Rian'S Dog Training

About Rian'S Dog Training

Rian's Dog Training aims to provide dog lovers the ability to improve their relationships with their dogs, through proven, force free and fun techniques.

Contact me to unleash your dogs potential!



HeLlOoOo I‚Äôm Barney ‚ėļÔłŹ
I‚Äôv had the dog trainer (Rian) out to come teach me and my mum how to get an AWESOME recall so that I can come flying back to mum when she shouts my name. Learning the games to this was EPIC! And now I can‚Äôt wait to hear mum call my name ūüéČ
I have some homework to practise with mum so that I will keep winning the game and keep getting better at it ūü§ďūüďö
... Iv got some other things I want to learn so I will be seeing @riansdogtraining again soon ūüėĀūüėč
P.s swipe to see my cute trick ‚ÄĒ->
#trickdog #cutebear #barney #cockerpoo #comeback #mumscalling #lovemymum #lovetraining #loveplayinggames #untilnexttime #dogtraining #telford #shropshire #shrewsbury #dogsofinstagram @riansdogtraining @ Shrewsbury, Shropshire
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Hi furends, I’m Gus Rian’s mum’s pooch. All three of us are on a #jollyholiday
Rian‚Äôs here for work mainly as she‚Äôs attending a doggy course on ‚Äėcanine reinforcement‚Äô by a lady called Kay Laurence.
Rian‚Äôs come home today from the class room ūü§ď excited to get practising the new things she‚Äôs learnt.
... I was more than happy to assist her learning of course... as I got to enjoy snaffling the rewards! It hardly felt like learning to me! ūüėĀūüĎĆūüŹĽūü§§ #somuchfun
Tell us all about your planned weekend fun and adventures ūüź∂ūüėĀ
#alwayslearning #imdt #dogtrainingismylife #beingthebesticanbe #allforthedogs and their #pawrents #benefit
@riansdogtraining #poochesinprogress
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I love #cuddles with my #dogtrainer after a brain fizzling #trainingsession ūüĒ•
Digby here, over and out... #thestart or a #snorefest ūüėī #sleepypuppy
... #cockerspaniel #cockerspanielpuppy #cockerspanielsofinstagram #makingfriends #furrycompanion #telford #shropshire
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ūüí≠*tiny nose boop* ūüĆļūüĎÉūüŹĽ#concentrates
YES! I did it ūüĆü #success
Hi I’m #paloma I’m a #chihuahua
... Rian‚Äôs been working with me and my family. I am learning some neat tricks to boost my confidence up ūüí™ūüŹĽ #learningthroughplay
I‚Äôm a little bit guilty of barking and growling as some people and some dogs.... okay... mostly all of them! #guilty ūü§≠
But so far Rian’s taught me to... #sit #down #comandocrawl #touch my nose to a flat hand and a pretty #flower
Soon all these games will come together, I will be able to listen to mum and dad out on walks and I will be able to start the next steps in my training program. Stay tuned to find out my progress ūüź∂ūüéď
#poochesinprogress #chihuahuasofinstagram #worrylesslivemore #positivetraining #telford #shropshire #accredited #dogtraining
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Storm here the @dogstrustshrewsbury rescue ūüźĺ
Iv had my second play date with Rian- my word the treats she brings are enough to make you drool! They did me anyway ūüėÖ
I learnt outside on a walk how to contain my excitement when I see another dog. It was tricky, but I mastered the games Rian left me as homework last time, and this session was GREAT!
... I think my mum and dad was proud of me, they rubbed my head and gave me lots of ‚Äėgood boys‚Äô when we got back home.
Rian‚Äôs promised a trick training date next time so I can show off some cool moves to friends and family #bringonthetreats ūüéČūüôĆūüŹĽ
#rescuedog #poochesinprogress #trainingday #lovetolearn #dogsofinstagram #dogintraining #treats #goodboy #actcool around #dogfriends ūüėé
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What’s dat? Did sumone say sumthin?
Yes I know my ears are huge!! I’m in hopes I will grow into them when I’m a bigger girl.
I’m Sasha and I love to learn and play games and I can sumtimes get into naughty stuffs because I just love to be busy all of the time.
... Rian‚Äôs teaching me lots of brain games to help me from being a cheeky puppy ūüôä
I hopes I will be seeing her again soon once I have nailed these games ūüí™ūüŹĽ I‚Äôm off to practise now! See ya! ūüĎčūüŹĽūüź∂
#cheekypuppy #shepherd #malanois #belgianmalinois #puppy #puppytraining #braingames #dogtraining #learning #clevergirl #bigears #batears #allears #teaching #poochesinprogress @riansdogtraining
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Hi guys! Wilma here ūüĎčūüŹĽ I‚Äôm growing into a lovely young lady... so I‚Äôm told ‚ėļÔłŹ
Here‚Äôs me learning the ‚Äėon your bed‚Äô game courtesy of Rian. I just loved to learn it, I‚Äôm pretty good too... what‚Äôcha think?
Our next sesh is on recall I thinks ūüí™ūüŹĽ
... See you soon! ūüźĺūüźĺ
#onyourbed #settledown #teenagepuppy #dogstealingfood #bigpuppyproblems #dogtraining #imdt #shropshire #telford #puppy #goldendoodle #doodle @ Telford
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HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ūüź∂ūüŹĖūüć¶ We‚Äôve been away on a magical sunny holiday ‚ėÄÔłŹ‚ėÄÔłŹ‚ėÄÔłŹ
Explains why this page has been so quiet! ūü§ę
... GET READY to see lots of action ūüé¨ ūüí• over the next week - we have lots FUN to fill you in on ūüź∂‚ėÄÔłŹ
#dogtraining #outtheoffice #attheseaside #longwalks #lotsoficecream #sunshine #and #scoobysnacks
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I‚Äôm totally that kangaroo when I see dogs anywhere!! ūüėā Anyone else this pooch obsessed? ūüėÖ
ūüź∂ūüźĺūüź∂ūüźĺūüź∂ūüźĺūüź∂ūüźĺūüź∂ūüźĺū üź∂ūüźĺūüź∂ūüźĺ


