Seven Hills Massage

About Seven Hills Massage

Massage therapy and reflexology to ease your everyday aches and pains, nestled in the heart of Sheffield's seven hills.



I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend and managed to get out in the sun (when we had it!).
I thought this week I'd explain a bit more about the treatments I offer that aren't holistic massage, and the one I get asked about the most is reflexology - so what is it and how can it help?
Reflexology is the manipulation of the feet based on reflex points; areas on the feet correspond to areas on the body. The idea of reflexology is that it's supporting the body to heal i...tself and clear blockages in energy flow around the body. It can reduce stress and anxiety, encourage relaxation, and can improve mood and sleep.
Reflexology is an ancient therapy - Egyptian tomb paintings show a man having his feet worked on by servants as far back as around 2500BC. There is also evidence of it being used in ancient China and India.
In a reflexology treatment, you stay clothed except for the feet. You lie on a massage table in a sun lounger style, and are covered by an blanket, with your feet and knees supported by bolsters and pillows. I start by cleaning the feet and giving some brief massage to help you relax. I then use my thumbs and fingers to systematically work around the foot, looking for any areas that feel clicky or crunchy, or areas where the you might feel tenderness and/or pain.
Have you ever tried reflexology?
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Happy Caturday!


Some #WednesdayWisdom from Michelle Obama - how often do you put yourself at the top of your to-do list?


Ain’t that the truth!
After a hectic day yesterday I’ve been taking it a bit more slowly today. We don’t always need to be go, go, go to be productive.
#rest #relax #metime #knackered #productivity #productivityhacks #worklifebalance #sheffield #sheffieldmassage #overtired


Oooooh it’s been a busy day today...lots to think about and digest from the FHT Training Congress... #cpd


My favourite day of the year - Eurovision!


Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues, and it comes in many forms. It isn't just worrying and panicking (although these are part of it); other symptoms include increased heart rate, chest pain, sweating, digestive issues, and headaches.
It's a completely natural response to a stressor, and without it, we would have been eaten by big scary animals millions of years ago. The problem comes when the response is prolonged through unhelpful thoughts and behaviours, and the increased number of microstressors we face every day.
Many of my clients have had experience in dealing with anxiety, and they find great relief in reflexology and massage. IAPT Sheffield also do a great free course on anxiety and worry - I've been on it and found some of the exercises we learned to be incredibly helpful on a day to day basis.


Some #WednesdayWisdom for you today - get rolling!
Rolling your feet is a great way of massaging the sole of your foot, which can ease the tightness and tension that can build up through a busy day. It also works all the reflex points in the feet which can leave you feeling relaxed as the tension eases.
Great for walkers, dancers, runners, people who spend a lot of time on their feet, and/or people who are wearing flat flip flops (try saying that fast!) or sandals in this lov...ely weather.
Whenever I go on holiday I take a ball with me for rolling my feet after a day exploring a new city - I've had a few funny looks but it feels SO GOOD!
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Morning all! What a lovely sunny Monday to wake up to!
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week here in the UK, and the theme is “Body Image - how we think and feel about our bodies”. It’s a powerful theme, and I’ll be posting my thoughts on it throughout the week.
If you want to show your body (and mind 🧠) some love this week, I still have a few appointments available:... Friday 17th - 10am, 1pm, 6.30pm
To book, click “book now” at the top of the page or just give me a shout 💜
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Today is International ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Awareness Day. These are chronic health conditions that can severely impact the quality of people's life, usually characterised by extreme and constant fatigue, poor sleep, widespread muscular aches and pains, and "brain fog".
Symptoms can vary day to day, and they can be very frustrating conditions to deal with, especially as a lot of the general public are misinformed about what it's like to live with a long term health condit...ion.
I've seen a few clients for massage (especially hot stones massage) and reflexology to help ease the symptoms of ME/CFS and/or fibromyalgia, especially the muscular aches and pains. A treatment allows people with these conditions to relax, rest, and spend some quality time with their own bodies.
If you want to know more about how massage and reflexology can help people with ME/CFS and/or fibromyalgia, just give me a shout 💖
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Spotted this sign at the gym as I wait for my physio appointment - so clever, love it! #cardio #takethestairs #movemore #movement #sheffield #physio #selfcare #wonkyfoot #gravesgym


Taking #skincare very seriously here at Seven Hills Massage 😂 #sheetmask #koreanskincare #korea #teatree #moisturise #gifted #sleepwell


So I’ll be honest, I’m not a big Star Wars person, but I couldn’t see this and not share it! 😂


#feedbackFriday and pregnancy massage


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is often found 24-72 hours after any sort of exercise - if you've ever woken up the day after a workout (or the day after that) aching all over and struggling to get out of bed, up the stairs, or on/off the toilet (just me?), then you've had DOMS.
DOMS is caused by tiny tears in the muscle fibres, and is a natural response to exercise that the body isn't used to - so don't worry!
... My best advice for dealing with DOMS is to take it easy, gentle exercise such as walking or yoga, and have a hot bath or shower - getting some heat on stiff muscles is always a winner 🔥
Oh, and if you see me today and I don't wave to you, I'm not being rude, just suffering with mega arm DOMS myself - delivering today's treatments is going to be interesting... 😂
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Did you know that today is the International Day of Dance?
We all know that dancing is a great form of cardiovascular exercise - it gets the heart rate up, your whole body is moving, you get a sweat on, and it's great for keeping the heart and lungs working optimally. Dancing develops your agility, co-ordination, and balance, and improves muscle and bone strength. Dancing can also literally change your brain - it can reduce the effects of aging on the brain due to you using s...o many different areas of the brain at once.
The benefits of dancing aren't just limited to the physical though. Dancing has been shown to reduce stress and improve the mood, as it gets all those lovely endorphins released into your bloodstream. It improves our social skills and encourages social bonding - if you've ever been in a nightclub, at a music festival, or even a dance-based gym class such as zumba, you'll definitely have felt that "togetherness" at being part of a crowd dancing together, even though you're not necessarily dancing with a partner.
I personally have felt the benefits of dancing; I LOVE to dance and I've been swing dancing for about 12 years, on and off (yes, there are videos on YouTube and no, I'm not telling you how to find them!). Dancing has helped me meet and form relationships with new people, and I can always feel the improvement in my mental health after a good dance session. I feel so free and able to move when I dance, and my favourite way to dance is a good old kitchen disco whilst I'm cooking my tea; get a playlist of your favourite songs on the go in the kitchen and off you go!
Dos anyone else love a good kitchen disco? Do you take part in more organised forms of dance? I'd love to hear about your experiences with dancing :)
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More about Seven Hills Massage

Seven Hills Massage is located at 63 Nicholson Road, S8 9SU Sheffield