Seo Angel

Monday: 10:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 15:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Seo Angel

Helping busy, successful solopreneurs to increase revenue, time & organic leads by providing SEO Strategy Services to make life easier! SEO Consultancy | Technical SEO | Voice SEO | E-Commerce SEO | You Tube SEO

Seo Angel Description

Are you a busy female Solopreneur with very little spare time?

Do you feel stressed, overworked and like you’re invisible online?

You work hard in every area of your business including your website but your still struggling to attract ideal clients and organic leads? Plus your website is struggling to rank and grow?

If SO, I Can Help!
I perform SEO Audits to help you identify the issues facing your digital visibility.

Then I’ll use my SEO expertise to help build you a strategy that will help you consistently attract new leads, increase your user numbers and help you climb the search engine ranks by helping you become more visible.

Together, we’ll kick that invisibility cape aside using a bespoke SEO strategy! I’ll de- mystify SEO for you resolving your visibility issues and I will coach & advise you to ensure your ideal client finds you easily and effortlessly.

My SEO Audit is only £150, the audit includes a comprehensive document including on-page & off-page SEO.
Packages for me to do the work start from £599.
Advisory retailer packages start from £180 per month.

Why Choose Me?
I’m passionate about supporting women in business. I am a woman in business. A female Solopreneur!
I have the grit, stamina, and determination to help you make it happen.
I am proud to be an award winning Solopreneur!

My corporate life was cut short at 32 when I had a stroke. Afterward, it took six years to learn to walk, during which I went to University to gain a BSc in Computer Science.
Since 2014, I’ve been giving back & helping women keep striving for their goals and not let obstacles stand in the way of their vision.

Why Now?
There’s no time like the present to get started seeing your vision through.
SEO is a long game, with no quick fixes so the sooner you get started, the sooner you will see results.
AND working with me, you WILL see results.

So, What Are You Waiting For?
Send me a message to find out how I can help YOU change your life for the better!



How do you take care of yourself? When running a business, a home, making time for family and friends,
How do you take time out for you?
... I make time each morning for Yoga and Meditation before bed. If there is no other time available in a day then I know I have time scheduled.
At SEO Angel we pride ourselves on assisting other business owners and women in business. We offer a FREE strategy call to assist with your SEO strategies, we offer free tips periodically on our website, we offer a FREE high level audit which shows the top issues facing your website. Our aim to make life a little easier when as a small business owner, we have to be all things to all people.
How can we help your business?
Please reply in the comments below or contact us:
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Would you like a FREE SEO Strategy Call? Are you unsure what SEO is? Would you like to know more about SEO?
Then book your FREE 30 minute SEO strategy call, we will discuss with you what SEO is, how it impacts your business and why you need an SEO Strategy.
... Click on the book now button to schedule your call or contact us via the messenger function. Alternatively you can contact us via:
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I set up my business to make a difference.
I wanted to put my studies to good use, and watch businesses thrive.
It was hard work in the beginning, gaining client's trust, delivering results, spreading the word...... 6 years on I am proud to see so many of the businesses I support thrive.
... Feedback is so important, we constantly need to evolve, to improve. Listening to our clients is important, feedback is essential whether it is good or bad.
Thank you to Ellie Jones at Clarion Events for her support and belief in me.
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I’m so very honoured and grateful to be nominated for a The Midlands Business and Community Charity Awards award.
In my role I love to see women succeed in business and if I can help and assist in anyway, I’m there. I believe if we all give each other a little helping hand from our knowledge base, then we will be unstoppable ladies!
... I’m surprised and delighted in equal measure.
Thank you so much ❤️
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I saw a You Tuber who's vlog theme was "Impossible is only an opinion" It made me remember........
Do you face the impossible on a regular basis and think,... I cant do this, I cant get through this, this hill is to big to climb!
I had these thoughts, many many times......
Id like to take you back to 2005, I was 32. My life was amazing or so I thought. Then, out of the blue, I had a stroke. I had lost the use of my left hand side. Feeding, Walking, Washing and going to the toilet on my own where a figment of my imagination, a hill that looked to enormous to climb.
My consultants said we do not think you will regain the use of your left hand side, which also meant I wouldn't walk again!
The words penetrated through my brain like a knife through butter, surely he did not mean me? He couldn't be serious? He must be mistaken?
I took the news hard, felt sorry for myself, hid from the world, no one could possibly know how I felt, noway, or could they?
I felt guilt for many years as I pushed away many people I loved and cared for, I cannot get that time back. I had to forgive myself and my actions along the way as sadly I could nothing about it, just tell myself I was doing the best I could.
I met many inspirational people on my journey, one was a male nurse who took care of me every day on the ward he was 'living with incurable cancer' he did not know how long he had left, however he came in every day with a smile on his face, a spring in his step and nothing was too much trouble for anyone.
I remembered him, he stayed with me.
I came home from hospital in 2006, I had physio and OT support at home, each week we tried moving my fingers, my toes, and when they were not around Ian and I continued the physio and bit by bit I started holding my cutlery and feeding myself (or trying....)
I remembered Martin, his courage and his self belief.
It took a long time, lots of self belief and courage. My first steps did not happen for a couple of years. The very first time, I stood leaning on Ian, scared to move. I had a crowd of people watching me, I couldn't remember how to move my legs, we had practised many times, my mind was blank, how did it go again? The physio said Ill move your right leg for you, your brain will hopefully get used to the motion and do the same with your left.
I stood willing them to move with all my might, i moved my right, then minutes later I moved my left foot. It was a fraction, it was cm's but I moved it.
From that day I was unstoppable, Id done it, they said I wouldn't and I did. Today I walk with crutches for stability, I do get stared at frequently and asked, how did you hurt your leg, but that's OK because I did the impossible......
Impossible is only opinion, remember, that.
When you find yourself struggling, it may take time, effort, courage and sometimes a change in direction. You can do it, just like I did xx
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How Do We Help our Clients?
How Can We Make a Difference?
We offer a bespoke process to our clients to get results.
... 60% increase in Organic Search Traffic in the 1st Month!
SEO Angel, are retained by The Classic Motor Show event organisers Clarion Events to provide SEO Retainer services to the Birmingham NEC show.
In our first month working with The Classic Motor Show team, we increased organic search traffic by 60%.
Classic Motor Show Marketing Manager Ellie Jones was overjoyed by the increases made since our services were retained:
"Working with Andrea from SEO Angel is an absolute pleasure and she is my first point of contact for any SEO requirements. She is professional, knowledgeable, flexible and friendly. With two new websites coming our way in the coming year, Andrea will be my only point of contact for SEO work, which is a vital element for both sites, as competition to each show continues to grow."
Take a look at our case study of how we assisted our client: /
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75th Anniversary of D-Day
We thank you all for your bravery, the sacrifices you endured so we all have our freedom today.
Thank you does not seem enough!
... You will never be forgotten!
'All Gave Some, Some Gave All'
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57% increase in Organic Search Traffic in the 1st Month!
SEO Angel, are retained by The Baby Show event organisers Clarion Events to provide SEO Retainer services to all locations: Olympia, Excel and Birmingham NEC.
In our first month working with The Baby Show, team, we increased organic search traffic by 57%.
... Baby Show Marketing Manager Claire Smith was overjoyed by the increases made since our services were retained:
"Working with Andrea from SEO Angel is an absolute pleasure and she is my first point of contact for any SEO requirements. She is professional, knowledgeable, flexible and friendly. Andrea will be my only point of contact for SEO work, which is a vital element for all sites, as competition to each show continues to grow."
Take a look at our case study of how we assisted our client:
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We welcome feedback from our clients, we believe it is a essential process to continue develop and grow as a business.
After each project or set period, we reach out to our clients for feedback. Our clients are the backbone of our business.
Do you have a process to continually gather feedback from your clients and customers?


