Scrummy Mummies

About Scrummy Mummies

Scrummy Mummies is packed full of informative, friendly and relevant parenting advice.
Visit our website at www.

Scrummy Mummies Description

Scrummy Mummies is a magazine for all the products and services every mum might need in pregnancy and all the things she would like and should do with her baby and toddler.

We want to share with our readers the wealth of knowledge we have as mums and the services we believe are truly priceless to us as parents.

Scrummy Mummies has been well received and our readers have loved it!

Melanie from Photography for Little People & Debby from Water Babies founded Scrummy Mummies at the beginning of 2012.
Together we felt there was a gap in the market for a beautiful informative magazine for pregnant and new mums that offered advice and support as well as promoting services that every mum will need for their little people. We created a beautiful, glossy and informative magazine. . . . . Scrummy Mummies.

In 2014 after a lot of soul searching, Mel & Debby decided that they needed to focus on their own businesses and Scrummy Mummies needed someone who could dedicate themselves to it. Claire Turner was the ideal candidate with her previous experience in advertising and marketing. plus having the advantage of having 4 children - 3 under 5years old; Claire knows babies!

Scrummy Mummies now enters a new year with a new Editor and with so many exciting projects ahead! Watch This Space!



Here is an amazing account of a women who didn’t know she was pregnant until she gave birth. I don’t know about you but I knew literally days later that I had conceived each of the ginger ninjas! Did any of you discover you were pregnant in the later stages of pregnancy #scrummymummies


It’s coming along nicely!! Building websites takes ages!! It’ll be worth it soon enough though- #watchthisspace #scrummymummies xx


THIS! 😂😂😂😂. Original photo credit unknown...


Neonatal mental health awareness week may have been and gone. But I had to share this post and page from a family I admire so much for the battles they have been through. If you or your friends or family have had to spend anytime in a special needs baby unit or a hospital setting then this will resonate with you so much I’m sure. You are not alone. Xx #scrummymummies


An inspired idea!!! #scrummymummies. 😂😂


😧😧😧😧. Ok so I would NOT be as calm as this lady was if my kids found a shaver and did a DIY job!!


We went for a sneak peek earlier this week... wait till you see this #scrummmummies Grand opening is VERY soon!!


Question: One of my friends asked "Why do you pay so much money and spend so much time running around for your children to skate?” (any club or sports can be substituted here)
Well I have a confession to make: I don't pay for my kids skate lessons. Or their equipment or the fuel to get us to those classes or practices..
So, if I am not paying for classes, what am I paying for?
... - I pay for those moments when my kids are so tired they feels like quitting but doesn't..
- I pay for the opportunity that my children can and will have to make life-long friendships.
- I pay for the chance that they may have amazing instructors that will teach them that skating/sports is not just about movement but about life.
- I pay for my children to learn to be disciplined.
- I pay for my children to learn to take care of their bodies and love the amazing things they can do with it.
- I pay for my children to learn to work with others and to be a proud , supportive, kind and respectful team member.
- I pay for my children to learn to deal with disappointment, when they don’t make the team, they don’t get the tick that they hoped for, or for when they fall a hundred times but still gets up and is determined to do their BEST next time...
- I pay for my children to learn to make and accomplish goals.
- I pay for my children to learn that it takes hours and hours and hours and hours of hard work and practice to create a champion, and that success does not happen overnight.
- I pay so that my children can be on the track instead of in front of a screen...
I could go on but, to be short, I don't pay for sport, I pay for the opportunities that sport provides my child to develop attributes that will serve them well throughout their life and give them the opportunity to bless the lives of others.
From what I have seen for many, many years, I think it is a great investment

See More


I remember writing an article in Scrummy Mummies magazine about the size of a newborns stomach. (Link posted below). This is the next phase... 😂😂😂😂 Does anyone else have a house full of hoovers and dumper truck children who are NEVER FULL!?! #scrummymummies


Code green... I LOVE a baby sale event, and Asda does a great one to stock up on your basics #scrummymummies


WHY IS THIS EVEN AN ISSUE?!?! Babies need feeding, whether that is by boob or bottle or a bit of both. Mums still need to get sh*t done, we need to leave the house!! sometimes dragging ourselves to a coffee shop to sit and people watch is the only thing keeping us feeling semi-sane and connected to the world.
Oh I could go on and on about the stupidity of this question, but as a very busy working mummy, I got my own sh*t to do and it doesn’t include explaining what breasts are actually for to people who seem to have misplaced their basic humanity...


This killed me this morning. Full on sobbing in the car. Did you catch this?


OMG - where were you when you first saw this video! THANK YOU Luisa Omielan - ‘this is my present to myself!’ #flashback #scrummymummies


7 years ago!!! I remember this photo so well. I remember feeling shame and embarrassment that both of my daughters were complete dummy lovers! There were probably 30 of them floating around the house and in the car. It felt as though they were never going to let the dummy fairy come to collect them. I felt as thought I was being judged by allowing them to use dummies. Such was their love for them, I had visions of the girls starting school with dummies in their school bags!!
But the end of the dummy came so easily and naturally... They gave up their dummies when THEY were ready. (Ironically only about a month after this photo!). The only person getting upset and stressed was me. NO MORE PARENTING SHAME! #scrummymummies


Happy mother’s day #scrummymummies. Let’s have some fun on this day where you can use your special super powers for just 24 hours. 1) ban something completely for the rest of the day 2) indulge in something you like but don’t normally have 3) wish for anything, no matter how random..... 4) tag a fellow #scrummymummy who also possesses mummy super powers!!


The posh branded marketing nonsense for Mother’s Day can do one! THIS right here is what Mothers Day is all about for me. Handmade, handcrafted and with all his love (snot and god knows what else!). These ninjas have been up since stupid o’clock to make this #scrummymummy feel special! Please share your beautiful handmade gifts from your kids. Xxx


Couldn’t agree more!!! #mothersday #scrummymummies


#Selfcare my Mother’s Day gift to myself! #potofgold #omgcosmetics @ohmyglitteromg


Finally!!!!! The weather is beginning to change for the better! Its not dark at 4:30 so I let my #gingerninjas play out with their equally cute buddies in front of the house. We might even have an outdoor picnic ( eat tea outside! It’s the simple things- however I don’t encourage the worm eating! #springishere #familytime #thegreatoutdoors #donteatworms! #daisychains #wishonstars #flyakite #climbtrees #scrummymummies


This magazine will be fantastic my best pal Claire turner will make sure it is :) xxxx


Love this mag! Loving the new cover pics too. Keep up the good work! X


Love it... You are the best.. Xxxx


Fantastic free magazine with lots of great ideas and information for both mummies and daddies :) We at Water Babies make sure we are in every issue!!


All the best!


Question: One of my friends asked "Why do you pay so much money and spend so much time running around for your children to skate?” (any club or sports can be substituted here)
Well I have a confession to make: I don't pay for my kids skate lessons. Or their equipment or the fuel to get us to those classes or practices..
So, if I am not paying for classes, what am I paying for?
... - I pay for those moments when my kids are so tired they feels like quitting but doesn't..
- I pay for the opportunity that my children can and will have to make life-long friendships.
- I pay for the chance that they may have amazing instructors that will teach them that skating/sports is not just about movement but about life.
- I pay for my children to learn to be disciplined.
- I pay for my children to learn to take care of their bodies and love the amazing things they can do with it.
- I pay for my children to learn to work with others and to be a proud , supportive, kind and respectful team member.
- I pay for my children to learn to deal with disappointment, when they don’t make the team, they don’t get the tick that they hoped for, or for when they fall a hundred times but still gets up and is determined to do their BEST next time...
- I pay for my children to learn to make and accomplish goals.
- I pay for my children to learn that it takes hours and hours and hours and hours of hard work and practice to create a champion, and that success does not happen overnight.
- I pay so that my children can be on the track instead of in front of a screen...
I could go on but, to be short, I don't pay for sport, I pay for the opportunities that sport provides my child to develop attributes that will serve them well throughout their life and give them the opportunity to bless the lives of others.
From what I have seen for many, many years, I think it is a great investment

See More


This magazine will be fantastic my best pal Claire turner will make sure it is :) xxxx


Love this mag! Loving the new cover pics too. Keep up the good work! X


Love it... You are the best.. Xxxx


Fantastic free magazine with lots of great ideas and information for both mummies and daddies :) We at Water Babies make sure we are in every issue!!


All the best!

More about Scrummy Mummies

Scrummy Mummies is located at DL2 3nh Stanley, Durham, United Kingdom