Rosie Letts Nutrition

About Rosie Letts Nutrition

When was the last time you felt truly well? I help people to feel better & look better by changing what they eat, how they eat & how they treat themselves

Rosie Letts Nutrition Description

Welcome to my digital home- I'm really pleased you've found me!

My name is Rosie Letts, i'm a Bristol based Nutritional Therapist and i'm on a wellness mission.

When was the last time you felt truly well?

Being healthy isn't just about avoiding illness and disease: To be truly well is to have vitality, strength and balance.

Do you want to start new chapter in your life?

Effortless weight loss, glowing skin, mental clarity, a stronger immune system, tons of energy, and most importantly – a healthy and rewarding relationship with food and your body.

You will be pleased to here that making small changes to what we eat can have a significant effect on our health and that it is possible to feel (and look) fantastic pretty much all of the time.

I am a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist and the founder and director of Bump and Beyond Nutrition. I trained as a Nutritional Therapist for four years at the University of Westminster where i gained a BSc Honours in Health Science (Nutritional Therapy). I am a full member of the British Association of Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT) and I am registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). I have also trained with the innovative Institute for Functional Health. I am committed to attaining the highest standards of knowledge, competence, integrity and professionalism in the practice of Nutritional Therapy and regularly attend seminars and to ensure that I keep up to date with the latest research.

I have a special interest in female health issues (menopausal symptoms, pregnancy, infertility, cervical dysplasia, PMS, endometriosis, PCOS, painful and irregular menstruation etc. ), and other hormonal concerns such as hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue.

I also have a special interest in digestive issues (IBS, bloating, constipation etc. ) and those who are seeking nutritional guidance for a much wider range of health concerns (stress, anxiety, fatigue, mood, skin issues, weak immune system, fitness nutrition etc. )

I regularly work with clients to help manage their type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or metabolic syndrome.



It's National Obesity Awareness Week
Most of my weight loss clients have been trying and failing to lose weight for some time before they get in touch.
Far from being lazy or greedy - they are very successful, driven individuals.
... Here I share with you the five most common reasons I have observed which make long-term weight loss harder than it seems.
I bet number 3 and 5 are things you never even considered!
Please comment below the biggest challenge you come up against when trying to lose weight.…/2 016711why-is-it-so-…/
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Over on my Facebook Reinvent page this week I’m talking about how good nutrition supports healthy joints.
I came across this article which is a great read if you’d like to stay mobile by introducing certain foods into your diet. o-maintain-health…/


Fancy a tasty snack this weekend?
These raspberry nutty flapjacks are really tasty and so easy to make. 🥜
Give them a try and let me know what you think . 😊
...…/r aspberry-nutty-flap…/
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Proper hydration is so important for every body system yet many of my clients struggle to drink two litres daily. 🍊
Check out my article on home made vitamin water recipes, they're super easy and really tasty. 😊👇 …/03/vitamin-water/


Are you struggling with your Resolutions?
Maybe I can help.
Last week I ran a webinar all about following through on you Resolutions in 2019 and I recorded it so you can watch at your leisure. 😊
... Take some time out of your day to sit, watch and relax.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You can register here 👉…/8 -steps-to-nailing-y…/
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What’s the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger?
Emotional hunger craves sweet or fatty foods that provide an instant rush. You feel that you NEED a tub of ice-cream or a tube of pringles and nothing else will do. Usually you will end up scoffing the whole lot without really enjoying it.
Physical hunger on the other hand is less specific, and healthy options are typically more appealing. Physical hunger comes on gradually whilst emotional hunger hits hard ...and fast.
Emotional hunger is felt as a craving that you can't get out of your head rather and physical hunger is a growling in your belly!
If you want to understand more about why you eat, and overcome emotional eating, read this article and share your thoughts with the group.…/2 016514emotional-eat…/
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Before you attack any project, sitting down to figure out exactly what you’ll need sets you up for success.
If you are determined to have a healthy 2019, you need to try my 7 day meal plan.
It will save you a lot of empty-fridge frustration, whittle down your grocery bill and help you eat better.
... r…/7-day-meal-plan/
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As well as sharing on my Facebook page, I also have an amazing Facebook Group where you can discover how to change your life with the power of nutritional medicine.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The Reinvent Facebook community is a space for sharing recipes, tips and supporting each other. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’d love to see you over there …⠀⠀
... ommunity/⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Take your first step towards a healthier you by joining today.
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A lot of my followers have been asking how my treatment process works. Here’s a quick explanation:
All new clients begin with a case review and initial consultation which typically takes 90 minutes. After the appointment I will reflect on all the information gathered and create a foundational plan for you to follow.
Take a look here to see everything you’ll receive during your first follow up and all subsequent follow up sessions.
... Sound good? Get in touch today. /work-with-rosie/
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What if you could retrain your body - and your mind - so that you no longer craved the things that are so bad for you?🍫 🍟 🍔
In just five days, my FREE 'Reinvent' Cravings Challenge will help you:
... 🌿 Reflect on the choices you make about what to eat and drink everyday 🌿 Understand why and when you snack 🌿 Discover what your body is really telling you 🌿 Learn simple techniques for balancing out blood sugar 🌿 Gain energy without the need for caffeine or sugar
It may only be five days long, but my Cravings Challenge is packed full of goodness 🌈
Sign up for FREE today - ngs-challenge-v3/
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Looking for a quick evening meal that's supercharged with nutrients?
Look no further, give this Roasted squash & chickpea curry a try. I promise you'll love it 😍…/2 016127roasted-squas…/


