Scott Partington Freelance Writing Services

About Scott Partington Freelance Writing Services

A freelance writer dedicated to helping small business grow online with social media, blog and article writing services.

Scott Partington Freelance Writing Services Description

I have been freelance writing full time for three years and have loved every moment of it. In that time, I have written about 5 million words of content for every niche you can image, including a very interesting article about the history of garden gnomes

I focus on helping small businesses find their feet online. I can help you create a space online that your customers will love and keep coming back to.

I do this by offering services like; SEO website content writing, blog management, social media management and much more. I can even build a website for you using one of the website builders if you don't have the time or the patience to do it yourself.

I am here to help local business from Bedfordshire and all over the world create the online presence that their business needs in this digital world.

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch, I will be happy to help in any way I can.



Well, having spent all afternoon editing and planning tomorrow, I think it's time to relax for a while! #freelancewriting #editing #businesstools #smallbusiness #writingservices


Ah editing, the most important tool in a writer's toolbox. Editing is where you can hide your mistakes and polish the piece to create a glorious work of art! Or, just hire an editor and let them do all of that!
#freelancewriting #writing #amwriting #bedfordshire #writingservices


Spent the morning so far writing about medical conditions, it's always interesting until you think you have one of the conditions! #freelancewriting #writing #amwriting #medicalwriting


Typically British post alert!
It is hot today! Hot enough for me to start rethinking the working in the paddling pool idea!
#freelance #freelancewriting #writing #amwriting #business #weather #heat #hot #paddlingpool


Speaking of reading earlier on, it might be time to read On The Road by Jack Kerouac once again, to prepare for some future adventures. #ontheroad #jackkerouac #writing #reading


Reading keeps my imagination alive and keeps me thinking. For me, it is the perfect escape after a long day writing. What's yours? #reading #writing #amwriting #freelancewriting #books


After an awesome day of watching my dad feed lions and tigers for his birthday, it's time to get back to work. #freelance #freelancewriting #amwriting #writing #business #smallbusiness


Well, it has been an exciting day of writing and planning for me. I hope your Monday has been as productive. #Monday #freelance #writing #planning


By providing your customers with entertaining and quality content, you can make your business a success online. If you don't have time to provide your customers with this valuable content, get in touch and find out how I can help. #content #writing #socialmedia #freelance #business


Planning content is a vital part of my job, it allows my clients to know I'm on the same wavelength as them and allows me to know exactly what I need to write so I can just open a new document and type my fingers off! #planning #freelancewriting #amwriting #writing


Two of my clients work already planned for the week, it's going to be a great week and I can't wait to get writing! #freelancewriting #amwriting #blogs #articles


Guess it's time to plan next week and then clock out for the weekend, can't wait for Monday! #freelancewriting #weekend #motivated #smallbusiness


Here's the test piece I wrote a new client, already on their website, I think that means they like it! #freelancewriting #happycustomers #smallbusiness ct-tips/


Well, I guess hard work does pay off, I'm now working on developing YouTube video scripts into articles and have scored another long-term client. Get in! #freelancewriting #writing #amwriting


Emailing a lot of people this morning, where's my coffee? #amwriting #freelancewriting #writing #smallbusiness


It's Thursday, I remember now! It's been a great week! Lots of work and lots of happy clients, can't beat that! #freelancewriting #amwriting #smallbusiness #bedfordshire


By the end of the day today, I should have another ongoing client and I can not wait to start working with them. I do still have some space though, so if you need some writing services to grow your business, send me a message #freelancewriting #amwriting #smallbusiness #bedfordshire

More about Scott Partington Freelance Writing Services

Scott Partington Freelance Writing Services is located at sg17 5rt Shefford, Norfolk, United Kingdom