Rw Aesthetics

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -

About Rw Aesthetics

•Registered Nurse
•Hamilton Fraser Insured
•BACN Member
•Professional Bespoke Service
•Medical Grade Skin Peels
•Wrinkle relaxing injections
•Dermal Fillers



•L I P S. L I P S. L I P S• - - - We just love these soft, natural lips using 0.5ml of Juvederm ultra smile.... - - - Our client wanted natural volume and balancing of the upper and lower lip. - - - When we hear lip filler it doesn’t have to mean over filled lips with an over pronounced side projection. - - - Small amounts of lip filler can restore lost volume as we age, add a little volume where we lack it, or correct asymmetry / balance volume. - - - Get in touch today to book your free consultation today. T: 07505 009 722 E: W: #happythursday #lipfillers #lipvolume #naturalbutnoticeable #registerednurse #lips #lipenvy #aesthetics @ RW Aesthetics
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•H E L L O M O N D A Y• - - - Happy Monday everyone! Start of a new week and it’s meant to be a hot one, so don’t forget your spf! *My fave topic! So I can’t miss an opportunity to pop that in!*... - - - It’s also an exciting week for RW Aesthetics, as its our first week in our new clinic space!! So keep your eyes peeled for a few offers we will be running over the next few weeks! - - - There’s a few finishing touches to be made and once these are made we’ll be hosting an open night to celebrate with you all in style! With bubbles, demo’s and obviously prizes and offers to be taken advantage of, on the night! - - - ✨Keep your eyes peeled✨#happymonday #excitingtimes #aesthetics #newclinic #registerednurse #skincare #lipfillers #dermalfiller #antiageing #chemicalpeel #needling #dermaplane #facemasks
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•E X C E S S S W E A T I N G• - - - Medically known as hyperhidrosis. ... Do you suffer from excessive underarm sweating? Can’t wear light colours in case you sweat? Feeling paranoid for the summer season? - - - We can help! Of course it’s natural to sweat and we need to in order to regular our body temperature. - - - However, we have between 2-4 million sweat glands throughout our bodies and about 2% of them are under our arms. - - - Excessive sweating can be related to some medical conditions or the cause can be unknown. Its essential to have a pre consultation to go over past medical history and explore explanations for the cause, prior to treating this. - - - Botox can be injected, following the application of numbing cream, to ensure the procedure is as comfortable as possible. - - - This causes a temporary reduction in underarm sweating lasting 4-6months. Prices start at £350 - - - To book your free consultation today call, email or text us: T:07505 009 722 #happytuesday #excesssweating #summer #summerseason #underarmsweating #aesthetics #registerednurse #botox #treatmentsthatwork @ RW Aesthetics
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•T H E E S S E N T I A L S• - - - Happy Friday everyone! Our first week back off holiday and we made it. It’s always tough the first week back but the weekend is nearly here! ... - - - A few essentials to aid in great skin, Hydration - water intake Sleep - rejuvenation & repair Skincare - using the correct ingredients - - - These are by no means not the only things your skin needs, there are many other; such as SPF!!!A balanced healthy dietary intake and many more. But these are at the core. - - - Skincare does not have to cost a bomb, sometimes one or two products may be a little pricey but on the whole expensive does not mean effective!! - - - The skincare market can be a mind field, so knowing what your skin type is and what results you would like to achieve can aid in choosing the best products. - - - If you are unsure and need a little skincare help, get in touch to book your free skin consultation today! We can help produce a bespoke treatment plan which includes the correct ingredients to achieve your desired results. - - - The recipe for great skin starts with great ingredients
#friday #nearlytheweekend #fridayfeeling #skincare #sleep #hydration #skicareroutine #skincareingredients #loveyourskin #regusterednurse #aesthetics #antiageing
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•S T A R T T H E D A Y W I T H A S M I L E A N D E N D W I T H A F A C E M A S K• - - - Happy Friday everyone! I’m in holiday mode - I’ve definitely got that Friday feeling ☀️✨🥂... - - - Hope you all have a lovely weekend, why not treat yourself to a face mask this weekend, home care mask are not only a really nice pamper, but they can help hydrate the skin. - - - At RW Aesthetics you can add masks to multiple treatments, this is not only a nice way to end a treatment but there are various masks, for all skin types and they can aid in skin recovery post treatment. - - - We offer a range of masks that can help create glowing skin, help calm and soothe, purifying, and aid in reducing inflammation. - - - If you would like to book a treatment or add a mask to an existing treatment, get in touch today. - - - T: 07505 009 722 #friday #fridayfeeling #holidaymode #skincare #facemasks #pamperweekends #skinrejuvenation #fresh #antiageing #skincareroutine #lovetheskinyourein #registerednurse #aesthetics #skintreatments
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•S U M M E R S E L F I E S E A S O N• - - - Get your skin summer and selfie ready! My holiday is round the corner and I cannot wait, keep your eyes peeled on my stories for my holiday skin prep! ... - - - I always perform a light exfoliation, needle my skin, (with a meso cocktail of vitamin C and collagen) and apply a hydration mask and under eye mask! - - - Get yourself booked in to prep your skin ready for summer! - - - I love the sun, and cannot wait to feel the warmth on my skin...and I know I always bang on about spf BUT I always ensure I protect my skin! A little vitamin D is good, but with quality sun protection to protect against UVA / UVB rays and limited direct sun exposure - - - Book your appointment today T: 07505 009 722 E: W:
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•W R I N K L E R E L A X I N G• - - - Great result with wrinkle relaxing injections to soften the muscle activity. ... This lovely client wanted a reduction in the bunny lines, lines between the brows, as well as to soften the lines on her forehead. - - - Our client wanted a soft and natural result, and wanted to retain some of the muscle activity in order to keep the results natural and not artificial. - - - Lovely result that will last around 4-6 months, another happy client. If you have any questions about any of the treatments we offer, please get in touch today! T:07505 009 722 #aesthetics #registerednurse #antiageing #wrinklerelaxing #happythursday #skincare #rejuvenation #fresh #youthfulskin #freeconsultation @ RW Aesthetics
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•T H E R E S H E G L O W S• - - - Post express dermaplane treatment.... Just look at that glow! Skin is revitalised, complexion improved, fine lines and wrinkles reduced and overall texture and tone enhanced - - - This involves the use of a surgical blade to remove dead skin & vellus hair. Sound scary? Don’t be alarmed its a pain free, relaxing procedure to exfoliate the skin and leaves you with this amazing GLOW✨ - - - A Dermaplane treatment can be repeated ever 4-6 weeks to keep skin looking fresh, radiant and luminous by removing the dead skin alongside with the natural cell cycle where we shed our dead skin cells. #dermaplane #skinexfoliation #deadskinremoval #vellushair #peachfuzz #rejuvenation #textureandtone #registerednurse #aesthetics #happythursday #loveyourskin @ RW Aesthetics
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•H A P P Y H U M P D A Y• - - - Hope you all have a great Wednesday! We are now in May, summer is round the corner! If you want to get your skin ‘summer ready’ for bare faced, no make up days, (with your spf) but feel conscious about your complexion, blemishes or scarring? Then get in touch and we can help!!... - - - Everyone deserves clear, natural and healthy skin. We can help you achieve this. We will perform a free skin consultation to assess your skin in detail and then outline a bespoke treatment plan. This may include a combination of treatments as well as advice on new products and ingredients you can utilise at home, that will aid in you treatment plan. - - - To book your free skin consultation, phone email, message or book online at: T:07505 009 722 #registerednurse #skincare #cosmeticdermatology #skinassessment #bespoketreatmentplans #antiageing #happyhumpday🐫
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•S O F T & N A T U R A L• - - - This soft and natural result to the Nasolabial folds (NLF - Nose to mouth lines) is exactly what our client wanted. ... - - - We have taken the weight and depth out of the fold, but this result is still lovely and natural and does not look artificial in any way. - - - This soft reduction in NLF helps to give a more youthful look and helps restore some of the volume loss which is part of the natural ageing process! - - - If you are interested in any of the treatments of procedures we offer please get in touch T: 07505 009 722 E: W:
#cosmeticnurse #aesthetics #dermalfillers #registerednurse #naturalresults #nasolabialfolds #results #friday #skincare #antiageing @ RW Aesthetics
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• C L I E N T S E L F I E • - - - We just love receiving client selfies!! This is just an incredible result from wrinkle relaxing injections. - -... - Forehead lines softened, brows lifted, eye area opened up! Fresh and natural result💛 - - - Very happy client who wanted a natural result! #wrinklerelaxing #cosmeticnurse #registerednurse #browlift #eyearea #foreheadlines #naturalresults
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* H a p p y E a s t e r • It’s finally Easter weekend, hope you have a lovely bank holiday with friends & family and a few treats along the way💛 - - -... - The sun is shining- how lovely is this weather? Why not take in one of the naturally good sources for our skin, SUNSHINE (with spf) - - - A lot of clients ask what contributes to clear, healthy skin? My answer is always the same..