If any of my clients and viewers are looking for a extremely experienced and well qualified business coach, consultant and mentor , please take a look at Mrs Gamechanger. posts/350992528941526?s=1178963501&v =i&sfns=mo


Can your clients find you online?
What visibility issues is your website is facing?
If you are unsure to the answer of these questions:
... Did you know we offer a FREE SEO Strategy call?
Contact us to book a 20 minute FREE SEO Strategy call and we can talk you through the steps you need to improve your SEO visibility.
If your clients can't find you, how much revenue are you missing out on?
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Trust is key in any client relationship, the saying goes.. 'Create Trust, Gain A Client'
Clients are more likely to trust when they can form a relationship with you.
... I would therefore, like to introduce myself, the face behind SEO Angel.
I'm Andrea, I have been assisting clients for over 5 years now. The main focus to help businesses thrive online.
Starting your own business is daunting, for any of you thinking of doing the same, my advice to you is the same as it was to myself!
'You can and You Will'
I did and I could!!
My background is Business Development and I worked for Ernst and Young as a BD Manager for over 8 years before moving on to Eversheds for a further 2 years. My working life in the corporate world was cut short by a stroke at 32.
I fought my way back, learnt to walk again over a period of years and decided I needed to re-train. A degree in Computing Science called and I graduated 5 years later in 2013.
SEO Angel was born in 2014.
I am lucky since my business began, I have worked with some amazing inspirational people and their businesses. The key for me is to get to know my clients, their background, their business and what they want to achieve. This enables me to help them, to offer advice for now but also for the future, to watch them grow.
Life offers many obstacles, it is how we deal with them that matters. If Plan A does not workout, as the saying goes, there are 25 more letters to go, do not give up. 'You can and You Will'
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Does your business rely on a local audience?
Are you visible to customers searching for products and services local to them?
Local SEO has moved on from adding your business location to every page on your site. Your website must communicate essential information to local search algorithms.
... Is your business struggling with local visibility?
Give us a call or drop us an email to see how he can help you. t:+44 (0)77926 70972 e:
#localseo #seo #seoservices #seoconsultant #seoagency
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SEO Angel are pleased to have been retained as SEO Consultant to The Classic Motor Show organised by Clarion Events:
Our retainer work from 2015 to present day, has enabled the show to build on their website visitor and user numbers year on year.
... 2018 saw a 52% increase in organic search traffic. We look forward to the increased gains and visibility we can assist with in 2019.
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Post your small business pages below, along with any offers, promotions, pictures and information for potential customers! Sell Yourselves!!
Lets get sharing, liking and supporting each other!... Support Small Businesses!
Have a great Bank Holiday Weekend!
#socialsaturday #socialsharesaturday #socialshare #smallbusiness
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One of the most important SEO ranking factors currently is content. ... Always research, research, research and plan your content for your site before designing and building.
To research once a site it built and content is written, is too late. To look at what keywords you should be concentrating on, what your main titles and heading should include, how your url's should be structured, once the site is built is and live is doubling your workload.
If you can involve an SEO professional in the planning stages of your website, you will save yourself alot of time, money and effort.
To find out how we can assist you in the planning of your website, contact us.
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Clients often ask, how does SEO work? What does SEO involve?
We have a number of case studies on our website that explains the process we go through with our clients, why not take a look?
... One of our clients is Little Timbers, a small family business who make gorgeous handmade personalised Childrens Gifts, take a look at how we assisted them:
If you have any further questions we would be happy to answer them for you. Drop us a message or an email and we would be happy to assist.
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Are you confused about SEO?
Do you think you probably should do something about it, but don't know where to start?
Please message us today to arrange a free/no obligation call to discuss your requirements further.
... We look forward to hearing from you!
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More about Seo Angel

Monday: 10:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 15:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -