Roast Jobs

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Roast Jobs

L'agence de services dans les métiers de l'Hôtellerie et Restauration.



🌱 [ RETOUR D’EXPÉRIENCE ] 🌱 ⠀ « Avoir travaillé dans cet hôtel 3* m’a fait grandir. Le region du Yorkshire est magnifique et j’ai pu économiser de l’argent car c’est en campagne. Il y a de petites villes très sympa quand on prend le bus, comme Richmond qui m’a fait craquer. Le boss est super gentil et drôle, c’est sympa de pouvoir travailler et rigoler en même temps. Être serveuse à été mon premier gros travail. J’ai appris à m’occuper du bar et j’ai rencontré des personnes formidables. Beaucoup de clients m’ont félicité d’être venue ici seule à 18 ans. J’ai travaillé dur et je ne regrette rien car cela m’a appris beaucoup de choses, ça a été une très belle expérience. » ⠀ - Léa V. -
🌱 [return of experience] 🌱

" having worked in this 3 * Hotel made me grow. The Yorkshire region is beautiful and I have been able to save money because it is in the countryside. There are small cities very nice when you take the bus, like Richmond who cracked me up. The boss is super nice and funny, it's nice to be able to work and laugh at the same time. Being a waitress was my first big work. I learned to take care of the bar and I met some great people. A lot of customers have congratulated me for coming here alone at 18 years old. I've been working hard and I don't regret anything because it taught me a lot of things, it's been a very nice experience. " " "

- Lea v. - -Translated


🍺 AFTERWORK 🍺 ⠀ C’est toujours un plaisir de vous recevoir et de discuter autour d’une bière! Merci aux participants de ce deuxième Afterwork 🙌🏼 ⠀ D’autres événements à venir ⚡️... ⠀ 🍺 AFTERWORK 🍺 ⠀ È sempre un piacere ritrovarsi davanti a una birra! Grazie ai partecipanti di questo secondo Afterwork 🙌🏼 ⠀ Ci saranno maggiori eventi presto ⚡️ ⠀ 🍺 AFTERWORK 🍺 ⠀ It’s always a pleasure to meet you guys in front of a beer! Many thanks to all those who participated to this second Afterwork 🙌🏼 ⠀ More events coming ⚡️
See More🍺 afterwork 🍺

It's always a pleasure to receive you and discuss around a beer! Thank you to the participants of this second afterwork 🙌🏼

D’autres événements à venir ⚡️

🍺 afterwork 🍺

It's always a pleasure to meet a beer! Thanks to the participants of this second afterwork 🙌🏼

Ci saranno maggiori eventi presto ⚡️


It’s always a pleasure to meet you guys in front of a beer! Many thanks to all those who participated to this second Afterwork 🙌🏼

More events coming ⚡️Translated


🍹 OFFRE DE STAGE 🍹 ⠀ Postes? Serveur(se) / Barman(maid)⠀ Où ça? Centre de Londres⠀📍 Quand? Dès maintenant⠀⏰... Combien? £500 par mois ✔️ ⠀ Plus d’informations ⠀ 🍹OFFERTA DI TIROCINI 🍹 ⠀ Posti di lavoro? Cameriere(a) / Barista⠀ Dove? Nel centro di Londra⠀📍 Quando? Fin d’ora⠀⏰ Quanto? £500 al mese ✔️ ⠀ Maggiori informazioni ⠀ 🍹TRAINEESHIP OFFER 🍹 ⠀ Position? Waiter(tress) / Barman(maid)⠀ Where? Downtown London⠀📍 When? ASAP⠀⏰ For how much? £500 per month ✔️ ⠀ More info
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🇫🇷 JOB D’ÉTÉ 🇫🇷 ⠀ N’attendez plus, si vous cherchez un job d’été à l’étranger c’est le moment où jamais de s’inscrire et de profiter d’une expérience unique ⚡️⚡️ ⠀ Inscription: ⠀ 🇮🇹 LAVORO ESTIVO 🇮🇹 ⠀ Non aspettare! Se cerchi un lavoro all’estero per quest’estate non ci sarà mai momento migliore per iscriverti e vivere un’esperienza unica ⚡️⚡️ ⠀ Iscrizione: ⠀ 🇬🇧 SUMMER JOB 🇬🇧 ⠀ Do not wait anymore! If you are looking for a summer job abroad it’s now or never. Register online and live an unique experience ⚡️⚡️ ⠀ Inscription:
See More🇫🇷 Summer job 🇫🇷

