Royal Berkshire Rbft Maternity

About Royal Berkshire Rbft Maternity

This site has been created by midwives at the Royal Berkshire NHS foundation trust to communicate information with women and their families



Please have a look at this great new resource on many topics bonding with your baby when pregnant, skin to skin and feeding


Welcome to the Maternity Unit


We are always keen to hear what you think. What would or did influence the skin to skin contact with your baby in his or her first few hours?
One of the small changes we have made in our work with the Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Campaign is to encourage prolonged skin to skin contact between Mum or Dad and baby, and we will support you to continue to keep your baby skin to skin as you transfer to the postnatal areas.…/implementing-…/sk in-to-skin-contact/amp/


Some of the staff at our weekly Maternal and Neonatal health safety collaborative meeting this morning. During these meetings we plan and review small changes in the way we care for you.
The meetings are reflected on large white boards on the wards and staff are always happy to answer any questions you may have about this work.

User…/precautionary -advice-on-cooking-f…


Triage tonight


Tuesday night/Wednesday polite reminder. Change in triage contact number


Due to planned telecommunication upgrade works during the night of 24/25 July expectant mothers seeking support and advice will need to call 07876 313 174. Please remember that if you need medical help in an emergency call 999.


Breastfeeding support new updated


We have launched our postnatal ibook for all your information needs post birth of your baby.
Currently the book is available on apple product only, but we are in the process of converting to an android version.
All women in the unit will have the opportunity to look at the ibook before they leave and then download a copy.
... We hope you find the book useful and more interactive than providing leaflets.
Please have a look- to download- free, go into ibooks and search for Me and My baby by the Royal Berkshire, download free with your itunes password.
See More


Words cannot express how thankful we are for such amazing care we had for the birth of our son Roan on 29.03.18. The team were tireless in their efforts, on their 12hour shifts!!, to make sure we felt safe, secure and relaxed in welcoming our son to the world. Thank you �


We had our baby boy on Friday at the rbh. We had such great support from the staff on the iffly ward before and after. And all 4 midwifes that helped deliver him on the delivery suite the care and advice was outstanding! Thank you so much!x


Thank you to the staff on day assessment. Since my first child the advice about being aware of your baby’s daily movements and kicks count campaign has come in. My second baby had not followed its normal daily pattern and I had a feeling I couldn’t shift about reduced movements , but like most mums I felt like I didn’t want to bother anyone and thought the feeling would pass. I decided to ring rbh for advice after remembering that you should contact your midwife or maternity unit immediately if you are concerned. My care from the midwife I rang initially to the student midwife on the ward (who stayed later than her shift to see me assessed ) was excellent. Fortunately my baby was ok. The whole team were all so friendly, kind and reassuring , they all said ‘you did the right thing coming in and getting checked’. I was also told to come back anytime I felt that baby’s movements had changed... thank you for making me feel like I wasn’t ‘bothering anyone or wasting time‘ . We are fortunate to have such excellent nhs staff at the rbh.


My husband and I just want to say a huge thank you to the staff at RBH for the fantastic care they gave me and my new baby girl who was delivered on Tuesday. I was terrified before my c-section but the staff who looked after me before, during and after the surgery were wonderful and I am very grateful to them for all they did to turn what could've been a terrifying and traumatic event into something truly magical. Also want to give my heartfelt thanks to the staff on Marsh ward who looked after me and my baby so incredibly well, not just physically but emotionally too. You are all wonderful and I want you to know that it meant the world to us. Thank you and merry Christmas. Rachel and Mitch (and baby Isabelle)


Long post alert!!

So a week ago today I was on my way to theatre with hubby dressed in scrubs, desperate to meet our little boy.

Loads of you have been brilliant and been sending lots of messages. If I haven’t responded yet, I will do, I have just been so out of it over the last week, it’s only really today where it is all catching up, and I am getting to grips with what my body, me and my family have been through!

Last Tuesday I attended hospital with sever itching to my stomach, that in itself wasn’t an issue, it was just my skin reacting to baby’s growth (trust my skin). They checked on my blood pressure which was rather high, and kept me there most the day to keep monitoring it. They hen prescribed me meds and booked an appt for a measurement scan the next days.

Wednesday...... went into RBH for the scan, where they calculated Killian’s weight to be 9lb 12/ 4.46 kg. Then came the long wait for the consultant who then made the decision that it was time to have me induced, as there would be no harm to the baby by having him at 37 weeks. They were concerned that I had the onset of pre eclampsia (which they’ve since diagnosed), and the size of baby if they let him grow any more, he may get stuck).

At the time in my head I remember taking it all in, asked how long hubby had to get there, where I was told it wouldn’t happen that quick and for him to take his time. I then asked if it would be ok to get some food as I was starving!!

Phoned hubby to let him know, who then focused on making his way to me, and me sending him all the messages of where the hospital bag etc was. He remembered everything plus some!!

I was then admitted to Iffley ward induction suite, where Aneta explained the processes of induction, the first go can take up to 24 hours, if that didn’t work, they would try again and what would happen after if that hadn’t worked. She showed me where things were. There were 3 other ladies I the ward who were also being induced. I remember being quite calm, but my head was kind of ..... oh this is happening..... I’m not sure I’m quite ready, I was meant to be doing this, that and the other this week!!

Mum was with me throughout the entire time, and then my sister popped up to see me too and five supporting cuddles. She then took mum home, leaving Roj to look after me through the night. The first wave of contractions started about 10pm, just as the lady opposite us waters had broken and she was being wheeled downstairs.

We also had the night time Midwife looking after us, Hayley, who actually had looked after me before when I had fallen over at 16weeks!! She showed me where the bath was to use as pain relief if we wanted. Which I did! And for the most part it helped, I then tried to get some sleep, However the contractions started to get rather painful and sleep wasn’t happening! Tried another bath, and I think I managed to get one maybe 2 hours of sleep....

I remember Tasha (the day Midwife) coming round and introduce herself, and supplying me with my meds for the blood pressure. Mum came back to the hospital, and we went walking around the hospital to get some air, but also see if gravity would help out in getting the contractions going. By 5pm we had the check up, and sadly the first induction hadn’t worked, and I needed a second round..... 5 hours after the lady next to me had been told the same thing. It was now a race between the 2 of us who could get going first! At this point I believe her waters had already broken.... so it was a waiting game. I was already 1 cm dilated, so I hoped that this would work in my favour.

Roxanne also visited with some grapes and flowers for me.

A few hours passed and the contractions felt incredibly strong, and at about 11pm, my waters went... this was at a bit of a shock to both me and Roj!!! There was an influx of deliveries at this point, so the poor Midwife was running around between quite a few of us, her and her student Midwife were fantastic! She confirmed that my waters had broken, and recommended another bath to help with the pain. The contractions started coming quite strongly, with my muscles feeling desperate to push. I was dreading what was to come next/excited to meet little one. But alas, I was still only 1cm dilated so nothing was happening quickly.

Roj was an absolute star with helping me out, listening to everything, massaging me when needed, and even hung off the end of the bed to cuddle me and try and get me some sleep. He even helped the Midwife by replacing the 2nd induction when it came out with my waters!!!

Friday morning came, Tasha was back and did the inspection. I was only 2 cms, she tried doing a sweep to see what would happen.

Friday time wise is a bit of a blur to me. I remember being wheeled down to he delivery suite, in a bid to try and get the ball rolling. Gosha was looking after me this time. She helped me with some gas and air (wow that stuff sends you loopy). And then placed me in a drip to try and increase the contractions.

Mum came back and sat with me and Roj taking in all the info (at this point, the gas and air/exhaustion had taken over and I don’t have much memory...... although I keep remembering little bits).

By 4pmish I had only increased to 4 cm dilated, and the same was reported back at 10pmish.

At this point there had been 2 changes of staff from Mandy for Grace. I vaguely remember a team of consultants come in.... no idea why or what they said/wanted.

There was an agreement to place me into an epidural in preparation for a potential c section.

The epidural itself was tough, being require to sit still, shaped with your back arched like an angry cat (with a huge bump between you), and keeping still whilst contractions are coming thick and fast, but it got there eventually.

The consultant came round and advised yep c section!!

The Midwife got some scrubs prepped and myself.

When we got into theatre, Roj again was amazing by distracting me, right up until they showed us baby Killian.

