Scott Johnston - Personal Training

About Scott Johnston - Personal Training

Here to help and share knowledge.
For prices and information on 121 or group training and coaching, private message for details.



Structured eating habits and progressive strength training will have better positive body composition effects than hours of Cardio and training sessions based solely on burning calories ever will


I like this one 😂👍🏻


💥 Cranky/Stiff Shoulders 💥
Have you got ... cranky, stiff, immobile shoulders or do you lift heavy regularly?
Here are 4 drills that I like to do to keep my shoulders healthy and performing well.
... ✅ - Single Arm Bench T-spine Rotation & Mobilisation: this is a lat and long head of the triceps stretch, adding the rotation with reach adds some Thoracic rotation (add breathing to the stretch positions)
✅ - Seated Overhead Wall Press: this is a dynamic mobility exercise, set up against the wall (with the spine aligned with the wall as much as mobility/flexibility allows).
This trains repetitive overhead mobility (in a way that mimics what you are asking your body to do during some workouts) except the exercise is performed in a forced specific posture , requiring your shoulders to maintain the correct ‘muscle map’ in overhead position.
Locking the spine into extension focuses all mobility to occur in the glenhumeral joint (shoulder) and not allowing the neck and upper back to compensate.
❗️avoid sharp pain/numbing sensations and only move through a range that you feel comfortable!
✅ - Side Lying Windmill: the Swiss Army knife of drills! We get glenhumeral external rotation/mobility with Thoracic extension as well as a decent pec stretch.
All in all this is a top exercise for people that spend a lot of the day hunched over a desk or driving etc.
✅ - Serratus activation drill: (firstly I would usually do this with a longer foam roller but mine has managed to run away from home today 😥)
Serratus Anterior, which is also known as the “Big Swing Muscle” or “Boxer’s muscle” due to its effectiveness of protracting the scapula. Not only does this muscle have a cool name, but it is also needed for a plethora of arm movements; weather open chain (punching/grabbing something out of the cabinet) or closed chain (pushups, planks, downward dogs, or handstands). Due to its large role in stabilizing the scapula, inadequate activation and strength here is often the culprit of Scapula ‘winging’ and other common shoulder problems.
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DragonFlag progressions for core strength 👌🏻 - #sixpack #abs


Because I bang on about “calorie fking defecit” 😂
Might help a few this one 😉


💥 PRESS TO IMPRESS! 💥 3 REP MAX CHALLENGE by @dwfitnessfirst
*I performed Deadlift-MuscleClean-Press because of a slight injury to my hip flexor (trust me, it’s no easier on a max effort rep 😟😂).
💪 GIVE IT A TRY Perform your maximum 3 reps per move in one continuous set then log down the sum. Once all moves are complete, add the sum of them all together into one final total. @dwfitnessfirstsunderland -
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☠️ NUTRITION MYTHS! ☠️ - 🤔 In my opinion it is beliefs like some of the ones in my graphic that I think hinder so many people achieving in good nutrition and keeping a lifestyle change up. - No need for loads of text in this one....


