Science And Belief

About Science And Belief

A place to find out about the positive interactions between science and Christian faith, based at the Faraday Institute.



Jesus was at home in a stable and so are we! If you're at New Wine over the next 2 weeks, do come and see the joint Christians in Science & The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion stand in Market Town (they washed the barns before we moved in...)


Are you between Manchester & Sheffield on 3rd August? Don't miss the Wonder Day in Stalybridge! Planetarium, robot-building, and more...


And the Learning About Science and Religion (LASAR) project are also hiring a Project Manager and Marketing Coordinator:


When is enough enough? Dying well in an age of technological possibilities. Experienced medical doctor John Wyatt shares his thoughts in a lecture at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion 74143


Looking for a new start outside of research? Christians in Science are hiring! ment-officer/


"Part of loving God with our minds is, at least for me, learning more about our minds." New post The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion (University of Oxford) Ripon College Cuddesdon


"I struggle at times to make sense of God’s timing...But as I ponder the ways of quiescent cells, I find renewed hope and vigor in the waiting." Beautiful thoughts from Orbiter


I loved hearing from Jocelyn Bell -Burnell on her work and Quaker faith a few years ago - an inspiring example!


Why do the oceans matter to God? What does the Bible have to say about the seas that cover so much of our planet? Find out from theologian Rebecca Watson, oceanographer Meric Srokosz, marine biologist Robert Sluka and others at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion


Tough questions on Science and Christianity? Don't miss some great answers from BioLogos


Moon landing - "this overview of the whole globe – which is made possible by science – can trigger such a deep sense of meaning"
New post for tomorrow's 50th anniversary of this historic event:…/moon-lan ding-big-perspectiv…/
The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity


"We are convinced that the Bible and science are not in conflict; they can both teach us about God and His creation in important and complementary ways." Online recordings from this conference, including Bethany Sollereder , Tom McLeish , Hannah Malcolm , and Prof Sir Colin Humphreys


"Some think the problem of suffering should push us away from God. For me, it’s precisely because I feel the problem of suffering so severely that I am led to trust a God who can do something about it." Philosopher Vince Vitale on the biggest challenge in science & faith RZIM


"I am grateful that my church is not afraid of science" inspiring article in the new issue of the American Scientific Affiliation online magazine God & Nature


Thought-provoking data from Theos Think Tank: "Q. Is it possible to believe in a God and hold the view that life on earth - including human life - evolved over time as a result of natural selection? Our latest report from Nick Spencer draws on 18 major studies and 10+ years of polling data. Read more:"


Christians, Climate and our Culture - the recording from Katharine Hayhoe's lecture at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion is now online!


Secularity & Science: New book from Elaine Howard Ecklund's research group. *Based on largest international study of scientists' attitudes towards religion *Shows religion & science coexist in scientist's lives *Argues idea of conflict between religion & science is an invention of the West. **Discount with this flier…/secularity-and -science-97801909267…&


"What poets do, & what literary critics do, & what musicians do, is every bit as truthful & insightful about the nature of reality as is what physicists & chemists & biologists do"
Oxford Physics Prof Andrew Steane on science & humanities:…/book-prev iew-science-and-huma…

More about Science And Belief

Science And Belief is located at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, St Edmunds College, CB3 0BN Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
01223 743018