fairness. However find everything about Republics strategy, branding, and particularly messaging unimpressive. If we want to make a difference and get the message heard we really need more strategic thinking and stewardship instead of the same old stale lines.


The tourism the Royal family bring in makes them a huge asset, and our country had tradition and history. The jealous minority want to oust the Royal family. If you hate them and the good they do then renounce you citizenship and heritage and leave the UK. You will not be missed.


Rebuplic are worthless, self righteous idiots, with little or no facts about anything.


No need for a corrupt elected politician to take this role. Keep it as is.

More about Republic
