Rory Hodges Coaching

About Rory Hodges Coaching

Everyone wants to live a higher quality of life. We believe that the body impacts every aspect of our lives and therefore we must make it a priority to live within a body we are proud of and is easy to maintain for years to come.

Rory Hodges Coaching Description

Body transformation coaching



Today in our community I spoke about how weighing yourself once a week can be working against you - even if you ARE making progress! Read below and join the community for FREE for regular tips, content and support: 261869/?fb_dtsg_ag=AdwBoY65zpLYylpFwJfux JgTuU6HabezsNtlJULGYNkrLg%3AAdz5YLZcDGaq O628x_VgZ0JwGLvW_e8CRTLg4az1jTKD6A
Do not worry about an 'off' weekly weigh in.
... The problem that I regularly see with weekly weigh ins is the inaccuracy and therefore disappointment of the measurement.
You see the body is always changing, adapting.
Your weight is likely to fluctuate daily, even if you are being super strict with your diet.
The problem I see often with people who weigh in once a week is that the measurement may be really un-motivating, despite a lot of effort going into the week to see a good result.
However if you had weighed a day earlier, or day after, you may have had better luck!
A big meal one evening can put a couple of pounds on your measurement the following morning...
So my message is this - do not be disheartened if you do not like what you see on a weekly measurement.
Instead try this:
1. weigh yourself daily 2. same time, same scales, with not clothes on and after using the toilet 3. after 7 days, take an average 4. track this for progress
Be aware though, you do not want to get 'obsessed' over the weight.
It is a tool for seeing progress, but NOT the 'be all and end all' of your progress!
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Another great couple of sessions with the early bird beach fitness group!
Well done to everyone who has taken part so far this year... the weather has not been so friendly the last couple of weeks but let's hope we get a few more sessions in before the summer's out!


Bit too soggy for the beach this morning!
So we took it to the BARN for am epic circuit session.
Well done all 💪


Do you stop for a treat?
Even on the pursuit of fitness, I believe it important.
Give your willpower a break.
... Don't go too mad though! You must be able to jump back on the wagon.
Do you have balance in your diet?
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Protein Veg Starch
The order in which I create my meals.
... 1. What protein am I going to consume? 2. What veg shall I add to it? 3. What starch (if any) shall I add to it?
It pays to be smart about your food.
80% of the time I'm doing this right, allowing me optional treats and meals our the other 20%
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**1 DAY TO GO**
The latest installment of the 21 day better body challenge starts tomorrow.
If you have not already signed up but want to feel better this summer then hit the link in the comments.
... See you tomorrow!
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** 4 DAYS LEFT **
To get yourselves joined up for the latest installment of the 21 day better body challenge.
NEW AND IMPROVED from the last 2, and they received great feedback!
... Excited for this one...
Jump on if you want to learn how to: - Drop a clothes size and keep it gone - Create good habits around nutrition and lifestyle - How best to exercise for YOU - What to eat and when - How to keep motivated!
Oh, and there are only 6 spaces left.
Drop a comment below to grab a space or more information!
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Each letter of your name represents an exercise.
What does your name look like?


Here are the results from a client of mine over the last 2 months.
Looks pretty good!..:
... 17 pounds gone 5.5% body fat gone 32 cm's gone
But it is not all plain sailing.
We have some hiccups. A couple of weeks of binge eating and bad lifestyle choices.
This lead to an increase in weight and a decrease in self esteem.
What did we do? Built a plan to conquer this.
We decided to hit it hard for a couple of weeks. Be strict with the food and up the movements to burn away the excess.
The results?
The excess gone, and more.
The lesson here is that people are afraid to lose quickly. Afraid to go to hard.
This is because this is hard to sustain and will result in crashing and burning.
Well not necessarily.
We have hit it hard to 2 weeks and seen some awesome results.
But fatigue is kicking in and workout intensities are dropping therefore we are going to reassess goals and reintroduce more sustainable habits again now that the body image is back up to scratch.
Incredible proud of this one, specially considering the complexity of how we got there.
These measurements do not reflect the hard work put in!
Here are some tips to take away:
1. Always have a goal to aim for 2. Do not be afraid to hit it harder for a period of time 3. Have a plan of action for sustainability of habits and results 4. Listen to your body
I am introducing some new concepts into my body coaching programs and am looking for a couple new people to join me.
If you want a spreadsheet of your results to look like this in two months time then get in touch!
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The 3rd intake for the 21 day better body course is still open.
Starting on the 30th July.
... This course is getting better results each time!
More information in the comments...
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Another FANTASTIC #intensity session down the beach this morning. To quote one of the participants: "That was worth getting up for."
See you next week!
... #beach #beachfitness #fitness #fit #beachbody #healthy #bude #early #earlybird #bootcamp #healthyeating #nutrition #weightloss
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For the 21 day better body course.
Learn:... - The best ways to drop fat and keep it off - How to build a strong motivational mindset - How to create meal plans that works for you
More information in the comments.
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Start em' young!
Young person training at the BARN.