1. Sunshine - Vitamin D, but in small doses, with high quality sun protection that protects against UVA & UVB rays (all year round) 2. Water Intake - Staying hydrated and drinking the recommended daily amount of 1.2L (6-8 glasses a day) I’m guilty, I don’t drink enough, but I’m trying!! This helps rid the body and skin or toxins 3. Rest - sleep is so IMPORTANT, not only as it effects mood and energy levels but this is also when our body repairs any damage. 4. Fresh Air - fresh air is great for our overall wellbeing and our SKIN. Spending time outdoors in the countryside in areas of low air pollution is great for our health. Being indoors, in dry air conditioned environments can be very drying on our skin. 5. Exercise & Lifestyle - having a work life balance with time to exercise helps with weight management and keeps our heart and lungs healthy. This reduces our risk of chronic and acute diseases. The NHS recommends that we perform exercise that raise our heart rate for 30mins 5 times a week. 6. Diet - nutritional intake is so important for our skins health. Having a healthy balance diet should give us the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that along with targeted treatments can help manage troublesome skin.
In order to have great, glowing skin, a combination of the 6 factors above along with a good skin care regime and targeted in house, medical grade treatments can achieve this! Great skin takes commitment , not a miracle! #vitamind #sunshine #bankholiday #easter #registerednurse #aesthetics #skincare #summer #spf
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•B Y E B Y E C R O W’ S F E E T• - - - Wrinkle relaxing injections - Prevention is better than cure - relax those muscles before the lines become deep and present at rest.... Relaxing muscles when the lines have become present at rest is still an option to prevent them becoming any deeper, however to achieve optimum results, this would require a combination of peels/micro-needling and topical skin treatments to help soften the lines at rest. - - - Its never to late to look after your skin! Its an investment and will represent you for the rest of your life. - - - The beauty and skin care market can be overwhelming, if your unsure on what products will work best on your skin to create the results you’re looking for, please get in touch! We’re happy to help create clear, healthy and GLOWING skin!! - - - T:07505 009 722 E: W: #antiwrinkle #crowsfeet #registerednurse #skincare #spf #summer #holidayready @ RW Aesthetics
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• Skin is B E A U T I F U L wear it well • - - -... Medical grade chemical peels are a great treatment for many skin concerns. If you would like reduction in fine lines & wrinkles, reduced surface pigmentation, overall improvement in skin texture and tone - this could be the treatment for you. - - - This minimally invasive procedure involves brushing an acid over your skin, this breaks the bonds of the dead skin cells to help reveal healthy, fresh, glowing skin- with literally no downtime! - - - For more information please get in touch. Free skin consultations available T: 07505 009 722 E: W:
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• S P E C I A L O F F E R • Book 2 Micro-needling or 2 Dermaplane treatments and save £20 Book with a friend or why not treat yourself? *Offer ends May 10th 2019* For more information, please get in touch... T: 07505 009 722 E: Or check our website for more details
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• L I P R E S T O R A T I O N • - - - This is an example of dermal lip filler to restore definition, and not to add volume. ... - - - As we age our lips thin and lose their natural volume and shape, this due to the depletion of collagen in our lips and therefore the border becomes less defined. You may notice your lip stick starts to bleed out of the lip border and into small lines around the mouth (peri - oral lines) - - - Here we have added a small amount of filler to re-define the vermillion border (lip border) and soften the peri oral lines. This subtle but noticeable result was just what the client wanted. However, as many clients do, she had reservations regarding having filler injected into her lips, as she did not want them to look artificial or full. - - - Dermal Lip filler scares many people, we see horrifying images in the media of how dermal filler can be placed poorly in the lips, creating over filled, misshapen and dangerous consequences for the patient involved. - - - No aesthetic treatments should be undertaken without careful thought and consideration, with all the relevant information gathered from your medical practitioner. - - - Finding the right practitioner is ESSENTIAL! You need to find a person you trust and that can understand your expectations, and together you can plan and manage your treatments to ensure they’re delivered safely. #registerednurse #aesthetics #loveyourskin #antiageing #lipinjections #lipfillers #naturalbutnoticeable @ RW Aesthetics
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• H A P P Y F R I D A Y • - - - Hope you all have a fab Friday, easter weekend is nearly here 💛 The weather is starting to warm up a little, I say a little! However, the rays can still damage your skin, even in lower temperatures - so don’t forget your SPF! ... - - - PROTECT YOUR SKIN, It’s an investment and you will reap the rewards in time. 90% of premature skin ageing is attributed to sun-damage. - - - #loveyourskin #protectyourskin #spf #registerednurse #cosmeticdermatology #summer #uvauvb #sundamage #aesthetics #naturalresults
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• L I P S L I P S L I P S • We just love love love this natural lip enhancement. Balancing the upper and lower lip, adding natural volume that can be seen from the front and side profile and increased lip exposure on smiling #dermalfillers #lipfiller #registerdnurse #aesthetics #naturalresults @ RW Aesthetics

More about Rw Aesthetics

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -