Rethink: 87.7 Bailrigg Fm

About Rethink: 87.7 Bailrigg Fm

We are a student radio show on 87. 7 Bailrigg FM which aims to celebrate diversity, fight stigma and embrace difference. We are live every Thursday from 6pm during Lancaster University term time.



Content Warnings: Autism, Family, Mental Health
Today Luke and Tom are joined by the lovely Emily Hird! Our topic today will be what it's like to have someone in your family who is autistic.
Tune in at 18:00-20:00, or listen later on Mixcloud!


We're live in 2 hours with our host Kamran and our guest Quin!
They will be talking about being non-binary, as well as the mental health and stigma that can come with being LGBTQ+ 💜💛🖤
As always, we're live on our fancy website , as well as on 87.7 Bailrigg FM and the RadioPlayer app! ✨


We are live in just a few minutes with the wonderful Benjamin to talk about Men's Mental Health, Movember and Charity fundraising! 🥰
This will be a nice, chilled out episode, so join us on , 87.7 Bailrigg FM or on the RadioPlayer app! ✨
Image Description: Speech bubbles with text surrounding them, saying "Only 1 in 4 men feel able to talk to friends and family at times when they are feeling stressed. November: Men's mental health focus."


This week, Kam and Producer Angus are joined in the studio by friend and fellow LUCI member Joseph Woods, to talk about his experience being hard-of-hearing from a young age. If you missed it, catch the podcast here:…/rethink-21st -november-2019-bein…/


Bailrigg has a fancy new website! 😌 hows/rethink/
We´re talking about D/deafness RIGHT NOW! Listen using the link above or on the RadioPlayer App! ✨


We have a special episode today!! ✨
Our previous presenter Max is making a cameo appearance with a show we recorded back in July.
Join Luke and Tom tonight at 6pm, where we´ll be airing a show about abuse, survivorship, mental health and homelessness.
... This is a heavy show, and we´ll be putting out plenty of content warnings in our introduction. We understand this might not be an easy listen for everyone, but we´re ending with plenty of positive vibes. 😌
We´ll be live at as well as on 87.7 Bailrigg FM and through the RadioPlayer app!
- Rethink xx
Image Description: unicorn picture from The Latest Kate, saying "you are loveable, you are wanted, you are needed."
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Another hour-long Rethink this week, as the wonderful Kyle McKenzie joins us in the studio to talk about the charity Escape2Make, dedicated to giving teens in Lancaster creative opportunities! Don't miss out!…/rethink-7th- november-2019-escap…/
For more information on Escape2Make, visit their website:


A short and spooky episode of Rethink this week, as our wonderful guest Elliott Partridge joins Producer Angus in the studio to talk about LUMH - the Lancaster University Mental Health Society. Grab the recording here:…/rethink-31st -october-2019-lu-me…/
Also, for those interested in learning more, here's the link to LUMH's UnionCloud page. Membership is free, so join today: l-health
Finally, here's the link the Elefriends, the mental health awareness forum Elliott mentions in the episode:


2% of the world's population is Intersex, yet they are constantly erased and made invisible. What's even more horrifying is that often these people have "corrective" surgeries performed on them when they are babies.
No matter what, people should have autonomy over their bodies, and there's no such thing as a "normal" body.
#EndIntersexSurgery ✊


Sorry folks, due to a packed schedule, course commitments and general stress; Rethink is not going to be broadcast this evening. Keeping busy is good, but sometimes it's important to take a break. We're all only human. We'll be back next week, fully rested and ready to get back to rethinking!


Have a friend who bails on you? Just remember - It's hardly ever out of spite.
For people with ME/CFS, anxiety and autism spectrum disorders, it can be incredibly difficult to make a plan and stick to it. People with chronic illnesses don't choose to be unwell or overwhelmed. In fact, they're probably more frustrated than you are when it comes to cancelling plans.
Be gentle to yourself and your friends 💙
... -Rethink xx
Image Description: "Why people with anxiety ACTUALLY canel plans last minute:
They're too exhausted to face the world and pretend to be okay. Their symptoms have set in. They're overwhelmed. They're worried they'll have an outburst or a meltdown and upset everyone. They're overstimulated. They're on edge and can't cope with being in a situation that's not in their control. They're struggling and don't want to burden you with their problems."
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It's World Mental Health Day, and along with today's episode we thought we'd share some helpful links and places to go if you're worried about your own mental health:
The 30-Minute Clinic is hosted every Wednesday and Friday for anyone having immediate mental health-related issues. Bookings can be made 24 hours in advance, but there's also weekday drop-ins held between 1 and 2pm in The Base:…/co…/ser vices/30-minute-clinic/
Silvercloud is an onlin...e self-help program for students, with the goal of opening up knowledge of anxiety, stress, body image and depression; and is available to any and all students:
Time for Loss is a support group run for students suffering with loss, running on Thursdays at 3pm in weeks 3, 6 and 9 in Furness Bar. No booking required.
In the meantime, here's the latest Rethink, which is revolved around one of the most important mental health issues affecting students across the country:…/rethink-10th -october-2019-depre…/
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The Lancaster University Disability Forum has created an incredible list of who you can contact if you're feeling mentally unwell.
We're also live in just over an hour on, where we'll be talking about some of these services 💜✨
#NoMoreShame #WorldMentalHealthDay


Tomorrow is #WorldMentalHealthDay - which will also be the topic of our show!
Join Emily, Meg, Angus, and our guest Tom to talk about mental health and how it can affect daily life. We'll also mention the various services and advice available at Lancaster University, including the incredible Lancaster Nightline!
1 in 6 people experience a common mental health problem in any given week, so we're here to remind you that you're not alone. 💙
... We'll be live tomorrow at 6-8pm on, and you can also tune in with the RadioPlayer app!
-Rethink ✨
Image description: cute cat-shaped medicine inside a medicine bottle, with the label "if you can't make your own neurotransmitters, store-bought is fine."
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In case you missed it, here's our first episode of the new academic year!…/rethink-3rd- october-2019-eds-wi…/


Where in the world are you listening from? Our PR wizard Max is tuning in from the sunny Spain! ☀️ Are you in Lancaster, or further afield? Let us know where you are! 💐
We also have listeners from Florida, France and Minnesota tuning in! 🌎
The Amazing Mia is sharing her experience with chronic illnesses and EDS at 6pm. You can listen anywhere in the world at!!
... See you at 6!
- Rethink xx
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Guess what?
We're LIVE tomorrow!!
Join our hosts Emily and Meg at 6pm, talking to the amazing Mia Allen about EDS, what it is and how it affects her life.
... You can tune in at 87.7 Bailrigg FM, through the RadioPlayer app and on our website at!
It's good to be back, we'll see you 6-8! ✨
- Rethink xx
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In case you missed it, here's our first episode of the new academic year!…/rethink-3rd- october-2019-eds-wi…/

More about Rethink: 87.7 Bailrigg Fm