Don't wait any longer, if you're looking for a summer job abroad it's the time to sign up and enjoy a unique experience ⚡️⚡️


🇮🇹 Summer work 🇮🇹

Don't wait! If you are looking for a job abroad for this summer there will never be better time to sign up and live a unique



Do not wait anymore! If you are looking for a summer job abroad it’s now or never. Register online and live an unique experience ⚡️⚡️



🌿 LE TRAVAIL C’EST LA SANTÉ 🌿 ⠀ Travailler à l’étranger n’est pas toujours facile mais c’est le meilleur moyen pour vous d’améliorer votre anglais tout en gagnant de l’argent 💪🏻 ⠀ Plus d’infos sur ⠀ 🌿 LAVORARE ALL’ESTERO 🌿 ⠀ Lavorare all’estero non è sempre facile ma permette di migliorarsi in inglese e di guadagnare denaro allo stesso momento 💪🏻 ⠀ Maggiori informazioni su ⠀ 🌿 SUCCESS IS NO ACCIDENT 🌿 ⠀ Working abroad isn’t always easy but it’s the best way to improve your English level and earn money at the same time 💪🏻 ⠀ More info
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Working abroad is not always easy but it's the best way for you to improve your English while making money 💪🏻

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Lavorare all’estero non è sempre facile ma permette di migliorarsi in inglese e di guadagnare denaro allo stesso momento 💪🏻

More information at


Working abroad isn’t always easy but it’s the best way to improve your English level and earn money at the same time 💪🏻

