Sarah Morgan - Law Of Attraction Coach, Author And Public Speaker

About Sarah Morgan - Law Of Attraction Coach, Author And Public Speaker

I am an author and public speaker and I coach clients globally to work with Law of Attraction and to create a life they truly love, with ease and grace.

Sarah Morgan - Law Of Attraction Coach, Author And Public Speaker Description

My name is Sarah Morgan and I am a Manifesting and Law of Attraction Coach.

​​I work with clients globally and my expertise covers all areas of manifesting including limitless money, business success, abundance and happiness.

​My vision is to help millions globally to live on purpose, from a place of alignment, joy and passion. I demystify the Law of Attraction and show you how to fast-track your manifesting.

​​Having myself manifested within just a few short months, my dream laptop lifestyle full of fulfillment, joy and abundance, as well as my dream cottage, dream car, a multi six figure income, luxury travel and much, much more, I work with huge love and the universe literally flows through me as I teach.

My powerful tools will short cut you into fast-track manifesting flow. Every single thing that you desire is within easy reach when you know how to tap into the laws of the universe. You are limitless.

What I coach is not complex and, once you've mastered it, you'll have the knowledge for life and be able to pass it on to others.

Do check out my private facebook group, as that is where the REAL action is at!

I love you all very much and I hope you enjoy this page x x x



Get Ready for The Summer Surrender Part 2!
We kick off on 1 July and you can join us here! ummer-surrender/


☀️ Who is ready for a Summer of Surrender? ☀️
The amazing Katie Helliwell and I are launching our awesome brand new 8 week focus to help you surrender into Universe and Spirit’s loving and infinitely intelligent divine guidance this summer.
We want to help you open up to their spectacular magic! Enrolment is open and we begin on Monday.
... There are NO LIMITS on numbers for this course, as it’s about a BIG and magical group energy which you won’t want to miss out on!
It’s our lowest cost programme EVER as we want to make this accessible to as many of you as as possible across both of our gorgeous tribes.
This is about harnessing the unparalleled energies of the Universe and Spirit combined!
So what are you waiting for my darlings?! You can enrol here: ummer-surrender/
We love you 💛
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Thank you to this beautiful soul for another gorgeous review for my podcast, this has utterly made my heart sing!!
I can’t wait to do episode 3!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I love you all so much and if you’ve not listened to my podcast yet you can do so here: https://www.masteringtheartofmanifesting. com/podcast/
... ❤️❤️❤️
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Get Ready for the Summer of Surrender with the powers of Spirit and the Universe! ☀️
Kicks off on Monday 1st July. Learn more and join us here! ummer-surrender/


Hello my darlings thank you so much for the love and feedback about my podcast!
I am so excited about what is going to unfold for us all!
There is so much more I will share and so much more to come as I Awaken and access more and more Universal and Multiversal insight with my own Higher Self Sara and non physical team.
... It’s time that this knowledge and understanding all becomes the norm as we shift from 3rd Dimension Earth to 5th Dimension.
Seriously, we are all alive at THE most amazing time! Don’t waste a single second of it!
So much that’s in this podcast is a result of following the amazing BELIEVE teachings from Olivia and Rafael Ocana who you can follow at 5thDimensionEarth.
We are all expanding together. We are at the leading edge of the leading edge. In the words of Liv and Raf, it’s time to remember.
I love you all so so so much xxxx
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Katie Helliwell and I are so excited to come on live tomorrow to tell you exactly what our new July & August focus - The Summer Surrender which kicks off on Monday 1 July - is all about! And as of tomorrow you’ll be able to book on!
See you live here at 12pm BST tomorrow my darlings, for it’s time to open up to the magic!
... We LOVE you 💖💫💖
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Yayyyyy after an amazing day at the Heart of Healing Conference seeing the amazing Jane Jackson, Louise Green, Olivia Ocana and Rafael Ocana speak, I’m super excited to have my podcast up and running now!!
You can learn more and listen to my first two episodes here!
https://www.masteringtheartofmanifesting. com/podcast/
... This is just the beginning of sooooo much more to come!!
I love yooooooou ❤️
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Hello my darlings,
If you’re not already signed up for my newsletter and you want to access my brand new podcast, make sure you register here:
https://www.masteringtheartofmanifesting. com/newsletter/
... My brand new podcast is launching imminently and I can’t wait to share it with you!
Want to know what comes next once you’ve mastered the art of manifesting?
Want to access leading edge of leading edge insight?
Are you ready for MORE?! 💫💖💫
If yes then this is for you!
I love you xx
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Oh how I love this Abraham quote and oh my goodness this is totally true!!
As per the brand new Believe teachings, this is about harnessing Law of Desire.
... When I talk about wanting to EAT your desires because they feel soooo good to you, this is when you actually harness Law of Desire and by default Law of Truth AND of course Law of Attraction - what an epic combo!
Choose desires that feel so delicious and strong to you, feel the energy you would feel in the having of those desires all day long, follow ALL the impulses and inspired actions you get, and then just watch how fast they and many other manifestations that also match those feelings flood in.
Focus on one clear and delicious desire at a time and then this is when powerful manifestions land rapidly - within just a couple of days to a couple of weeks!
This is the art manifesting BIG and yes - you ARE that powerful!
I love you 💫💫
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Omgggg we haven’t even got the information up on the website yet and already people are messaging us and booking onto this awesome summer programme!
This is going to be so special, so much fun, so huge and so exciting!
More information being shared on Monday, right here live at midday BST! Katie and I are soooo excited to reveal all then!
... Who’s ready to bring on the summer surrender magic?!
We love yooooou 💫☀️💫
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Another special day at MTAOM HQ where I get the honour and privilege to work closely and privately with another incredible soul who is ready to manifest their limitless dreams! 😍
I adore coaching this magic and I feel so eternally grateful that I get to do this every day.
... The souls in my Academy are all feeling the magic chase them too, and it is so amazing and such a joy to watch them emerge into the power creators they were born to be as well.
And then on top of all this, Katie Helliwell and I are so excited to share more about our Summer Surrender programme very soon...! 💫☀️🚀
Magic and miracles are everywhere today.
I love you so so so much, keep shining bright gorgeous tribe and if you’re wanting to manifest like you’ve never manifested before - I have a 1-2-1 coaching spot opening up soon. If you want to grab it with your whole heart and soul and step into your extraordinary, it’s you that the Universe wants me to work with next so move swiftly and drop me a message ❤️❤️❤️
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Borrowed from my amazing photographer Helen Perkins 💖💫❤️


