Saffrons Yoga

About Saffrons Yoga

Pregnancy Yoga and hypnobirthing together in each session.
Pregnancy yoga, Baby yoga and Postnatal yoga for families. LIVE classes on Zoom, Face to face classes and Online studio. Weekly live Q& A's.

Saffrons Yoga Description

Dru Prenatal Yoga classes are different to any other type of yoga class. By preparing your body and mind for the changes that it will go through during pregnancy, labour and forwards to becoming a mother.
Baby Yoga helps your baby to; improve digestion, settle babies and improve their sleep, strengthen the physical body, improve blood flow, tone muscles, enhance flexibility, stimulate senses and is also a lot of fun!



The next Birth Preparation Class is booked for Saturday the 30th March at 9:30 till 11am at Macclesfield Library. We will talk about how the birth partner can support the laboring women by massage, breathing and positions. I love this picture, screen shot it and save it and use it in labour. These sessions are £20 per couple and your welcome to bring anyone with you that will support you. i also do home visits so if this date doesnt work for you let me know. I say to do this session when your 30 weeks plus as your ready to think about it. Book on by emailing me at or send me a message. x


If your going to back to work or have started back after having a baby getting the work life balance can be hard, a friend of mine is running a workshop to help you find the right balance for you. balance-workshop-t…


All new cushions ready for baby yoga this morning at 11am at Macclesfield Library.


If your pregnant join the Macclesfield maternity unit on Facebook, they post lots of updates about the unit. Home birth support group is tomorrow at 6pm in the antenatal clinic. No need to book, just go along if you are interested.


Pregnancy Yoga classes run as normal this week, Mondays at 6pm at Macclesfield Hospital and Tuesday at 7pm at Macclesfield Library. Baby yoga classes start the week of the 25th February. Please let me know if you would like to join me. x


A brilliant birth of Sophie's 3rd baby girl: Hi Saffron just wanted to say thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your pregnancy yoga classes the breathing and staying active helped tonnes although I didn't end up birthing in the pool as the contractions became too painful with her being back to back when my waters were broken. Anyway I just wanted to let you know that baby Savannah Grace Hammond was born today 15/02/2019 at 5:51am weighing 8lbs 12oz our biggest ye...t and the girls are smitten. I wish everyone in the group a safe delivery and thanks again. So here's my birth story on Tuesday the 12th we had a consultant appointment and were unable to have the sweep as babies head was too high but I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced then had another appointment on Thursday morning at 10:40 where I managed to have a sweep where I was at 2cm and told baby was back to back then within two hours contractions started at first they were every 15 minutes then after around 4 hours they were between 2 and four minutes apart so we went in and I was only at a 3cm but was sent to labour ward where I kept active using some yoga positions even in the water which helped until they examined me four hours later where nothing had progressed so they popped my waters and I got back into the water for an hour which it then became too much and I decided on the epidural as I was becoming so exhausted and the contractions seemed more intense than with my previous two X we switched rooms and around 5 or 6 hours later with just 3 pushes at 5:51am on the 15th February baby Savannah Grace Hammond was born weighing 8lbs 12oz (my biggest so far)
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Loads of free relaxations here, for you, kids your family everyone. X posts/2479560135449737/


More cakes for Wigglers to Walkers and Baby Yoga classes tomorrow at Mother Nature Sanctuary in Bollington.


Last Tuesday baby yoga session for this term tomorrow so cakes it is. Vegan cakes with flowers and normal cakes with hearts. (I will make some more for the Friday group) Looking forward to eating another one.


Women are so so strong and when reminded they listen to their bodies and trust them to birth babies. Well done Amy:
Alfie arrived in a hurry on Thursday morning. It was an intense but pretty amazing experience. 2h 50mins from 1st contraction to birth.
At 6am I awoke to pee, and then after having done so felt some "new" pain that came and went. A few more of these plus bloody show convinced me to start timing, and I woke my husband after half an hour of them. He got up and st...arted helping me through them. As a cox/rowing coach it turned he was great at this! I managed to have a shower and was sick once. I called the maternity triage when contractions were 5 mins apart and they said no need to hurry in. But then they went from 5mins apart to less than 3 mins in under an hour, and got quite intense quickly. I looked at the contraction timing app showing just how fast the rate of change was and said "we need to go!". My husband sat with me in the back while my stepdad drove us and my mum as fast as safely possible the 15 mins to hospital. During those contractions in the car, hanging desperately on to the handle above the window I felt the distinct urge to push. The journey seemed to take forever, and it crossed my mind that we may not make it! I fought the urge to actually do any pushing but I am fairly sure he made most of his descent during the journey. We arrived at about 8am and I staggered into our room at the NHS birthing centre, but as the midwives were on staff handover it was a few minutes before anyone got to me, I dont think they realised how close I was!. When the midwife did look, she could see the waters which meant I was already fully dilated and ready to start pushing. No time for the waterbirth I wanted or any type of pain relief!
He arrived about 50 mins after we got to the hospital, so I think I was pushing for about 30-40 mins but my body just did it and I rode the waves! I think I was pretty noisy and can just about recall my mum holding my hand, my husband reminding me to breathe and rock and the midwife guiding my pushing.There wasn't any let up in pain really between the contractions by this point, I had to breathe through all of it and I was on all fours for most of that. It was intense but I just trusted my body to do its thing and the amazing people around me to let me know what to do. Astoundingly quickly I heard the midwife say she could see the head and then a few pushes later he was here! I didn't tear or have to have an episiotomy. Just a small internal graze. Placenta arrived in 15 mins with no trouble. Then he was awake and latching on nicely for about 2-3 hours of skin to skin and then some time under observation in the postnatal room. We were home by 5pm having arrived at 8am. All in a day's work!
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Wiggles to walkers today at 10am at Mother Nature Santurary in Bollington. Mostly yoga for mums. Babies from crawling to pre school children play with us and with toys. A yoga session full of singing, playing, stretching, strengthening, relaxing, bubbles and snacks. 10am fridays, £6 per family, just come along.


