Shakespeare'S Rose Theatre

About Shakespeare'S Rose Theatre

EuropeŌĆÖs first ever pop-up Shakespearean Theatre returns to #York | 25 June - 1 September 2019 | Tower Street, York | TICKETS ON-SALE NOW #ShakespearesRT

Shakespeare'S Rose Theatre Description

More than 400 years ago, the first audiences for ShakespeareŌĆÖs plays enjoyed an experience that was as intimate as it was exciting, crowded in close to the actors and the action, in a small theatre in the bustling city of London. In ShakespeareŌĆÖs Rose Theatre an experience every bit as exciting, intimate and immersive will be offered to today's audiences in a dramatic playhouse setting beside the iconic 13th century CliffordŌĆÖs Tower in the heart of the historic city of York.



LAST CHANCE to experience #ShakespearesRT in #York ŌØż’ĖÅ­¤ÆÖ We have limited ticket availability ­¤Ä¤’ĖÅ­¤Ä¤’ĖÅ­¤Ä¤’ĖÅ for our final 5 performances - with many close to SOLD OUT...
Defy the stars and get your hands on the last few tickets now! ­¤ææŌÜö’ĖÅ­¤Æś­¤ö«­¤¦ÖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ BOOK:


"Lord, what fools these mortals be..." if they haven't bought their tickets for today's A Midsummer Night's Dream ­¤ÄŁ­¤Æś­¤¦ÜŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤¦ÜŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ­¤ī¢­¤É ┤
For we are SOLD OUT this evening ­¤ś«­¤ś«­¤ś« #ShakespearesRT #FinalWeekend


3 Days left ­¤Śō’ĖÅ­¤Śō’ĖÅ­¤Śō’ĖÅ 6 Performances remain ­¤ÄŁ­¤ÄŁ­¤ÄŁ­¤ÄŁ­¤ÄŁ­¤ÄŁ­¤ÄŁ Shakespeare's Rose Theatre MUST CLOSE 2 September
JOIN US for the last days of this glorious Shakespearean summer ­¤ī× BOOK NOW:


What struck me most was how totally immersed the audience of all different ages and backgrounds were. You could hear a pin drop in the audience, as people Saturday on the edge of their seats fully engrossed in the production. In this fast paced & technology fuelled society it was like a breath of fresh air seeing so many people gripped and moved in such a way....illustrating just how timeless Shakespeare is.

Well Done to all involved, not just the amazing actors but the whole Rose Theatre team for bringing such a wonderful experience to York.


What an excellent performance of Midsummer Nights Dream, made even better with good friends in attendance!

Interesting that the age group ranges from 64-12, and everyone laughed a lot!

IŌĆÖm not a real Culture Vulture, far more into live Rock, Blues & Jazz however I would really recommend this, book some tickets!!


What a brilliant performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream. A very special mention has to be made though, for the wonderful Amy Lennox, who brought true meaning to the words "Though she be but little, she is fierce!". We're hoping the pop-up theatre will, at some point, make a return visit to York or, Perchance to Dream that it becomes a permanent fixture!


Went to see Macbeth in the afternoon with my niece who is studying it for GCSE. It was a fantastic production really helped my niece understand the play more seeing it live. Mother Nature helped as at the end when Macbeth and Macduff started fighting the heavens opened. Loved the experience so much have booked up to see The Romeo and Juliet performance.


We saw MacBeth in the afternoon and Romeo and Juliet in the evening. Fantastic! Next time IŌĆÖll stay longer and see more plays from Groundling level; it was really fun and sometimes scarey to be so close, almost amongst the players at some times. Loved the whole experience ’┐Į


We had a great night yesterday when we attended Romeo and Juliet. All the cast were brilliant. The actors were so believable.We felt drawn into the show and being so close to the stage in the Groundlings area we virtually were! The wordy Shakespearean speak was easy to follow as the acting and characterisation translated it for us. Romeo (Alexander Vlahos) was quite moving as was Juliet (Alexandra Dowling). Mercutio (Shanaya Rafaat) was also a stand out character for us.

As for the theatre and grounds:

The surrounding area was easy to move around and there were plenty of public conveniences to accomodate the crowds. All staff were friendly and approachable. The short sharp thunderstorm didn't dampen the spirits of the atmosphere.

We intend to return for a performance of Richard iii soon.

Thank you to the cast and crew.


Visited yesterday to see A Midsummer Nights Dream and what a wonderful experience from the group of musicians playing in the ŌĆ£villageŌĆØ I think they were there nearly all day donŌĆÖt know how they kept going in the heat, to the excellent stage production what a talented group. The theatre itself was cleverly put together and the stage was full of acrobatics, acting, singing and dancing. A day I will remember I am only sorry the theatre will be gone soon so I wonŌĆÖt get the chance of a return visit.


Very authentic, I assume, as I wasn't around in the 16th century! Really gave the play atmosphere. The performance of Romeo and Juliet was excellent. A very special "well done" to the boy who played Romeo, having stepped in at the last minute because of 'cast illness'. He coped marvellously with the huge part. A very enjoyable day out in York with my daughter Josie.


The performance of Midsummer NightŌĆÖs Dream was absolutely first class. The whole cast were excellent. The performance is very lively. The acrobatics were amazing. Of particular enjoyment to us was The Wall. It was so well done and so funny. The theatre itself is fantastic. It brought another dimension to the ambiance as the light from the sun faded and night drew in. The seating was adequate, not luxurious but not really uncomfortable either. All in all we had a fabulous evening and I really hope this event will return to York again.


Thanks to The Rose theatre for allowing me to return to see the rest of Richard III a couple of weeks after I fainted about a third of the way through ( all very embarrassing, let's not talk anymore about it). I'm so glad I saw it through this time. Great build up of tension and excellent ensemble work from all. We're back for The Scottish play next Wednesday after the storm put the kaibosh on that too! Some people might say we are jinxed! Nothing untoward better happen with Romeo and Juliet on my birthday! ’┐Į


So far we've seen Romeo and Juliet, and MSND and really enjoyed both. Loved the comic bits in MSND last night. The venue is great (apart from noisy latecomers clomping up the stairs - tell them to come up quietly please!). I'm so pleased this has come to York, so well done to everyone who has made this happen. The casts are great, the weather has been fantastic so nothing to complain about! Hope it happens again in the future. Looking forward to seeing the other 2 plays soon! :)


So far I have seen Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. They were both amazing and hugely enjoyable. A fabulous setting for these terrific productions. I can not wait to see A Midsummer Night's Dream in a few weeks time. If you can make it do not miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to go- you will not regret it.


Saw Midsummer Night's Dream yesterday and Macbeth a couple of weeks ago - very impressed with both! The actors had so much presence, great interplay, loved the interaction with the audience. The acrobatics in MND were incredible! and I can't remember laughing so much to a Shakespeare before. Complemented by great FX and music... just overall, so imaginatively put together, capitivating to see unfold. Thank you!

On a weekday you can get away with sitting in the 'standing' area, spreading out with a picnic, but sometimes it's too busy, the weekend especially, so you take your chance. I agree with others that there didn't seem to be enough variation in price for seats compared to the views, and too big a difference to the groundlings, which could put people off going back. Otherwise, couldn't fault it! Village had a nice atmosphere to sit with a pint and chat about the play afterwards.

Highly recommend and hope to see it come back!


I've seen three performances this week already, it's been an absolute pleasure to see such incredible acting ability in such an authentic environment, I've loved every second. The Shakespeare village is delightful and the food speaks for itself. My first time trying the Yorkshire pudding pies and I'd highly recommend them.


I went to see Macbeth last night and have to stay it was gripping from start to finish! The acting was fabulous and the best bits were the fight scenes, full on sword fights and lots of fake blood made it seem more real. I also loved the 3 witches, one of whom was played by a man which was an interesting twist and the hint of comedy from the ŌĆśknock knockŌĆÖ scene was a light relief x

I havenŌĆÖt seen a lot of Shakespeare plays and was worried if IŌĆÖd understand it but the acting was so good that it really didnŌĆÖt matter. The whole concept of the pop up theatre was also much better than seeing it in a regular theatre. I feel quite privileged to have been able to experience it.


I booked three different performances on three subsequent nights and IŌĆÖve enjoyed them all. The venue is amazing and is exactly what it says on the tin. You really feel as close as possible to what it must have been like at the time. Of course, views can be a little restricted, but this is for safety and didnŌĆÖt detract from the performances whatsoever. The atmosphere was brilliant due to the great Shakespeare village outside with Elizabethan music and food and drink to buy. And the performances have all been exceptional. Alexander Vlahos, in particular, is incredible as Romeo and gives him humourous moments rarely seen in other productions. Thank you very much, ShakespeareŌĆÖs Rose Theatre. IŌĆÖve loved every minute.


I booked groundling tickets for myself and 11 year old twin girls to watch A Midsummer NightŌĆÖs Dream. We were able to sit to watch the performance so it was more comfortable. I was concerned that my girls may not understand what was going on but the acting and clarity of the speech was so fantastic that they were in no doubt what was happening. The atmosphere was superb, it felt like we were part of something extremely special. We loved being so close to the action, and seeing the characters appear from all over the theatre. My daughter was partcularly excited to find herself sat next to Demetrius at one point!


Have now seen 3 out of the 4 plays and they were all fabulous and very different, just midsummer night dream to see on the final night. I thought I didnŌĆÖt like Shakespeare (from school) but these plays have blown me away. ItŌĆÖs so worth going, and all the seats/standing are great.


Great experience seeing Macbeth. Not really into Shakespeare, and my only previous experience of Macbeth on the stage was playing one of Banquo's murderers in a school play many years ago, but we loved this production of the play. The venue was great, (we we're Groundlings for the afternoon) the actors were fantastic, we even got close to the action as they stalked through the audience. And to top it off it thundered and rained just as one of actor's spoke his line about 'thunder and rain'. We will definitely visit again this summer if time allows.

More about Shakespeare'S Rose Theatre

Shakespeare'S Rose Theatre is located at Tower Street, YO1 9WD York
01653 619169