So, it’s been a little while since my incredible business bestie Katie Helliwell and I have collaborated!
As many of you know, Katie is a phenomenal Celebrity Psychic Medium and we have shared so much of our beautiful journey and expansion together.
We are insatiably passionate about demystifying and spreading the magic of the Universe and Spirit and, in particular, the unparalleled force of them combined.
... Spirit and the Universe have now led and guided us to create something NEW and very exciting and special for you all!
More information coming very soon and in the meantime feel very, very excited, because my darlings, the summer magic truly awaits you! ☀️💫☀️
We love you so, so, so much x x x x
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💫 Universal Growth 💫
As a manifesting and LOA Coach I have always talked openly about the importance of contrast and how it serves us and helps us grow and expand.
It can feel challenging and uncomfortable - and often it’s meant to.
... This Universal training helps us to crack through our expansion ceilings and to become even more than we already are. To elevate us and help our souls to expand. To help us create and thus manifest fresh new desires that expand the Universe and Multiverse further.
When you are evolving and expanding rapidly, you can’t help but experience moments and phases like this. Know that it’s normal and that there is always so much love and a total vibration of Ultimate good behind it.
As and when you find yourself moving through these times, seek balance where you can. Do things that take you out of your head and into your heart. Freefall and lean into things that help you feel better whenever you can.
I am having some stretching taking place myself at the moment and so today is a day of nurture and open spaces (and swings - thank you Sara and the Universe!).
If you’re experiencing contrast, know that it’s normal and that it’s all perfect.
Try and remember the bigger the contrast the bigger the expansion and manifestions that will follow.
Know that nothing is going wrong. Everything is always, always working out for you.
This is all exactly as it should be and exactly what we came into Physical for!
You are so so so loved, always x x x
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So proud of this amazing lady in my Academy who has leapt, and the Universe is catching her and now literally cheerleading her on! And this is just the start for her and it’s not even been two weeks!
I love seeing all of this delicous manifesting unfolding every day in this gorgeous tribe.
... Incredible magic lies in aligned leaping - always, always, always.
Have you made any delicious aligned leaps recently? I’d love to hear! ❤️💫❤️
PS - If you want to work with me privately to Universally Power Your Passion And Prosperity, inbox me as I’m cooking up something especially for you behind the scenes, places are extremely limited and will be on a first come, first served basis 😘
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We are feeling the summer vibes here at MTAOM HQ today!
There is definitely an Ibiza-esque feel occurring with the lounge music up 🎶 and the sunshine and gentle breeze 😍🏖
The Monday manifesting magic is flowing and I am cooking up some super scrummy expansion for us all.
... Let me know how you’re feeling today, gorgeous ones, and let’s get the energy flowing!
You have no idea how much I love you 💫❤️💫
PS my brand new Beyond The Art Of Manifesting podcast should be up and running this week - as soon as it is, it will be announced via my newsletter 👏🏻👏🏻
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Exciting leading edge announcement!
For those in this tribe who are hungry for the leading edge of leading edge insight from the awesome Olivia Ocana and Rafael Ocana and their incredible non-physical Team - this is their brand new consolidated platform that has literally just been announced!
You DON’T want to miss this!
... Follow them on Facebook and Instagram @ 5thDimensionEarth.
5th Dimension Earth
I love you 💖💫💖
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Thoughts become feelings which become things.
Choose your thoughts wisely - this is the art of deliberate creation and manifesting.
... I love you ❤️
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More about Sarah Morgan - Law Of Attraction Coach, Author And Public Speaker

Sarah Morgan - Law Of Attraction Coach, Author And Public Speaker is located at London, United Kingdom