Sharing Myself With Fibromyalgia

About Sharing Myself With Fibromyalgia

Sharing our approach to living with Fibromyalgia & Osteoarthritis. Using humour, honesty, integrity and opinions must be respected. Abuse not tolerated!



Proper messed up this weekend!! 10th wedding anniversary, spent a day eating processed food (well 2 meals) and some home brew Friday night and stayed up late watching tv. Fibro is on high alert; skin hurts to touch, feel like I have flu and trying not to throw up!!!!! Not good, it’s all self inflicted I know. Alcohol is a toxin and with fibro it makes the skin feel bruised....... each day will get easier. I keep trying to pretend I’m normal but of course I’m not so no to blame but myself and maybe the other half 😂. Now it’s time to suck it up, deal with it. I have no idea if I’ll be able to stand up today, but laying around all day is causing more pain. This isn’t a sympathy post, but a post detailing what happens with this condition, when you move away from a strict strategy. Remember your nervous system controls every part of your body; from your breathing to your internal thermostat....... enjoy your Sunday people!! We are watching the live MotoGP in Thailand 🇹🇭🏍.
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People often ask me what’s the best strategy I’ve had to improving my fibro......... there’s no magic pill but a combination of lifestyle changes; in no particular order..... Improved sleep hygiene Undertook a diagnostic diet Improved my food and drink choices Lost 30 pounds initially - put 14 back on... Learnt to meditate Reduced and stopped nearly all my fibro meds; only taking 1 now for fibro, (halves the dosage too) painkillers are for my spinal conditions Daily exercise of walking Removed as much stress and negativity from my life as I can Removed toxic friends Gave up my career as a Business Change Lead into a different role Changed work locations and reduced hours at work Introduced vitamins Bought a dog (yes this has helped) Use heat mat, PEMF and TENS machines Learnt to pace activities Got a cleaner and landscaped garden to reduce chores Bought a hot tub (it was 2nd hand so 1/3 normal shop price) Reduced alcohol intake to zero apart from special occasions I am sure there are more.......
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I used to subscribe to this magazine and it was very good, I stopped my subscription as I did not want to get too obsessed with my condition. It’s part of who I am but does not define me. It’s one of the reasons I left all the fibro support groups. I found that the negative posts were actually making me feel more depressed than I was, to levels, if I can be honest that were worrying me. I am a very positive person. I can be completely honest on here, which is something I... don’t feel comfortable to do on my personal fb page. I want you all to take something from my honesty. I share the latest research and my blog details my wins and learning points. I do have a childish sense of humour and it’s this that keeps me going. Without it, I don’t even think I’d be the person I am today. Fibro is an awful condition and can be do debilitating not everyone can work with it. Anyway, have a look at the magazine and see what you think.
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No matter how you may feel, how shitty your depression may be. Your fibro may be awful, but don’t forget what’s important, 10 years my husband has been married to me and I’m not the same person. I’ve changed, we can no longer do things we used to, I’ve had to make some difficult changes too. I made him this video kpVzZQ


Thank you Kaia it’s so sweet, for my 10th wedding anniversary


Lesson learnt today, do not bite an oxy in half to take with the other full one in order to try to reduce, all that happens is that you get the 12 hour affect in one go. Had to book the day off work, been to bed for 2 1/2 hours, now sat on the sofa with a headache 😂


Proven using MRIs of the brain......
Meditating and practicing mindfulness are other methods of overcoming stress and anxiety. Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has observed that the brain, when “left to itself...turns to bad thoughts, trivial plans, sad memories and worries about the future.” He stresses that “entropy, or disorder, confusion, decay, is the default position of the consciousness.” One way to tackle entropy is by engaging in mindfulness and meditation, which in...volves learning to experience the body and the mind in the present moment, and simply observe your thoughts. Even a few minutes a day of mindfulness can help you find a peaceful center free of unnecessary stress. In one study, neuroscientists at Harvard University found that after practising mindfulness and meditation for only eight weeks, the prefrontal cortex – that part of the brain responsible for planning and self-control – literally enlarges. And the fear center of the brain actually contracts!
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For those of you I haven’t seen me in a while. Look at my latest scar!! It looks amazing 😉 my consultant is an artist. I’ll have a new scar soon but thankfully it’s not anywhere near a tattoo, the first one goes through a very painful tattoo on my lower back but he stitched it back perfectly, he said I told him he’d be in big trouble if he messed up my tattoo 😂😂 👍


I want to try to cut down on the painkillers for my next operation. All I’ve done is take one less Oxycodone than I usually do, this morning and oh my god. I am in agony!! Now I know why the doctors do not usually prescribe this in the UK. The pain relief is excellent, best I’ve had but withdrawals in the first day is a bit extreme. It’s going to be very difficult post surgery to wean off these bad boys, but I’ll manage 👍


I know some people say I’m lucky I work for Royal Mail but ALL companies have to abide by the law. They cannot discriminate against disabled employees. Some smaller companies are not able to accommodate some of the reasonable adjustments you need linked to your disability, there may be a basis for redundancy or medical retirement depending on your policies. But larger companies will not get away with this. I work a company with over 140,000 employees so we have robust policies in place. I’ve always been able to be honest with my company and I’d advise you to be as well, if they treat you differently then maybe it’s time to get another job!


I really do hope the pharmaceutical industry in the UK pull their finger out and start making non smokable products available on prescription. This also needs to be opened up to people with fibro, the affects are outstanding and with no side effects with the oil is a no brainer. Long term use of opioids and opiates are not sufficient, your body gets used to them and they have awful side effects and it something I’d recommend for fibro long term; short term extreme pain they are great 👍 medical-marijuana


We all have to deal with issues, it’s the way things are, but it’s how we react that makes the difference. I’m going to do the following, see how it fits, what don’t you join me?
commit to a 30-day proactivity challenge: Whether at home or at work, whenever you catch yourself blaming someone or something external for a problem you face, remind yourself that the root cause is your reaction to the problem. Focus on finding solutions instead of accusing others. Exercise the tiny freedom you have before you respond, and you’ll find your capacity for proactivity flourishing.


Reading a book on Blinkist canned 12 rules for life and I love this section, this is so true!!
Life is hard and full of sorrow, so it’s important to celebrate the small joys in life.
Have you ever had to care for a sick person? It can be one of life’s more difficult challenges. The author’s daughter has been coping with severe arthritis since she was six years old. She has suffered from constant pain, requiring frequent injections and multiple surgeries for joint replacement...s. If you had a daughter in this situation, you might think life is unfair – but it’s important to recognize that the dark bits of pain, suffering and sorrow are what give the good moments their value. Consider Superman. When this character was first introduced, he was hugely popular. But then, the comic book writers kept giving him power after power until he was virtually invincible. Naturally, readers starting to find him super boring. If there is no risk of danger, Superman’s victories are hollow. And in the same way, good moments would be meaningless if we didn’t have to fight through difficulties and suffering to reach them. This is why it’s important to follow rule 12: make the best out of even the smallest joys that life offers. By following this rule, you’ll be sure to embrace life and appreciate every good thing that comes your way. You’ll also be sure to see yourself through the tough times, even when they’re prolonged. After years of pain and discomfort, the author’s daughter eventually found a new physiotherapist who helped her find greater mobility, a fair amount of normality and a lot less pain. There may be further complications down the road, but they’re both happy to enjoy the improvements for as long as they last. This is the best attitude to have; it’s the kind that makes you take your time to stop and pet a cat when you cross one on the sidewalk. Remember, there is no day without the darkness of night, just as there’s no order without chaos. There is suffering in life, but it’s also what gives meaning to our perseverance and makes the moments of peace so rewarding.
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This is the supplement I was talking about, I found it to be a fantastic benefit, I know the dire you but it from looks dodgy but it isn’t. Done if you remember that I gave some away on here once as a fun competition....... it really helped my fatigue, cognitive issues and insomnia until I figured out how I could improve my own symptoms of fibromyalgia. f/


Be very careful with these kind of lists, some of these meds can be dangerous mixed with prescription drugs!! For example St. John’s wort should NEVER be took when in an antidepressant or 5htp. Serotonin syndrome is a serious risk and can kill....... I used to take a fibro vitamin that really did make me feel better, but it was expensive as it worked it about £40 a month, but the list of ingredients bought separately would have cost much more. It’s the only fibro supplement (not prescription) that is regulated by the FDA and they do deliver to the UK.…/f…/suppl ements-for-fibromyalgia


I know there are probably a few of you out there die operations with fibro and are very worried about them. I am due to have my 4th surgery soon; they have all been major ops. It is challenging going through surgery with fibro as it brings some issues. The pain is more severe, starving yourself post op makes you very dizzy and unwell and the additional painkillers keep you awake, so insomnia is an issue too. Focusing on your mental health is a priority and walking as much as possible will also help you recover (depending on the type of surgery you have).


Stress is a big trigger for fibro. Mine is definitely bad today although I am feeling quite calm, I feel numb.
I went to the hospital today and had my fears confirmed, my consultant left a bone in my back between the C6-C7 disc when he did the double fusion. It is trapping my nerve that feeds my left arm; it’s painful and I’m struggling to use it. I have to undergo nerve testing again and need another operation (now my 3rd) to remove the bone in my neck, posterior (which is much more painful). I’ve asked to have this in December as it’s quiet at work and I’ll have my daughter and my husband to look after me. Fed up does not even come close to how I’m feeling right now......... it’s important to allow your feelings to come, don’t fight it, just mindfully accept them and it’s less stressful.

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