Resourceful Arty Type Stuff

About Resourceful Arty Type Stuff

r. a. t. s stands for ‘resourceful arty type stuff’.

Resourceful Arty Type Stuff Description

r. a. t. s stands for ‘resourceful arty type stuff’.
It is a freelance artist ran art company, delivering unique art classes to a wide range of participants based in Worcestershire.
We look at all aspects of visual and creative arts from traditional painting to the more modern take on recycling and up cycling to look out for the environment. r. a. t. s engages everyone from children and young people to adults and the elderly, by listening to their inner artist we focus on what is most important to them and encourage them to portray this through their art. This will help toward the development of their artistic abilities, help strengthen their minds and boost confidence on a number of key levels.
r. a. t. s is all about raising awareness of the positive effect art activities can have on peoples lives, whilst being careful with the equipment we use to look out for the environment too!

“Imagination will often lead us to worlds that never were, but with out it we go no where”
- Carl Sagan