Research Outreach

About Research Outreach

Research Outreach are a not-for-profit Public Outreach agency. We work with research teams to craft a message for the world. Using Creative Commons licensing means we can give back to the community.



Dr Gillian Hawker (Women's College Hospital, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation) has established a record of academic excellence in the field of #osteoarthritis (OA) outcomes. A predominant theme of her research is the appropriate use of hip and knee joint replacement surgery for OA.…/helping- patients-put-their-…/


Dr Heydemann’s (University of Illinois at Chicago) research focuses on identifying new + more effective treatments for #MuscularDystrophy. She and her research team have identified an immune inhibitor that significantly decreases pathology in mouse models of Muscular Dystrophy.…/new-hope -for-muscular-dystr…/


Dr Bruce Zetter (Harvard Medical School‏) is known internationally as an expert on #cancer #biology, diagnosis and treatment. He also serves as an advocate for young scientists and for improved relationships between #academia and industry.…/dr-bruce -zetter-career-in-c…/


Professor Ghada Bourjeily and her team from Brown University are focusing their research efforts on understanding the manifestation of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) in pregnancy and the consequent impact on maternal and foetal health.…/dangers- sleep-disordered-br…/


Macrophages – large white blood cells that play a role in tissue homeostasis and immunity – have long been thought to derive solely from monocyte cells in the circulating blood. Accumulating evidence now shows that a large proportion of the macrophage populations ‘resident’ within tissues is in fact derived during embryonic development, independent of monocytes…/dual-ori gins-tissue-macroph…/


The biological underpinnings of human mental processes involved in acquiring knowledge, processing information and understanding experiences, have been substantially investigated throughout the years.…/unveilin g-neurobiological-p…/


Recent research in medical imaging found that tools based on terahertz (THz) frequency illumination could help map the distribution and movement of water near the surface of body tissues.…/terahert z-medical-imaging-t…/


Environmental factors interact with genetics in driving living organisms’ development throughout life. Epigenetics is the field of study that explores this interaction, as well as its potential effects on individuals’ behaviour and health.…/epigenet ic-effects-adverse-…/


Transition metals are some of the most important elements in the Periodic Table for their wealth of applications, spanning catalysis to biology. The rich chemistry of the transition metals arises from their remarkable ability to form multiple chemical bonds, a process that is still not fully understood and remains a major challenge in fundamental chemistry.…/configur ing-new-bonds-betwe…/


Many of the essential chemical constituents of life, including carbohydrates, are made up of complex atomic arrangements. Knowing the particular structure of a compound is important not only for identification purposes, but also for understanding how biologically relevant compounds react.…/seeing-s tructures-molecules…/


The synthesis and manufacture of chemicals, and chemical products, has typically relied on petroleum-based feedstocks. Even hydrogen, often hailed as a ‘clean fuel’ and an important component in many chemical reactions, is sourced from such feedstocks.…/cleaner- pathways-chemical-s…/


Catalysis, using reagents to speed up chemical reactions, is big business. From synthesising new chemicals to cleaning up the exhaust fumes from cars and sustainable energy devices such as hydrogen fuel cells, catalysts play a huge role in our daily lives.…/designin g-catalysts-bit-by-…/


Professor Shanaka de Silva and his colleagues at College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences - Oregon State University are using a multidisciplinary approach to reveal the secrets of ‘supervolcanoes’ and supereruptions, calling on expertise in the fields of geophysics, geochronology, petrology, geochemistry, and numerical modelling.…/supervol cano-forensics-unra…/


Professor Barnes and his team are developing a smaller, faster current breaker for offshore use to aid the integration of offshore wind farms into the National Grid.…/offshore -wind-powers-big-br…/


Professor Evan Scannapieco and his team at School of Earth and Space Exploration at ASU have been investigating the puzzle of why the largest galaxies in the universe, once the most active, have become dormant and ceased to produce stars.…/in-searc h-of-supermassive-b…/


Back in May 2017, a huge cyberattack crippled several of the largest digital networks in the UK and US, paralysing over two hundred thousand computers. To combat such threats Dr Dimitrios Pezaros from the University of Glasgow, and Prof David Hutchison from Science and Technology at Lancaster University launched SAI2 (A Situation-Aware Information Infrastructure), a research project aimed at developing new technologies to fight against cyber threats.…/making-t he-internet-a-safer…/


Prof Carl Johansson studies the tardigrades (Tardigrada, or the ‘water bears’) and is offering the opportunity for Fresno City College students to join him in his exciting research on this intractable group of organisms. The aim is not only to find out more about these little-known species and their relevance to the human population, but to also engage students’ interest in and passion for science.…/capturin g-images-and-data-b…/


As the green economy develops, thousands of jobs will be created, but it is unlikely that women will have equal access to these opportunities. Dr Bipasha Baruah, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Global Women’s Issues, Western University, Canada, examines the reasons for this inequality.…/gender- equity-green-economy/

More about Research Outreach

Research Outreach is located at Suite 25 Westend Office Suites, GL10 3FA Stroud, Gloucestershire