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🇫🇷 RETOUR D’EXPÉRIENCE 🇫🇷 ⠀ Merci à Ugo L. de partager les photos de son expérience en Espagne. Il a passé 2 mois de stage dans un hôtel en bord de mer à Malaga 🌊 ⠀ Travailler en hôtellerie n’est pas de tout repos, mais Roast Jobs vous permet d’allier travail et voyage en toute sérénité 🌿... ⠀ 🇮🇹 SCAMBIO DI ESPERIENZE 🇮🇹 ⠀ Grazie a Ugo L. per condividere le foto della sua esperienza in Spagna. Ha trascorso due mesi di stage in un albergo vicino al mare a Malaga 🌊 ⠀ Lavorare in ospitalità non è sempre facile ma Roast Jobs permette di combinare lavoro e viaggio con tranquilità 🌿 ⠀ 🇬🇧 CANDIDATE’S FEEDBACK 🇬🇧 ⠀ Many thanks to Ugo L. for sharing thé pictures he took in Spain while working! He has just finished a two months internship in a hotel right in front of the sea in Malaga 🌊 ⠀ Ospitality is not the easiest sector but Roast Jobs is the best way to combine work and travel with peace of mind 🌿
L'équipe Roast
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« That is the only thing I’m jealous about `Games of Thrones’: they get to go to Spain all the time. » Travis Fimmel ⠀ 💃🏼 [ESPAGNE] 💃🏼 ⠀ Et si vous partiez passer l’été en Espagne? Majorque, Minorque, Malaga... Allez, on y va!... L’Espagne est un pays plein de richesses prêt à vous ouvrir les bras 🇪🇸 ⠀ Plus d’informations sur: ⠀ 💃🏼 [SPAGNA] 💃🏼 ⠀ E se andassi a passare l’estate in Spagna? Maiorca, Minorca, Malaga... Andiamo! La Spagna è un paese pieno di ricchezza pronto ad accoglierti 🇪🇸 ⠀ Maggiori informazioni su: ⠀ 💃🏼 [SPAIN] 💃🏼 ⠀ Would you like to spend the summer in Spain? Majorca, Minorca, Malaga... Let’s go! Spain is a country full of opportunities ready to welcome you 🇪🇸 ⠀ More info on:
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✈️ RETOUR D’EXPÉRIENCE MALTE ✈️ ⠀ Merci à Nina, notre première candidate Tahitienne à tenter l’aventure à Malte! Nina fait des études en hôtellerie/restauration, son stage lui ouvrira certainement la voie vers une carrière internationale 🔑🌍 ⠀ ✈️ SCAMBIO DI ESPERIENZE / MALTA ✈️... ⠀ Grazie a Nina, la nostra prima candidata venuta da Tahiti ad andare in Malta! Nina studia nel settore dell’ospitalità/ristorazione e questo stage aprirà la strada verso una carriera internazionale 🔑🌍 ⠀ ✈️ CANDIDATE’S FEEDBACK / MALTA ✈️ ⠀ Many thanks to Nina, our first candidate from Tahiti who has embarked on the Malta adventure! Nina is currently studying hospitality, this internship will hopefully open the way to an international career 🔑🌍
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[PAYS DE GALLES] ⠀ Méconnu et pourtant si riche, le Pays de Galles est une destination qui a beaucoup à offrir! Pensez y pour votre job d’été 😉 ⠀ [GALLES]... ⠀ Non è molto conosciuto peroˋ Galles è una delle destinazioni che hanno molto da offrire! Pensaci per il tuo lavoro estivo 😉 ⠀ [WALES] ⠀ Little-known but yet so beautiful, Wales has so much to share! Think of it for your next Summer Job 😉
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🇫🇷 FLASH INFO 🇫🇷 ⠀ Partez travailler sereinement cet été, le Brexit est reporté au 31 octobre! 🎉 ⠀ Plus d’info sur ... ⠀ 🇮🇹 FLASH INFO 🇮🇹 ⠀ Vai a lavorare serenamente quest’estate, il Brexit è stato rinviato al 31 ottobre! 🎉 ⠀ Maggiori informazioni su ⠀ 🇬🇧 FLASH INFO 🇬🇧 ⠀ Go off to work serenely this summer, Brexit is postponed to October 31st! 🎉 ⠀ More info on
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🇫🇷 [AFTERWORK] 🇫🇷 ⠀ Merci à tous d’être venu à notre premier Afterwork la semaine dernière! C’était un réel plaisir de vous voir tous réuni dans nos locaux 🍻 ⠀ Pour plus d’informations: ⠀ 🇮🇹 [AFTERWORK] 🇮🇹 ⠀ Grazie a tutti per il sostegno per quanto riguarda il nostro primo Afterwork! E stato un piacere vedervi tutti insieme nei nostri uffici 🍻 ⠀ Per maggiori informazioni: ⠀ 🇬🇧 [AFTERWORK] 🇬🇧 ⠀ Thank you so much for the support regarding our first Afterwork! It was really nice seing you all together in our offices 🍻 ⠀ More info:
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[ATFERWORK] ⠀ Actuellement sur Londres? Venez nous rencontrer dans nos locaux mardi 2 avril à partir de 18h. Toute l’équipe Roast sera là pour vous accueillir ainsi que certains de nos candidats qui pourront partager avec vous leur expérience 🍻 ⠀ Laissez nous un commentaire si vous voulez participer à l’événement, seul ou accompagné 👫... ⠀ [AFTERWORK] ⠀ Sei a Londra? Vieni a trovarci nei nostri uffici martedì 2 Aprile alle 18. Tutta la squadra Roast sarà lì per accogliarti così come alcuni candidati presenti per condividere la loro esperienza 🍻 ⠀ Lascia un commento se vuoi partecipare all’evento, da solo o accompagnato 👫 ⠀ [AFTERWORK] ⠀ Currently in London? We would be happy to welcome you to our first Afterwork in our offices on Tuesday 2nd of April at 6pm. Our consultants will be there to answer your questions and some of our candidates will be happy to share their experience with you 🍻 ⠀ Leave a comment if you wish to participate to our event, alone or with a friend 👫
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🏖 JOB D’ÉTÉ 🏖 ⠀ Pourquoi ne pas partir travailler à l’étranger cet été? C’est l’occasion rêvée d’améliorer votre anglais et votre expérience à la fois! ⠀Ne nous remerciez pas 😎 ⠀... Plus d’informations sur ⠀ 🏖 LAVORO ESTIVO 🏖 ⠀ Perché non andare a lavorare all’estero quest’estate? È un’ottima occasione per migliorare il vostro livello di inglese e la tua esperienza in una volta! ⠀Non ringraziarci 😎 ⠀ Per maggiori informazioni: ⠀ 🏖 SUMMER JOB 🏖 ⠀ Why not having an experience abroad during the summer? It will improve your English or Spanish skills and add a great experience in your Resume! ⠀No need to thank us 😎 ⠀ More information on:
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🇫🇷 Offre spéciale 🇫🇷 ⠀ Vous souhaitez avoir une expérience en cuisine et régaler tous vos amis une fois rentré? Ne passez pas à côté de cette offre d’Assistant en cuisine au sein d’un hôtel 4 étoiles situé sur l’île de Guernesey 👨🏾‍🍳👩🏼‍🍳 ⠀ Postulez directement sur ⠀ 🇮🇹 Offerta speciale 🇮🇹 ⠀ Vorresti avere esperienza in cucina e farne approfittare tutti i tuoi amici? Non perdere quest’offerta di lavorare come Staff in cucina in un albergo 4 stelle sull’isola di Guernesey 👨🏾‍🍳👩🏼‍🍳 ⠀ Applicare direttamente sul sito ⠀ 🇬🇧 Special offer 🇬🇧 ⠀ What about gaining kitchen skills enabling you to treat your friends once back home ? Do not miss the opportunity to assist a Chef in the kitchen of a 4-star hotel located on Guernsey island. ⠀ Follow this link if you’d like to apply:
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🎓 [SALON DE L’ÉTUDIANT 2019] 🎓 ⠀ Venez nous rencontrer à Bordeaux le 16 mars de 9h à 17h au salon de l’Etudiant pour tout savoir de nos offres d’emploi à l’étranger ! 💡 ⠀ Adresse: Stand N20, hangar 14, niveau bas - 115, quai des Chartrons 33000 Bordeaux... ⠀ 🎓 [MEET US AT THE STUDENT EVENT] 🎓 ⠀ If you’d like to discover all our job opportunities abroad you are welcome to come and meet us in Bordeaux on the 16th of March from 9am to 5pm ! 💡 ⠀ Address: Stand N20, hangar 14, downstairs - 115, quai des Chartrons 33000 Bordeaux
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🇫🇷 [OFFRES D’EMPLOI À L’ÉTRANGER] 🇫🇷 ⠀ Roast Jobs vous propose des emplois nourris et logés en hôtellerie/restauration à l’étranger. Nos destinations? Royaume-Uni, Espagne, Malte, Londres et la Nouvelle Zélande 🌎 Qualifications requises? Aucune ! Nous acceptons tous les niveaux d’anglais et aucune expérience n’est demandée 👌🏼... Votre conseiller personnel sera là pour vous guider tout au long de votre expérience 📞 ⠀ 🇮🇹 [OFFERTE DI LAVORO ALL’ESTERO] 🇮🇹 ⠀ Roast Jobs propone offerte di lavoro con vitto e alloggio nel settore dell’ospitalità ristorazione. Le nostre destinazioni? Regno-unito, Spagna, Malta, Londra e Nuova Zelanda 🌎 Prerequisiti? Nessuno! Accettiamo tutti i livelli d’inglese e non è richiesta nessun esperienza 👌🏼 Il tuo consulente sarà lì per guidarti fino alla fine della tua esperienza 📞 ⠀ 🇬🇧 [JOB OFFERS ABROAD] 🇬🇧 ⠀ Roast Jobs offers live-in jobs or internships in hospitality abroad. Where? The United Kingdom, Spain, Malta, London and New-Zealand 🌎 Any requirements? None at all! We accept all levels of English and no experience expected👌🏼 Your personal advisor will guide you all along your experience 📞
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More about Roast Jobs

Roast Jobs is located at 90 York Way, N1 9AG London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -