Rspca West Hatch Wildlife

Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 21:00

About Rspca West Hatch Wildlife

West Hatch RSPCA Wildlife Centre cares for and rehabilitates sick and injured wildlife. Based near Taunton, Somerset. Open 7 days a week, 365 days a year from 8am - 9pm. Tel: 03001230721. Emergency Line 03001234999.



We would like to say a huge thank you to Alexandra one of our regular supporters for the wonderful gifts from our amazon wish list. Christmas has definitely come early for the animals. We would also like to to thank the 2 supporters who sent us boxes of fairy liquid we really appreciate your kindness.


After spending some time in our care, this young water rail was deemed fit for release today and returned back to the wild ūüôā The bird was originally found soaking wet and underweight in the centre of a town after stormy weather. These birds are incredibly shy and illusive and are more often heard (making a noise similar to a squealing piglet) than seen.


We have a real shortage of newspapers at the moment, so would be very grateful to anyone who could donate some please. We use it for lining hedgehog boxes and we shred it for bedding. Many thanks


Whilst some of our weakest seals remain inside before going out to pools, we try to provide natural environmental enrichment when possible. This helps to reduce stress and gives them an opportunity to practice skills and behaviours that may benefit them in the wild. It is also, as you can see from the video, a bit of fun! This is one of our seal pups ‚ÄėSloth‚Äô enjoying his seaweed and driftwood enrichment ūüôā


We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended and supported our Annual Awards Night and Dinner Dance. It was a great night and we raised an amazing £2006. We will be holding another one next year on Saturday 16th November and we would love to see lots of you there so please save the date.


We have 27 Grey seal pups in care at the moment, with most arriving underweight, injured and with infections.
Here are a few of our seal pups that are currently in intensive care and on treatment. Once their treatment is finished and they are up to weight and able to feed themselves, the pups will be moved outside onto pools in order to gain more weight and fitness for their preparation back to the wild.
Grey seals pups are born with a thick white coat, weighing in around 14 ...kilos. They remain on land, suckling from their mother for around 3 weeks before losing their fluffy coat and braving the ocean. They are able to put on around 2 kilos per day thanks to the high fat contents in their mother’s milk.
Globally, it is one of the rarest species of seal, with Britain home to an estimated 40% of the worlds population
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Can you help us?
Our supply of Fairy Original washing up liquid is running low. We use lots when treating contaminated birds and mammals. Why Fairy Original you ask? Having tried several other brands we have found it to be the best for removing oil, diesel and greasy substances from feathers and fur. During the year we admit many contaminated birds and mammals and we also do lots and lots of washing up!
... Donations can be dropped off at the Centre, the RSPCA shops in Taunton, Wellington, Chard and Bridgwater. You can also purchase through our Amazon wishlist by clicking the following link. Thank you 60MOCCMDKKMR
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We now have over 100 hedgehogs in our care!
In the last few weeks we have had a sudden influx of underweight hedgehogs that are struggling in the colder weather. Here is a fruity visual guide to help you identify hedgehogs that wont be able to survive the winter. Any hedgehog you find DAY or NIGHT that is under 600g (about the size of a mango) will need care. ... *ANY hedgehog found out wandering in the day, no matter what it's weight will need help*‚Ä ¶/seasonal/‚Ķ/wildlife
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***UPDATE*** We are pleased to report that the Brown long-eared bat that was brought into us after being trapped on flypaper for over 24 hours seems to be making a good recovery after intensive care. He sadly has some burns to his ears and lips from the glue which he is receiving treatment for as well as a wing tear caused by his struggles whilst in the flypaper. We are hopeful that these will recover well enough for him to be returned to the wild with time.
Thank you to all who shared his original post. Hopefully it has raised some awareness to the danger of fly paper and glue traps


