Shapeshifters - Personal Trainer Birmingham

About Shapeshifters - Personal Trainer Birmingham

Birmingham's Leading Personal Trainers & Body Transformation Specialists.

Shapeshifters - Personal Trainer Birmingham Description

Shapeshifters Studio is Birmingham's Number One Body Re-composition facility and is the home to an award winning team who transform peoples lives on a daily basis. The rate and standard at which our members achieve their dream physique is second to none.

We are proud to say that we have one of the largest transformation portfolios in the UK and feel 100% confident in saying that our facility is Birmingham’s premier personal training studio.

Our mission is to change the health of our nation one body at a time by educating you today so you can empower yourself tomorrow.

We are the specialists in physical make over! But please don’t take our word for it, check out our FB reviews!



Happy Birthday to our girl, Coach Eliza!
Nutrition wiz-kid Eliza has been hard at work in the studio making sure everything runs like a dream and our clients get the best experience around... you didn't think we'd forget your birthday, did you?
Keep up the amazing work, Eliza. May your 22nd year be as fabulous as the others!


Congratulations to our client, Kully on her recent academic success!
She's just graduated her Social work degree with flying colours!
Kully has displayed a fantastic level of dedication and heart in the last 3 months of training with us and we can see why she's flying high in other aspects of her life too!
... Keep up the amazing work, Kully!
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Ever wondered what you should be aiming for as a "Healthy" Body Fat Percentage?
Well here's Coach Oli with a 3 minute video to help you clarify the "sweet spot" for "most" men and women
*Tag a friend who's always talking about hitting a body fat percentage goal


Do you feel like your do everything right but then cave into temptation?
Well maybe it's not your fault!
Check out this 3 minute video from Coach Oli to see if there's something you're missing...
... *Tag a friend who seems to lack self control
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Do you have to console yourself with junk food with if you've had a bad day?
Do you reward yourself with junk food if you've had a good day?
... Do you find that most days you are having good/bad days?
Which results in you eating junk most days?
Would you like to know how to break the cycle?
Then check out Coach Oli's 3 minute video to learn how!
*Tag a friend who gets a bit too emotional about food
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We're only a week into the new year and already people are talking about Cheat Meals!
REALITY CHECK: You've just had a "Cheat Month"
Do you honestly think you've made sufficient progress in 5 days to warrant a Cheat Meal?
... Check out this 3 minute video from Coach Oli, who's going to set the record straight on Cheat Meal's
*Tag a friend who needs to see this
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If you're always missing breakfast then you need to see this 2 minute video...
But first, a question...
Is breakfast; the most important meal of the day? Or just the most commonly missed meal of the day?
... If you're anything like me then an extra 15 minutes in bed always seems worth sacrificing breakfast for...
Until the 10am cravings/crash kick in that is!
So we're going to solve the Breakfast/Time dilemma for busy parents around the world (and when I say world, I mean Birmingham!) Once and for all!
Here's Coach Oli to help put a Grade A Breakfast in your belly...In UNDER 3 minutes :)
*Tag a friend who's always skipping breakfast
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Lots of conflicting information flying about concerning the best number of meals to eat per day for fat loss
So here's Coach Oli with our take on simple convenient meal frequency for maintaining muscle whilst losing body fat
PS:This post is aimed at normal everyday men and women who have work and family responsibilities that come first!
... Not Gym Bro's, Fit Pro's or Athletes!
So don't get your Stringer Vest in a twist Hugh Jacked-Man this post isn't aimed at you ;/
*Tag a bro/bro-ette who thinks you have to eat every 2 hours to "stoke your metabolism"
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Ever wondered why "healthy food" tastes like s**t when you first start a diet?
Well this 2 minute video is for YOU!
*Tag a friend that's always moaning about their "bland diet food"


Want to know the secret to achieving a successful Body Transformation?
No? Then keep scrolling, nothing for you here!
Yes? Then check out this 2 minute video from Coach Oli, guarantee you'll learn a thing or 6!
... *Tag a friend who could use a little "LEAST MODE" in their life
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If you only make 1 resolution this year then you better make it this one...
2 minute video on the No. 1 resolution that can improve ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE!
... *Tag a friend who always makes too many New Years Resolutions (and doesn't stick to any!)
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Happy New Year!
I hope you saw 2017 off in the fashion it deserved and aren't (too) hung over right now ;)
Good! Because I have a question...
... Do you want to overcome your body battles in 2018?
No? - Then keep on scrolling, nothing for you here!
Yes? Then you NEED to watch this 3 minute video!
You won't regret it!
*Tag a friend who needs a helping hand
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As 2017 draws to a close it's time to be honest with yourself...
Are you where you want to be in life?
Or are you holding yourself back?
... Well this 3 minute video is for all of you peeps that have big plans for 2018...
Or you'll still be in exactly the same place as 2019 rolls around!
*Tag a friend that needs to know how to make 2017 a success!
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Feeling the effects of an over indulgent Christmas?
Sick of the sight of Mince Pies and Custard?
Only got the s**t Quality Street left?
... Don't worry! We've got YOU covered!
Just watch this 3 minute video to find out how to start undoing the Christmas damage... the EASY way!
*Tag a friend that needs to see this
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Struggling with post Christmas Bloat?
We've got YOU covered!
Check out this 2 minute video from Coach Oli on how to banish the bloat...
... *Tag a friend that needs to see this
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Feeling the effects of Christmas on your waist line?
Have a party dress/outfit to get into?
Then this 2 minute video is for YOU!
... Coach Oil's got a great tip to shrink your waist in under 2 minutes.
So you can start your 2017 health kick early!
Or maybe just make room for round 2/3/4 on the Christmas left overs 😉
*Tag a mince pie lover that needs to see this
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We often get asked what it is we do at Shapeshifters that makes us so successful at helping our members get life changing results...
... So we thought long and how about how to answer that question...
And then we thought we'd just let our members tell you instead ;)
Shapeshifters Studio = Real People & Real Results
#BirminghamsBestBodyTransformations #TellUsYourStory
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So I did this ....not for vanity's sake but to be stronger & fitter for my main sport of waterpolo. Shapeshifters Gym showed me the value of nutrition, the importance of giving my body the right fuel it needed to benefit from the training & conditioning. Matt my trainer was amazing, he taught me how to exercise the right way!!

My overall fitness, speed & strength have improved beyond anything I had hoped for

But it wasn't until I saw my before & after photos that it really hit me how much my body had changed ...thank you all at shapeshifters!!

Ps The strawberry shake is much better & even miss the leg press!!! �


Just finished my 8-week programme and feeling so much better. Thanks so much to all the Shapeshifter team, especially PT Jack for being so patient but firm when needed! After a few difficult years of focusing on the primary care of my disabled daughter and going through many stressful years of hospital appointments - I had forgotten about looking after myself. I have always been active but had totally lost the enthusiasm to motivate myself. In 8-weeks I have pushed myself more than I ever would physically and mentally. I am so much more conscious of eating the ‘right’ stuff and looking after me. Not only have I lost weight, gained muscle strength but re-energised my mental wellbeing too - so feeling more in control and more like my old self. I also have better knowledge of how to actually get the best out of a gym session by using the equipment properly. So thank you. If you are considering it – go for it!


Joining Shapeshifters for a 12 week body transformation programme is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. As a strong candidate for inheriting and developing diabetes, I had to make a lifestyle change. The tailored nutritional plan and workout programme as well as the skills and expertise of everyone at Shapeshifters will ensure you get the best results and leave you equipped by the end of your programme. I’m a living proof of this, I lost about 10% body fat (from 26.7 to 17.1%) and gained some muscle mass. More importantly, I’ve learnt a lot about how the body works and how to eat correctly – if you ask the right questions you’d be amazed at how knowledgeable you’d get (Adele and Callum, my trainer, you legend!, know this – thank you for answering my endless questions). What’s more important is the friendly atmosphere in the studio every single day which I found quite refreshing – special mention to Cooper my man who’s always there to shake your hands. To the rest of the SS crew, Max, Matt, Junior thanks for all the support as well.

As a final note, it sure was difficult but with determination and dedication, it was also a fun and worthwhile journey. Do yourself a favour and join Shapeshifters


If you’re serious about having a healthy transformation then I couldn’t recommend anywhere better. All of the personal trainers are very friendly, and you will get a workout plan that is personal and suited to yourself and your goals. Matt has been my PT for a long time now & really pushes me to reach my potential as he knows my weak points and my strengths. I have on occasion trained with the other PT’s at Shapeshifters and have had a great workout with each of them too. Lastly Ash is great at sport therapy if you need some muscle release work! Overall a great gym!


