Rmk Health

About Rmk Health

Boring post not allowed! this is my health and fitness page where I give a unique take on wellbeing and how to make the most of our lives!

Rmk Health Description

My name is Rich McKeating, I love beer, chocolate, pizza and relaxing at home with my wife and kids in the evening watching comedy films. I also like to stay in shape, so I dont overdo that kind of stuff! Its not too hard for me, though. I've been passionate about fitness my whole life, always challenging myself to become fitter, faster and stronger in any way possible.



This is for anybody who has struggled with weight loss and blamed themselves.
The missing gaps people just don't know about and why its more than likely that their weight will just come back again. # For me this has been a real eye opener and I hope it will be for you too.
... Please give your feedback when you get a chance, this is the first time I've used my mad powerpoint skills to produce content!
thanks as ever to all the guys at MNU for pointing me in the right direction of research, the many hours I spent sifting through papers and watching presentations was worth it for the gems I discovered.
#MacNutritionUni @MacNutrition
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsGjd4FhJ ho&feature=youtu.be
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I've been quite for a while, am about to start producing more content again, if you'd like to be the first to hear then sign up


I would rather people share status of made up far right bullshit than the memes of positive thoughts and ..... "you can choose the friends in your life and walk away from the people who disempower you, type yes if you agree " Bullshit.
If I went to a persons house it would preferential for me to see a massive neon glowing swastika rather than a positive phrase such as " go where your celebrated, not tolerated" crap that people seem to foolishly buy into these days.
Sometimes ...life is a bit shitty, even if your Deepak Chopra or Anthony Robbins or any other Guru who gets to sleep at night counting their money from gullible and often vulnerable people paying for the electric in the said Guru's massive mansions.
Positivity isn't the answer, no matter how many times a person reads the secret, fact is your going to die, and everyone you know, and not even on a who deserves it most basis. If your lucky death will wait till your old, if not, it can come at any time, and this includes the younger people in your live who you love.
And if you think the answer is about making some kind of positive impact that will be remembered your wrong again. Even if you do something that changes the world if even for a short time the fact is that you really wont be in a position to give a fuck as your cremated ashes remain scattered over your favourite dogging site or your body lies in a wooden tub whilst earthly creatures eat away at what you read this with.
We just have to find our own way, discover what means something to us personally, and ensure that when the grim reaper comes knocking we can at least say, I didn't waste my time.
Meaningful life isn't about comfort, lounging on a sunbed on a tropical island whilst sipping cocktails is nice for a while, but soon becomes boring an unmemorable, but what if you did something that was stressful, challenging, and meaningful. What if in some way you made an impact that meant something to you even against the lure of something more luxurious.
What if you had a conversation with someone close to death, in their final moments, you shared something that was completely truthful and honest, of what if you helped someone even when it was a massive inconvenience to you, and you didn't need to brag about it on social media.
You get one life, if your reading this on Facebook then chances are you where not born into such extreme poverty that your circumstances would mostly negate any chance of wellbeing and happiness.
Hope you enjoyed my drunken Sunday night ramble :)
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Have been a little quite on social media lately, there are some reasons for this, I'm already busy enough with the workload I have, so don't need to use social media as a marketing tool, but more than that, I just think there is too much noise on social media at the moment, most PT's especially just post the same old shit again and again.
Please be assured that when I truly feel passionate enough to share something I will, but for now I would rather focus on quality rather than quantity. Hope y'all have a good weekend :) cheers


big change is happening, or is it? check out my latest article on how make it really happen for you in 2018.


"cancer doesn't kill people, the drug treatments do"
Actual advice given on some websites to vulnerable people desperate for a cure.
Surprise surprise, they also sell supplements that "definitely work"
... You can cure your own cancer apparently according to these "experts" with no oncology background.
This among millions of websites offering bad advice, sometimes from celebrities, sometimes from doctors (with shifty credentials)
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Am pleased for this lady who lost weight, but I think the article is a little misleading.
I've seen many Firpros dis cardio. Fair enough, it's not essential for health, just being active is the most important physical thing, be it gardening, walking or lifting weights.
But then there is nothing wrong with cardio either as some seem to imply. It does improve blood pressure, wellbeing, bone strength and all the same benefits as other forms of exercise to less or more degrees.
... No matter what people choose to do to be more healthy, it's all better than sitting on down doing nothing.
http://www.independent.co.uk/…/woman-we ight-loss-lifting-no…
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There is a Facebook group called Women who eat on Tubes. Members are encouraged to take pictures of women eating on the Tube and post them.
It's a kind of sexist fat shaming for insecure men with little dicks who think it's OK to judge other people they know nothing about and make fun of them.
People take photo's everyday without permission of disabled people, overweight people, low income couples arguing or parents buying their kids a lollypop and then post them with some h...arsh critique.
It's one of the many problems with social media. We stick to a bubble. And quite right we do, because who wants to be friends with people with very different views from you? people could argue that doing so helps encourage diverse thinking, but not really. It just encourages lots of pointless arguments from people who will never give up their strongly held beliefs. Better stick to people who agree with us.
Group think amplifies the general consensus of a group. For example someone who is a little right wing, will likely become much more right wing in a social media group full of others similar to themselves, same with left wingers or extreme dieters or any other group you can think of.
If we're not careful, large parts of society will lose their real identities in a bid to gain approval from others they barely know and at the emotional cost of hurting people they would never dare to hurt face to face.
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most of us know that nuts are healthy, they contain fats which are often good for our brain, hearts and blood vessels.
But those damn pesky calories! good luck trying to stick to just a handful.
You can weigh them out into portions, buy snack pots, or better yet, buy them shelled.
... Research shows that the more effort you have to make in order to eat something the less of it you'll eat.
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Putting together a presentation for a corporate seminar I'm giving next week. Came across these celeb skinny tips recently published in a popular ladies magazine.
What do you think?


so much bullshit, where to start?
Hairdressing is not a dangerous occupation, sure the posture can often be awkward and prolonged, but the body can handles that and adapt to it.
"Stagnation in blood flow accumulating and causing pain"
... erm no... the blood flow will be fine, if it wasn't the tissue would start to decay! and there is no evidence of pain being caused by this, although I can see how a limb dying might cause pain if that's whats being suggested.
"red marks indicate damaged tissue"
yeh... from your fucking hands. Press down hard anywhere on anybodys body and it'll turn red.
"Depending on how damaged that area is it can go from a light pink colour to very dark black purple colour.
Light pink indicates just every day fatigue, red marks show little bit more tiredness and damage.
When it goes purple and black indicate old very stagnant stubborn double inch which might take a little bit longer to deal with."
Evidence of this please? no, because there isn't any. People just assigning their own interpretation to justify their methods.
I don't dispute massage is very beneficial for lot's of people. I fully support it's use by qualified therapist with an understanding of basic Science.
The problem is when people just make shit up in some misguided attempt to help others.
https://www.unilad.co.uk/…/woman-shares -shocking-photos-of…/
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Here are some really tough press ups, I dare you try these bad boys!


Well done to our friends across the Channel. From now on all photographs featured in media in France that have been photoshoped have to be labelled as such.
It's a great move to help combat poor body image.
So when will Britain follow suit?
... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41 443027
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Does a perceived improvement in body shape mean more confidence?
Of course it does, in lots of ways. Something as simple as a haircut, or wearing your best clothes can really alter the way you feel, the way you walk, and they way you behave.
Losing a few lbs can really make a difference, even to a person who still weighs much more than the national average will feel better if they have made some progress in losing fat.
... Getting attention from others is instinctive, as Howard Bloom says "attention is the oxygen of the human soul" but whilst we need this external validation, it is not complete without an internal dialogue of approving of yourself regardless of other opinions.
And if you are successful in disregarding other peoples negative comments and snipes, please share, I'd love to hear about it.
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Have noticed a lot of negative post about cardio recently.
I get it, not everybody likes running, or cycling or what ever other cardio floats your boat.
That's fine, if you don't enjoy it you don't have to do it.
... You can get in great shape just through lifting weights, and you can be very healthy without doing any exercise so long as your active enough.
I personally enjoy running, and boxing too, and when I lift weights I usually do big movements which get me out of breath which I guess has a small cardio element to it.
What ever you do, enjoy it, and take good care of your health.
Each to their own.
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times don't change that much.


One of the most practical things you can do to eat more healthy is to prepare your meals the night before.
This way you don't end up winging it, and giving into temptation of easier foodstuff.
In a World full of minute by minute decisions, take the decisions of what to eat out of it.


NO diet will allow you to "eat as much as you want".
Even Keto diets which many claim allow people to eat as much as they like so long as it's not carbs, ultimately end up with people eating less because non carb foods just aren't tasty enough for you to want to keep on eating.
I've seen it happen. People think because they are eating "clean" they can indulge as much as they want.
... The scales say otherwise.
The only thing which can allow you to eat as much as you want, is a change in mindset, a big change that overrides basic human hunger mechanisms.
In other words, you have to want to lose weight enough in order to want to not eat too much in the first place.
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More about Rmk Health

Rmk Health is located at 8 Low Street, HU143DD North Ferriby