Rhiannon Griffiths, Bsc Lic Ac

About Rhiannon Griffiths, Bsc Lic Ac

Helping sensitive, successful women achieve calm, balance + lasting mind-body wellness, by providing safe space for gentle healing + transformation - in clinic, online or at retreats. . . | Acupuncture | Yin Yoga | Coaching

Rhiannon Griffiths, Bsc Lic Ac Description

Website: http://www. rhiannongriffiths.com

Instagram: http://instagram.com/RG_Acupuncture

YouTube: http://www. youtube.com/user /RGAcupuncture

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ #! /RG_Acupuncture



{Seasonal Baking} - these are the "Fig + Fennel Oat Bakes" I have developed for the Late Summer Workshop / Online Course... . . They're fab for brekkie, or with a cuppa at 4pm - designed with Chinese Food Energetics or Chinese Food Therapy theory, to nourish + support the Earth Element + it's organs of Stomach + Spleen during it's specific season! .... . If you fancy trying some of these + having a gentle afternoon of self care, join me on Saturday 8th September for the Late Summer Living Workshop (or download the online version!) here - http://goo.gl/yiv4Rw . . . #acupuncture #fiveelements #fiveelementlife #health #fiveelementwellnesswoman #healthyfood #holistic #healthyrecipes #yoga #holistichealth #yinyoga #meditation #seasonalhealth #naturalhealth #breakfast #healthycake #healthybaking #chinesemedicine #latesummer #summer #chinesefoodenergetics #chinesefoodtherapy #tcm #earthelement #wellness #wellbeing #coaching
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{The Key to Self Acceptance} - in this final Five Element video within this current mini-series, I explain why this ancient Chinese Medicine theory, and personality type framework, REALLY is the KEY part, the key Element (if you’ll pardon the pun!), to self acceptance and deep understanding of self… . . It is the reason my chapter in the book our co-authored book, “The Pay it Forward Series: Notes to my Younger Self – Volume 1”, has this title! (if you haven't seen it yet, c...heck it out on Amazon here - http://goo.gl/yavVZM) . . Knowing your Element is the key that helps unlock a deeper compassion and understanding and gentleness for yourself, so that you can embrace ALL of you… deepening the connection you have with ALL parts of you, embracing who you REALLY are – and doesn’t that sound like something we ALL could do with in our lives?! . . The latest round of "Embrace Your Element - 9 weeks to Life Changing Self Acceptance" starts NEXT MONDAY (3rd Sept) - see the details + sign up here - http://goo.gl/zAsghB . . You can read the words of this video instead (if you can't watch with audio right now), over on my blog here - http://goo.gl/xcWWgQ . . And if you don’t know what Element YOU are yet, make sure to download the FREE ebook here - http://goo.gl/VymvnU . . . . #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #fiveelements #fiveelementacupuncture #fiveelementlife #fiveelementwellnesswoman #health #healthy #wellbeing #wellness #holistic #holistichealth #naturalhealth #personalitytype #empowerment #empowering #empoweringwomen #selfacceptance #selfdevelopment #yoga #yinyoga #coaching
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{Full Moon Chai} - a slow, gentle morning today with a soothing chai + quietness, still sitting with + processing all the big emotions + shifts of this full moon... . . It's been another big one, at the end of this eclipse season + things are supposed to be getting clearer from here... Though I don't know about you, but I'm not feeling the clarity just yet... And so we sit + wait + be super gentle... .... . And just the other day I was talking to a friend about us shifting into Late Summer, the fifth season in Chinese Medicine, associated with the Earth Element... It is in itself a transition season, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised that things still aren't quite clear... We are still transitioning... . . And it's this Element that relishes gentleness, self care, healing emotions, being held lovingly, nurturing ourselves, giving ourselves what we need... So yes, this is what we do now, today... And I will be doing exactly that... . . And if you want to learn more about the Earth Element's season of Late Summer, you can come to the Saturday 8th September workshop or preorder the online course now - links: http://goo.gl/yiv4Rw . . #acupuncture #fiveelements #fiveelementwellnesswoman #fiveelementlife #transition #earthelement #fullmoon #chai #wellness #wellbeing #health #healthy #yinyoga #yoga #coaching #seasons #empoweringwomen #seasonalhealth #holistic #holistichealth #ancientwisdom #naturalhealth #healthylifestyle
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{You've Got Mail} - have you checked your emails today? If you're on my list, you will have received the second video in my mini series - "Why Should You Care What Element You Are?" - direct to your inbox + a reminder that the earlybird rate for "Embrace Your Element" ENDS TONIGHT... . . If you didn't receive an email, check your junk folder, or click the link below to read it! .... . ✨💫
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{Earlybird Ends Tonight} - we start the next live round of "Embrace your Element" at the beginning of September, but the earlybird rate ends TONIGHT! . . So if you want to join me + some incredible people from ALL over the world - including Australia, NZ, France, Germany, the Netherlands + the UK - sign up today before the clock strikes midnight in London!! .... . Learn to understand yourself from the perspective of YOUR particular Element + open yourself up to a new way of being in the world, see yourself in a new, positive + empowering way! That is my wish for you! ✨💫 . . www.rhiannongriffiths.com/embrace . . #acupuncture #wellness #wellbeing #health #emotions #chinesemedicine #fiveelements #mentalhealth #ancientwisdom #transformation #empowering #empoweringwomen #selfacceptance #power #embraceyourelement
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{The Element Brain + How it Might be Running the Show} - wouldn’t it be helpful to FINALLY understand WHY you might experience the world in the way you do, WHY it might be different, or feel different, to those other people around you in your life? . . Well the WHY comes from the fact that each of the individual Elements view the world through their own tinted glasses, and through each Element lens, the world looks slightly different… .... . How we perceive things, and how we view our own stuff, is coloured by that, and it affects how we TRANSLATE or interpret things, creating what I like to call our Element Brain… . . Even more interestingly our Element Brain will collect “evidence” to support what it believes or perceives (through it’s tinted glasses) is true… . . Learn more about this + how to re-wire your Element brain to be super positive, in my 9 week coaching course, "Embrace Your Element" - the early bird rate ends TONIGHT! . . See more about the course here - http://goo.gl/zAsghB . . The words for today's video (if you want to read rather than watch) can be found on my blog here - http://goo.gl/p5nhpv . . #fiveelements #wellness #chinesemedicine #health #fiveelementwellnesswoman #acupuncture #wellbeing #selfhelp #empowerment #empoweringwomen #healthy #holistic #yinyoga #holistichealth #yoga #selfacceptance #coaching #fiveelementacupuncture #ancientwisdom #magic #selfunderstanding #empower #transformation
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{This Weekend} - if you've seen some of my new Five Element videos over the last few weeks, you'll know how passionate I am about the magic that comes with knowing which of the Chinese Five Elements is YOUR main one + understanding yourself from this space... . . My transformational coaching course starts again in September, "Embrace Your Element - 9 Weeks to Life Changing Self Acceptance", + you can still grab the earlybird rate until the end of this weekend! I would love to... have you on board + share all this goodness with you! . . The course is for you if: . . + you struggle with feeling different, or as though there is something “wrong” with you
+ you’ve done all the “work” on yourself, but you STILL feel like you need “fixing”
+ you feel you need others’ approval, or that you should be more like them
+ you don’t understand WHY you feel certain things, or struggle when others don’t
+ you have patterns of behaviour / emotions that you seem to repeat, or cannot break
+ you want to feel calm, balanced, lighter, happier & that you are ENOUGH just as you are
+ you want to be celebrated for the beautiful soul you are, truly seen & understood
+ you want to FINALLY live life in alignment with who you really are, creating flow & ease
We will cover these modules: . . + WEEK 1 – The Five Elements & Your True Self
+ WEEK 2 – Uncover Your Pain Points & Start Healing
+ WEEK 3 – Identifying What You Need to Thrive
+ WEEK 4 – Understanding the Element Brain
+ WEEK 5 – Shifting Our Stories, Blocks & Triggers
+ WEEK 6 – Your Why is in Your Element
+ WEEK 7 – Having Gratitude for Your Challenges & Gifts
+ WEEK 8 – Live in Alignment & Embrace Your Superpowers
+ WEEK 9 – Unlocking the Power of Self Acceptance
✨✨✨ . . Get the vibes + learn more - http://goo.gl/zAsB . . #acupuncture #coaching #chinesemedicine #wellness #wellbeing #naturalhealth #holistichealth #holistic #yoga #yinyoga #health #selfacceptance #healthy #acupuncturist #selfhelp #fiveelements #embraceyourself #selfcare #embraceyourelement #fiveelementacupuncture #alignment #flow #authentic #authenticity #selfdevelopment #personalitytypes #empowerment #empoweringwomen
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{You Don't Need Fixing: Healing Pain, Blocks, Stories + Triggers} - I say this a LOT in clinic, but over the years I've also said it in these social media spaces, in videos, in my courses, at my workshops, in my co-authored book... And I will continue to say it, because it's true + so many people need to HEAR it... . . It is part of my reason for being on this planet, to help you to truly KNOW that you do not need "fixing"... Even if you have felt like you do, or others have ...made you feel that way... . . You are not broken, you do not need to be fixed. Many of us have spent so many years, trying to “fix” ourselves, to make ourselves “better”, with all sorts of therapies, seeing all sorts of practitioners… Myself included... . . But what I learnt when Five Element acupuncture came into my life, is that you don’t need “fixing”, you just need to have permission to be yourself, you just need to BE – without resistance to your natural ways of being in the world… . . The things that cause us pain come from our Element, the blocks we have in our lives often have their root within our Element and its innate challenges… And this is where knowing your Element + working WITH it comes in... . . Yes, sometimes we need to make adjustments to get back into alignment with our true nature + our true energetic make up, but THIS is the space in which we can TRULY heal our pain, our blocks, our stories + the stuff that triggers us... . . Read the transcript for this video here - http://goo.gl/M91zYQ . . And if you'd like to have permission to be your true self + heal all the old wounds, then my online coaching course, "Embrace Your Element - 9 Weeks to Life Changing Self Acceptance" starts again on 3rd September, with the earlybird pricing ending 19th August. See more of the beautiful magic here - http://goo.gl/zAsghB . . And if you don’t know what Element YOU are yet, make sure to download the FREE ebook here - http://goo.gl/VymvnU . . . #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #fiveelements #fiveelementacupuncture #fiveelementlife #fiveelementwellnesswoman #health #healthy #wellbeing #wellness #holistic #holistichealth #naturalhealth #personalitytype #naturalliving #yoga #yinyoga #coaching #transformation #empowerment #empoweringwomen #selfhelp #selfacceptance #selfdevelopment #healing #blocks #triggers #onlinecourse
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{New Moon, Solar Eclipse} - the last few days I have been tired, exhausted tired, falling asleep at the drop of a hat tired... . . I've been putting it down to the waning moon energies, plus all the processing, growing + shifting we have been doing during this eclipse season, + just resting when my body tells me that's what I need... .... . And today, with the New Moon, Solar Eclipse in Leo I had a quiet morning, sat in my pyjamas, at the exact time of the eclipse here in the UK, writing out everything my heart truly desires - because this is what the Leo moon is all about - all the big magical dreams, all the positive, beautiful things I want to call in to my life now... . . I am a Scorpio, with Scorpio rising, but as my natal chart has my moon in Leo, I resonate massively with this new moon + it influences my emotions deeply (yes, there have been tears today too)... . . I'm also aware that this interplay between the Fire + Water Elements in my astrology chart does in fact match the interplay in my Chinese Medicine Elemental make up - BUT if you saw my video last week, you will know that this ISN'T always the case! . . Watch to see why the Chinese Five Elements are actually DIFFERENT to those Elements used in astrology + yoga, here - http://goo.gl/J2Jrrb . . The astrology gurus say that this third eclipse is the one that will bring new energy in, allow us to get more clarity on where it is we are going next, what the changes this eclipse season has brought us actually mean for us going forward... . . This is good news, as I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to my next steps revealing themselves + seeing what is to come, as so much has changed these last few eclipse-filled months, including me leaving my Thame acupuncture clinic after nearly ten years of practising there... As I say, big, big changes! . . But don't be surprised if you still feel a bit restless + can't see forward JUST yet, it's still all filtering in... The video I made for this eclipse season might also help you understand some of these energies from a Chinese Medicine perspective - http://goo.gl/L6gohH . . So how are you marking this new moon eclipse? 🌙✨ . . #acupuncture #wellness #wellbeing #chinesemedicine #fiveelements #fiveelementwellnesswoman #fiveelementlife #yoga #yinyoga #coaching #meditation #manifestation #ritual #holistic #holistichealth #newmoon #eclipse #astrology #selfdevelopment #selfhelp #empowerment #magic #moonlight