I've just finished my 8week group training plan and I absolutely loved it! Well, I didn't love getting up at 5am, because our session started at 6(!!) But once I was there, and the rest of the group were equally as sleepy it was fine �

I was worried I'd feel intimidated by ripped trainers looking down at me for being heavy and I thought I'd be in a hardcore group but I couldn't be further from the truth. Gaz and Ollie were super nice, they pushed you hard but you could have a giggle with them, and the group I was in were just normal bunch of people trying to sort out their own body gripes. There were generally about 6 or 7 of us (think the max for this group 8 or 9, but with hols, sickness, work commitments, we only had the max attendance once) so with 2 PTs you got a lot of attention. The group were lovely, we had a laugh and encouraged each other.

The diet plan took me a few days to get into, the shake was disgusting and the lack of snacks (none!!) took some getting used to, but I did. And now I'm as happy as Larry (who's Larry?!) So now I love my morning shake and wouldn't be without it, my new way of eating is healthy and I feel better for it and shall continue doing it.

So what was my end result? I lost a stone in 8 weeks! I'm more than happy with that. You must stick to the plan though, its not magic - you only get out of it what you put in. I wasn't perfect for the full 8 weeks but I tried my very best to stay on plan.

In conclusion, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat, and if new work commitments hadn't got in the way, I would have! I just want to say a big thank you to Ollie and Gaz for being brilliant and Adele for all of your great nutrition advice

For anyone that wants more detailed info on my 8 weeks, I did keep a short diary, so let me know and I'll send it to on


I've just completed my 12 week programme with Shapeshifters and the results have been amazing! I've loved every second of all my sessions and the team couldn't have been more helpful. The nutritional advice given by Adele and the 1-2-1 support from Oli in my training have both been invaluable and I couldn't have done it without them - cheers guys! These guys know their stuff and as long as you follow their advice you'll reach your goals. Thanks also to the rest of the staff team - Stacey, Matt, Ryan, Anna and Gaz - always helpful, always friendly....what more could you want!


I went to Shapeshifters after feeling like I had tried everything to lose weight. I had tried all sorts of diets and was working out intensively at the him and not losing weight. I did the 8 week programme and have no regrets about committing to it. I've got the results I haven't managed to achieved for years.

Adele knows her stuff with food and made adjustments to my diet as needed. She was always happy to answer any questions no matter how busy she was.

Matt and Anna were the ones who mainly did my training and they pushed me to my limits but the hard work has paid off and I can say the pain was worth it.

Going to Shapeshifters has honestly changed my life and I've taken away useful life lessons about portion size and eating habits which I have carried on despite finishing the programme 3 weeks ago. I feel happier about the way I look and am well on the way to feeling great in my wedding dress. I would 100% recommend.


I recently completed an 8 week program and I was very impressed by the whole team at Shape Shifters. I had not been in a gym for 30 years and had not eaten a healthy meal in a while either. I always felt fully supported by Ryan, Matt, Adele, Anna and Stacey. Adele set a diet plan and supplements for me (she really knows what she is talking about �, Thank you) and it worked a treat. I lost 8% body fat and four inches from my waist. Like anything else, you get out of it what you put into it. If you follow the program that you are given it will work. I am continuing the diet plan, as it really helped my digestive system and also the exercise. Thank You xxx


I recently completed a 12 week programme with the shapeshifters team and achieved the following results:

Weight loss of 6.5kg

Body fat % reduction of 11.6%

Lean muscle mass increase of 4.2kg

And a 3 inch waist reduction

The results were achieved through a carefully tailored nutrition plan with supplements recommended to maximise results but also aid food digestion and recovery between workouts.

Each workout whilst challenging was engaging and built a sense of reward. I was fortunate to train with a number of the trainers that work at the studio and whilst each has their own personal approach to training, all possess an incredibly high level of knowledge with regards to training to ensure that so long as you stick to your workouts and nutrition, you will get the results that you desire.

I thoroughly enjoyed the 12 weeks and cant recommend shapeshifters highly enough, i'm even tempted to get fat again just so I have the excuse to start a new 12 week programme.


I joined Shapeshifters for the 8 week programme and it's the best thing I've done in a long time! I had very low self esteem and body confidence issues before I joined, now having just finished the 8 weeks I feel like a new person.

Not only do they concentrate on the physical side but also your diet, let's you know exactly what to eat and when to eat it and if you follow the plan you will reach your goals!

The studio itself has such a friendly atmosphere which i found really motivating, special thanks to my trainer Matt who really has really helped me get through the programme and didn't let me give up.

Thank you Matt and thank you Shapeshifters!


I have just today finished a 12 week programme at Shape Shifters and the results I achieved have exceeded my expectations. I say that because I am a lady over 50 who had not exercised in quite some time, however I have learned age is no barrier to altering your lifestyle.

I was so scared my first day as I did not know what to expect but immediately I was put at ease by Jack who kindly broke me in gently.

All of the Personal Trainers are motivational friendly and encouraging and it is a great place to train. So if you want to change your shape and lifestyle then this is the place for you. These guys know what they are doing.

Thank you so much one and all.☺


I have just finished my 8 week programme today @ ShapeShifters Selly Oak and I wanted to leave a review to recommend the place. I had spiralled out of control with my diet and lack of training so I wanted a targeted programme to reduce body fat through a planned diet and hard graft. I signed up to 8 weeks with 2 1hr sessions a week because of my work commitments during the week.

I found the diet plan very easy to follow and very rarely strayed over the 8 weeks. The best part of it for me was the shake you use completely nulled my normal sugar cravings, so much so I barely touched chocolate the whole 8 weeks.

The training was the best part for me, I never had to drag myself out of the door, the sessions were great. Matt was my trainer and Jack also took a few of my sessions and both guys were absolutely brilliant, not a bad word to say about any session.

The staff are all great there and it's a really good atmosphere to train in. I had worries at one point that my scale weight wasn't moving, so Adele quickly put in a session with me to do an early review of all my stats and explain the science behind what was happening. Needless to say she was right, and I soon saw some rapid movement in the right direction.

I am very happy with my short term results, and I am now ready to continue the good work and reach more goals I've set for myself. My body fat % is down, my fat content at all points is down and my legs are stronger than they have been for many many years. If you're thinking of signing up, at least go and have a chat to discuss options, it is a really great place to stop the downward spiral and start reaching your goals.

If I had to say one criticism it would be that I would have loved a more competitive plan for members extending beyond their original plan. I would have ideally loved to continue training with Matt, but I am sure I will be back soon. Matt and my posture have unfinished business!

Thanks again all

Kev (Welshy)


I have just completed a 14 week programme with Shapeshifters with un-believe results, way more than I ever thought was possible, I achieved the following: -

Weight loss – 11kg (73.3kg to 62.3kg)

Body fat – 12% (22.5% to 10.5%)

5.25” off my waist

At the age of 45 I feel and look better than I did at 20, actually have abs for the first time in my life.

Most of my workouts were with Matt but all the trainers and staff were really helpful, encouraging and always on hand to help / assist.

The nutrition / diet plans from Adele are simple to follow, everything from the minute you wake-up to sleep is planned, all meals include weight and supplements.

Training is hard but well worth it, you will push yourself to new limits and will be surprised at what you achieve between week 1 and your final week, e.g. I first struggled to do mountain claims for 15 seconds by week 14 I was doing 9 x 1 minute sets for my core workout.

I would recommend Shapeshifters to anyone who wants to seriously make a change to their lifestyle, once you have completed the program it will change the way you live (for the better).

I enjoyed the training so much that I have decided to return in early 2018 for another program, giving myself between now and the New Year to train myself and put into practice what I have learned to-date.

Finally I would like to say to BIG “THANKYOU” to Matt, Adele and the rest of the team at Shapeshifters for everything they have helped me with during these 14 weeks, it has been a very enjoyable journey one that I will never forget, much appreciated guys.

Take care and all the best…


I have just completed a 12 week transformational programme at Shapeshifters and couldn't have enjoyed it more. The team are all so friendly and welcoming. Matt trained me for the majority and was extremely motivating. I had a personalised nutrition plan set by Adele which was great and allowed for a lot of flexibility for different meals to make whilst still showing amazing results! I used to hate gyms but they've made me feel very confident in a gym environment. Matt even gave me workout plans for when I wasn't training at shapeshifters over Christmas, which was great! I have decided to carry on for another month as I'm enjoying it so much! Thank you everyone xx