Did somebody say #tongueouttuesday ?
You‚Äôve not met me yet, my name is #storm and I‚Äôm a #dogstrust #rescuedog and believe it or not... I‚Äôm only a #puppy ūüź∂ !
I have the best home now and I‚Äôm #sohappy ūüėĀ
... Mom and dad are having @riansdogtraining come and teach us games to help me concentrate on #walkies better. You see sometimes I get a little away with the #fairies ūüßö‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ and because I‚Äôm a #bigbear ūüźĽ I sometimes drag mom and dad to come see the things I‚Äôm-a-off-a-sniffin! #ooops
I have another date with Rian soon, #itsgonnabegreat
Speak soon, love Storm ūüźľūüźĺ
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #listentomomanddad #dogwalkies #funtraining #positivetraining #nofear #husky #akita #giantbreedlovers #differnteyes #beautifulpuppy #puppy
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Don‚Äôt you agree ‚ėļÔłŹ
#fortheloveofdogs #mansbestfriend #companion #fillsmyheartwithhappiness #dogs #puppy #dogtrainer #dogsaremytherapy #lovethemall #sidebyside #imdt #lostwithoutthem #ūüź∂


Check out my chin target training - aren‚Äôt I a clever girl ūüėá
This is so that mum can wipe my eyes without me eating the cotton pad. It‚Äôs so fun to learn, thanks Rian ūüėė
@lilytheyogahavanese ... @riansdogtraining
#havaneseofinstagram #havanese #havanesepuppy #telford #dogtraining #learningnewtricks #clevergirl #shropshire #bethechange #puppytraining #lifeskills #positivetraining #thinkingforyourself #promotepositive
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Milo has some words to say!ūüĎāūüŹĽūüď£
I don‚Äôt commonly recommend neutering, but we all agree this chap is ready ūüėā #highdrivedog #likingtheladies #lookingforromance
#impulsecontrol #training #dogtraining #promotingconfidence #teenageproblems #vetvisitsoon #labrador #jackrussellterrier #crossbreed #poochesinprogress @riansdogtraining


My names Pippy and I‚Äôm adorable ūü§≠ I‚Äôm learning how to be the best puppy possibleūüź∂!! Rian‚Äôs my new friend and she‚Äôs teaching me lots of cute stuff ūüėĀ So far iv learnt how to ‚Äėask nicely‚Äô to be petted and get things I really want! Rian‚Äôs coming over to play again on Friday- and I can‚Äôt WAIT! ūüóďūüéČ
... #labradoresofinstagram #puppylove #tocute #babypuppy #puppytraining #learningtobethebesticanbe #imdt #dogtraining #shropshire #telford #shifnal #bethechange
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HI!! I‚Äôm milo, I‚Äôm told I‚Äôm a cheeky monkey, but I‚Äôm actually a dog ūü§Ē ūüôČ Rian‚Äôs training me to be better on walks ūü§ďūüďö
I used to have dog friends, but Iv scared them all away - apparently screaming in a high pitched tone when you see another dog isn‚Äôt the best way to make friends ūüėě
... Roll on my next date with Rian! Apparently she has lots of fun in store for me. AND my family - even the small people get to join in on our training games too! Winner!! ūüéČūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľūüź∂
#trainingisfun #labradorretriever #labradores #labradoresofinstagram #jackrussellterrier #jackrussellsofig #imdt #dogfriends #poochesinprogress @riansdogtraining
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SMILE! Its Lily here and It’s Friday night!
What have you got planned this weekend dog friends? ūüźĺūüźĺ
I have lots of training games scheduled with #myfamily‚̧ԳŹ ... Rian came round the other day and she‚Äôs tweaked our games and taught us some new ones too ūü§ó Iv got lots of practise to put in before she comes around for another play date!
I‚Äôm going to bed now so that tomorrow comes quicker! ūüďöūü§ď
Night all! ūüí§
#dogtrainingisfun #doggames #dogsofinstagram #havanese #puppiesofinstagram #puppy #puppylove #dontchasecats #fearfree #imdt #dogtraining #strikeapose #smile #weekend @riansdogtraining
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Join me in wishing my partner in crime a VERY HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY!! ūüéāūüéČūüź©ūüé∂‚̧ԳŹ
#birthdaygirl #birthday #poodlesofinstagram #doodlesofinstagram #poochesinprogress #dogcake #birthdaywishes #birthdaycelebration #puppylove #wehavefun #meandmydog #partnersincrime #loveher #bettybear @riansdogtraining @rian_vanessa @josephchadd


FABULOUS day out today at @k9anytime doggy fun day ‚ėÄÔłŹ.
I LOVED judging the dog show ūüŹÖand having the pleasure of meeting so many beautiful dogs and that‚Äôs thanks to the loving owners that live for doggy days out! ūüź∂ūüźĺ
Thank you to everyone that came and said hi ūüĎčūüŹĽ to me at the stall today. Saw lots of familiar faces today- lots of grown up puppies ūüėć! AND I met lots of new pooches that I can‚Äôt wait to start working with ūü§ď#poochesinprogress
... #dayofdogs #doglover #dogsbringpeopletogether #dogshow #dogtraining #telford #shropshire #shropshiredogs #sunny #doggysocial #k9anytime @riansdogtraining @ Apley Farm Shop
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ūüôäHello! Are you having a nice evening? Iv had a super snooze as @riansdogtraining has been to see me today to help me learn ūüďĆwhere is best to use the bathroom ūüöĹ ūüďĆhow not to chase the household cat pets ūüźą ūüďĆAND how not to be worried about animals that live in the big box thing that the humans watch in the evenings ūüďļūüźįūü¶Āūüźíūü¶Ė
... I‚Äôm getting some homework later to keep me out of trouble until Rian pays me a visit again in a few weeks time ūüďöūüíĽ
Any way- gotta go nature calls and I know where I need to go now ūüėČūüöĹ
Speak soon, Love Lily ūüź∂ūüźĺ @lilytheyogahavanese
#puppy #puppylove #pottytraining #puppiesofinstagram #dontchasecats #catsofinstagram #fearfree #dogtraining #telford #shropshire #learnsomethingnew #havanese #poochesinprogress
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Rian really knows her stuff, would highly recommend!!


Rian is super friendly and super helpful! She is who I always go to for my dog advice. Plus my dog loves her which is just an added bonus. Definitely recommend Rian to everyone who needs help and advice with their pet :)


Rian has helped me since my dog was a pup. I couldn’t be more thankful and it’s amazing to see the drastic improvement from when I first visit to today’s home visit. Rian makes you and your dog feel comfortable and happy what puts you a such an ease.

I‚Äôm so grateful and couldn‚Äôt recommend moreÔŅĹ


Rian really knows her stuff, would highly recommend!!


Rian is super friendly and super helpful! She is who I always go to for my dog advice. Plus my dog loves her which is just an added bonus. Definitely recommend Rian to everyone who needs help and advice with their pet :)


Rian has helped me since my dog was a pup. I couldn’t be more thankful and it’s amazing to see the drastic improvement from when I first visit to today’s home visit. Rian makes you and your dog feel comfortable and happy what puts you a such an ease.

I‚Äôm so grateful and couldn‚Äôt recommend moreÔŅĹ

More about Rian'S Dog Training