Sandancer Grub: Gr8 4 U Eat'S & Tip'S .

About Sandancer Grub: Gr8 4 U Eat'S & Tip'S .

WL /Bariatric Surgery is 'NOT THE EASY WAY OUT' as some ‘spiteful ‘ pet may suggest! It’s anything but. . . .
It's can be a stressful and very difficult decision to make!

Sandancer Grub: Gr8 4 U Eat'S & Tip'S . Description

WLS /BARIATRIC SURGERY may seem an extremely drastic way to lose weight but for those of us who have tried & tested EVERY 'fad diet' known to man without success, have become so desperate to be healthy have come to the conclusion that this is their very last chance to have some QUALITY OF LIFE! WLS is definately 'NOT AN EASY WAY OUT' as some cruel people, even 'so called' friends or family who are so jealous of the patients eventual success, they make nasty, snide remarks like this! Let me tell you. . . . for me, having a GASTRIC BYPASS. . . was a really terrifying descision to make, yet I KNEW IN MY HEART IT WAS MY LAST CHANCE! I really didn't know if I'd 'make it' off the operating table (although my wonderful surgeon assured me, he wouldn't even 'consider' me unless he felt absolutely positive that I'd be fine) & ALL my loved one's had me bombard with only a very positive attitude & they wouldn't 'allow' me to have any un-possitive thoughts. . . . (but the 'fear' was ALWAYS there), I 'got through it all' through their love & actions towards me, encouraging me & arranging 'retail therapy' trips to buy smaller sized clothing! I even wrote 'farewell letters to my loved ones! The pre-op, liver reducing diet in itself was disgusting! The 'slop' we call the post-op liquid diet is not much better! I couldn't stand 'smells', I'd feel sick at the slightest thing! I'd 'GAG' at the slightest thing & at times still do & I don't expect that to change. I can really 'fancy' something special to eat & within seconds of food being put in front of me or even taking 1 or 2 mouthfuls I want to throw up, gag or feel bloated! Dumping. . . . . OMG it's absolutely AWFUL! I feel nausious, dizzy, I can't focus my eyes, sweating profusely to where the sweat is stinging my already unfocused eyes. I feel that I'm about to pass out! I can't comprehend my whereabouts! I can't hear people trying to calm, help or advise me ! I FEEL LIKE I'M DYING! IT'S VERY SIMILAR TO HYPO-GLYCEMIA! So NO it's NOT an easy option /descision to make because it's LIFE CHANGING. . . . but at the same time, how long a life would I have had left to live had I not had the surgery on 20th November 2015. . . . probably not many more years, I was on my way to high BP & Type 2 Diabetes. I'm 56 years of age now, NO BP OR DIABETES IN SIGHT. . . . 6 STONES & 10. 1 /2LBS LIGHTER & EXTREMELY GLAD I'D TAKEN THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND MY LIFE! I'm happier than I've been in years & thanks to my GA USA /UK born DUAL NATIONAL husband Alan & our kids for their fantastic support during a very traumatic time for all of us, (still on-going at times as learning what you can eat & what you can't or what your new pouch doesn't agree with as EVERY PERSON DIFFERS).
Some people find that the changes that they need to make to their diet and lifestyle after surgery for weight loss are difficult to come to terms with. You can receive help and guidance about what to eat from the team of specialists that will be looking after you. Depending on the operation that you had, you may also be advised to take some vitamin and mineral supplements.
Remember, the surgery won't work all by itself to help you lose weight. You need to work with it. You need to be aware that you will need lifelong medical follow-up after weight loss surgery. Again, you may find being part of a support group helpful.
I'm alive & kicking & having masses of QUALITY OF LIFE at last now! MY GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY HAS BEEN WORTH ALL THE NEGATIVES! !

PS. . . By the way I've already dropped 5 sizes from 26 to 18 9 the charity stores are well pleased with my donations & I've bought more clothes sizes 16 /14 /12 so I'm very optimistic to say the least! ;)

More about Sandancer Grub: Gr8 4 U Eat'S & Tip'S .

Sandancer Grub: Gr8 4 U Eat'S & Tip'S . is located at Redwood Avenue. Cleadon Vale., NE34 8ET. South Shields