Researching And Practising Multilingualism

About Researching And Practising Multilingualism

Interest: Multilingual development

Researching And Practising Multilingualism Description

Alicja Pyszka-Franceschini; Doctoral Researcher in Education; Specialism: Multilingualism and Early Family Communication. Early multilingual development. Teaches English and Polish. Advises on early multilingual development.



Have you booked your place yet? We're starting tomorrow at 11:00.


Are you raising a multilingual child? Would you like to know more about how multilingualism happens and become more confident with it? I’d like to invite you to a tutorial entitled: ‘The role of a parent in supporting children’s language development in the pre-school years.’ The tutorial is suitable for parents of bilingual and multilingual children who would like to learn more about the mechanics of children’s language acquisition as well as about adequate language nutrition... in the early years. The cost of the tutorial is £20 per person (£25 if both parents present). It will be delivered on Saturday 21st July 2018, in Marble Hall, Nightingale Road, Derby from 11:00am to 12:30pm. There are 20 spaces available. To book a place, please send me a message via Facebook or leave a comment below. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Alicja Pyszka-Franceschini
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Zapraszam Wszystkich Zainteresowanych na trzygodzinny kurs fonetyki języka angielskiego w piątek, 25 maja o 11:00. Będziemy ćwiczyć języki i zadbamy wspólnie o czystszą i bardziej zrozumiałą wymowę. Materiał będę wyjaśniała po polsku, ćwiczenia będą po angielsku. By zarezerwować miejsce proszę przesłać mi wiadomość Facebookiem lub napisać w komentarzach: REZERWUJĘ MIEJSCE. Kurs odbędzie się, jeżeli będzie przynajmniej trójka chętnych. Miejsc jest 16. Spotkam się z Państwem w recepcji budynku Marble Hall (dawny budynek Rolls-Royce'a - napis ciąglę na nim widnieje), 80 Nightingale Road, Derby, DE24 8BF. Koszt kursu: £15/os.

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Willing to do some self-analysis? Very clever piece of research. I have identified my weaknesses. Screen sucking is definitely one of them. What is your weakness? 9I&pbjreload=10


[Bilingual note/ Notka dwujęzyczna] Czuję w kościach, że 2018 będzie NIESAMOWITYM rokiem, Ty też? Przewiduję, że w tym roku będziesz bardzo mądrym rodzicem, który intuicyjnie wie, że interakcja buduje mądrość, empatię i siłę intelektualną Twojego dziecka. Przewiduję, że będziecie budowali piękną więź ze swoim dzieckiem i że zobaczycie owoce swojej ciężkiej pracy. Przewiduję, że w tym roku otworzymy się na nasze dzieci i dzięki temu one zrobią to samo dla nas. Szczęśliwego Now...ego Roku! 2018 – Rokiem Wartościowej Interakcji! Ruszamy! / This 2018 is going to be AMAZING! I can feel it with my bones, you too? I predict that you will be a very wise parent who just intuitively knows that interaction builds your child's wisdom, empathy and Intellectual strength. I predict that you will be growing a beautiful bond with your child and that you will see the fruits of your hard work. I predict that this year we will open ourselves up to our children and as a result they will do the same for us. Happy 2018! The year of meaningful interaction! 😘
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We live in a world that rightly so encourages us to read a lot to our children but research confirms that it's best for our children when we read books with our own experiences in mind and we continuously make connections between the world on the page and the world around us. So slow down when you read, don't rush with simple 'What's this?', 'What's that?' but have a conversation with your child, smile, make eye contact and ask open questions such as 'What did you like most a...bout going to the beach?', 'What would have happened if you hadn't had your wellingtons on your feet?, 'What was daddy doing over there? And what was grandpa doing?'. For language development 'the doing' is as crucial as naming objects. When you talk to your child make sure that you use many verbs (for some reason we like to focus on nouns only) as they help your child build sentences and aid storytelling. This book below is brilliant and I wish we had read it and talked around it (with verbs) when my son was smaller. It is a great introduction to various themes and topics and a great memory trigger. I strongly recommend it for those of you who speak Italian at home.
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This list is super long!

More about Researching And Practising Multilingualism

Researching And Practising Multilingualism is located at Marble Hall, 80 Nightingale Road, DE24 8BF Derby