In 3 weeks learn and apply how to: - Drop a clothes size - Rid negative energy... - Gain more confidence and self esteem - Increase your fat burning with little extra effort - Understand how the body works with weight gain/loss
My latest 21 day course has been UPGRADED to allow for even greater results.
All in only 3 weeks and for less than a daily cup of coffee!
Spaces are going though so get yourselves signed up.
Check out the comments for more information...
Share with friends for rewards too.
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Get in quick, we will start as soon as the spaces are full.


- 4 simple steps to building a fat loss plan -
Losing fat does not have to be hard nor does it have to be complicated.
All you have to do is the following when it comes to food:
... 1. Calories are king and therefore making sure you in a deficit throughout the day and week is vital for fat loss.
2. Eating foods you actually enjoy is critical for sustainability of the plan.
3. Keeping meals simple, easy and natural will avoid any hidden calories and processed foods.
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ITS HERE AGAIN! 21 Day Better Body Course
Had some FANTASTIC feedback from the last 21 day challenge which was running last month.
Therefore I have decided to run another, but this time NEW and IMPROVED.
... PERFECT for those who wish to:
- IMPROVE their body image - DROP a clothes size - Take CONTROL of their lifestyles - LEARN how to eat to build AND sustain results - GAIN more confidence
A quick fire 21 day course teaching you the above.
This is course number 3 - and they have all been SO WELL RECEIVED so far!
Spaces are limited so get in quick!
Starting soon!
Get on board by commenting "'I'M IN!" below...
Tag friends to do it with you and receive a free bonus!
Whoo! Exciting times!
More people about to get motivated, educated and transformed!
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Another fantastic morning at #intensity beach fitness.
Good turn out this morning for another great start to the day!
Get in touch to get involved.
... Early bird sessions in the sand.
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The BARN studios.
HOME of the body transformation in Bude 💪
Some AWESOME results coming through at the moment.🏋
... People getting fitter, stronger and happier this summer! 🌞
Get in touch to find out more...
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I have learnt so much more during this experience - it is not just a weight loss programme. Although the results are remarkable. I never thought about having a personal coach before and couldn't have picked a better one. The whole program gets you thinking and working towards your own goals. My advice don't think about it - DO IT. Learn to value yourself "go on you know your worth it" 💪


I have been training with Rory for approximately 5 months. I came to Rory for help because I had increased my weight considerably over the last 4 years and it was time to sort myself out. He is easy to talk to about any challenges! regarding weight loss, fitness and nutrition, he pushes me further each week and I look forward to getting out of bed at the crazy time to train. I also have started to attend his circuit classes which are also fab and get to meet some new people. For me Rory is a great motivator and I will continue to train with him and achieve further goals!......PS...I will never like burpees though !


Great guy knows his stuff ! You will be in safe hands here!


Good depth in knowledge and varied techniques to reach your goals!


Best thing I ever decided to do was join Rory’s 12 week programme. I’ve never known 12 weeks to go so quick, but I’ve enjoyed every bit of it (maybe not the burpees lol) and I really cannot rate the whole experience highly enough!!! I will miss getting up super early � Thanks Rory �


Amazing I never thought I would enjoy exercise. Tried for years to change my shape and within 5 weeks of training my shape is totally different and so is my confidence! Thanks Rory


12 weeks ago I decided to do something that didn't come easy to me. I decided to put me first and focus on my happiness, something that I haven't done in a very long time. I decided to take on a challenge that I hoped would help me get back on track with physical and emotional health.

It has been tough, much tougher than I anticipated and there were many times when I wanted to quit and listen to the doubt and negative thoughts. Despite that, I fought through and by not quitting, I found out that I am tougher / stronger than I knew - physically and mentally. I am a warrior and I have got this sh!t.

On my way, I found happiness and confidence and self belief again. I found me again.

Thank you to Rory who has given me the tools I need to be able to continue this journey and who has helped me to remember who I am and understand what I am worth.

Through this process, I have learnt a lot - one of the most important lessons was that putting myself first and focussing on my happiness isn't selfish or wrong. Far from it, it's actually essential so that you can value yourself and understand what you should and shouldn't tolerate.

If you are prepared to freely give so much effort to make other people happy, you should be prepared to give just as much effort to make yourself happy. There has to be a balance.

Making yourself and your happiness a priority is allowed and is important, if you don't look after yourself, you loose who you are and finding the will to fight for yourself again when it seems like everything is darkness, is such a long and hard road. Don't put yourself on that path - instead, always have your own back.

People like Rory are so important in reminding us about things we too easily forget. Rory and The Barn totally rock!!


I have learnt so much more during this experience - it is not just a weight loss programme. Although the results are remarkable. I never thought about having a personal coach before and couldn't have picked a better one. The whole program gets you thinking and working towards your own goals. My advice don't think about it - DO IT. Learn to value yourself "go on you know your worth it" 💪


I have been training with Rory for approximately 5 months. I came to Rory for help because I had increased my weight considerably over the last 4 years and it was time to sort myself out. He is easy to talk to about any challenges! regarding weight loss, fitness and nutrition, he pushes me further each week and I look forward to getting out of bed at the crazy time to train. I also have started to attend his circuit classes which are also fab and get to meet some new people. For me Rory is a great motivator and I will continue to train with him and achieve further goals!......PS...I will never like burpees though !


Great guy knows his stuff ! You will be in safe hands here!


Good depth in knowledge and varied techniques to reach your goals!


Best thing I ever decided to do was join Rory’s 12 week programme. I’ve never known 12 weeks to go so quick, but I’ve enjoyed every bit of it (maybe not the burpees lol) and I really cannot rate the whole experience highly enough!!! I will miss getting up super early � Thanks Rory �


Amazing I never thought I would enjoy exercise. Tried for years to change my shape and within 5 weeks of training my shape is totally different and so is my confidence! Thanks Rory


12 weeks ago I decided to do something that didn't come easy to me. I decided to put me first and focus on my happiness, something that I haven't done in a very long time. I decided to take on a challenge that I hoped would help me get back on track with physical and emotional health.

It has been tough, much tougher than I anticipated and there were many times when I wanted to quit and listen to the doubt and negative thoughts. Despite that, I fought through and by not quitting, I found out that I am tougher / stronger than I knew - physically and mentally. I am a warrior and I have got this sh!t.

On my way, I found happiness and confidence and self belief again. I found me again.

Thank you to Rory who has given me the tools I need to be able to continue this journey and who has helped me to remember who I am and understand what I am worth.

Through this process, I have learnt a lot - one of the most important lessons was that putting myself first and focussing on my happiness isn't selfish or wrong. Far from it, it's actually essential so that you can value yourself and understand what you should and shouldn't tolerate.

If you are prepared to freely give so much effort to make other people happy, you should be prepared to give just as much effort to make yourself happy. There has to be a balance.

Making yourself and your happiness a priority is allowed and is important, if you don't look after yourself, you loose who you are and finding the will to fight for yourself again when it seems like everything is darkness, is such a long and hard road. Don't put yourself on that path - instead, always have your own back.

People like Rory are so important in reminding us about things we too easily forget. Rory and The Barn totally rock!!


I have learnt so much more during this experience - it is not just a weight loss programme. Although the results are remarkable. I never thought about having a personal coach before and couldn't have picked a better one. The whole program gets you thinking and working towards your own goals. My advice don't think about it - DO IT. Learn to value yourself "go on you know your worth it" 💪


I have been training with Rory for approximately 5 months. I came to Rory for help because I had increased my weight considerably over the last 4 years and it was time to sort myself out. He is easy to talk to about any challenges! regarding weight loss, fitness and nutrition, he pushes me further each week and I look forward to getting out of bed at the crazy time to train. I also have started to attend his circuit classes which are also fab and get to meet some new people. For me Rory is a great motivator and I will continue to train with him and achieve further goals!......PS...I will never like burpees though !


Great guy knows his stuff ! You will be in safe hands here!


Good depth in knowledge and varied techniques to reach your goals!


Best thing I ever decided to do was join Rory’s 12 week programme. I’ve never known 12 weeks to go so quick, but I’ve enjoyed every bit of it (maybe not the burpees lol) and I really cannot rate the whole experience highly enough!!! I will miss getting up super early � Thanks Rory �


Amazing I never thought I would enjoy exercise. Tried for years to change my shape and within 5 weeks of training my shape is totally different and so is my confidence! Thanks Rory


12 weeks ago I decided to do something that didn't come easy to me. I decided to put me first and focus on my happiness, something that I haven't done in a very long time. I decided to take on a challenge that I hoped would help me get back on track with physical and emotional health.

It has been tough, much tougher than I anticipated and there were many times when I wanted to quit and listen to the doubt and negative thoughts. Despite that, I fought through and by not quitting, I found out that I am tougher / stronger than I knew - physically and mentally. I am a warrior and I have got this sh!t.

On my way, I found happiness and confidence and self belief again. I found me again.

Thank you to Rory who has given me the tools I need to be able to continue this journey and who has helped me to remember who I am and understand what I am worth.

Through this process, I have learnt a lot - one of the most important lessons was that putting myself first and focussing on my happiness isn't selfish or wrong. Far from it, it's actually essential so that you can value yourself and understand what you should and shouldn't tolerate.

If you are prepared to freely give so much effort to make other people happy, you should be prepared to give just as much effort to make yourself happy. There has to be a balance.

Making yourself and your happiness a priority is allowed and is important, if you don't look after yourself, you loose who you are and finding the will to fight for yourself again when it seems like everything is darkness, is such a long and hard road. Don't put yourself on that path - instead, always have your own back.

People like Rory are so important in reminding us about things we too easily forget. Rory and The Barn totally rock!!

More about Rory Hodges Coaching
