Scalpel - The University Of Manchester Surgical Society

About Scalpel - The University Of Manchester Surgical Society

Scalpel is UK's largest undergraduate surgical society based at the University of Manchester.

Scalpel - The University Of Manchester Surgical Society Description

Scalpel is UK's largest undergraduate surgical society based at the University of Manchester. Voted as the "Surgical Society of the Year" by the UK Medical Students' Association and the Royal College of Surgeon's of Edinburgh, Scalpel organises a wide variety of events throughout the year to foster medical students' interest in surgery.

Scalpel also hosts the annual Scalpel Undergraduate Surgical Conference which is a major event attended by medical students all across the EU.

The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Manchester Medical Society - Section of Surgery



STARSurg (Student Audit and Research in Surgery) Society have opened up applications for their steering committee. A great chance to lead studies, run events and assist in paper and protocol writing.
For more details:...…/1cHkFCUzOGD2l qZkLN-ggcdR5D-P…/edit
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This interactive, practical course provides an introduction to specific orthopaedic procedures and conditions required in the early stages of Foundation Training. Participants will have the opportunity to learn the fundamental principles of safe orthopaedic practice within a controlled workshop environment.
This course will: · Introduce basic procedural skills applicable for junior doctors completing orthopaedic placements or involved in the emergency treatment of ort...hopaedic patients · Introduce basic knowledge and fundamental principles required to perform each skill · Allow practice and guidance of each skill in a simulated, safe environment · Improve understanding and confidence with these procedures By attending this course you will learn the principles of skin suturing, plastering, digital nerve blocks, joint aspiration, emergency fracture treatment and spinal immobilisation
This course is suitable for:
§ All Foundation Doctors § GPSTs § Orthopaedic ST1s § Emergency Medicine junior doctors § Senior medical students
Follow the link for registration:
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Worried about your APEP presentation?
Come to our event for a chance to practice giving your presentation and getting useful feedback to improve!
Numbers are limited so be sure to get your ticket soon!
... Tickets: free with a £2 refundable deposit
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Welcome to SCALPEL’s first ENT Emergency Management Course. It is a day designed to give you some useful skills and knowledge around ENT and maybe even see if this is the career for you! Either way it is bound to help you as a future foundation doctor.
Teaching will be led by Dr. Chris Rusius, a CT2 with an interest in ENT who is currently working at the RMCH along with other trainees.
Timetable:... 9:30-9:45am – Registration 10:00-10:30am: Introductory Talk with Dr. Chris Russius 10:30-12pm: Workshops 1&2 12-12:45pm: Lunch 12:45-2:15pm: Workshops 3&4 2:15-3pm: Closing Remarks
Below is brief description of the workshops for the day: - Airway Management: Managing tracheostomies, recognising stridor/stertor - Sinonasal focus: Treatment of epistaxis in the emergency setting - Otology focus: Mastering the otoscope, mastoiditis - Extras: Foreign bodies, sudden hearing loss - Throat focus: Tonsillitis/Post-tonsillectomy bleeding, quinsy drainage
Tickets can be bought below at £2 for members and £3 for non-members, be quick as there will be limited availability!
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Join Preston SurgSoc for their 2nd National Surgical Conference, in association with Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh (RCSEd). Last year the event was attended by RCSEd President Mr Mike Lavelle-Jones and won best innovation in undergraduate teaching award 2016/17!
The day will consist of interesting and relevant surgical lectures and hands-on workshops with skills to carry forward in your career.
Plus it's FREE! (with £10 deposit)
... Facebook Event: 298434/ Tickets available at: ent-entry…
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Scalpel welcomes you to the Year 4 orthopaedic revision day, aimed at those doing the Mind & Movement module.
We will be running all-important examination workshops in small groups to help you make the most of the teaching as well as key lectures summarising the common pathologies and management in orthopaedics
Examinations:... -Hand -Shoulder -Hip -Knee -Spine
Lectures: -History taking in orthopaedics -Interpreting orthopaedic radiographs
Tickets £1 for members, £3 for non members!
Spaces are limited so be sure to purchase soon to guarantee a place!
***Portfolio certificates will be provided***
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Welcome to Scalpel's 7th edition of the Journal Club!
Time: 7:00pm (online)
Article we will be discussing: .JNS161625
... What is a journal club? A journal club has been defined as an educational meeting in which a group of individuals discuss current articles, providing a forum for a collective effort to keep up with the literature.
Why should I be involved? There are many advantages of participating in a journal club, including keeping abreast of new knowledge, promoting awareness of current research findings, learning to critique and appraise research, becoming familiar with the best current clinical research, and encouraging research utilization. As a student, being involved in a journal club is a selling point on a surgical CV and provides an opportunity to network with like-minded students and doctors to discuss relevant issues in surgical practice and education.
Why critique research? The overall goal of a research critique is to formulate a general evaluation of the merits of a study and to evaluate its applicability to clinical practice. A research critique goes beyond a review or summary of a study and carefully appraises a study’s strengths and limitations. The critique should reflect an objective assessment of a study’s validity and significance. A research study can be evaluated by its component parts, and a thorough research critique examines all aspects of a research study.
Time: 7:00pm (online)
The discussion will take place on the Scalpel website. (Click Resources --> Journal Club). You simply need to sign up (can link with google/Facebook), and click on the right thread. Link to website:
Everyone welcome, no experience of assessing papers or being part of a journal club is necessary. Come along, get involved and learn some skills that will be essential for PEP and your future career!
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Scalpel presents Women in Surgery. This is an opportunity for you to learn from a panel of female surgeons working in Manchester.
We will be discussing topics such as less than full time training and learning how to get ahead in surgery.
Some of the panelists speaking are:
... Ms Garnesey a consultant Oncoplastic Breast surgeon at Royal Bolton Hospital
Admission is £1 for non-members and FREE for Scalpel members. Tickets will sold on the door
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Phase I Skills Day, 17th March 2018.


Journal Club on tonight guys!


Welcome to Scalpel's SIXTH edition of the Journal Club!
Time: 7:00pm (online)
Article Link:... (use Shibboleth Access via University of Manchester)…/arti cle-abstract/2658320…
What is a journal club? A journal club has been defined as an educational meeting in which a group of individuals discuss current articles, providing a forum for a collective effort to keep up with the literature.
In this edition, we will be welcoming back Dr Dan Lewis, a Neurosurgery registrar, to facilitate the session and help you fully critique and evaluate a scientific paper. The chosen paper will be released shortly.
Why should I be involved? There are many advantages of participating in a journal club, including keeping abreast of new knowledge, promoting awareness of current research findings, learning to critique and appraise research, becoming familiar with the best current clinical research, and encouraging research utilization. As a student, being involved in a journal club is a selling point on a surgical CV and provides an opportunity to network with like-minded students and doctors to discuss relevant issues in surgical practice and education.
Why critique research? The overall goal of a research critique is to formulate a general evaluation of the merits of a study and to evaluate its applicability to clinical practice. A research critique goes beyond a review or summary of a study and carefully appraises a study’s strengths and limitations. The critique should reflect an objective assessment of a study’s validity and significance. A research study can be evaluated by its component parts, and a thorough research critique examines all aspects of a research study.
Time: 7:00pm (online)
The discussion will take place on the Scalpel website. (Click Resources --> Journal Club). You simply need to sign up (can link with google/Facebook), and click on the right thread. Link to website:
Everyone welcome, no experience of assessing papers or being part of a journal club is necessary. Come along, get involved and learn some skills that will be essential for PEP and your future career!
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Scalpel is proud to present Systems Exams Teaching for 3rd Years.
The event will take place on the 6th of March in the MRI Undergraduate Centre from 6.00 - 8:00 PM.
The Systems Exams Practice is open to all students of all years but is mainly aimed at 3rd years who would like some help with their systems examinations. We will aim to teach you the following examinations:
... 1) Peripheral Vascular Examination.
2) Diabetic Foot + DVT Examinations.
3) Thyroid + Reticuloendothelial Examinations.
4) Upper Limb Neuro Examination.
5) Lower Limb Neuro Examination.
Please bring along your stethoscope.
For this event, we will be charging £2 for Members and £3 for Non-Members - first come, first served!
You will also be able to purchase our lifetime membership on the door for £5 - free entry to all our lectures and discounted tickets to our future events.
If you require any additional information, please feel free to send us a message on Facebook or email us at
As always, certificates of attendance will be provided.
We look forward to seeing you there,
The Scalpel Committee
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*** Closing Date for Entries is 31st January 2018 ***
Manchester Medical Society invites the submission of abstracts of case presentations, original research, literature review or clinical audit to be displayed during an evening meeting on “Careers and Training in Surgery” on Tuesday 6th February 2018 at Chancellors Conference Centre, Fallowfield from 6.00 pm onwards.
... Details: - Open to all students registered at the University of Manchester Medical School. - Six abstracts will be selected for poster presentation. - Poster presentations will be judged by a panel of surgeons. - Each poster presenter will be awarded a certificate for their portfolio. - ASiT will award a prize for the best poster
Rules: - The abstract may cover any aspect of surgery. - The abstract must be clearly marked with the name of the student author and one supervising consultant. - Abstracts should be 250 words in length, include aim, findings and conclusion and may include one picture or diagram. - Abstracts should be sent to
Closing date for entries is 31st January 2018.
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More about Scalpel - The University Of Manchester Surgical Society,