Salisbury Cafe Scientifique

About Salisbury Cafe Scientifique

News and updates from the team at Salisbury Cafe Sci - feel free to comment, post interesting things and otherwise get involved : -)

Salisbury Cafe Scientifique Description

Café Scientifique is a forum for debating science issues, not a shop window for science. We are committed to promoting public engagement with science and to making science accountable.



Cafe Scientifique Salisbury - November Talk - Simple mathematical questions we don’t know how to answer - rum-1499321


The December talk will be given by Dr Hannah Little who will be talking about her research into evolutionary linguistics. How did humans first start speaking to each other? We all know how difficult it is to communicate with someone who does not speak the same language as us. Imagine then, how difficult it would be to communicate with someone with no language at all. [ 175 more words ]‚ Ķ/sci-fi-influence‚Ķ/


The November talk will be given by Prof. Jim Anderson who will be talking about some rather difficult mathematical problems. In this talk, we‚Äôll explore some simple to state mathematical questions, using nothing more complicated than arithmetic, that are nonetheless questions we don‚Äôt currently know how to solve. Along the way, we‚Äôll discuss some of the reasons why these questions are as difficult as they are to address. [ 26 more words ]‚ Ķ/simple-mathemati‚Ķ/


Cafe Scientifique Salisbury - October Talk - The Future of Television - rum-1491473


The October Talk will be given by our very own Dr Nick Lodge who will be talking about his work in the field of television. In today‚Äôs multimedia world, what do we mean by ‚Äòtelevision‚Äô? It is a digital audio-visual medium which must be capable of telling a story and of conveying: the buzz of a live sporting event, the atmosphere of a rock concert, the emotion of a news report, the social engagement of a drama and the awe of a mountain landscape. [ 235 more words ]‚ Ķ/the-future-of-te‚Ķ/


October's talk will be delivered by our very own Dr Nick Lodge who will be talking about "The Future of Television". Date: Tuesday 2nd October Time: 7pm for 7.30pm start Where: Salisbury Rugby Club Synopsis: In today’s multimedia world, what do we mean by ‘television’? It is a digital audio-visual medium which must be capable of telling a story and of conveying: the buzz of a live sporting event, the atmosphere of a rock concert, the emotion of a news report, the social engag...ement of a drama and the awe of a mountain landscape. In short, it needs to recreate a wide range of real-world cues to such an extent that viewers feel that they are experiencing reality. We cannot do this on a tablet; we need a large screen or head-mounted display, we need 3D audio, we need body-tracking and we may even need motion platforms and smells. The future of TV is about understanding how the human brain and senses interpret ‘reality’ and how technologies can match and manipulate our senses in order to evoke feelings of ‘being there’. And it is also no small matter to produce entertaining content, to deliver it to the viewers and to ensure that it doesn’t make them sick! In his entertaining talk Nick will examine the psychology and technology driving today’s TV developments: high dynamic range video, enhanced colour gamut, high frame-rates, point clouds, ultra hi-res, haptics, light fields and many others. Nicolas Lodge has spent his career leading the research & development of advanced media technologies. He has initiated very many award-winning European broadcast systems and world standards. Throughout the 1990s he was head of strategic R&D for the entire UK commercial TV sector. Following this he was CEO of a wireless media start-up in Bristol and today runs his own consultancy. Nick has BSc, MBA and PhD degrees and is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering & Technology and the Royal Television Society. The Future of Television Dr. Nicolas Lodge
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The 2018-19 season kicks off with the September talk which will be given by Dan Roberts and Nigel George of the National Poo Museum who will be talking about poo. Poo is everywhere - it‚Äôs all around us and inside us too - but we rarely talk about it. Many cultures have a strong taboo around poo and the result is that most people know very little about it beyond their direct personal experience. [ 172 more words ]‚ Ķ/the-wonderful-wo‚Ķ/


Cafe Scientifique Salisbury - July Talk - Sense, Nonsense, and Everything in Between: The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories - rum-1468721


Dr Michael Wood of the University of Winchester will give the July talk focussing on his research into the psychology of conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories are everywhere ‚Äì and, arguably, always have been. What influences us to believe or reject them? Why do some events give rise to more conspiracy theories than others? What does the prevalence of conspiracy theories say about us as a society? [ 117 more words ]‚ Ķ/sense-nonsense-a‚Ķ/


Cafe Scientifique Salisbury - June Talk - Legacy Versus Security: a Cryptographic Dilemma - rum-1461385


Cafe Scientifique Salisbury - GDPR - rum-gdpr


Cafe Scientifique Salisbury - May Talk - How science is helping to bring the hidden past back to life - rum-1452113


The June talk will be given by Prof Chris Mitchell of Royal Holloway, University of London. Chris will be talking about his research into cryptography, encryption and ciphers. The Data Encryption Standard (DES), a US standard cipher algorithm, is now over 40 years old. Not surprisingly, despite breaking new ground when it was published in the 1970s, it is no longer fit for purpose. [ 198 more words ]‚ Ķ/legacy-versus-se‚Ķ/


The May talk will be given by Andy Manning of Wessex Archaeology. Science has always played an important role in archaeology, but recent advances in remote scanning and material analysis has revolutionised our ability to bring the past back to life and reveal hidden stories. The talk will cover advances in the location of new sites and the analysis and dating of human remains and material. [ 133 more words ]‚ Ķ/how-science-is-h‚Ķ/


Air Pollution and Climate Change over the next century - The April talk will be given by Dr Chris Webber from the University of Hertfordshire about his research into air quality, meteorology & climate change - um-1442897


Cafe Scientifique Salisbury - March Talk - Adventures in the outer solar system -


Cafe Scientifique Salisbury - February Talk - Helping our immune system to fight cancer -


The March talk will be given by Dr. Caitriona Jackman, Associate Professor of Space Physics at the University of Southampton. Caitriona will be talking about research into the outer solar system. In this talk I will take you on a tour of the outer solar system, highlighting the key discoveries that have been made and the biggest questions for future exploration. [ 325 more words ]‚ Ķ/adventures-in-th‚Ķ/


The February talk will be given by Prof. Tim Elliott, Professor of Experimental Oncology at the University of Southampton. Tim will be talking about his research into using our own immune systems to fight cancer. Cancer immunology studies the interaction between the immune system and cancer cells. The very idea of harnessing the immune system to fight cancer was first pioneered at Southampton in 1974, and since then we have been at the forefront of this field. [ 151 more words ]‚ Ķ/helping-our-immu‚Ķ/

More about Salisbury Cafe Scientifique

Salisbury Cafe Scientifique is located at Salisbury, Wiltshire