Shahjalal Mosque, Manchester

About Shahjalal Mosque, Manchester

Shahjalal Mosque is one of the earliest Mosques in Manchester. It was established in 1967. It's a great place for worship and promoting peace & love

Shahjalal Mosque, Manchester Description

Shahjalal Mosque is one of the earliest Mosques in Manchester. It was established in 1967. It's a great place for worship and promoting peace & love



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Students of the Hifz-ul-Qur'an Madrasah of Shahjalal Mosque and Islamic Centre, Manchester have been presented with The Majestic Qur'an translated by Shaykh Dr Musharraf Hussain.
Imam Khairul Huda Khan а¶Ца¶ЊаІЯа¶∞аІБа¶≤ а¶єаІБබඌ а¶Цඌථ, Chairman Mohammed Ashik Miah, Teachers of Shahjalal Hifz-ul-Qur'an Madrasah, Hafiz Muhammad Jamal Hussain and Hafiz Muhammad Zakariya were also present.
May enlighten our hearts with the light of the Majestic Qur'an.


Assalamu Alaikum
Our Mosque Radio is working now. Please switch back on if they were off.
... Please get in touch if you would like to purchase a radio to listen to the Adhan, Salaah, Kutbah and important announcements from Shahjalal Mosque. Please get in touch.
JazaakAllah Khair
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Important aspects of Salaah ථඌඁඌа¶ЬаІЗа¶∞ а¶ЧаІБа¶∞аІБටаІНඐ඙аІВа¶∞аІНа¶£ а¶ђа¶ња¶ЈаІЯ


පඌයа¶Ьа¶Ња¶≤а¶Ња¶≤ а¶Ѓа¶Єа¶Ьගබ а¶ЃаІНඃඌථа¶ЪаІЗа¶ЄаІНа¶Яа¶Ња¶∞аІЗ а¶ђа¶Ња¶Ва¶≤а¶Њ (а¶Єа¶ња¶≤аІЗа¶Яа¶њ) а¶Жа¶≤аІЛа¶Ъථඌ | а¶ЕථаІНටа¶∞аІЗа¶∞ ඙а¶∞ගපаІБබаІНа¶Іа¶њ | а¶ЄаІВа¶ЂаІА а¶Ха¶Ња¶∞аІА а¶ЖඐබаІБа¶≤ а¶ЃаІБථටඌа¶Ха¶ња¶Ѓ а¶Ыа¶Ња¶єаІЗа¶ђ (а¶≤ථаІНධථ)


Hundreds of thousands of people have attended at Fultali (Sylhet, Bangladesh) today for the annual Isaale Sawab Mahfil for Hadhrat Allamah Abdul Latif Chowdhury Fultali Saheb Qiblah (R.A). May Allah accept his Khidmah and raise his ranks in Jannah.
Caption: His eldest son His Eminence Hadhrat Allamah Imaduddin Chowdhury is blessing the congregation with their words of wisdoms.
а¶ЂаІБа¶≤ටа¶≤аІА а¶Ыа¶Ња¶єаІЗа¶ђ а¶ђа¶ЊаІЬа¶њ а¶Єа¶Ва¶≤а¶ЧаІНථ а¶ђа¶Ња¶≤а¶Ња¶З а¶єа¶Ња¶Уа¶∞аІЗ а¶Жа¶≤аІНа¶≤а¶Ња¶Ѓа¶Њ а¶ЂаІБа¶≤ටа¶≤аІА а¶Ыа¶Ња¶єаІЗа¶ђ а¶Ха¶ња¶ђа¶≤а¶Ња¶є (а¶∞.) а¶Па¶∞ ಲಲටඁ а¶Иа¶Єа¶Ња¶≤аІЗ а¶Єа¶Ња¶УаІЯа¶Ња¶ђ а¶Ѓа¶Ња¶єа¶Ђа¶ња¶≤аІЗ ථඪගයට ඙аІЗප а¶Ха¶∞а¶ЫаІЗථ а¶єа¶ѓа¶∞ට а¶Жа¶≤аІНа¶≤а¶Ња¶Ѓа¶Њ а¶Зඁඌබ а¶ЙබаІНබගථ а¶ЪаІМа¶ІаІБа¶∞аІА а¶ЂаІБа¶≤ටа¶≤аІА а•§


InnƒБ lillƒБhi wa innƒБ ilaihi rƒБji≈Ђn
Beloved wife of Marhum Syed Shamsul Alom of Fallowfield (mother of Syed Rumman, Hisan, Husban and Ahsan) has passed away last night at MRI Hospital.
... Her JanƒБzah Prayer will take place tomorrow (Sunday) after Zuhr Salaah (1pm) at Shahjalal Mosque, Manchester M14 5WE.
Please attend her JanƒБzah Prayer and make du'a for her that Allah forgive her and grant her a high place in Jannah. May Allah grant her family Sabr al Jameel.
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а¶ЬаІБа¶ЃаІБа¶Жа¶∞ а¶ђаІЯඌථа¶Г ථඌඁඌа¶ЬаІЗа¶∞ а¶Ѓа¶ІаІНа¶ѓаІЗ а¶ХаІЛථ а¶ХаІЛථ а¶Ха¶Ња¶Ь а¶Ђа¶∞а¶Ь
Friday Talk: Obligatory acts in Salaah (Arkaan of Salaah)


