Sarah’S Wellness Movement

Monday: 09:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 14:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 18:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Sarah’S Wellness Movement

Soft Tissue, Scar & Movement Therapist Specialising in Post Natal Recovery & 3rd Age Wellbeing



When booking via Facebook or Instagram I will get back to you to confirm that the time of appointment is available. I will then send you a form to fill in and payment link so all we need to do on the day of your appointment is to focus on you and your treatment and when to book you in next!! Xx


This has been an exciting year so far at The Bailgate Wellness Clinic!! The first year of business is always a tough one but I’m delighted to say that I have only FIFTEEN new client spring/summer offers left on our TWO APPOINTMENTS for £57 saving you £37!! This offer will never be repeated it’s purely for my first Spring/Summer at the clinic while I build up my amazing clientele!! DM to claim your coveted appointments xx #massage #badback #badlegs #neckache #backache #injured #pampers #sportsmassagetherapy #kannawaygold #kannaway #health #wellness #movement


DID YOU KNOW THAT ALL NEW CLIENTS RECEIVE TWO MASSAGES FOR JUST £57! (normally £47 for one!) SPORTS MASSAGE AND REMEDIAL THERAPY- The Weekend Warrior Massage POST NATAL MASSAGE -The Mummy Melt!! MASSAGE FOR MENOPAUSE - The Blissed Out Stress Buster Massage!! YOU CAN BOOK DIRECTLY HERE ON FACEBOOK TOO!... (Any questions-please DM xxx) T&C’s apply xx #lincoln #sportsmassage #menopause #blissedout #stressbuster #kannawaygold #kannaway
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PLEASE WOULD YOU TAKE 30 SECONDS TO DO THIS FOR ME? You go to my page and across the top go to ‚Äėcommunity‚Äô and click invite friends and ALL - simple as that! It will take less than 30 seconds and be a BIG help and will mean I can engage and you will see my posts as you‚Äôve visited my page! herapy/


Clients please don’t forget to download you app where you can book reschedule and pay for your appointments directly xxx


Great discussion on This Morning mainly talking about how anxiety affects us during the peri and menopausal time of life. I can really relate to this as my anxiety has been terrible and I kept it to myself as indeed I felt like I was going mad at times. I'm tackling it now and having success ( thank goodness) one of the best ways I find is to indeed talk! If you would like to chat with other like minded women I have a free and confidential group on here, I will pop the link below xxx lnessmovement/


Ok so just an update of how I’m getting on with my CBD oil! It’s nothing short of miraculous!! My anxiety has gone!! I’ve had three of the most stressful weeks ever and no anxiety, panic attacks or anything!! Just amazing!!... I will beat the menopause madness!!! #sarahsmenopausemovement #cbdoil #kannawaypuregold #menopause #stressfree #anxiety
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CBD Massage Therapy The Bailgate Wellness Clinic will announce soon its new range of treatments bringing the benefits of full spectrum CBD products to the professional wellness market. The innovative use which is one of the first in the UK and new to the Lincoln market, will bring CBD therapy products into the Bailgate for massage therapy, relaxation chronic pain relief. #cbd #cbdoil #cbdhealth #cbdvape #cbdmassage #lincoln #thebailgateclinic #sarahhogan #bailgate #massage


IF SQUEAMISH DON’T WATCH!! Piriformis and sciatic nerve! If your a client I’m sure you will have heard to talking about these a lot! This is amazing and really shows you them in their true form!!


I’ve been away all week and not ha d time to post!! It’s been incredible at Ryan Jenkins #idsummerschool2019 chaperoning and providing holistic care and massage for the incredible young dancers that were there! I’m back now exhausted but happy and ready for a busy week in clinic! Have you booked yet? X


Let‚Äôs get real! Who‚Äôs fed up of seeing all of these perfect flat toned and six packed tummy‚Äôs everywhere? _________________________________________ ________ Who feels like they need to hide their tummy or somehow feel ashamed or embarrassed over its appearance? _________________________________________ ________ ... Twice recently I‚Äôve said the following please excuse the fat tummy ūü§¶‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ once on a Facebook live on this page and once when I was showing a friend my piercings ( I have my tummy button done three times from many moons ago!! When ironically it was flat tanned toned and six packed ha ha ) _________________________________________ ________ Women of the world your body does incredible and miraculous things and goes through constant changes in your life, it should be celebrated not be made to feel embarrassed or ashamed of. _________________________________________ ________ Celebrate yourself your body and the gift of life that your mum gave to you and if you are a mum you gave to your children. _________________________________________ ________ Give your body the credit you deserve....... Now don‚Äôt even get me started on those awful Tena adverts ūü§¶‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūü§¶‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūü§¶‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūü §¶‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
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Another one done!! I’m just so passionate about learning all I can to help as many wonderful women as I can!!


Overwhelmed? Anxiety? Nervous? #mymenopausematters


In this episode of my podcast on ITunes I talk to the lovely Kirsty Summers about her business her health and how life changing events have shaped her life xx




I will never get bored of leaving my clinic to see this view!


How gorgeous does this look! #nofilter All fresh local produce from a gorgeous little grocers in #thebailgate Cost just £13.99 and that includes the hanging basket! I’ve potato’s, lettuce, tomatoes, spring onion , asparagus, leek, beetroot, mushrooms, green beans, and probably more I forgotten about!! #nourishmentnotpunishment #supportlocalbusiness #lincoln #bailgatelincoln

More about Sarah’S Wellness Movement

Monday: 09:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 14:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 18:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -