Royal Air Force Halton

About Royal Air Force Halton

This is the Official Facebook Page for RAF Halton, a Station of the Royal Air Force.

Royal Air Force Halton Description

RAF Halton is a station of No 22 (Training) Group and part of the Directorate of Recruitment and Initial Training.

The primary role of the Station is to contribute to the operational effectiveness of the Armed Forces by the timely provision of trained military and civilian personnel to the correct standard and within resource. Our biggest outputs include Basic Recruit Training and Command and Leadership Training.

RAF Halton also has a number of lodger units covering a vast selection of specialities ranging from air activity to defence media operations. As such RAF Halton is home to approximately 2100 personnel from all three Services, foreign military, contractors and civilians, making Halton a truly diverse team that works together to ensure excellence in the delivery of training.



Yesterday Station photographer Chris Yarrow joined the Operations Squadron and members of the public in the Chilterns to capture these images of the C-130 Hercules from Number 47 Squadron at RAF Brize Norton!
The children at the viewing point were in awe as the dot in the distance grew larger as it headed towards the Henderson Parade Square and was eventually flying directly over their heads.
... Images Crown Copyright - Chris Yarrow
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After ten weeks of Basic Recruit Training, Flights 9 and 10, Thompson Intake, Graduated from Recruit Training Squadron at RAF Halton. Group Captain Tony Keeling, Station Commander at RAF Wittering, was the Reviewing Officer. The Flights, of 97 in all, marched out on to the Henderson Parade Square led by Flight Commander, Flt Lt Matthew Barclay, on a cool and overcast day. Colour Bearer was Flt Lt Clarke with Colour Warrant Officer Jim Dick and Colo...
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Today is the start of the judging of the annual RAF Photographic Competition. RAF Halton’s photographic section photographers; Kate Rutherford, Chris Yarrow and Luka Waycott have entries across a number of the categories.
Here is their entry for the Section Portfolio that includes a flavour of Halton life, RAF100 Parade Day in London and their upcoming RAF100 portrait exhibition.
... Images Crown Copyright
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Tomorrow the Henderson Parade Square will welcome friends and family to its stands to witness the graduation of Thompson Intake.
As always the Chiltern Hills plays backdrop to the flypast and this weeks comes from Number 47 Sqadron at RAF Brize Norton.
Number 47 Squadron operate the C-130J Hercules and in 2016 the Squadron celebrated their 100 years of service to the Royal Air Force. Throughout it's history the Squadron have maintained a tradition of truly global missions, u...sing a wide range of aircraft in a variety of roles that have included Air to Air combat in WW1 and reconnaissance missions and bombing in WW2. Post WW2 the Squadron returned to the UK and took the mantle of an Air Transport Squadron and was soon tasked in support of the Berlin airlift, during which the Squadron flew over 3,000 sorties. This was the pre-cursor to the Tactical Air Transport role that is now synonymous with 47 Squadron. The Squadron operated a variety of aircraft before being assigned the C-130 Hercules in 1968. In 2011 the Squadron moved to RAF Brize Norton where it will continue the support of worldwide operations and provide Tactical Air Transport to Army and other Defence units.
Keep an eye out and let us know if you spot it on its route!
Image Crown Copyright - RAF Brize Norton
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It’s been a month since many of you got the chance to celebrate our Centenary with us in London. Squadron Leader Ali Russell-Brookes, Training Wing Chief Of Staff, took the time to tell us about her incredible experience leading the thousands of spectators down the Mall towards Buckingham Palace during the RAF100 Parade.
She recalls: “The Parade progressed down The Mall and from my vantage point on the corner of Horse Guards Road my heart boomed in ant...icipation. The radio earpiece crackled as the Parade passed the Queen Victoria Memorial, “Parade clear of The Mall; assume stand-by positions for the walk-down”. It was the first time anyone other than the Metropolitan Police had led a public walk-down The Mall, and I would be front-and-centre of it all.
"The twenty-four airmen and women took their places across the width of The Mall, the joyous occasion creating broad, beaming smiles. My pride and excitement were palpable as I took position on the centreline of the tarmac, a few paces ahead of them. It seemed like an age before the street lining companies began to march-off, but as the first section departed The Mall, I radioed to control, “all call-signs, confirm zero-five minutes to Mall move.
“Ahead, the magnificent, billowing RAF Ensigns and Union Flags adorned The Mall’s street furniture, with thousands of miniature versions being enthusiastically waved by the celebrating crowds. The penultimate street lining section began to move and I sent my final radio message, “all-call signs, stand-by for Mall move”. As the final section marched-off I gave a quick thumbs-up to the Metropolitan Police section commander and the security supervisor. I provided my final words of encouragement to the men and women behind me, “Take it all in, ladies and gentlemen. Smile and enjoy it – it genuinely is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
“I lost all sense of time, but was very aware of the humbling and uplifting outpouring of appreciation at every step of that half-mile walk. The rapturous cheering and furious flag-waving of the thousands-strong crowd was spine-tingling and reached a mighty crescendo as we neared Buckingham Palace. I slowed the pace to savour one last moment and halted in front of the Queen Victoria Memorial, bursting with pride in the overwhelming emotion of the day. The Parade was taking shape on the forecourt of the Palace and I had just led thousands of people to see it.”
