Ripon College Cuddesdon

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Ripon College Cuddesdon

A centre of Excellence in Theological Training and Research

Ripon College Cuddesdon Description

We train men and women for ministry in the Church of England: stipendiary, non-stipendiary, local ordained and lay ministry.

Through a wide range of flexible full-time and part-time programmes, we have courses to suit students at different stages of life, various personal circumstances and all kinds of academic abilities.

Our strength comes from our commitment to the diversity of the church, and to the range of communities we are called to serve.

Around a quarter of our students study full-time and live in Cuddesdon, for one, two or three years. A growing number of students choose our Context-Based Pathway which offers a combination of academic study and an extended placement in a parish context.

The rest of our ordinands train part-time for two or three years. Depending on your location, you can study at Cuddesdon, Gloucester, Ludlow or Portsmouth.

Through our partnership with Church Mission Society we also offer training for Ordained Pioneer Ministry preparing students to work in fresh expressions of church and other ground-breaking areas of mission.



Our Chair of Governors, The Rt Revd Christopher Foster, Bishop of Portsmouth, gave a speech in the House of Lords on International Women’s Day reflecting on progress, both achieved and still to be made, in cause of women’s equality in the Church of England. The speech references the Cuddesdon community, especially the Portsmouth Pathway.


We are greatly looking forward to welcoming potential Part-Time Pathways students to our Open Evening starting at 4.30pm today.
After tea and time to chat to current students, there will be dinner, Evening Prayer, a session with the Part-Time Pathway Director, and finally an opportunity to sit in on some teaching, with the evening finishing at 9.15pm.
Places for this evening, or the next Open Evening on 7th May, can be booked at s.


A reminder to come and join us at 4.15pm this afternoon at Cuddesdon for Revd Dr Gillian Straine's talk on "Healing: a new interface in the dialogue between science and religion".
Tea served from 4pm, All welcome, free of charge. or 01865 877422.


Our partner organisation, Church Mission Society, is holding a conversations day exploring issues of mission and church on Monday 4 March. Details and tickets can be found at
Information about Ordained Pioneer Ministry can be found at…/full-time-orda ined-pioneer-ministry


Maternal Identities is a symposium bringing together groundbreaking academics to share their research on themes including motherhood and religion, reproductive loss, and childlessness. Ideal for ordinands, clergy, academics, students and all those seeking a deeper engagement with these important issues.
11am-5pm on 15th March 2019. For details of speakers and to register for your free ticket, please go to:…/maternal-identi ties-15th-march-2019…


Canon Professor Keith Ward and Professor Tom McLeish are announced as lead speakers for the annual Summer School in Biblical and Theological Studies, in addition to many other experts in their field. This year's theme is "A Fuller Understanding: The Relationship between Science and Faith", exploring how Christianity and science have related to each other historically and can help us answer some of the questions that science poses for us as Christians today. For a full Programme and list of speakers, please go to…/summer-school-i n-biblical-and-theol…


Great job, Kirsty, signing for the service on Friday, thank you.


Lecture Series: Dr Michael Burdett will give a talk on 'Technology, Ethics and Human Transformation: A Christian Perspective' next Monday, 21st January at 4.15pm at Cuddesdon. Michael was until recently Research Fellow in Religion, Science and Technology at Wycliffe Hall. All are welcome, free of charge.
For more details and to book:…/lecture-dr-mich ael-burdett-21-janua…


Congratulations Steve


Cuddesdon is delighted to be sponsoring the Festival of Preaching again this summer on 8-10 September at Christ Church, Oxford. Confirmed speakers include Stephen Croft, Bishop of Oxford; former Cuddesdon Principal, Martyn Percy; former tutors, Dr Paula Gooder and Revd Dr Margaret Whipp; best-selling US author and activist, Brian McLaren; Mark Oakley, Dean of St John’s College, Cambridge; and Rachel Mann, priest, poet, liturgist, music critic and author.
Cuddesdon students will be staffing some of the Festival so do say hello if you decide to attend.
Details can be found at


Cuddesdon alumnus and Chaplain to the Royal Air Force, Reverend Mark Perry, has been appointed to the Venerable Order of St John by Her Majesty The Queen. Volunteering for frontline action in the London Ambulance Dispute of 1989, he continues his commitment to St John and its initiatives by organising lifesaving events and active fundraising.
Acting on the instructions of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Prior of Scotland, Major General Mark Strudwick CBE KStJ, invested individuals with their award in the City of Dundee’s St Paul's Cathedral. Receiving the honour, Mark said, “I am honoured and humbled by this appointment. Yet, it is as much recognition for the team work of many volunteers across the United Nations who share the commitment in helping people in sickness, distress, suffering or danger.”


This week the Common Room planted a tree in the College House garden in memory of Jon Carbery, Cuddesdon 1985-86. Whilst on an exchange visit with us from CDSP, he died suddenly of an AIDS-related illness. The planting and blessing of the tree by the Principal was an opportunity for the community to honour Jon and remember clergy and ministers affected by HIV/AIDS from all across the world.


Emily, so glad your first term has gone well x


Here is a reminder of today's book launch of Missional Theology: A Dialogue between Theory and Praxis in World Mission. Editors are Cathy Ross, Lecturer for Contextual Theology, and Colin Smith, Dean of Mission Education, CMS.
Missional Conversations introduces the reader to key themes in contemporary mission through global conversations between theory and praxis. Exploring emergent themes in missiology, the book takes the form of a conversation between reflective practitioners – both those in academia and with those who are practically engaged.
The launch takes place today, Tuesday 27 November, at 4 - 5pm, at Church Mission Society, Watlington Road, Oxford OX4 6BZ. RSVP to


If you are interested in part-time ordination training at Cuddesdon, you are invited to come along to an Open Evening next Tuesday, 27th November. Join us at 4.30pm to meet with staff and students over a cup of tea, followed by supper, Evening Prayer, a session on study options and a tour of the College, finishing with an opportunity to sit in on some teaching ending at 9.15pm. Please let us know you are coming by booking a place at: s


Enjoying fireworks at Cuddesdon...


Looking towards the future: where the engagement between science & religion is going: a talk by Prof Alister McGrath, Andreas Idreos Professor of Science & Religion, Oxford University, on Monday, 12th November at 7.30pm at Ripon College Cuddesdon. All welcome, free of charge, booking required at:…/lecture-prof essor-alister-mcgrath


We're delighted to announce that we have recruited two new members to the team of chaplains ministering to the Part-Time Pathway and those with whom they share weekends. The Revd Anne Holmes and the Revd Alyson Peberdy. Anne will mainly be present at First Year weekends and Alyson with the Second Year, with Sr Mary-Stephen continuing with Year 3. Anne and Alyson are keen to get to know PTP students and others, and we look forward to welcoming them.
On the Full-Time Pathway we have recently welcomed the Revd Shei Crowther (pictured) to the chaplaincy team led by Ernest Pettengell. Shei knows Cuddesdon well from training on the Part-Time Pathway, and she is already making herself known to the community.

More about Ripon College Cuddesdon

Ripon College Cuddesdon is located at Ripon College Cuddesdon, OX449 Oxford, Oxfordshire
01865 874404
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -