Ruth Jenks- Antenatal

About Ruth Jenks- Antenatal

Antenatal Teacher, Pregnancy Yoga Teacher. Updates on current and upcoming courses. Discussion, interesting articles and research



Amazing photos! And look at those gorgeous rolls!


I'm covering nappies tonight- I might have to add this to the educational resources!


I like this!


I always try to mention reusable nappies in my courses. Not only do they not contribute to landfill they also hold on poonami's better than disposables! And they can be so pretty!


We are so fortunate that there IS choice, that legally every woman has choice. Fortunate that living in the UK in 2019 means that every woman has access to information to inform her decisions.
Now if everyone else could just do one and let every woman get on with making which ever decisions suit her family, life style and health considerations that would be great.


Boobs are never the problem ;-)


Well this seems accurate!
Who can relate? Any top tips?


Pregnancy Yoga in central Worcester.
Spaces available on this week's session, 6-7pm Monday night.


This is too often what I encounter- that pregnant people are told that they need to be induced with very little discussion, little explanation that it is an offer or recommendation and little chance to question or fully understand the process.
For some women induction of labour will be the right choice for them, for others it might not be. But women often feel better about their births if they feel in control. So induction should be something that is offered in appropriate situations and either accepted or declined by the person giving birth. In order to do this they need to really understand WHAT is being offered and WHY, what ELSE is available and that ultimately their decision will be respected. Coercion is not consent.…/2018-01-w omen-routine-inducti…


And there you have it. Real evidence supports midwives, continuity of care and women


If you can’t smell anything you can usually visit a doctor who will perform tests on your nose, rather than telling you that your sense of smell doesn’t matter and that someone else can just smell your dinner for you. But many women experiencing breastfeeding difficulties are simply told there are no tests, to stop persevering, and to give their baby a bottle of formula. They should remember that the main thing is that their baby is fed.
Read more at:…/breastfeeding-pro blems-complication…/…


I'll always share these! Hug your babies!


I often mention this in sessions but incase you need it...... Self refer to the tongue tie clinic in Worcester


Please feel free to share this far and wide. It's so important to try and enjoy the inbetween time and not panic that baby isn't here.


I like this!
It's so tempting to get up and out. But there's nothing wrong with resting after having a baby.
This is your permission.

More about Ruth Jenks- Antenatal