It was over....68 hours later and it was over! At 4 minutes to midnight finally met our baby!!!

Everything else is a bit a major blur, and we got the most perfect little man in my arms!

We then had to stay in hospital till Tuesday, to try and sort the pre eclampsia out. Here I was looked after by some amazing women on the Iffley Ward, who always took the time to look after you, nothing was too much trouble. There were some fabulous women who looked after me, in particular Katy W, Lyndsey, Mandy, Naomi, Katy E, Evie, Tasha, Grace and Gosha

Mum and Roxanne, thank you so much for being amazing and always there for me and Killian, bringing supplies and cuddles.

Roj, thank you for being my support, my eyes and ears with the consultants, asking them all the questions and relaying back to me what must have felt 100 times. Both you and mum for dealing with my random comments when I was a tad high off the gas and air, and just for being my amazing wonderful husband. I love you to the moon and back xxx


I would like to say a massive thank you to the midwifes, consultants & everyone involved in assisting the birth of our perfect little girl on the 15th May 18 �

Especially Aoife & Holly on Day assessment, who were our midwife & HCA in theatre during my C-Section. We were nervous, especially me & right from arriving that morning, Aoife made us feel so much more relaxed & sure on everything that was about to happen.

Our consultants were amazing & the anesthetists too, very informative from the word go.

All the lovely midwifes & HCA assistants on Marsh Ward too who looked after us after her arrival, especially over night when she wouldnt settle so they shared cuddles so I could get some rest. Such wonderful support from arrival to departure �

We’d also like to praise our community midwife Laura too, who has been amazing.

The staff at the RBH Maternity block are fantastic, professional and on hand. The work they do, deserves all the praise in the world xx


I would like to say a massive Thank You to the RBH staff who looked after us when I had my twins on November 1st. The care we have received was incredible, beyond any expectation we had (and it was already pretty high!) To every midwife, doctor, anaesthetist, nurse that were there caring for us for a whole week - thank you so much! In Delivery and at Marsh ward.

Alex and Zack are doing very well at 13 weeks and it is no doubt due to a great start they have received at the hospital.


I was booked in for an elective csection on monday 15th due to 2 previous emergency sections but went into labour on my own on the 10th. I was closely looked after while waiting to go theatre on the labour ward, however while in surgery having lots of complications with scarring and blood loss, I'd like to say a massive thankyou and forever grateful to all theatre staff for keeping me alive and stopping the immense blood loss while my worried husband stood back holding our new born little girl. A big thank you to Iffley ward midwives, nurses, baby nurses, catering staff and the tea and coffee angels who also kept me going while recovering. Without all of you I would not be at home with my new baby, husband and children recovering fantastically. A simple thanks would never be enough. Xx


I had to have an emergency C Section on 27th June after a difficult labour, Tessa who is usually in Rushey Ward saw me a day before I went in on 26th..... turns out she was our midwife until her shift ended, Rhiannon and Esther took over all three ladies were very attentive happy to help in anyway and make sure we were well cared for, Tunde was the doctor who performed my Section, amazing team of doctors, nurses and midwives I cannot thank them enough for bringing our beautiful daughter into this world....... thank you all so much xxx


I had an emergency C section on Sunday 6th May and the care I received both in Iffely and the delivery suite was amazing! From the care assistants to the consultants I can’t fault anyone!

But I really do want to give a massive thank you to all the midwives and nurses who were amazing and even when they were short staffed and under a crazy amount of pressure! Nothing was silly or didn’t have time!

They made me feel at ease and I left the hospital in awe of the crazy amount of stuff they deal with!

Thank you ladies! From Baby Gia and a happy mummy & daddy ��


I had a wonderful experience on the delivery suite and Rushey with both my babies. All the midwives, student midwives and maternity assistants we saw went out of their way to help and care for us. I had planned a midwifery unit water birth with both, but it wasn't to be. However I was very well looked after and I feel a great sense of achievement with my second birth, which was unassisted using just gas and air, I feel I owe this to the support of my fantastic midwife. Thank you �


I gave birth to my baby boy Reggie on the 8/1/17 and what a amazing the staff are on the 6th I had a amazing midwife called charlotte that got me in the birth pool ( but he was being a pickle and didn't come that night) and the midwife I had on at night on the 8th was truely amazing and kind and supportive lady ( I'm trying to find her name) all staff are amazing and you don't get enough credit , thank you so much xx


I cannot fault the level of care given by every member of staff during the birth of my son this week, simply outstanding. We were both cared for beautifully. From the delivery ward to Buscot Ward and Marsh Ward and the surgical team. We are so fortunate to have such amazing health professionals and an incredible NHS. Thank you.


Had my baby at the Royal Berkshire Hospital last week. All of the staff went out of there way to make me feel safe and looked after after needing an emergency induction and c section. They explained everything every step of the way and went above and beyond to make myself and my family feel looked after . The midwives work extremely hard and were really very lovely. The surgeon and doctors were very friendly and made me feel safe and at ease at my unexpected surgery and they did a fantastic job ( I’m healing amazingly after only 5 days) . Well done to you all . Thank you for your exceptional care and patience �


Delivered my son at RBH 10 days ago. My care was second to none and I had a really positive labour experience! Thank you to all the midwives and staff for delivering all 3 of my babies safely. ���


Can I just thank every midwife that helped me in my long scary labour last Friday especially kate drain who stuck with me for a long time before an emergency c section , and the midwifes on marsh ward after was amazing this was my first baby so very scary but they all kept me at ease


Amazing attentive care — I can’t thank everyone enough! I finally had our first baby on 11th March 2018 @ 2.15pm after what was around a 36 hour labour and him being 5 days late.... We ended up having to go to theatre as my little boy had his head in an awkward position, I honestly cannot thank all the midwives in the delivery suite enough (I’m so sorry I can’t remember everybody’s names who helped us as there ended up being a fair few as my baby took forever to make an appearance) and also the theatre team, the doctors and marsh ward staff for looking after us. Everyone was so reassuring and lovely �. A huge thank you to everyone who was involved in my labour from the assessment ward onwards, I honestly cant thank you all enough��


After spending 3 days on induction Iffley Ward the care was unwavering. Every person I dealt with was just amazing. Natasha was fantastic too as it wasn’t easy and she was great, even checking up after baby was born really go g above and beyond.

Then 3 nights with baby on Iffley Ward and again cannot fault anything. The help care and understanding of mine and babies needs was great. Hayley who was on the night shifts was so so helpful and gave me lots of help and advise for baby.

Cannot thank everyone working on Iffley Ward enough x


A huge thank you to everyone for looking after us this last week. From all of the Iffley Ward induction and post-natal team and Delivery Suite team, Students, Anaesthetists, Paediatricians, Feeding teams, Haematologists, Labs, Catering and Cleaning; you’ve all been amazing. Thank you also to DAU for all the help in the run up to the induction last Friday. Tom and I can’t thank you all enough for helping Astrid arrive safely and for making us all feel so supported. xx


Words cannot express how thankful we are for such amazing care we had for the birth of our son Roan on 29.03.18. The team were tireless in their efforts, on their 12hour shifts!!, to make sure we felt safe, secure and relaxed in welcoming our son to the world. Thank you �


We had our baby boy on Friday at the rbh. We had such great support from the staff on the iffly ward before and after. And all 4 midwifes that helped deliver him on the delivery suite the care and advice was outstanding! Thank you so much!x


Thank you to the staff on day assessment. Since my first child the advice about being aware of your baby’s daily movements and kicks count campaign has come in. My second baby had not followed its normal daily pattern and I had a feeling I couldn’t shift about reduced movements , but like most mums I felt like I didn’t want to bother anyone and thought the feeling would pass. I decided to ring rbh for advice after remembering that you should contact your midwife or maternity unit immediately if you are concerned. My care from the midwife I rang initially to the student midwife on the ward (who stayed later than her shift to see me assessed ) was excellent. Fortunately my baby was ok. The whole team were all so friendly, kind and reassuring , they all said ‘you did the right thing coming in and getting checked’. I was also told to come back anytime I felt that baby’s movements had changed... thank you for making me feel like I wasn’t ‘bothering anyone or wasting time‘ . We are fortunate to have such excellent nhs staff at the rbh.


My husband and I just want to say a huge thank you to the staff at RBH for the fantastic care they gave me and my new baby girl who was delivered on Tuesday. I was terrified before my c-section but the staff who looked after me before, during and after the surgery were wonderful and I am very grateful to them for all they did to turn what could've been a terrifying and traumatic event into something truly magical. Also want to give my heartfelt thanks to the staff on Marsh ward who looked after me and my baby so incredibly well, not just physically but emotionally too. You are all wonderful and I want you to know that it meant the world to us. Thank you and merry Christmas. Rachel and Mitch (and baby Isabelle)


Long post alert!!

So a week ago today I was on my way to theatre with hubby dressed in scrubs, desperate to meet our little boy.

Loads of you have been brilliant and been sending lots of messages. If I haven’t responded yet, I will do, I have just been so out of it over the last week, it’s only really today where it is all catching up, and I am getting to grips with what my body, me and my family have been through!

Last Tuesday I attended hospital with sever itching to my stomach, that in itself wasn’t an issue, it was just my skin reacting to baby’s growth (trust my skin). They checked on my blood pressure which was rather high, and kept me there most the day to keep monitoring it. They hen prescribed me meds and booked an appt for a measurement scan the next days.

Wednesday...... went into RBH for the scan, where they calculated Killian’s weight to be 9lb 12/ 4.46 kg. Then came the long wait for the consultant who then made the decision that it was time to have me induced, as there would be no harm to the baby by having him at 37 weeks. They were concerned that I had the onset of pre eclampsia (which they’ve since diagnosed), and the size of baby if they let him grow any more, he may get stuck).

At the time in my head I remember taking it all in, asked how long hubby had to get there, where I was told it wouldn’t happen that quick and for him to take his time. I then asked if it would be ok to get some food as I was starving!!

Phoned hubby to let him know, who then focused on making his way to me, and me sending him all the messages of where the hospital bag etc was. He remembered everything plus some!!

I was then admitted to Iffley ward induction suite, where Aneta explained the processes of induction, the first go can take up to 24 hours, if that didn’t work, they would try again and what would happen after if that hadn’t worked. She showed me where things were. There were 3 other ladies I the ward who were also being induced. I remember being quite calm, but my head was kind of ..... oh this is happening..... I’m not sure I’m quite ready, I was meant to be doing this, that and the other this week!!

Mum was with me throughout the entire time, and then my sister popped up to see me too and five supporting cuddles. She then took mum home, leaving Roj to look after me through the night. The first wave of contractions started about 10pm, just as the lady opposite us waters had broken and she was being wheeled downstairs.

We also had the night time Midwife looking after us, Hayley, who actually had looked after me before when I had fallen over at 16weeks!! She showed me where the bath was to use as pain relief if we wanted. Which I did! And for the most part it helped, I then tried to get some sleep, However the contractions started to get rather painful and sleep wasn’t happening! Tried another bath, and I think I managed to get one maybe 2 hours of sleep....

I remember Tasha (the day Midwife) coming round and introduce herself, and supplying me with my meds for the blood pressure. Mum came back to the hospital, and we went walking around the hospital to get some air, but also see if gravity would help out in getting the contractions going. By 5pm we had the check up, and sadly the first induction hadn’t worked, and I needed a second round..... 5 hours after the lady next to me had been told the same thing. It was now a race between the 2 of us who could get going first! At this point I believe her waters had already broken.... so it was a waiting game. I was already 1 cm dilated, so I hoped that this would work in my favour.

Roxanne also visited with some grapes and flowers for me.

A few hours passed and the contractions felt incredibly strong, and at about 11pm, my waters went... this was at a bit of a shock to both me and Roj!!! There was an influx of deliveries at this point, so the poor Midwife was running around between quite a few of us, her and her student Midwife were fantastic! She confirmed that my waters had broken, and recommended another bath to help with the pain. The contractions started coming quite strongly, with my muscles feeling desperate to push. I was dreading what was to come next/excited to meet little one. But alas, I was still only 1cm dilated so nothing was happening quickly.

Roj was an absolute star with helping me out, listening to everything, massaging me when needed, and even hung off the end of the bed to cuddle me and try and get me some sleep. He even helped the Midwife by replacing the 2nd induction when it came out with my waters!!!

Friday morning came, Tasha was back and did the inspection. I was only 2 cms, she tried doing a sweep to see what would happen.

Friday time wise is a bit of a blur to me. I remember being wheeled down to he delivery suite, in a bid to try and get the ball rolling. Gosha was looking after me this time. She helped me with some gas and air (wow that stuff sends you loopy). And then placed me in a drip to try and increase the contractions.

Mum came back and sat with me and Roj taking in all the info (at this point, the gas and air/exhaustion had taken over and I don’t have much memory...... although I keep remembering little bits).

By 4pmish I had only increased to 4 cm dilated, and the same was reported back at 10pmish.

At this point there had been 2 changes of staff from Mandy for Grace. I vaguely remember a team of consultants come in.... no idea why or what they said/wanted.

There was an agreement to place me into an epidural in preparation for a potential c section.

The epidural itself was tough, being require to sit still, shaped with your back arched like an angry cat (with a huge bump between you), and keeping still whilst contractions are coming thick and fast, but it got there eventually.

The consultant came round and advised yep c section!!

The Midwife got some scrubs prepped and myself.

When we got into theatre, Roj again was amazing by distracting me, right up until they showed us baby Killian.

It was over....68 hours later and it was over! At 4 minutes to midnight finally met our baby!!!

Everything else is a bit a major blur, and we got the most perfect little man in my arms!

We then had to stay in hospital till Tuesday, to try and sort the pre eclampsia out. Here I was looked after by some amazing women on the Iffley Ward, who always took the time to look after you, nothing was too much trouble. There were some fabulous women who looked after me, in particular Katy W, Lyndsey, Mandy, Naomi, Katy E, Evie, Tasha, Grace and Gosha

Mum and Roxanne, thank you so much for being amazing and always there for me and Killian, bringing supplies and cuddles.

Roj, thank you for being my support, my eyes and ears with the consultants, asking them all the questions and relaying back to me what must have felt 100 times. Both you and mum for dealing with my random comments when I was a tad high off the gas and air, and just for being my amazing wonderful husband. I love you to the moon and back xxx


I would like to say a massive thank you to the midwifes, consultants & everyone involved in assisting the birth of our perfect little girl on the 15th May 18 �

Especially Aoife & Holly on Day assessment, who were our midwife & HCA in theatre during my C-Section. We were nervous, especially me & right from arriving that morning, Aoife made us feel so much more relaxed & sure on everything that was about to happen.

Our consultants were amazing & the anesthetists too, very informative from the word go.

All the lovely midwifes & HCA assistants on Marsh Ward too who looked after us after her arrival, especially over night when she wouldnt settle so they shared cuddles so I could get some rest. Such wonderful support from arrival to departure �

We’d also like to praise our community midwife Laura too, who has been amazing.

The staff at the RBH Maternity block are fantastic, professional and on hand. The work they do, deserves all the praise in the world xx


I would like to say a massive Thank You to the RBH staff who looked after us when I had my twins on November 1st. The care we have received was incredible, beyond any expectation we had (and it was already pretty high!) To every midwife, doctor, anaesthetist, nurse that were there caring for us for a whole week - thank you so much! In Delivery and at Marsh ward.

Alex and Zack are doing very well at 13 weeks and it is no doubt due to a great start they have received at the hospital.


I was booked in for an elective csection on monday 15th due to 2 previous emergency sections but went into labour on my own on the 10th. I was closely looked after while waiting to go theatre on the labour ward, however while in surgery having lots of complications with scarring and blood loss, I'd like to say a massive thankyou and forever grateful to all theatre staff for keeping me alive and stopping the immense blood loss while my worried husband stood back holding our new born little girl. A big thank you to Iffley ward midwives, nurses, baby nurses, catering staff and the tea and coffee angels who also kept me going while recovering. Without all of you I would not be at home with my new baby, husband and children recovering fantastically. A simple thanks would never be enough. Xx


I had to have an emergency C Section on 27th June after a difficult labour, Tessa who is usually in Rushey Ward saw me a day before I went in on 26th..... turns out she was our midwife until her shift ended, Rhiannon and Esther took over all three ladies were very attentive happy to help in anyway and make sure we were well cared for, Tunde was the doctor who performed my Section, amazing team of doctors, nurses and midwives I cannot thank them enough for bringing our beautiful daughter into this world....... thank you all so much xxx


I had an emergency C section on Sunday 6th May and the care I received both in Iffely and the delivery suite was amazing! From the care assistants to the consultants I can’t fault anyone!

But I really do want to give a massive thank you to all the midwives and nurses who were amazing and even when they were short staffed and under a crazy amount of pressure! Nothing was silly or didn’t have time!

They made me feel at ease and I left the hospital in awe of the crazy amount of stuff they deal with!

Thank you ladies! From Baby Gia and a happy mummy & daddy ��


I had a wonderful experience on the delivery suite and Rushey with both my babies. All the midwives, student midwives and maternity assistants we saw went out of their way to help and care for us. I had planned a midwifery unit water birth with both, but it wasn't to be. However I was very well looked after and I feel a great sense of achievement with my second birth, which was unassisted using just gas and air, I feel I owe this to the support of my fantastic midwife. Thank you �


I gave birth to my baby boy Reggie on the 8/1/17 and what a amazing the staff are on the 6th I had a amazing midwife called charlotte that got me in the birth pool ( but he was being a pickle and didn't come that night) and the midwife I had on at night on the 8th was truely amazing and kind and supportive lady ( I'm trying to find her name) all staff are amazing and you don't get enough credit , thank you so much xx


I cannot fault the level of care given by every member of staff during the birth of my son this week, simply outstanding. We were both cared for beautifully. From the delivery ward to Buscot Ward and Marsh Ward and the surgical team. We are so fortunate to have such amazing health professionals and an incredible NHS. Thank you.


Had my baby at the Royal Berkshire Hospital last week. All of the staff went out of there way to make me feel safe and looked after after needing an emergency induction and c section. They explained everything every step of the way and went above and beyond to make myself and my family feel looked after . The midwives work extremely hard and were really very lovely. The surgeon and doctors were very friendly and made me feel safe and at ease at my unexpected surgery and they did a fantastic job ( I’m healing amazingly after only 5 days) . Well done to you all . Thank you for your exceptional care and patience �


Delivered my son at RBH 10 days ago. My care was second to none and I had a really positive labour experience! Thank you to all the midwives and staff for delivering all 3 of my babies safely. ���


Can I just thank every midwife that helped me in my long scary labour last Friday especially kate drain who stuck with me for a long time before an emergency c section , and the midwifes on marsh ward after was amazing this was my first baby so very scary but they all kept me at ease


Amazing attentive care — I can’t thank everyone enough! I finally had our first baby on 11th March 2018 @ 2.15pm after what was around a 36 hour labour and him being 5 days late.... We ended up having to go to theatre as my little boy had his head in an awkward position, I honestly cannot thank all the midwives in the delivery suite enough (I’m so sorry I can’t remember everybody’s names who helped us as there ended up being a fair few as my baby took forever to make an appearance) and also the theatre team, the doctors and marsh ward staff for looking after us. Everyone was so reassuring and lovely �. A huge thank you to everyone who was involved in my labour from the assessment ward onwards, I honestly cant thank you all enough��


After spending 3 days on induction Iffley Ward the care was unwavering. Every person I dealt with was just amazing. Natasha was fantastic too as it wasn’t easy and she was great, even checking up after baby was born really go g above and beyond.

Then 3 nights with baby on Iffley Ward and again cannot fault anything. The help care and understanding of mine and babies needs was great. Hayley who was on the night shifts was so so helpful and gave me lots of help and advise for baby.

Cannot thank everyone working on Iffley Ward enough x


A huge thank you to everyone for looking after us this last week. From all of the Iffley Ward induction and post-natal team and Delivery Suite team, Students, Anaesthetists, Paediatricians, Feeding teams, Haematologists, Labs, Catering and Cleaning; you’ve all been amazing. Thank you also to DAU for all the help in the run up to the induction last Friday. Tom and I can’t thank you all enough for helping Astrid arrive safely and for making us all feel so supported. xx

More about Royal Berkshire Rbft Maternity

Royal Berkshire Rbft Maternity is located at Craven road, Rg15an Reading, England