Save Penshaw Greenbelt Page

About Save Penshaw Greenbelt Page

We say no to the council removing this land from the Greenbelt in order to provide housing when there are many empty houses and brownfield sites


User…/ penshawchristmastree…


Affordable homes on green belt 'a lie'


Interesting letter in the Sunderland Echo


The response to SPG's campaign against the Council's plan to remove this area from the greenbelt in order to build more houses has been amazing. What's staggering is that every day we talk to people who have only just found out about this plan and people who have been unable to make a representation as the Council's online portal does not seem fit for purpose. This clearly needs to be addressed. #SavePenshawGreenbelt


SPG hand-delivered around 990 prefilled and hand filled forms to the Civic Centre, hundreds more have been posted, emailed and handed in by other residents. Well done to everyone and all of the shops, community centres, churches etc that helped


Take one minute to send an email to object to this land being edited out of the greenbelt e: More details in the group - Search #SavePenshawGreenbelt


Need printed forms asap? Message Revd Simon Grundy, Gillian Hesler or Christine Stronach
These representations are the *only* things that the Independent Planning Inspector can consider. Doesn't matter how many petitions and past activity there has been. You have to get these to the Civic Centre before 5pm on Friday.
Drop off no later than 5pm Thurs at Coffee Connect, Penshaw Cath-Club, Penshaw Community Association,Shiney Row Autoparts or ShARP Shiney Row or 159 Whitefield

More about Save Penshaw Greenbelt Page