Selling, Kent

About Selling, Kent

Selling is a village and civil parish southeast of Faversham and west of Canterbury in Kent, England. GeographyThe village is hilly, sloping down Kent Downs AONB to the south and east, with its northern point at an elevation of 30 m and a southern ancient earthwork on the summit of Perry Wood at 145 m. Surrounding are its hamlets of Hogben's Hill, west, Gushmere, north, Neames Forstal by the station to the northeast, Shepherds Hill and Perrywood, south. There is a network of roads however neither rivers nor A or B roads within this parish. A pumping station is sited at the northernmost point which is on Brenley Lane which runs the to Junction 7 of the M2. The village has a single country estate, owned by the Swire Family. There are several farms, the largest of which is Norham Farm owned by Gaskains. There is a peak view point over the Canterbury and the countryside to Sandwich Bay in the woodlands at The Mount in Perry Wood which has an adjoining picnic area and walks. EducationThere is a small primary school, Selling Church of England Primary School, for years 1–6 . It currently has 162 pupils. GovernanceSelling in elections every four years elects one representative to Kent County Council, this is currently: Selling elects two representatives to Swale Borough Council, currently: HistoryThe village dates back to the Domesday Survey and is recorded as 'Selinge' or ''Sellinge subtus Bleane'.

Selling, Kent Description

Selling is a village and civil parish southeast of Faversham and west of Canterbury in Kent, England. GeographyThe village is hilly, sloping down Kent Downs AONB to the south and east, with its northern point at an elevation of 30 m and a southern ancient earthwork on the summit of Perry Wood at 145 m. Surrounding are its hamlets of Hogben's Hill, west, Gushmere, north, Neames Forstal by the station to the northeast, Shepherds Hill and Perrywood, south. There is a network of roads however neither rivers nor A or B roads within this parish. A pumping station is sited at the northernmost point which is on Brenley Lane which runs the to Junction 7 of the M2. The village has a single country estate, owned by the Swire Family. There are several farms, the largest of which is Norham Farm owned by Gaskains. There is a peak view point over the Canterbury and the countryside to Sandwich Bay in the woodlands at The Mount in Perry Wood which has an adjoining picnic area and walks. EducationThere is a small primary school, Selling Church of England Primary School, for years 1–6 . It currently has 162 pupils. GovernanceSelling in elections every four years elects one representative to Kent County Council, this is currently: Selling elects two representatives to Swale Borough Council, currently: HistoryThe village dates back to the Domesday Survey and is recorded as 'Selinge' or ''Sellinge subtus Bleane'.

More about Selling, Kent

Selling, Kent is located at Selling, Kent