Pregnant ladies love the chocolates I have in class. I love them too.


I have decided to cancel tonight's class as I dont want you coming out in the snow, I will owe you a class. Stay in and warm and use the pregnancy yoga video on my facebook page to do some at home. I look forwards to seeing you next week. xx


Just a reminder I am teaching a Yoga Birth Preparation class this Saturday at 10am till 11.30am at Macclesfield library. Open pregnant ladies about 30 weeks upwards. £20 per couple, your welcome to bring, husbands, mum's, sister's or friends that are going to support you in birth. Please let me know if you want to join me.


Sally didnt get the home birth she planned but still had an amazing birth in hospital, when we let go we can find strength to move us forwards with change.
Rupert Alfie Hopkin born this morning ( Wednesday) at 02:26 weighing 6lbs1oz. I can honestly say as well the pregnancy yoga got me through every step of that crazy journey. No gas and air used until the last 15 mins of the pool and by which point I think it was more of a hinderance as I was starting to push! Thank you so much for all your help and sending over that music so last minute yesterday. Breathing through contractions is honestly the best tool there is! 💪 well that and an exercise ball lol xxx


Well done Julia, everyone finds what they need to help them move through labour.
Hi Saffron. I wanted to let you know that our beautiful baby girl Molly Hulse was born on Saturday 19th January at Macclesfield Hospital, 1 day before her due date. I was in labour for around 19 hours from 11pm Friday night, and very quickly into labour my contractions were strong and regular and close together. We went to the hospital around 3am Saturday morning but I was only 2cm dilated so I ...was given a sweep and some codeine and we came back home, and stayed at home until I couldn’t cope with the pain any longer. I found the breathing exercises we learnt at yoga really helpful in breathing through my contractions, particularly the humming breathing, and used a lot of visualisation to try to stay relaxed. My partner Chris also found your birth preparation class really helpful and was able to use some of the things he learnt there to support me through labour and birth, particularly rubbing my back and encouraging me to get into some of the positions to help with the contractions, and telling me positive affirmations! We went back to hospital around 12:30pm Saturday afternoon and I was 6cm dilated so I went into the birthing pool and had a water birth using gas and air. Baby Molly was born at 17:56 on Saturday 19th and weighed a healthy 8lb 8oz and she is simply perfect. Thank you for the yoga classes, they were really helpful!
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I met this amazing lady today, Babs. She is a physio that is passionate about supporting women. She really knows her stuff about pelvic floors in pregnancy and postnataly and we are so lucky that she's so close to us, she's in Wilmslow. I am excited to be working with her in the future.


The first Birth Preparation Class of the year! On Saturday the 2nd February I will be running a birth preparation session. The class is 10-11:30am and costs £20 per couple and will be held at Macclesfield Library. The aim of the class is to bring your partner, who could be your husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, mum, sister, friend anyone that is and will support you through the pregnancy and birth of your baby. We will enjoy a yoga class where I aim to teach you both movement...s and birth positions where your partner can support you, breathing exercises and massage techniques. The class helps your partner understand how they can support you with practical tips. If you are interested please let me know. I only run these session every 6 to 8 weeks so if your 30 weeks plus I suggest you come if you can. Thankyou
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Saffron's Yoga has been the making of my pregnancy, labour and early months with my littlest girl! Saffron's practices and friendly approach are superbly calming, motivating and empowering and I am so thankful that I found her and the wonderful group of friends I made in her classes. I recommend whole-heartedly :-)


Saffron's Yoga has been the making of my pregnancy, labour and early months with my littlest girl! Saffron's practices and friendly approach are superbly calming, motivating and empowering and I am so thankful that I found her and the wonderful group of friends I made in her classes. I recommend whole-heartedly :-)

More about Saffrons Yoga

Saffrons Yoga is located at 10 Blueberry Way, SK10 3GS Macclesfield, UK