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{VIDEO 2 - Why Should I Care What Element I am + How Will it Benefit me?} - understanding who you are from the space of your Element, why you behave in certain ways or feel certain things, gives you permission to be your true self... . . Our decisions and actions (+ whether they are aligned or in resistance to our own particular Element) move us more towards, or away from, better balance, and better health in our lives... And this is one of the reasons you need to know what E...lement you are - watch the video for more info + more reasons! . . And if you don’t know what Element YOU are yet, make sure to download the FREE ebook here - http://goo.gl/VymvnU . . Join my transformational coaching course, "Embrace Your Element - 9 Weeks to Life Changing Self Acceptance" - http://goo.gl/zAsghB . . Seasonal Wellness Courses can be found here - http://goo.gl/HHbgbN . . Read about me as a Water Element type, in my co-authored book "Notes to my Younger Self" - http://goo.gl/yavVZM . . See the other videos about the Five Elements on my blog - http://goo.gl/FghA6J
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{Cake for Late Summer} - I know I'm a bit early + it's not yet time for this fifth season in Chinese Medicine (yes we have five!), but I developed this new recipe over the weekend, especially for my workshop that's happening Saturday 8th September + it's just too pretty not to share now! . . So if you want the recipe + to actually eat some cake with me, grab your ticket for the "Late Summer Living Workshop" here now - http://goo.gl/yiv4Rw .... . Or if you're not local to me, you can register for the online version here instead - http://goo.gl/L8sNoE . . In addition to eating cake, on the day we will also cover: . . + the Earth Element, the digestive system & overthinking
+ importance of self care in this season of late Summer
+ how this is the season of magic manifestation
+ ways to stop those worries going round in your head
+ why you might not be shifting those extra lbs
+ Chinese Food Energetics for Late Summer
+ seasonal sweet recipes to nourish your body & spirit
+ acupressure for digestion & boosting energy
+ yin yoga for grounding, nourishment & self care
+ meditation for calming worry & supporting you . . 🌾🌾🌾 . . So, who can guess the yummy ingredients in the cake?! . . #acupuncture #cake #chinesemedicine #health #chinesefoodenergetics #vegan #healthy #wellness #healthybaking #wellbeing #foodenergetics #healthylifestyle #naturalliving #holistic #holistichealth #yoga #naturalhealth #fiveelements #fiveelementlife #yinyoga #meditation #summer #seasonalwellness #plantbased #dairyfree #glutenfree #thame
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{VIDEO: What are the Chinese Five Elements + How are they Different?} - think your Chinese Element is the same as your Element in astrology? It may be, but it is very likely not to be! Watch this full-length video to learn more about how my beloved Five Elements are different + why YOU need to know about them! . . My transformational coaching course starts again on 3rd September, so check out the details of "Embrace Your Element - 9 Weeks to Life Changing Self Acceptance", he...re - http://goo.gl/zAsghB . . And if you don’t know what Element YOU are yet, make sure to download the FREE ebook here - http://goo.gl/VymvnU . . Seasonal Wellness Courses can be found here - http://goo.gl/HHbgbN . . Read about me as a Water Element type, in my co-authored book "Notes to my Younger Self" - http://goo.gl/yavVZM . . See the other videos about the Five Elements on my blog - http://goo.gl/FghA6J . . #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #fiveelements #fiveelementacupuncture #astrology #fiveelementwellnesswoman #health #healthy #holistic #holistichealth #naturalhealth #ayurveda #yoga #yinyoga #coaching #wellness #wellbeing #payitforward #notestomyyoungerself #womenofcontribution #video #vlog #empowerment #empoweringwomen #transformation #selfacceptance #selfdevelopment #whatismyelement #rhiannongriffiths #ancientwisdom
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{Party Dress} - amazing food today at Hartwell House Hotel, Restaurant & Spa with the family today... And alert the press, I didn't wear a black dress! . . Always impressed with the vegan menu + how good they are with my non-dairy, plant-based requirements... .... . Check out my insta stories for pics of my cute vegan canapés, delish main of quinoa, cabbage + broccoli, finishing with a plate of the most colourful fruits you ever did see - plus a non-dairy chocolate ganache that was to die for... . . #acupuncture #holistic #chinesemedicine #foodenergetics #vegan #plantbased #nondairy #health #healthy #yoga #healthyeating #yinyoga #healthylifestyle #coach #coaching #acupuncturist #rhiannongriffiths #fiveelements #fiveelementlife #fiveelementwellnesswoman #holistichealth #naturalhealth
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{Embrace Your Element} - and it's back! My deeply transformational online coaching course starts again for another live round on 3rd September! Earlybird rate available now... . . Based within the wisdom of the Chinese Five Elements + it's "personality type model", you will get to see yourself, your emotions + behaviours, your patterns, your stories + struggles in a completely new way... .... . Understanding yourself from the space of your Element is enlightening in a way that really does bring life-changing levels of self-acceptance... . . We had people from all over the world join for the first round back in April - Germany, Australia, New Zealand, France + the UK! Will you be joining us this time? . . Registration - from 1st Aug. Earlybird - until 19th Aug. Sign up - until 1st Sept. Course starts - 3rd Sept. . . See all details here - http://goo.gl/zAsghB . . And if you don't know what your Element is yet, get the FREE ebook here - http://goo.gl/LMmXX2 . . . #acupuncture #fiveelements #fiveelementlife #wellness #fiveelementwellnesswoman #wellbeing #health #healthy #personalitytypes #yoga #yinyoga #chinesemedicine #coaching #transformation #empower #empowerment #empoweringwomen #selfacceptance #selfcare #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #embraceyourelement #naturalhealth #holistic #holistichealth #magic
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{VIDEO: What Are the Chinese Five Elements + How are they Different?} - so many of the amazing, ancient models of healing + wisdom through which we can understand ourselves, work with the Elements in some form or another... . . This is because #ancientwisdom obvs, but the Chinese Five Elements that I LOVE so much, are a bit different - this short video explains how your Element in Astrology, Yoga or Ayurveda may NOT be the same as your Chinese Element... .... . See the FULL video on my website blog here - http://goo.gl/J2Jrrb . . And as I mention in the video, if you don't know what Element YOU are yet, download the FREE ebook here - http://goo.gl/VymvnU . . Also see details of my online group coaching program "Embrace Your Element" (next round starts 3rd Sept), or my seasonal wellness courses here - http://goo.gl/HHbgbN . . P.S. Please excuse the pigeon cooing in the background of the video - it's what I get for filming during the hottest week on record EVER in the UK + needing the windows open to breathe!! 🐦☀️ . . #acupuncture #fiveelements #fiveelementlife #chinesemedicine #fiveelementacupuncture #yoga #yinyoga #coaching #wellness #wellbeing #health #healthy #holistic #holistichealth #naturalhealth #naturalliving #personalitytypes #astrology #ayurveda #selfhelp #empowerment #selfacceptance #transformation #empoweringwomen #selfcompassion #selfunderstanding #magic
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{Earlybird Rate Ends Tonight} - I know you're all on Summer holidays now + you don't want to even THINK about September, but don't miss out on the earlybird rate for my brand new Late Summer Living Workshop - it ends tonight! . . The workshop is on Saturday 8th September + it's all about the Earth Element + self care - will be perfect timing for a chilled afternoon to yourself when the children have gone back to school! .... . LEARN MORE ABOUT: . . + the season of Late Summer in Chinese Medicine . . + the Earth Element, the digestive system & overthinking . . + importance of self care in this season (& all year!) . . + why we have FIVE seasons in Chinese Medicine . . + how this is the season of magic manifestation . . + ways to stop those worries going round in your head . . + why you might not be shifting those extra lbs / kgs . . + Chinese Food Energetics for Late Summer . . + seasonal sweet recipes to nourish your body & spirit . . + acupressure points for boosting energy & digestion . . + yin yoga poses for grounding, nourishment & self care . . + meditation for calming worry & supporting Earth Element . .