💥 HOW TO RECOVER AFTER A WORKOUT 💥 . 👴 one thing I’ve been forced to learn as I’ve gotten older is how important recovery can be! Our bodies need recovery as importantly as it needs the correct training. .... 🏋🏻‍♀️ I used to train at almost every opportunity that I had, not really planning or even allowing proper recovery....and what’s worse, I almost had the idea that if I took days off from training that I would lose ‘gains’ 😞 . 🤕 that mindset got me injured and worn out quite a lot, and the double edge? ... I stopped MAKING those ‘gains’ 🤨 . 🧞‍♂️recovery is where the magic happens when it comes to exercise and fitness, and a recovery period can take a few different forms ...
1️⃣ rest - just chill ... it’s not a crime! 2️⃣ mobility work - great for training days and non training days. Being mobile is essential to everybody and adding work here becomes more important as we get older. 3️⃣ good nutrition/hydration - our body needs this any way no matter what but high protein and adequate calories help no end with recovery, plus our hydration requirements go up with exercise so drink up! 4️⃣ yoga - active recoveries can be a great way to bridge the gap between training full on and not at all, things like swimming, light bike rides and walking fall into this catagory but I’ve put yoga because of its core strength and breathing techniques that can help in everyday life. 5️⃣ myofacial release - using things like a foam roller, massage ball, or if you’re lucky enough to have one a theragun can help with ‘muscular hygiene’ (basically forcing toxins out of the muscle and fresh nutrient rich blood in) 6️⃣ sleep - the need for quality sleep transcends training, it’s important for just about every function in the body to be optimal! . 👉🏻 so remember, when you train you are damaging your body in a small way and it needs time to recover and rebuild. Add this into your plan and watch the benefits stack up!!
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📲 In this modern world of smart phones, instant banking and social media it seems like everyone expects everything right this instant. The hassle has been taken out of almost everything and as a species in general we have became impatient. . 💸 It seems like almost daily there is a new best thing since sliced bread diet launched and it catches on like wildfire because it promises quick results. We are willing to to start up unhealthy diets for a quick fix. Wether it be not carbs, living on 1200 calories per day or starving ourselves for 16 hours at a time, it doesn’t matter!and to top it off... we pay for the privilege most of the time too! . ✅ Our bodies need enough calories and the right nutrients to survive optimally, for growth, recovery, mentality and general functions. My point here is that we are ignoring the most important part of all ... patience. Given enough time, a small calorie deficit or surplus (depending on your desired results) alongside the correct training will bring about real changes while still allowing us to be optimal for health.
✌🏻 Feel free to tag and share if you feel like this could help someone.
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😔 The cut-and-dry reasons why alcohol is crap for gains
👂 There are two big ones:... 1. The extra calories quickly add up 2. It screws up all kinds of processes within your body when it comes to building muscle and burning fat. You’re putting crap fuel in your gas tank. You’re burning treated wood in your fireplace. You get the point… If you’re good about your diet, you know what you’re consuming. A few drinks later and you can add 300, 400 or more calories on top. Drinking wine or mixed drinks? There’s a few sugar bombs for ya, too! Going out for drinks anyway? Keep reading.... . 😃 On the other hand, why it might not kill your gains
If you have a couple drinks here and there but your diet is amazingly consistently and on point, you’re most likely just fine. If you slip on your diet regularly, not so much.
🔑The secret formula: how to drink and still make gains
If you’re dead-set on making a huge body transformation, there isn’t one. Don’t drink. If you’re in a good space with your body, these strategies could help keep you there.
👉🏻#1. Stay away from mixed drinks They’re loaded with sugar. Whether it’s the cranberry juice, tonic, or whatever other weird flavored stuff there is out there, it’s all junk. If you like the hard stuff, mix it with club. #2. Load up on H2O Drink one massive glass of water for every drink you have. It will help you stay hydrated for one, and secondly, the more water that’s in you, the less the other stuff is. #3. Cut back on carbs This is a big one. Do it both the day of and day after. Is there science behind this? No idea. At the very least you’ve got less calories from carbs in you. But make sure to still keep the protein up. Only side effect is that you could feel a buzz a bit sooner—don’t know if that’s a good thing a or bad thing, guess it depends on who you ask. #4. Have a proteinini You eat every 3 hours or so, right? Well, now you’re going however many hours drinking alcohol instead. Your muscles are crying, and if you’re in a dive bar they don’t really want those stale peanuts and pretzels. Here’s a trick. Have a ready-to-go protein bar or snack with you. Although, chocolate protein doesn’t taste very good after a couple beers, IMO. #5. Pre-game with a heavy-duty workout Before you decide to liquor up, hit the gym, lift heavy things and do some high-intensity interval cardio. Do big body parts like legs, back, chest. Save the arms and abs for another day. #6. Get back on track ASAP Don’t let your diet slip, don’t skip a workout. Get back in there the next day—no matter how crappy you feel. And .... ENJOY YOURSELF! ✌🏻
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NOT JUST A REASON TO POST A HALF NAKED PIC OF MYSELF I PROMISE! 😬😜 . I’ve had a lot of people asking me why I placed cardio at the top (least prioritised) of the fat loss pyramid since I posted the graphic. The main reason for this is that it’s a “fat loss” and not “weight loss” graphic where it would hold slightly more priority in my opinion. If you are interested enough in some valuable info that could help you out a lot with your fitness goals then read on, this post is g...
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✅ - The Deadlift is a great exercise that targets a number of different muscle groups, intact it challenges most of the Posterior chain. Muscles like the Hamstrings, Gluteals, Latissimus Dorsi, Spinal erectors and more. Because the Deadlift involves so much of the body working in unison against load though, the correct form can be complicated and a lot of people struggle with it. - 💡 - There are 2 cues here that if used can help a lot in getting that technique to be better a...nd certainly a lot safer! The first is, when you walk up to the bar place your mid foot directly under it, this allows for the most efficient bar path. (feet roughly spaced at hip width for standard Deadlift). The second is, start with scapula (shoulder blade) directly above the bar (and mid foot), while maintaining a neutral back. - ✂️ - REMEMBER! A lot of people go wrong in the lift by what they feel like they are actually trying to do. Sounds daft without explanation I know but if it is in your mind to “lift” the bar, it can result in a little too much of the effort coming from the upper back (ever see someone deadlifting and looking like a fishing rod?? 🎣!). Or thinking of “pushing the floor away” also has an undesirable effect in my opinion as the path of the bar doesn’t always go so well. The best way to picture the move going is to think about hip drive, forget about the bar and extend the body using the glutes and hamstrings, the bar will come with you if your grip is good enough. - 🏷 - Tag someone or give this a share if it could help them 😉
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🤷🏻‍♂️- There can be a lot of confusion in Health & Fitness with regard to what to prioritise for different goals. In my opinion finding what makes you happy is the ultimate thing to put first because this is what will drive you consistently to achieve, but here is a little breakdown for losing fat and building muscle that might help if you’re struggling a bit.
🔑-For both building muscle and losing fat time is key and if you’re not patient then you’re fooling yourself to fail!...
WANT TO BUILD MUSCLE? 💪 - Strength Training should be your priority, start out 2-3 times per week if you are new to it and increase the volume and intensity when you are ready but always remember to incorporate proper recovery periods when needed. 🥩 - Nutrition is next on the list, as important here as for fat loss also but building muscle is about being in a slight calorie surplus (eating more calories than needed), this gives us the available energy required to allow the Gainzz! (A lot of these calories should come from quality protein sources). > - To consistently build muscle mass progressive overload is essential as it is important to challenge the body and inspire it to force growth. You do this by monitoring workouts and the loads of exercises to ensure that you are progressing.
WANT TO LOSE BODY FAT? 🥗 - Nutrition is top of the list here. Being in a calorie deficit (less than needed) is what will bring about weight loss. An only slight defecit and the other steps on the list should help to make that weight loss mainly come from fat and not muscle or water, which wouldn’t be ideal for body composition. 💪 - strength training is next, this is because alongside a high protein intake this will help keep your lean mass which is needed to keep a aesthetic body shape when losing weight. Also keeping muscle mass will allow for a higher BMR meaning you’re more metabolic.
😊 - Lastly find something that you enjoy doing because you will stick with it and that’s what works!
..... oh yeah and sleep .... yeah that’s quite important too! 😬😜 -
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Not every change you make to live a healthier lifestyle has to be drastic. 🤯
Many people go balls to the wall and cut out all their carbs or go from never running to training for a marathon. 🏃‍♂️
The problem? Most realize how difficult such a drastic change can be and bail on their goal. 😔
... It’s better to take baby steps on your quest to build a healthier, stronger version of yourself. 👶
Pick one or two changes and focus on those. 🎯
Once you’re comfortable with the changes you made, pick up a few more. 💯
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☝️ There are lots of reasons why you should workout or train, but I don’t believe that >earning calories< or punishing yourself for overeating should be one of them.
💪 It could be about you losing weight, gaining muscle and generally being more comfortable in front of others with your clothes off, or for health benefits that might not be seen with the eyes, but whatever individual motivations I believe that most of us should do it in one way shape or ...form.
🧠 Exercise is not only good for our bodies but our minds too. When we exercise, we release chemicals called endorphins which interact with brain receptors and give us a natural “high” or feel good factor that can help anxiety and stress.
😃 Finding a type of exercise or sport that you love can be the best way to ensure that you stay motivated and on the right track for the long run and not set yourself up to bounce up and down like a Yo-Yo, never really achieving what you set out to do in the first place!
What is the reason that you workout?? -
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More about Scott Johnston - Personal Training

Scott Johnston - Personal Training is located at DW Sports Fitness, Timber Beach Road, Wessington Way, SR5 3XG City of Sunderland