I had the 3 month plan and I couldn’t have done it without the help of my PT Matt and Adele. I also had a few weeks with Ashley too. All the PTs were super friendly and we got to know each other pretty well over time! You have to stay committed with the nutrition plan and also workout at home but always aim to give your all during each session in order to see the results. It’s never a session without leg press! I enjoyed every session as it made me feel like a better person. It helped me to gain more confidence in my appearance and become more positive mentally. I dropped about 2 sizes and could wear clothes I never thought I would. The aim was to lose inches, gain muscle, improve physique and health and be more toned. I am at a weight I know I couldn’t have done without the help I’ve received over the past few months and now I’m motivated to continue to reach my goal on my own at my local gym. It’s hard work and intense but it’s all worth it in the end with the right attitude. Hopefully I can actually say on Jan 1st 2018.. it’s a new year, new me:) thanks ever so much! I appreciate every second of it all and will miss every bit of it! Especially being water deprived and the hi5s! ahah take care


Having spent 7 months with Shapeshifters I can guarantee that the trainers know their stuff! They're always striving to gain more knowledge, with seminars and self learning. After the the first few weeks you start to notice results and changes, after 3 months I noticed a huge change, stick to the diet plan and listen to the trainers and you will see results! Coach Oli and Ryan both trained me and helped strengthen and develop my knowledge of the body and how to train properly. Making the session fun, but pushing you at the same time. I've also had the chance to have a session with both Junior and Matt both were fantastic. The other trainers Gaz and Anna you get to interact with too, both of which are very welcoming. They start off with spotting your weaknesses (mine was my knee and shoulders) and will tailor your sessions to your goals. Adele was awesome and motivating since day one at the consultation till the end! She even offered to have a check up on me a few weeks later my package end! And who can forget Stacey, she welcomes you with a smile and is also very good at treating any tightness or injuries. All in all Shapeshifters is a fantastic place and has a great atmosphere for anyone who wants to change their life style, I would recommend it to anyone! Thanks guys!


Completed an 8 week program and recommend this place to everyone regardless of their goals. Here it can all be achieved. Very friendly team and everyone is very helpful. A very big thank you to PT Ryan for helping me truly a great guy and great trainer.Will be going back soon for another few months. Give it a try and you will be hooked! A big thank you to all at Shapeshifters.


Best gym and best set of personal trainers who are well experienced and know exactly what they are talking about. I achieved amazing results within the couple of months I spent with them. Would recommend to everyone!!!


Before Christmas I completed an 8 week programme with Shapeshifters and lost 10kg.

I have used gyms before but found it hard to be consistently motivated. I thought my workouts were good while I was at the gym on my own, but a 30 minute session at Shapeshifters wore me out more than an hour of training on my own.

The whole team at Shapeshifters are polite, helpful and keep you motivated. I know so much more about nutrition and exercise then I did before. Losing 10kg made me feel absolutely amazing (and it was something I didn't believe I could do after lots of failed diets). Now I know that I can do it with Shapeshifters I've come back for another 8 week course.

The trainer's are really skilled and know what they're doing! My trainer Matt is great and I feel really comfortable training with him. As well as having lost weight, I'm a whole lot stronger than when I started because of all the weight training, and seeing my progress makes me feel great.

I would recommend it to anyone


So I did this ....not for vanity's sake but to be stronger & fitter for my main sport of waterpolo. Shapeshifters Gym showed me the value of nutrition, the importance of giving my body the right fuel it needed to benefit from the training & conditioning. Matt my trainer was amazing, he taught me how to exercise the right way!!

My overall fitness, speed & strength have improved beyond anything I had hoped for

But it wasn't until I saw my before & after photos that it really hit me how much my body had changed ...thank you all at shapeshifters!!

Ps The strawberry shake is much better & even miss the leg press!!! �


Just finished my 8-week programme and feeling so much better. Thanks so much to all the Shapeshifter team, especially PT Jack for being so patient but firm when needed! After a few difficult years of focusing on the primary care of my disabled daughter and going through many stressful years of hospital appointments - I had forgotten about looking after myself. I have always been active but had totally lost the enthusiasm to motivate myself. In 8-weeks I have pushed myself more than I ever would physically and mentally. I am so much more conscious of eating the ‘right’ stuff and looking after me. Not only have I lost weight, gained muscle strength but re-energised my mental wellbeing too - so feeling more in control and more like my old self. I also have better knowledge of how to actually get the best out of a gym session by using the equipment properly. So thank you. If you are considering it – go for it!