This January don't start a diet, they don't work (trust me!). You will be bombarded with nonsense from the diet industry over the next few weeks, telling you that you just need to follow their plan and your life will change forever. It's not true. If you start a diet now, you have a 70% chance of gaining more weight over the next 3 months. So this January, how about committing to getting and staying healthy instead?
Reinvent is a holistic and permanent lifestyle change that w...ill transform your relationship with food. It will tune you in to what’s going on deep inside your body, helping you to celebrate your uniqueness and understand how best to nourish yourself.
We’ve distilled years of experience in nutritional medicine into a unique, information-packed online course that you work through at your own pace, one step at a time.
Reinvent will help you:
- Understand which food groups you should be eating more of, and which you should be avoiding, depending on your personal circumstances. - Identify food intolerances or hormone imbalances that might be holding you back. - Target and improve the symptoms of health conditions including IBS, PCOS and eczema and many more. - Move towards your weight loss goals in a safe and sustainable way. - Learn to love your body and develop a positive self-image.
Sign up in January and receive all the support you need for the whole year for just £247!
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FREE WEBINAR 3rd January 2019, 8PM
REGISTER and learn 8 steps to following through on your resolutions in 2019
Set goals, not dreams
... Every year millions of people make New Year’s resolutions hoping to spark positive change.
As many of us have experienced, once the glow of a fresh new year wears off, it can be a struggle to make good of our plans.
The biggest mistake most people make, is that they highlight what they want, but they don’t consider the details of how they will achieve it.
I want all of you to achieve your aspirations in 2019. So, I’m inviting you to join my free webinar with 8 steps to planning and following through in 2019.
You CAN make a life change and I’ll show you how.
I’ll share with you how you can start 2019 with a winning mindset and an unwavering plan that changes your life forever. s/webinar-3/
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Happy Festival of Sleep day!
The Festival of Sleep Day was created for people that would like to get some “shut eye” and relaxation after the holidays.
I'm a huge fan of a great sleep routine throughout the year. A decent nights sleep is hugely beneficial for coping with stress, maintaining a healthy metabolism and just not being grouchy. 😊
... Do you struggle with your sleep pattern? Check out my article 👇…/2 01610115-quick-diet…/
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Did you know …
I have a Facebook Group where you can discover how to change your life with the power of nutritional medicine.
The Reinvent Facebook community is a space for sharing recipes, tips and supporting each other.
... Take your first step towards a healthier you by joining today ommunity/
I look forward to getting to know you better!
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I would love to know how many of you have set New Years resolutions this year. Personally I always do, but it's taken me many years to figure out how to set resolutions that I actually stick to. If you do want to make positive changes in 2019, I'd love to help you on your way to making your resolutions last the test of time. Pop on over to my Facebook Group, it's really friendly & supportive. ommunity/


To my new Facebook followers! I’m Rosie - a qualified and registered Nutritional Therapist and creator of Rosie Letts Nutrition. I work with clients to live a healthier and more fulfilling life, filled with energy and free from painful symptoms of conditions that are all too common in our modern society.
I might be a nutrition expert, but I’m also a working mum with two beautiful but demanding daughters! So, I know that time is precious! I’ll teach you small changes you can m...ake every day that will have a significant effect on your health.
This can take place through one-to-one consultations at my clinic or via Skype, or through my signature Reinvent programme.
Let’s hear from you. Tell me …if you could wave a magic wand, what dietary and lifestyle support would you like to improve your health?
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I have a New Year’s Eve treat to share with you …
Take a look at this! 👉…/h ow-to-make-your-new…/


Of all the ways to get fit and stay fit - walking is the easiest, safest and cheapest. It can also be lots of fun. Vicky Welsh of Bristol Nordic Walking shares her Top 10 tips on how to turn your walk into a workout.
You’ll need a lemon for tip one …kind of!…/2 0161030guest-post-1…/


Through talking to Rosie about my constant yo yo dieting, binge eating, and just not feeling great and energised, Rosie talked through a way of eating and food choices that suits me. Ever since I have welcomed these food choices and eating plan into my life I feel like a new woman.

I have a more balanced approach to food and eating now.

My health complaints such as digestive issues have also disappeared and I am starting to understand what foods are helping my body heal.

I have 3 children and my new food choices fit in very well with the family and budget.

Consulting Rosie has been the best thing i’v done for myself.


The simple changes Rosie made to my diet have had an amazing effect on my health and well being.

I came to Rosie looking to improve my diet and health for both the immediate future, and looking further forward.

Within days i'd stopped having cravings, something I never thought possible, and within a matter of three weeks my Menopause symptoms had started to lessen.

Rosie gives you all the tools you will need to make the changes, and importantly, to keep them going.

It's been four months now & i'm still happily free from cravings and menopause symptoms. I'm also losing weight slowly but surely.

I can't recommend Rosie highly enough.


Rosie offers words of wisdom, in layman's terms. I felt at ease discussing my health issues with her, and she was supportive every step of the way. She has extensive knowledge and passion for nutritional healing, health and life.


I've love reading health tips and blogs, but I've never actually thought of signing up for one before. But I decided to go for it as Rosies Reinvent just seemed , more realistic and manageable. I'm only into week 3 but I'm loving it already, it's so easy to follow, everything is laid out for you from what you should be eating, why and great recipe suggestions which are things I'd actually want to eat and are most importantly are easy to source and make! Plus these are foods that my whole family will eat, which makes life so much easier. But I think the best thing is that I know I can ask Rosie any questions about anything at any time, having that support and guidance is invaluable and makes you feel like you're not doing it on your own.


I worked with Rosie for 8 months through a very challenging time after having my third child. Immediately she spoke my language and could understand my symptoms when no one else, including the GP, could. She guided me through each step and was always available when I would have a relapse or question. I am now well and continuing in my healing thanks to Rosie. As a health and fitness professional I will be referring many of my clients onto Rosie in full confidence.


I went to see Rosie after having horrid acid reflux for half a year with my doctor unable to find any reason. Within two weeks of following Rosie's guidance I was off my medication and on the road to recovery! Not only has she cured my acid reflux, I feel like she has completely revolutionised my whole diet and lifestyle and that I will live a much happier and healthier life from now on as a result! I would highly recommend Rosie - helpful, knowledgeable and approachable.


I have joined Rosie's Reinvent programme for 1 year and I am nothing but very impressed with how much information I get. It is a great venue for money! It is extremely easy, and I am learning so much. I will be honest even without following it 100% due to life busy schedule, I have already started to make changes in our family food choices. I hydrate more, I drink only 1 caffeinated drink a day, I cut down on so many horrible snacks I used to consider healthy before this programme! I am reinventing myself and developing healthier habits - thank you Rosie! I would 100% recommend her Reinvent programme and Rosie's expertise.


I first contacted Rosie about a year ago now with complaints of unexplained fatigue, a low mood and general digestive discomfort to name a few! With her continued advise, support and effective treatment plan I have discovered I have a gluten sensitivity. Since eliminating it from my diet I couldn't be happier to say that all my symptoms have disappeared and I finally feel like my old self again. This is something I never would have considered had I not had the positive effects from the treatment rosie provided.

I have also completely changed my eating habits and the way I think about food for the better which will stay with me forever. I will continue recommending Rosie to family and friends. It is surprising how many ailments can be eliminated by a slight change in diet!


Having not done a similar online course before, I was slightly intimidated to join Rosie’s online Reinvent programme, however I am more than happy with my decision. Not only has it providied me with the opportunity to have a one to one clinic session with Rosie in person; where we talked over the correct diagnostic testing and personalised diet plan for me. It is also providing me with fantastic weekly resources on health topics, multiple meal plans to keep my motivation up during the week, and a great online community; all of which are inspiring me to reach my goals! The world of health is pretty confusing these days, but Rosie and her team break down the nutritional science in a clear understandable way. She clearly knows what she is talking about, and gives off a sense of confidence which inspires trust and respect. I am really grateful for this incredible online resource that she has created, and feel like it is helping me stay committed and accountable to the healthy changes I want to make.


For 15 years doctors always told me I was suffering from IBS. I thought I will live with these symptoms all my life and felt desperate to never enjoying my food again.

Rosie make me do some test first to determine what was going on with my stomach health.

I discovered that I'm highly intolerant to "mustard" a little ingredient I was eating every day and I had a bad bacteria growing in my guts. Which where both creating all my symptoms!When Rosie told me she can make me feel better in 3 months I wanted to cry and jump all over her consultation room!

This is the second month I'm following her advice and I have said good bye to all my stomach problems!

Rosie has changed my life and I will be forever thankfull for her help and the support she gave me.

More about Rosie Letts Nutrition

Rosie Letts Nutrition is located at St. Matthias, Steiner Academy Bristol, College Road, Fishponds, BS16 2JP Bristol, United Kingdom