Sqn Ldr Russell-Brookes was accompanied by Halton personnel from across the Station as a thank you for all the work that they put in behind the scenes to deliver a spectacular parade.
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Last weekend Initial Force Protection Training’s SAC Alex Smith competed at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) Surrey Open in Guildford adding yet more medals to his growing collection.
Alex achieved a bronze medal in his weight category and silver in the open weight category. His silver came as he won both matches via submission, one being within 35 seconds. Unfortunately, losing in the final via points but maintaining some inter service rivalry with compe...titors from the Royal Navy and the Army.
The success comes just two weeks after he competed at the fourth instalment of the RAF BJJ Inter-services where he brought home two golds and a silver. This year it the was the turn of the RAF to host the competition at RAF College Cranwell.
As part of the Martial Arts Inter-Services, BJJ is becoming one of the top attended events. It has grown within all three Services over the past four years.
After being selected to represent the RAF at the 2018 Martial Arts Inter Services, Alex managed to win his weight category, Purple Belt heavyweight, and the Purple Belt open weight division. Winning all matches via submission not leaving it down to the points to decide the winner.
Alex is training every day at his local club in Aylesbury, Roger Gracie Academy Buckinghamshire (RGA Bucks), trying to keep ahead of the game with the level of competition at his belt level. His training and dedication is certainly paying off.
RGA Bucks and RAF BJJ Team Head Coach, Kev Capel said: ‘Alex trained extremely hard in the run up to the Inter Service Championships with a clear goal to win his weight class and open weight division, both these goals were accomplished decisively with techniques and strategy’s that Alex has been working hard on at the gym for a while and puts him as the best purple belt in the armed forces for 2018 - everyone at my gym and from the RAF team are extremely happy and proud of Alex’s achievements.’
Now the Inter-services are over, Alex is concentrating on training for the British and English Open to hopefully become 2018’s Champion. Due to Alex’s success, he has achieved two sponsorship deals. Jiu Jitsu company, The Grapplers Gift, provide him with kit and equipment whilst local sports performance business, Powerhouse Performance Club, provide him with strength and conditioning specific for Jiu Jitsu.
It’s been a busy year for Alex and we wish him all the best as he continues to represent the RAF
Images - Inter Service - Crown Copyright (RAFC Cranwell) Surrey Open - SAC Smith
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The sun made an appearance again this week as Pearson Intake, Flights 11 and 12, Graduated from Recruit Training Squadron. A total of 58 Recruits marched out on to the Henderson Parade square in front of family and friends behind Flight Commander, Flt Lt Ash David. The Queens Colour was paraded by Fg Off Craig Nicholls supported by Colour Warrant Officer, WO Jim Dick and Colour Escorts FS Pete Cowan and Sgt Neil Williams. Number 4 Squ...adron, RAF Valley, provided a Hawk T2 flypast.
Reviewing Officer for the Parade was Air Vice-Marshall Susan Gray, Air Officer Commanding 38 Group, who was escorted by Cpl Alex Leonard. She presented trophies and awards to the following recipients:
AC Holtby, who was awarded two trophies, The Rothschild Trophy, awarded to the recruit who achieves the highest overall standard in Initial Force Protection Training, and the The Station Commander’s Cup, awarded for displaying the greatest effort and determination on Number 12 Flight.
AC Ray also won two trophies, The Halton Apprentice Shield awarded to the Recruit who displayed the highest effort and determination in physical education and The Dusty Miller Trophy, awarded to the Recruit who has shown the greatest willingness to help others as voted by their fellow Recruits on the Intake.
AC Kasshoek – The Halton Aircraft Apprentice Trophy, awarded to the recruit who achieves the highest overall standard in drill and deportment.
AC Halliday – The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund Trophy, awarded for displaying the greatest effort and determination on Number 11 Flight.
AC Alder – The Mayor of Aylesbury Trophy, for the best overall performance on Number 11 Flight.
AC Davies – Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire’s Trophy awarded for the best overall performance on Number 12 Flight and finally
The Lord Trenchard Trophy – awarded to the Flight who have been the best overall. It was awarded to 12 Flight and collected on their behalf by AC Colvin.
Musical accompaniment was from The Band Of The RAF Regiment under direction from WO Craggs.
The Station Commander’s Engagement Guests for the day were the outgoing Master and Mistress of the Merchant Taylors Peter and Pam Magill.
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A special presentation took place at the Graduation Parade rehearsal of Pearson Intake at Recruit Training Squadron when Station Commander, Group Captain James Brayshaw, presented Sgt Danson Trimmingham, from Drill and Ceremonial, with a personalised pace stick and a framed image of him standing outside Buckingham Palace as Her Majesty The Queen addressed the Royal Air Force at the Parade to commemorate RAF100.
The Station Commander... said: “The gift is well earned due to the volume of work Sgt Trimmingham undertook on the run up to RAF100.”
Sgt Trimmingham and the Stations drill instructors put in countless hours of work in the lead up to RAF100 and tirelessly worked with the 1000 personnel over the course of 10 days in the lead up to the Parade on 10 July.
Sgt Trimmingham said: “I am totally surprised by this. I would like to mention and thank the staff at RTS who helped me in the run up to the London parade. It was a team effort and I couldn’t have done it on my own. Thank you to you all.”
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We know you all loved the image of the RAF100 Parade Square, so we asked Cpl Helen Rimmer, the photographer behind it what it took to capture.
Cpl Rimmer joined the RAF as a photographer in 2008 after studying photography at college. As a keen photographer of action and sports, the RAF would offer the opportunity to turn an interest into a career.
... Currently, she is working out of trade as a Recruit Training Squadron instructor but ensures she avoids any skill fade by visiting the Halton photography section and Photo Air Combat Service Support Unit which is also based at Halton.
On the 7 July, the Baton Relay arrived at RAF Halton and the opportunity to go up in a glider with the baton to take a photo over the parade square arose. Cpl Rimmer said; ‘It was somewhat difficult taking the image as I had the camera in one hand, and the baton in the other and the glider was bumpy and quite cramped.
‘I didn’t realise the group would be formed up as a 100 and I wanted to capture it using different settings and from a couple of angles, I was pleased with the result considering the difficulty.’
We love this image! It was a very rare moment that Cpl Rimmer managed to capture.
Images - Crown Copyright
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Graduating nurse, Melissa Brookes invited three friends along to see her Graduate.
The four are all nurses, three are with 207 Field Hospital and now Melissa has Graduated as a Royal Air Force nurse.... All are from Stockport near Manchester.
Two Fijian men graduated this week with Douglas Intake.
Three generations of their families came to support Tomasi Rasoki and Iliatia Suka, who both come from the same Fijian Island and were living in Tidworth with their Army families before joining up.
Both were given a traditional garland to celebrate their success made by their mothers of wood bark.
Tomasi is on the right and Iliatia on the left with their respective families behind them.
Iliatia Suka's mother said that she will be back for the next Graduation Parade on 31 July as her daughter will also Graduate then.
All images are Crown Copyright.
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After all the hard work and celebrations for #RAF100, RAF Halton is back training routine with the Graduation Parade of Douglas Intake taking place in front of family and friends. A total of 69 recruits marched onto the Henderson Parade Square in glorious sunshine behind Flight Commander, Flight Lieutenant Matt Barclay. Musical accompaniment was provided by The Band of the Royal Artillery, their first time supporting the Parade under the inst...
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Recruit Training Squadron at RAF Halton are delighted to welcome the Royal Artillery Band to support the Graduation Parade of 7 and 8 Flights, Douglas Intake this coming Tuesday, 17 July. The task is normally taken on by The Central Band Of The Royal Air Force, Cranwell College Band or The Band Of The RAF Regiment
A short history of the band reads: ... Although many regiments had bands of sorts for marching and parade purposes, it was during the Seven Years War (1756-63) that the Officers of the Royal Artillery serving in Germany, felt that they wanted a ‘more musical’ combination to play on social occasions.
It was during the six months at Minden, and at the instigation of Captain William Phillips, that the Royal Artillery Band and Orchestra formed. The band consisted of eight musicians, ‘who must also be capable to play upon the violoncello, bass, violin and flute, as other common instruments.’ The Musicians were capable of performing as a parade band or orchestra as required, a double-handed tradition which has been maintained to this day. One of the most drastic changes happened in 1801, when the Royal Irish Artillery Band was amalgamated with the Royal Artillery Band, and the number of personnel increased to 22.
Sometime between 1810 and 1815 the famed Royal Artillery Concerts began, they were to become a regular feature of London musical life for well over a century. It was the dawning of a great musical organisation, an Orchestra of unsurpassed ability, even in those days. It soon grew in size, to around 40 and in musical excellence during the following decades.
The Royal Artillery Band has now relocated to Tidworth Garrison as part of the restructuring of Army Music (FAM2020) and is now classed as a Multi Capability Band (MCB). The members are proud to continue the many musical traditions of over 300 years in the history of British military music and are keen to broaden its appeal through its musical diversity. From within its number, the band is also able to provide a number of smaller ensembles including a Pop Group, Rock Band, Jazz Combo, Big Band, Brass & Wind Quintets and Saxophone & Clarinet Quartets.
'UK Ministry of Defence © Crown Copyright 2018'.
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That’s it... RAF Halton has said goodbye to over 1,500 parade personnel and support staff.
The Halton photographers spent Tuesday capturing images of the parade after watching it progress over the course of 10 days.
The experience for all those involved has been tiring but rewarding- a once in a lifetime opportunity.
... Congratulations to everyone for an amazing parade... and thank you for all the support.
Images - Crown Copyright
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Why wouldn’t we share this amazing video from Saturday again?!