A few years ago, I was praying in Masjid Quba in Madinah and I saw a middle-aged man teaching a circle of adult students. He was passionately claiming that the Prophet пЈЇ had no real speciality and that he didn't know the reason as to why people felt the need to praise him.
I asked his permission to join the class with my child and he accepted, so I sat for a few minutes and I listened to him call everything which was narrated by the great scholars concerning the rank of the P...rophet пЈЇ as fabricated and lies. I asked his permission to speak and he allowed, so I asked, "Why did the sahaba compete for his water, kiss his body, preserve his clothing and cherish his blood пЈЇ? He replied with complete shock and confusion by saying, "Really, I've never heard of that? This can't be true! I have never read this!" (this is well known by the entire ummah but he genuinely had not heard of it.)
The moral of the story is that you should be careful of where you take your religion from. Don't think that every man with a scarf on his head is a scholar even if they speak Arabic. Not everyone who knows Bukhari knows Sahih al-Bukhari, and just because you haven't read something, it does not mean it is not true.
Shaykh Mohammed Aslam
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Miraculous Birth, Blessed life and the universal teachings of Jesus peace be upon him.


The wife of the Christian ruler who published the вАЬKing James вАЬ version of the Bible wore Hijaab!!!вАЭ Yet nor some so-called Muslim women are ashamed of it or struggle to ban it. How can we gain the Help of Allah or the respect of other nations if we donвАЩt respect ourselves?
Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick


InnƒБ lillƒБhi wa innƒБ ilaihi rƒБji≈Ђn
Jonab Alhaj Mohammed Miah of Rusholme (BD Address: Fotiksori, Chittagong) has passed away yesterday.
... His JanƒБzah Prayer will take place tomorrow (Sunday) after Zuhr Salaah (1pm) at Shahjalal Mosque Manchester, M14 5WE.
Please attend his JanƒБzah Prayer and make du'a for him and his family.
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Masha ' Allah.Translated


а¶ђа¶Ња¶Ва¶≤а¶Њ а¶За¶Єа¶≤а¶Ња¶ЃаІА а¶Ча¶ѓа¶≤ а•§ ඁථаІЗ а¶ђаІЬ а¶Жපඌ а¶Ыа¶ња¶≤ а¶ѓа¶Ња¶ђ ඁබаІАථඌаІЯ පඌයа¶Ьа¶Ња¶≤а¶Ња¶≤ а¶Ѓа¶Єа¶Ьගබ а¶ЃаІНඃඌථаІЗа¶Ъа¶ЄаІНа¶Яа¶Ња¶∞
Mone Boro Asha Silo Jabo Madinay Islamic Nasheed Performed at the Mahfil on 25th December 2018 at Shahjalal Mosque, Manchester


"THE WAY OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD" Life, Birth, miracles and Second coming of Jesus (Isa) A.W


As a Muslim, I say this without any reservations: Merry Christmas. I love Jesus and celebrate his birth as one of the greatest Prophets and humans to have ever walked this earth - just as I celebrate the births of all of God's Prophets. The exact date of his birth is disputed - even among Christians. But that doesn't matter; the *event* of his birth does. In fact, the Quran itself honors his birthday (verse cited below).
While Muslims do not believe in Jesus as God or the Son... of God, I cannot call myself a Muslim unless I believe in, love, and honor Jesus (peace be upon him). He is referred to in the Quran more than *any* other person, over 100 times, and an entire chapter is named after his blessed mother - the Virgin Mary (peace be upon her). In fact, many don't know that Mary is referred to more times in the Quran than in the New Testament.
Just as Prophet Abraham was honored with the title 'The Friend of God' and Prophet Muhammad as 'The Beloved of God', Muslims honor the Prophet Jesus as 'the Spirit from God' (Ў±ўИЎ≠ ўЕўЖ ЎІўДўДўЗ) because of his strong spiritual connection to God. May God's peace be upon them all.
In this verse of the Quran, God celebrates Jesus' miraculous birth as a day of peace and for that reason I wish a blessed and merry Christmas to all who celebrate this momentous occasion:
"Jesus said: 'I am indeed a servant of God. He has given me revelation and made me a prophet; He has blessed me wherever I may be; and He has enjoined prayer and charity upon me as long as I live. He has made me kind to my mother, not overbearing nor unblessed. So peace surrounds me on the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I will be resurrected again.' This was Jesus, son of Mary." [Quran, Chapter of Mary, 19:30-33]
By- Tarek El-Messidi
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Nice people and great community support. Just having another good time today :)

More about Shahjalal Mosque, Manchester

Shahjalal Mosque, Manchester is located at 1A Eileen Grove, M14 5WE Manchester, United Kingdom