Rosemary Nonny Knight

About Rosemary Nonny Knight

You Have The Power To Prosper In Every Single Area Of Life. I help you remember how.

Rosemary Nonny Knight Description

This page is a space for you to be inspired & motivated all through the day. If you are interested in Personal Development, Online Business Growth, Success, Ambition, a growth mindset, spirituality, sexuality, empowerment, Motivation, Happiness, Making Money and entrepreneurship, then you will love this page. Enjoy : )

You are my focus - You, the 'daring to dream' leader who wants more than what you are getting currently.

You, the 'put upon' leader who longs to break free from the opinions, from the rules, from the box.

You, the titled or title-less leader who is ready to live a completely wealthy life.

Yes, this is your space. Speak to me, like, share, comment - I want to know you!

Share the images but leave all the text intact, please.

Much Amazing Love






WHEN DID YOU LOSE TRUST IN THE DIVINE AND WHAT HAS IT GOT TO DO WITH PROSPERITY? For me, it was the day I got chucked out of a car…
We had somersaulted 3 times, I am told - My 7 year old self, carrying my 1 year old brother, could not understand what was happening
...Continue Reading


Allow Allow Allow Allow the old to pass away Do not hold on so tight to the relationships... The job... The stuff... Allow that which wants to leave, leave... Know in your heart of hearts that the new arrives And the new will be sooo much better than the old You are growing from glory to glory as you allow in the new… [ 431 more words ] -passed-away/


Since you were a child, you have known that you are here to do something special but... Life has had its fair share of trials and you began to forget that connection with the Divine. Time to remember and claim your divine heritage -




It is not about getting to perfect
It is not even about getting everything to easy and healed...
It is about getting to the knowledge that you are loved COMPLETELY, UTTERLY regardless of how imperfect you feel at times...
... Regardless of how imperfect the journey seems at times...
It is about getting back to the deep knowledge that you came here to this planet to LIVE, to truly experience all of life and to do it prosperously...
You did not come here to keep trying to be in some heavenly realm where nothing ever touches you...
You can be touched by life and still know that everything is working out for you so you do not need to hide away in pain and drama or in some fake nirvana of perfection that does not exist
YOU can live, really truly live
That to me is a small sliver of the TRANSITION journey
Will you come?

More about Rosemary Nonny Knight