THINK THESE VIBES: . . + hazy golden glows & soft warm sunlight . . + that relaxed Indian Summer feel . . + living the (super delicious) sweet life . . + heaps of food & wellness wisdom . . + tons of care, nurture & support . . + laying down on the (metaphorical) grass . . . ALSO INCLUDING: . . + healthy nourishing sweet treats with tea . . + printed workbook with all the info inside . . + gorgeous goodie bag to take home . . + a beautiful group of like-minded souls . . + giant hugs from me filled with warmth . . . Get your earlybird ticket here now: http://goo.gl/yiv4Rw . . . Or pre-order the online version here now: http://goo.gl/L8sNoE . . . #acupuncture #acupressure #wellness #wellbeing #holistic #health #healthy #yoga #holistichealth #naturalhealth #yinyoga #meditation #earthelement #latesummer #summer #seasonalhealth #selfcare #fiveelements #healthtips #fiveelementlife #harvest #foodenergetics #cakes #yinyangdiet #healthybaking #nourishment #onlinecourse #chinesefoodenergetics #fiveelementfood #sunflowers
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{The Don't Know Space} - you know that thing when you go somewhere + all of the quotes, readings, teachings or asanas seem to be made just for you, speaking directly to your soul, giving you exactly what you need at the right time?... . . Well that was me, at Kanti Freeman's Divine Harmony yin yoga afternoon yesterday... .... . Long-hold poses to gently move the (previously) stagnant Qi in the Liver + Gall Bladder meridians (channels), helpfully working with the Wood Element + it's frustrated eclipse-related restlessness, plus accompanying Buddhist wisdom about "not knowing" - all themes I had discussed in my vlog this week... . . "We don't always trust it because it can be difficult + uncomfortable to walk the way of not knowing... (Yet) 'don't know' is very good for cutting through doubt... . . When the mind is constantly trying to solve problems that it can't solve properly, we can find ourselves in a very small world, a world that is tight, predictable. It is very important to be with the open mind, the 'don't know' mind. . . When we say 'don't know', nothing has changed externally, but internally we have suddenly stopped sticking to the idea that we SHOULD know, that we MUST know... And we've also stopped our loyalty to the opposite idea, the despair of worrying that we will never know... So we just sit quietly on our (meditation) cushions + just notice..." - Ajahn Sundara . . So, as the beautiful Kanti asked us yesterday, can you be ok with just sitting in the not knowing? . . In full transparency, my Water Element + it's love of safety, certainty + control, really makes TRUSTING the unknown, staying in the 'don't know' space, a real challenge for me... It's scary + unfamiliar... I'm learning + growing in this eclipse season, the moon isn't giving me any other choice! 🌕💫🌙 . . P.S. my parents bought me back this sweet little Buddha from their trip to Vietnam + Cambodia earlier this year... My sisters got biscuits, I got a Buddha, obvs... 🙏✨ . . P.P.S. see the vlog I mentioned, here - http://goo.gl/L6gohH . . #acupuncture #eclipse #fiveelements #eclipseseason #fullmoon #health #healthy #chinesemedicine #yoga #yinyoga #coaching #fiveelementlife #astrology #ancientwisdom #flow #fiveelementwellnesswoman #wellness #holistic #holistichealth #wellbeing #naturalhealth #balance #healthyliving #growth #meditation #mindfulness #woodelement #emotions #alignment
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The eclipse season has got us feeling all the big emotions, all the big shifts - things are changing, or about to change, and this can feel emotionally itchy or stagnant - especially if we cannot yet see what is to come... These emotions and feelings are the domain of the Wood Element in Chinese Medicine - watch to know more + for what to do, even if you don't know what's next for you... . . You can read the blog words for this video on my website - http://goo.gl/L6gohH .... . Online courses can be found here - http://goo.gl/HHbgbN . . If you don't know what Element you are, download my FREE ebook here - http://goo.gl/VymvnU . . #acupuncture #eclipse #fiveelements #eclipseseason #fullmoon #health #healthy #chinesemedicine #yoga #yinyoga #coaching #fiveelementlife #astrology #ancientwisdom #flow #fiveelementwellnesswoman #wellness #holistic #holistichealth #wellbeing #naturalhealth #balance #healthyliving #woodelement #emotions #alignment #moon
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More about Rhiannon Griffiths, Bsc Lic Ac

Rhiannon Griffiths, Bsc Lic Ac is located at Rhiannon Griffiths Acupuncture, 2 Church Street, HP27 9AA Princes Risborough