Joining Shapeshifters for a 12 week body transformation programme is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. As a strong candidate for inheriting and developing diabetes, I had to make a lifestyle change. The tailored nutritional plan and workout programme as well as the skills and expertise of everyone at Shapeshifters will ensure you get the best results and leave you equipped by the end of your programme. I’m a living proof of this, I lost about 10% body fat (from 26.7 to 17.1%) and gained some muscle mass. More importantly, I’ve learnt a lot about how the body works and how to eat correctly – if you ask the right questions you’d be amazed at how knowledgeable you’d get (Adele and Callum, my trainer, you legend!, know this – thank you for answering my endless questions). What’s more important is the friendly atmosphere in the studio every single day which I found quite refreshing – special mention to Cooper my man who’s always there to shake your hands. To the rest of the SS crew, Max, Matt, Junior thanks for all the support as well.

As a final note, it sure was difficult but with determination and dedication, it was also a fun and worthwhile journey. Do yourself a favour and join Shapeshifters


If you’re serious about having a healthy transformation then I couldn’t recommend anywhere better. All of the personal trainers are very friendly, and you will get a workout plan that is personal and suited to yourself and your goals. Matt has been my PT for a long time now & really pushes me to reach my potential as he knows my weak points and my strengths. I have on occasion trained with the other PT’s at Shapeshifters and have had a great workout with each of them too. Lastly Ash is great at sport therapy if you need some muscle release work! Overall a great gym!


I've just finished my 8week group training plan and I absolutely loved it! Well, I didn't love getting up at 5am, because our session started at 6(!!) But once I was there, and the rest of the group were equally as sleepy it was fine �

I was worried I'd feel intimidated by ripped trainers looking down at me for being heavy and I thought I'd be in a hardcore group but I couldn't be further from the truth. Gaz and Ollie were super nice, they pushed you hard but you could have a giggle with them, and the group I was in were just normal bunch of people trying to sort out their own body gripes. There were generally about 6 or 7 of us (think the max for this group 8 or 9, but with hols, sickness, work commitments, we only had the max attendance once) so with 2 PTs you got a lot of attention. The group were lovely, we had a laugh and encouraged each other.

The diet plan took me a few days to get into, the shake was disgusting and the lack of snacks (none!!) took some getting used to, but I did. And now I'm as happy as Larry (who's Larry?!) So now I love my morning shake and wouldn't be without it, my new way of eating is healthy and I feel better for it and shall continue doing it.

So what was my end result? I lost a stone in 8 weeks! I'm more than happy with that. You must stick to the plan though, its not magic - you only get out of it what you put in. I wasn't perfect for the full 8 weeks but I tried my very best to stay on plan.

In conclusion, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat, and if new work commitments hadn't got in the way, I would have! I just want to say a big thank you to Ollie and Gaz for being brilliant and Adele for all of your great nutrition advice

For anyone that wants more detailed info on my 8 weeks, I did keep a short diary, so let me know and I'll send it to on


I've just completed my 12 week programme with Shapeshifters and the results have been amazing! I've loved every second of all my sessions and the team couldn't have been more helpful. The nutritional advice given by Adele and the 1-2-1 support from Oli in my training have both been invaluable and I couldn't have done it without them - cheers guys! These guys know their stuff and as long as you follow their advice you'll reach your goals. Thanks also to the rest of the staff team - Stacey, Matt, Ryan, Anna and Gaz - always helpful, always friendly....what more could you want!


I went to Shapeshifters after feeling like I had tried everything to lose weight. I had tried all sorts of diets and was working out intensively at the him and not losing weight. I did the 8 week programme and have no regrets about committing to it. I've got the results I haven't managed to achieved for years.

Adele knows her stuff with food and made adjustments to my diet as needed. She was always happy to answer any questions no matter how busy she was.

Matt and Anna were the ones who mainly did my training and they pushed me to my limits but the hard work has paid off and I can say the pain was worth it.

Going to Shapeshifters has honestly changed my life and I've taken away useful life lessons about portion size and eating habits which I have carried on despite finishing the programme 3 weeks ago. I feel happier about the way I look and am well on the way to feeling great in my wedding dress. I would 100% recommend.


I recently completed an 8 week program and I was very impressed by the whole team at Shape Shifters. I had not been in a gym for 30 years and had not eaten a healthy meal in a while either. I always felt fully supported by Ryan, Matt, Adele, Anna and Stacey. Adele set a diet plan and supplements for me (she really knows what she is talking about �, Thank you) and it worked a treat. I lost 8% body fat and four inches from my waist. Like anything else, you get out of it what you put into it. If you follow the program that you are given it will work. I am continuing the diet plan, as it really helped my digestive system and also the exercise. Thank You xxx


I recently completed a 12 week programme with the shapeshifters team and achieved the following results:

Weight loss of 6.5kg

Body fat % reduction of 11.6%

Lean muscle mass increase of 4.2kg

And a 3 inch waist reduction

The results were achieved through a carefully tailored nutrition plan with supplements recommended to maximise results but also aid food digestion and recovery between workouts.

Each workout whilst challenging was engaging and built a sense of reward. I was fortunate to train with a number of the trainers that work at the studio and whilst each has their own personal approach to training, all possess an incredibly high level of knowledge with regards to training to ensure that so long as you stick to your workouts and nutrition, you will get the results that you desire.

I thoroughly enjoyed the 12 weeks and cant recommend shapeshifters highly enough, i'm even tempted to get fat again just so I have the excuse to start a new 12 week programme.


I joined Shapeshifters for the 8 week programme and it's the best thing I've done in a long time! I had very low self esteem and body confidence issues before I joined, now having just finished the 8 weeks I feel like a new person.

Not only do they concentrate on the physical side but also your diet, let's you know exactly what to eat and when to eat it and if you follow the plan you will reach your goals!

The studio itself has such a friendly atmosphere which i found really motivating, special thanks to my trainer Matt who really has really helped me get through the programme and didn't let me give up.

Thank you Matt and thank you Shapeshifters!


I have just today finished a 12 week programme at Shape Shifters and the results I achieved have exceeded my expectations. I say that because I am a lady over 50 who had not exercised in quite some time, however I have learned age is no barrier to altering your lifestyle.

I was so scared my first day as I did not know what to expect but immediately I was put at ease by Jack who kindly broke me in gently.

All of the Personal Trainers are motivational friendly and encouraging and it is a great place to train. So if you want to change your shape and lifestyle then this is the place for you. These guys know what they are doing.

Thank you so much one and all.☺


I have just finished my 8 week programme today @ ShapeShifters Selly Oak and I wanted to leave a review to recommend the place. I had spiralled out of control with my diet and lack of training so I wanted a targeted programme to reduce body fat through a planned diet and hard graft. I signed up to 8 weeks with 2 1hr sessions a week because of my work commitments during the week.

I found the diet plan very easy to follow and very rarely strayed over the 8 weeks. The best part of it for me was the shake you use completely nulled my normal sugar cravings, so much so I barely touched chocolate the whole 8 weeks.

The training was the best part for me, I never had to drag myself out of the door, the sessions were great. Matt was my trainer and Jack also took a few of my sessions and both guys were absolutely brilliant, not a bad word to say about any session.

The staff are all great there and it's a really good atmosphere to train in. I had worries at one point that my scale weight wasn't moving, so Adele quickly put in a session with me to do an early review of all my stats and explain the science behind what was happening. Needless to say she was right, and I soon saw some rapid movement in the right direction.

I am very happy with my short term results, and I am now ready to continue the good work and reach more goals I've set for myself. My body fat % is down, my fat content at all points is down and my legs are stronger than they have been for many many years. If you're thinking of signing up, at least go and have a chat to discuss options, it is a really great place to stop the downward spiral and start reaching your goals.

If I had to say one criticism it would be that I would have loved a more competitive plan for members extending beyond their original plan. I would have ideally loved to continue training with Matt, but I am sure I will be back soon. Matt and my posture have unfinished business!

Thanks again all

Kev (Welshy)


I have just completed a 14 week programme with Shapeshifters with un-believe results, way more than I ever thought was possible, I achieved the following: -

Weight loss – 11kg (73.3kg to 62.3kg)

Body fat – 12% (22.5% to 10.5%)

5.25” off my waist

At the age of 45 I feel and look better than I did at 20, actually have abs for the first time in my life.

Most of my workouts were with Matt but all the trainers and staff were really helpful, encouraging and always on hand to help / assist.

The nutrition / diet plans from Adele are simple to follow, everything from the minute you wake-up to sleep is planned, all meals include weight and supplements.

Training is hard but well worth it, you will push yourself to new limits and will be surprised at what you achieve between week 1 and your final week, e.g. I first struggled to do mountain claims for 15 seconds by week 14 I was doing 9 x 1 minute sets for my core workout.

I would recommend Shapeshifters to anyone who wants to seriously make a change to their lifestyle, once you have completed the program it will change the way you live (for the better).

I enjoyed the training so much that I have decided to return in early 2018 for another program, giving myself between now and the New Year to train myself and put into practice what I have learned to-date.

Finally I would like to say to BIG “THANKYOU” to Matt, Adele and the rest of the team at Shapeshifters for everything they have helped me with during these 14 weeks, it has been a very enjoyable journey one that I will never forget, much appreciated guys.

Take care and all the best…


I have just completed a 12 week transformational programme at Shapeshifters and couldn't have enjoyed it more. The team are all so friendly and welcoming. Matt trained me for the majority and was extremely motivating. I had a personalised nutrition plan set by Adele which was great and allowed for a lot of flexibility for different meals to make whilst still showing amazing results! I used to hate gyms but they've made me feel very confident in a gym environment. Matt even gave me workout plans for when I wasn't training at shapeshifters over Christmas, which was great! I have decided to carry on for another month as I'm enjoying it so much! Thank you everyone xx


I had the 3 month plan and I couldn’t have done it without the help of my PT Matt and Adele. I also had a few weeks with Ashley too. All the PTs were super friendly and we got to know each other pretty well over time! You have to stay committed with the nutrition plan and also workout at home but always aim to give your all during each session in order to see the results. It’s never a session without leg press! I enjoyed every session as it made me feel like a better person. It helped me to gain more confidence in my appearance and become more positive mentally. I dropped about 2 sizes and could wear clothes I never thought I would. The aim was to lose inches, gain muscle, improve physique and health and be more toned. I am at a weight I know I couldn’t have done without the help I’ve received over the past few months and now I’m motivated to continue to reach my goal on my own at my local gym. It’s hard work and intense but it’s all worth it in the end with the right attitude. Hopefully I can actually say on Jan 1st 2018.. it’s a new year, new me:) thanks ever so much! I appreciate every second of it all and will miss every bit of it! Especially being water deprived and the hi5s! ahah take care


Having spent 7 months with Shapeshifters I can guarantee that the trainers know their stuff! They're always striving to gain more knowledge, with seminars and self learning. After the the first few weeks you start to notice results and changes, after 3 months I noticed a huge change, stick to the diet plan and listen to the trainers and you will see results! Coach Oli and Ryan both trained me and helped strengthen and develop my knowledge of the body and how to train properly. Making the session fun, but pushing you at the same time. I've also had the chance to have a session with both Junior and Matt both were fantastic. The other trainers Gaz and Anna you get to interact with too, both of which are very welcoming. They start off with spotting your weaknesses (mine was my knee and shoulders) and will tailor your sessions to your goals. Adele was awesome and motivating since day one at the consultation till the end! She even offered to have a check up on me a few weeks later my package end! And who can forget Stacey, she welcomes you with a smile and is also very good at treating any tightness or injuries. All in all Shapeshifters is a fantastic place and has a great atmosphere for anyone who wants to change their life style, I would recommend it to anyone! Thanks guys!


Completed an 8 week program and recommend this place to everyone regardless of their goals. Here it can all be achieved. Very friendly team and everyone is very helpful. A very big thank you to PT Ryan for helping me truly a great guy and great trainer.Will be going back soon for another few months. Give it a try and you will be hooked! A big thank you to all at Shapeshifters.


Best gym and best set of personal trainers who are well experienced and know exactly what they are talking about. I achieved amazing results within the couple of months I spent with them. Would recommend to everyone!!!


Before Christmas I completed an 8 week programme with Shapeshifters and lost 10kg.

I have used gyms before but found it hard to be consistently motivated. I thought my workouts were good while I was at the gym on my own, but a 30 minute session at Shapeshifters wore me out more than an hour of training on my own.

The whole team at Shapeshifters are polite, helpful and keep you motivated. I know so much more about nutrition and exercise then I did before. Losing 10kg made me feel absolutely amazing (and it was something I didn't believe I could do after lots of failed diets). Now I know that I can do it with Shapeshifters I've come back for another 8 week course.

The trainer's are really skilled and know what they're doing! My trainer Matt is great and I feel really comfortable training with him. As well as having lost weight, I'm a whole lot stronger than when I started because of all the weight training, and seeing my progress makes me feel great.

I would recommend it to anyone

More about Shapeshifters - Personal Trainer Birmingham

Shapeshifters - Personal Trainer Birmingham is located at 16 Oak Tree Lane, B29 6HX Birmingham, United Kingdom