For the Royal Air Force Centenary Parade, Group Captain Anne-Marie Houghton will lead personnel as the parade commander.
An honourable task for anyone to take on, Gp Capt Houghton has taken it in in her stride (literally). This is a once in a lifetime opportunity on a mammoth scale.
More than 1,500 personnel have been involved in the parade and days have been spent tirelessly marching the Henderson Parade Square.
... Our photographers captured this image of Gp Capt Houghton as part of their 100 Portraits Project which will be on display later this year.
As well as the parade personnel hundreds of whole force support staff have been behind the scenes ensuring a smooth running of this Operation.
Per Ardua Ad Astra
Happy 100th Birthday
#RAF100 #Celebrate
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Who has the BBC on?
It’s going to be an amazing day!


Yesterday (April 11th) I had the privilege of watching my son in his Passing Out Parade. What a FANTASTIC honour it was. We were also blessed with a 'fly past' which made the day extra special, not just for me but also my son. The whole experience will live with me forever. I could not have felt more PROUD.


What an amazing day. Our son, AC Gareth Sturges graduated from Arnold intake Flight 2 on 15th May 2018. Glorious weather for a wonderful occasion. We are so proud as he begins his new life with the RAF, and goes on what we hope will be an amazing adventure for him.


What an amazing day! Witnessed my Son AC Matthew Rush graduate on 19th August 2018.

So proud of him and all our armed forces. A day full of pride and emotion.


What a fantastic day as we were honoured to see our son AC Byrne graduate from Thomspon Intake, flight on the 30th /1/2018 at R.A.F. Halton. He has worked so very hard to get through, but all so worth it in the end. I know our son will now be on his way to an amazing career. We are so extremely proud of him. The parade & drill was amazing to see, everyone did extremely well. Congratulations to Ac. Byrne & all in everyone in Thompson Intake Flight 9 & 10. Many thanks to all officers & staff for helping our son in his career. Thankyou RAF Halton for a memorable day. xxx


We had the absolute honour of attending RAF Halton on Tuesday the 11th July for our son, AC Garden, graduation. This was a very proud and emotional day for us all but what an amazing experience even though the weather meant that we were inside. Thank you to everyone at RAF Halton for all of your hard work and for making this one of our proudest days yet.


Watched my nephews passing out parade today.

A Vice Air Marshall, a Tornado jet flyby and a great day out.


Today we were very proud parents as we watched our son take his attestation he is now officially in the RAF. Thank you for putting our minds at rest and for taking the time to answer any questions and making us welcome at RAF Halton.


Sons pass out today and it was all well organised and I am very impressed! Thank you all for the huge effort in making it a day to remember.


Passed out from Halton in December 22nd 1998, best times of my life!! A special kinda love for RAF Halton!!


On what was no doubt an historic occasion for RAF Halton, our family were treated to a great day watching AC Tom Shepherd pass out as part of 8 Flight, Douglas Intake. The sense of occasion was evident from the moment of arrival and everything from the fly past, the presentation of the new Colours to the ultimate march past in front of us was perfect. Everyone in Douglas intake should be proud. However, being biased our day was focused on Tom and I have to admit to getting a bit tearful when crossing the blue line. Well done and thank you to all the staff at RAF Halton for the past 10 weeks, your hard work showed. Most of all though, well done to Tom who has wanted this since the age of 11. Dreams do come true.


Myself and family were at Halton yesterday for our sons passing out parade and it was a truly amazing day....very emotional and couldn't be any prouder of what has been achieved by so many over the last 10 weeks...good luck to everyone with your future RAF careers especially my boy Mason Day 😊


Loved it when we were cassyvacked there after my son was injured in a road accident in Germany

Great memories


It was very emotional watching our son, grandson and brother at his Passing Out parade on 9th May. The ten weeks flew by and you have looked after him as you promised and he now has a fantastic future ahead! Everyone was very kind and thoughtful - thanks for the blankets in the stands!! Must agree that the lunch was a bit of a let down, but didn't change the fact that it was undoubtedly one of the proudest days of my life.


I went with my granddaughter and her horse who were doing the sponsored ride. Been going each year, lovely day out and well organised. I am saddened to hear that part of the site is being sold off to accommodate yet another housing estate! Will this country not be satisfied until we've lost all our green and pleasant land???


Had the honour of watching our son at Passing Out Parade 9th May 2017 Flight 6. Everything went like clock work organisations skills are impeccable. We were felt very welcome by Corporals who went out of their way to chat to us. Do be aware it's absolutely freezing sat watching the Passing Out obviously worth every freezing second but if you have a warm coat I do recommend to take one. Though on a negative only one gripe lunch wasn't worth the bother or the money but it was an absolutely wonderful day and I like to thank Halton for their wonderful hospitality and of course making my son an Airman in the Royal Air Force. From a very proud Mum !


Had an amazing day yesterday. My children loved every minute of our tour. Francois and he's team were fantastic and had all the patience in the world with my kids who asked about a million questions. Highly recommended the visit. Thankyou again Francois.


Had a wonderful day watching my husband AC Henderson graduate 7/11/17. So proud of him- thank you for looking after him and helping him achieve this! We came with his 2 sons and I was constantly offered help by the staff- all so kind and helpful. Thank you for such a wonderful, memorable day! We are so proud of you Alex xxx


During my 2 training periods at RAF Halton I couldn't have been happier. The setting is superb, training was 2nd to none. So sad that it will be closing soon.


A fantastic day as we were honoured to see my son graduate from Campion Intake, 5 Flight, yesterday. Thank you all so much for the great day and for going above and beyond for my stepdad, who's mobility isn't at all good. My son has been greatly enriched by his basic training. So many thanks to Cpls Horton & McMullen and all 5 Flight staff. A great job, very well done.


Yesterday (April 11th) I had the privilege of watching my son in his Passing Out Parade. What a FANTASTIC honour it was. We were also blessed with a 'fly past' which made the day extra special, not just for me but also my son. The whole experience will live with me forever. I could not have felt more PROUD.


What an amazing day. Our son, AC Gareth Sturges graduated from Arnold intake Flight 2 on 15th May 2018. Glorious weather for a wonderful occasion. We are so proud as he begins his new life with the RAF, and goes on what we hope will be an amazing adventure for him.


What an amazing day! Witnessed my Son AC Matthew Rush graduate on 19th August 2018.

So proud of him and all our armed forces. A day full of pride and emotion.


What a fantastic day as we were honoured to see our son AC Byrne graduate from Thomspon Intake, flight on the 30th /1/2018 at R.A.F. Halton. He has worked so very hard to get through, but all so worth it in the end. I know our son will now be on his way to an amazing career. We are so extremely proud of him. The parade & drill was amazing to see, everyone did extremely well. Congratulations to Ac. Byrne & all in everyone in Thompson Intake Flight 9 & 10. Many thanks to all officers & staff for helping our son in his career. Thankyou RAF Halton for a memorable day. xxx


We had the absolute honour of attending RAF Halton on Tuesday the 11th July for our son, AC Garden, graduation. This was a very proud and emotional day for us all but what an amazing experience even though the weather meant that we were inside. Thank you to everyone at RAF Halton for all of your hard work and for making this one of our proudest days yet.


Watched my nephews passing out parade today.

A Vice Air Marshall, a Tornado jet flyby and a great day out.


Today we were very proud parents as we watched our son take his attestation he is now officially in the RAF. Thank you for putting our minds at rest and for taking the time to answer any questions and making us welcome at RAF Halton.


Sons pass out today and it was all well organised and I am very impressed! Thank you all for the huge effort in making it a day to remember.


Passed out from Halton in December 22nd 1998, best times of my life!! A special kinda love for RAF Halton!!


On what was no doubt an historic occasion for RAF Halton, our family were treated to a great day watching AC Tom Shepherd pass out as part of 8 Flight, Douglas Intake. The sense of occasion was evident from the moment of arrival and everything from the fly past, the presentation of the new Colours to the ultimate march past in front of us was perfect. Everyone in Douglas intake should be proud. However, being biased our day was focused on Tom and I have to admit to getting a bit tearful when crossing the blue line. Well done and thank you to all the staff at RAF Halton for the past 10 weeks, your hard work showed. Most of all though, well done to Tom who has wanted this since the age of 11. Dreams do come true.


Myself and family were at Halton yesterday for our sons passing out parade and it was a truly amazing day....very emotional and couldn't be any prouder of what has been achieved by so many over the last 10 weeks...good luck to everyone with your future RAF careers especially my boy Mason Day 😊


Loved it when we were cassyvacked there after my son was injured in a road accident in Germany

Great memories


It was very emotional watching our son, grandson and brother at his Passing Out parade on 9th May. The ten weeks flew by and you have looked after him as you promised and he now has a fantastic future ahead! Everyone was very kind and thoughtful - thanks for the blankets in the stands!! Must agree that the lunch was a bit of a let down, but didn't change the fact that it was undoubtedly one of the proudest days of my life.


I went with my granddaughter and her horse who were doing the sponsored ride. Been going each year, lovely day out and well organised. I am saddened to hear that part of the site is being sold off to accommodate yet another housing estate! Will this country not be satisfied until we've lost all our green and pleasant land???


Had the honour of watching our son at Passing Out Parade 9th May 2017 Flight 6. Everything went like clock work organisations skills are impeccable. We were felt very welcome by Corporals who went out of their way to chat to us. Do be aware it's absolutely freezing sat watching the Passing Out obviously worth every freezing second but if you have a warm coat I do recommend to take one. Though on a negative only one gripe lunch wasn't worth the bother or the money but it was an absolutely wonderful day and I like to thank Halton for their wonderful hospitality and of course making my son an Airman in the Royal Air Force. From a very proud Mum !


Had an amazing day yesterday. My children loved every minute of our tour. Francois and he's team were fantastic and had all the patience in the world with my kids who asked about a million questions. Highly recommended the visit. Thankyou again Francois.


Had a wonderful day watching my husband AC Henderson graduate 7/11/17. So proud of him- thank you for looking after him and helping him achieve this! We came with his 2 sons and I was constantly offered help by the staff- all so kind and helpful. Thank you for such a wonderful, memorable day! We are so proud of you Alex xxx


During my 2 training periods at RAF Halton I couldn't have been happier. The setting is superb, training was 2nd to none. So sad that it will be closing soon.


A fantastic day as we were honoured to see my son graduate from Campion Intake, 5 Flight, yesterday. Thank you all so much for the great day and for going above and beyond for my stepdad, who's mobility isn't at all good. My son has been greatly enriched by his basic training. So many thanks to Cpls Horton & McMullen and all 5 Flight staff. A great job, very well done.

More about Royal Air Force Halton

Royal Air Force Halton is located at RAF Halton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP22 5PG, HP22 5PG Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire