Seb Wallis Personal Training

About Seb Wallis Personal Training

I coach men & women, who desire to loose weight and keep it that way living a happier, healthier lifestyle.
Based in a private studio in Merriott, with plenty of equipment to help you achieve your goal with the benefit of a non gym environment.

Seb Wallis Personal Training Description

Fully qualified freelance personal trainer offering tailored exercise, diet and nutrition plans. Catering for all ages, genders and fitness levels. Providing expertise in fat loss and toning, strength and conditioning, sports specific workout plans and general fitness improvement.
Based in the Martock area.



Well done to the one and only Krizzy Lester for tonight’s session. As always come on leaps and bounds. She’s even back riding her horse again, which she wasn’t able to do for a number of years since injuring herself and slipping the discs in her back! But from smart and selective exercise choices we’ve been able to build the strength in her back to be able to ride again and also move weights such as this 👇 without causing her too much grief 💪
Krizzy smashing out 50kg rows 8... reps, we went up to 60kg for 6 reps then did a “back off set “ of 40 kg for 12 reps. 6-8 reps I consider still within a strength building rep range, then back off set which is basically a drop set with a break in the middle to give you a chance to recover to lift a slightly heavier load then what you’d do from jumping straight in a drop set and with better form @Seb Wallis Personal Training @krizzy001 #sebwallispersonaltraining #personaltraining #bodyworldtaunton #pt #naturalbodybuilding
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Part 4/4 Women and Weight Lifting
Menstrual Cycle and Effects of Conception
More Details from this Legend 👇
... eos/1446462762125335/
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Part 3/4 Women and Weight Lifting
Rep Ranges and how many exercises per body part


Part 2/4 Women and Weight Lifting
Training Split
Things to consider:
... - What you feel that needs the most work do at the start of a session
- Consider your energy levels e.g. are you most energetic in the morning or evening? Do you train better hitting the gym 3/4/5 times a week ?
- It’s been scientifically proven that hitting a muscle group 2-3 times a week is a lot more beneficial than once a week
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Part 1/4 Women and Weight Lifting
Q. Can lifting heavy weight make you big and bulky ??
A. No. Women simply don’t have enough testosterone to build “BIG” muscles. However if you see someone online who happens to have a big masculine muscles, more likely than not they are taking some form anabolics.
... Lifting heavy weights is very beneficial to women in toning (building) up muscles, functional strength and loosing fat!
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Worlds Easiest Diet
Diet - Training- Rest are generally pretty easy things to do. Yet very difficult as many people fail at this when trying to achieve fat loss, muscle gain etc
Best thing to do is keep it simple.
... X body weight in Ibs by 15 this will give you your daily calorific needs to do xyz.
E.g. 200ibs x 15 = 3000 calories a day
Stick with this daily allowance for a week and see what your weight does. Most likely it’ll go down as you’ve already been over eating.
Track your calories using MyFitnessPal app
Jobs a gooden 👌
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Exercise selection
Why do you do what you do in the gym ?
How is it benefiting you?
... Is it getting you closer to your goal?
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Quick Tip on How Create More Muscle Growth
Using the Eccentric (stretching) part of a exercise.
- If you look at the muscle it has a guitar stringy look to it.
... - And should be treated as such so if you push guitar strings together (concentric) they ant going to tear MUCH, compared to the eccentric part of the movement (stretching) which if under a load will start getting slightly more micro tears.
Remember to build muscle we need to break down 😉💪
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Stole this 🤭 but it’s well laid out so sod it 😏
What do yer guys think ?


Nice to be in the studio for a change ☀️


200 kg !! Leg Press with the one and only Steph 💪 just need to tidy form then this will be solid


Some food for thought here 🤔
I’ve been talking to people through the passed few weeks about how they see themselves.
Bit of a deep topic I know .
... It’s interesting how I can have one client whose naturally thin and will think there body is unsightly and want to pursue a 6 pack / wash board stomach etc etc to just feel comfortable in their own skin.
And the same vice versa with someone whose carrying a little extra fat.
But the simple, yet not so simple thing is this, if they achieved this image of having a 6 pack/ wash board stomach they will and I’ve seen this with clients already. They will find something to nick pick eg I now want more of a bum now that I’ve lost that fat 🙄
So what I’m trying to say is some times it better to learn to love who are already before deciding to chase that “dream body” and to really know what your doing it for.
and take it from me the method for acquiring a certain body composition is easy BUT it takes a lot of discipline/ self - control / sacrifice to get it and that’s the hard part
Admittedly some people do need this life change not too get a certain body image but just for a health point of view.
And I will put my hand up 🙋‍♂️ and say I’m not 100% happy with my image. I feel my chest/ shoulders/ arms need more size and I want a tighter mid section, I’ve got a very aesthetic back but I want it thicker and wider to give me a smaller waist and will give me more quad flare etc etc etc (you can see me looking at my proportions in the vid below) 👇
If I was just a casual gym goer / hobbyists then I’d be dead chuffed with my image. But I look at myself as a bodybuilder NOT an average gym goer and I know in time I will get what I want and for me I love the sacrifice/ self - control the discipline it compliments my personality of a compulsive person and it keeps my ocds busy 😉 So for me this lifestyle suits me 😊
To sum up, what are doing this for and why ??
Bit of a lengthy post but I know it’s a tetchy subject for people so I though I’d pad it out .
Hope you all have a good weekend folks 😏
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Gonna have to up my leg press game with this one around 😳 160 kg PB !!


Pump in the sun ☀️💪


The classes are great! Been having personal training sessions and always feel like I’ve gained something! Great nutritional advise, as well as learning new exercises to take away! Would definitely recommend!


Seb’s training classes are brilliant!! When I first started going, I was completely new to weight lifting and wasn’t confident in my own abilities. His classes made me feel really at ease and gave me the confidence to try new things and push myself further each time. Even in group training sessions, you always get some 1 to 1 time where he tailors the exercises/weights to each individual and allows you to really perfect your form and get the most out of it. I would definitely recommend Seb to anyone no matter your gender, age, size or shape.. everyone is made to feel so welcome and there is so much to gain from it!


Really looking forward to attending the next class I can make - such a friendly and supportive atmosphere - I never thought I'd use the word 'fun' to describe a work out, but I had an absolute blast!!


I've been having PTs with Seb for almost a year now.. he invests so much of his free time planning the sessions and is extremely knowledgeable. I have quite particular requirements in relation to training as I have existing hip and spinal issues, but this is no issue for Seb and he always finds ways to work with these problems in mind! Would (and do) definitely recommend!!


I have been going to Seb's circuits every Friday for the last six months. Each session is different, great fun, and an amazing work out.

I have also started PT sessions with Seb, working on weight loss and muscle toning and getting excellent results.

Seb is professional and incredibly supportive through every step of your fitness journey always ready to give help and advice, and takes all the abuse you can shout at him in his stride.


I absolutely love working with Seb. If you want a PT instructor who works with you and your funny ways, who’s always there to support and push you to your max then you will not find better.


Great PT, sensible training plan and doesn’t just train me like a little man. Personalised sessions based on my aims and body type plus nutrition advice. Would definitely recommend both his classes and PT sessions!

More about Seb Wallis Personal Training

Seb Wallis Personal Training is located at Ta16 5pw