Today we had a young Brown long-eared bat brought in to the centre by one of our animal collection officers after it was found by a member of public completely stuck to flypaper. These traps, although intended to catch flies, commonly catch other victims, often with life threatening consequences. Brown long-eared bats are unfortunately a very common victim of flypaper/glue traps due the fact they rely on flying insects such as cluster flies to survive during the winter when are less moths about and are often hunting where these insects are present. They are also forced into close proximity to humans due to habitat destruction (but are completely harmless). Unfortunately this bat arrived exhausted and injured from struggling as well as very stressed. He was meticulously removed from the flypaper before undergoing the washing process. He is now being intensively monitored in the hope his strength returns and he is strong enough to survive his ordeal
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We would like to say a huge thank you to Kathy who has generously donated all of these items purchased through our Amazon Wishlist. They will be extremely useful in helping us care for the animals. Thank you ūüôā
There is still plenty of items on our wish list. If you would like to donate then please click on the link below. We are extremely grateful for your generosity. 60MOCCMDKKMR


We have received gel knee pads, a pestle and mortar and mealworms purchased through our Amazon Wishlist. We would like to say a huge thank you to Alex, Jean and Christine for your generous donations. The knee pads will help our staff when they are looking after the seals and the pestle and mortar is used for crushing treatments and medications for seals and other animals in our care. The mealworms are a protein rich snack for our hedgehogs and birds. Thank you ūüôā
If you would like to donate items from our wish list please click on the link below. We are extremely grateful for your generosity. 60MOCCMDKKMR


We currently have volunteer gardener positions available at West Hatch. If you are would like to help keep our Animal and Wildlife Centre looking neat and tidy then click on the link below.


At the beginning of the month 18 swans came into the centre after they became contaminated and unwell due to pollution in the water. Today the first 4 swans of the group were released. As you can see they were very keen to go and it was nice to see them stick together :)


We have added several items to our wish list which are urgently needed for the Wildlife Centre. If you would like to donate items from our wish list please click on the link below. We are extremely grateful for your generosity. 60MOCCMDKKMR


Tickets are now on sale for our annual Dinner and Dance. If you would like to join us please comment below or email we would love to see lots of you there ‚̧ԳŹ


Autumn at West Hatch. ūüćĀ The 18 swans that came into the centre at the beginning of the month contaminated and unwell due to pollution in the water are all looking great on our specialist swan pool. They will soon be ready for release.


We often receive private messages or posts regarding injured or abandoned wildlife. This account is not manned 24 hours a day so please do not report it via Facebook. If you would like some advice please ring the Wildlife Centre during our opening hours 8am -9pm on 0300 123 0721. If it is outside our opening hours please ring out NCC on 0300 1234 999. Thank you ūüôā


un grand merci pour tout ce que vous faites pour les animaux <3


they do a very good job looking after all the animal' and always there to help if you need them.


What a fantastic place! We have just dropped a young crow that had landed in our garden. Livy was so welcoming and friendly, taking the time to explain to our kids the work the centre does. Keep up the great work West Hatch - we look forward to hearing how our fledgling is doing!


We have just returned from dropping off at West Hatch a young crow that appeared to have a damaged wing & couldn't fly. This crow had found its way into our hallway so we were able to catch it & apart from not being able to fly seemed to be in good spirits. The rooms we saw at West Hatch for bird care were lovely with lots of Jackdaws, a Jay & others all being cared for with a view to releasing back into the wild when recovered. Thank you West Hatch for being so welcoming, helpful, friendly & obviously very dedicated to wild animal welfare.


Totally in awe of the sheer dedication for all the animals you get in!


Lovely people, bought in a little hedgehog. Really lovely on the phone gave me lots of information. And took him in myself and lovely people at the reception.


Lovely helpful staff who gave advice when we found a poorly hedgehog in our garden. Will be in contact in a couple of days to find out how he's getting on. Thank-you :)


It is a life changing experience to work for the RSPCA and together with the team. They are all extraordinary people who live and breathe for animals and nature.

It was and still will be the most beautiful and soul enhancing time of my life!


Interesting visit but tour was restricted so as not to stress the dogs.




Excellent work, excellent dedicated people.


Excellent staff super helpful. We enquired about dog adoption and had all questions answered.


Cheerful and helpful people who all do an amazing job!

More about Rspca West Hatch Wildlife

0300 123 0721
Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 21:00