She Fitness

About She Fitness

www. she-fitness. co. uk
Personal trainer in Watford, Herts. Looking to lose weight, tone up, increase your fitness levels? GET IN TOUCH. FREE CONSULTATIONS



- Exercise Plan... - Weights and Cardio - Personalised Nutrition - Weekly Check Ins - Learn how to track macros
Start date will be 5th May so get signed up now!
Message for more information!
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Still struggling to kick start that new years resolution.....
Here is a recent 8 week transformation from an online client! She put the work and consistency in and the results speak for themselves.
"I decided to do this to get me into shape prior to all the Christmas events coming up, making sure I felt comfortable and nice in my Christmas LBD. I found the 8 weeks an exciting challenge. Lauras pack was full of interesting information, not only teaching me to eat better, but t...hat it can still be tasty, and as weeks went by I didn't miss all the wrong snacks I was eating without realising. I felt great in myself, had more energy and could truly see the benefits with the weekly check ins. What's great about the 8 week challenge is that Laura gets it to fit in with your lifestyle and can carry it on after the 8 weeks."
Needing that extra push.....4, 8 and 12 weeks available. Please get in contact or check out my website.
All plans personalised for you and your lifestyle!
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I got my last training session of 2017 in this morning!!
Ready to set new fitness goals for 2018......


Back at the computer getting on with more new client plans!!
If your considering getting in touch donŌĆÖt wait!! Any questions or concerns just send them over!
Plans are specific to your training and nutrition needs.


Over indulged this Christmas!!! Get organised for the new year and set new goals or get back on track!!
Online training and 1-2-1 personal training offered 07538262590
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OFFER OFFER OFFER OFFER OFFER OFFER ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­ ¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­ ¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝ First full day of my new website being live and two offers to take advantage of!
1. ONLINE TRAINING - 10% OFF... sign up to any of the online training packages to begin in January and receive 10% off. 4 weeks - ┬Ż55 NOW ┬Ż49.50 8 weeeks - ┬Ż100 NOW ┬Ż90 12 weeks - ┬Ż130 NOW ┬Ż117
2. 1-2-1 PERSONAL TRAINING - ┬Ż50 OFF Get booked in for 10 1-2-1 training sessions to start in January and receive ┬Ż50 off!! 10 sessions - ┬Ż350 NOW ┬Ż300
These offers are open for 7 days!! To get your spot whether thatŌĆÖs online or 1-2-1 you just need to pay ┬Ż25 deposit. Spaces for online training are limited and time slots for 1-2-1 will fill quickly for the new year so get ahead and start thinking about your goals for 2018 now.
Any questions, message me or check out the website!< br>
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As promised I have finally completed my new website :-) To celebrate I will be doing a couple of special offers tomorrow!!!I am already getting clients booked in ready for January starts so keep your eyes peeled tomorrow for those deals!! Go check out the new site!


Transformation Tuesday in all its glory. Left pic - 2009. 24 years old mum of a one year old who was really struggling mentally suffering post natal depression. No drive to change anything. No training and a rubbish diet. Forward 8 years to 2017 -32 years old mum of 2 kids. Happy in herself, even with loads to still deal with right now IŌĆÖm a stronger person both physically and mentally. Training 4 times a week and an 80/20 flexible diet. ************************************* Training changed my life, I love cardio, I love lifting weights, I love trying to sorts of exercises. It is not just good for your body but definitely good for your mind! It gives you time to think, time to yourself and time to be who ever you want!!!


BLACK DRESS PROJECT GIRLS......I'm getting through putting together your packs to get started this weekend!! If you still need to get completed forms to me or are still wanting to join then please get these to me by end of play Wednesday at the latest if you want to begin on Saturday. Thank you xx


Thank you to all those who have enquired about THE LITTLE BLACK DRESS PROGRAMME! ­¤Öé Thanks to those who have sent me to the completed form back!! If you have been sent forms but not yet completed them or are still deciding please let me know asap so I can offer out the places or get going on your packs.
Thanks all!!!... Xxxx
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How eating well all week but "treating" yourself at the weekend will destroy your Goals..
Monday - 1800 calories and workout, feel good! ­¤śŖ
Tuesday - 1800 calories, workout done, feel good! ­¤śŖ
... Wednesday - 1800 calories, hit your steps, feel good! ­¤śŖ
Thursday - 1800 calorie great workout done, feel good! ­¤śŖ
Friday - 1800 calories,all good food choices and long walk, feel good! ­¤śŖ
Saturday - 3500 calories, get a workout in, then add a bottle of wine and a pizza ­¤ÖŖ­¤Öł
Sunday - 3500, Hungover, no gym, eat off plan all day in the hopes "to start tomorrow" ­¤ś½
Week Average - 2300 daily calories - 485 calories over your aim each day. Its not just one day you need to think of, its your whole week.
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Iv had quite a few new likes to my page over the past week so thought I'd re introduce myself!!
My fitness story begun 8 years ago a year after the birth of my first child. I was 6 months away from getting married and still carrying my excess baby weight. Having had no previous interest in fitness I didnt know where to start so I got in touch with a personal trainer for help. Within 3 months I had lost the weight I wanted to and I was hooked. I loved ...the feeling I got by pushing myself with different exercises and setting new goals to then achieve them. I have since taken part in numerous 5k and 10k runs, 5 half marathons obstacle runs and 3 triathlons. Iv since moved onto to a passion for weight training and am hoping to compete in a bikini fitness competition next year. I am completely passionate about health and fitness and am proof that with that little push exercise can change your life. Training is not only about looking good but about whole body health.
L xx
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So most of us wake up on a Monday morning with the intention of "starting my diet today" ­¤śē You have had a big weekend and are now struggling to get motivated for work or that school run. A lot of us turn to our morning caffeine/ cofffee fix to start the day. However that quick stop off at Starbucks (or any coffee shop) could be de railing your "diet" without even realising. ... Coffees can be full of sugar and calories dependent on what you chose. We all like a latte but choosing a couple of them a day could use up to 400 calories of your daily allowance!! In a lot of women's case this is probably a quarter! A black Americano on the other hand is only 5! That is a big difference. If you like it creamier opt for unsweetened almond milk and for that occasional treat most shops now offer a sugar free syrup. Make a healthy swap and be mindful of what the liquid calories you are consuming! ŌśĢ’ĖÅŌśĢ’ĖÅŌśĢ’ĖÅ
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So the summer is becoming a distant memory as are those bikinis and we will begin to bring out those cosy winter clothes BUT dont use that as an excuse to slip on the healthy eating and pile on the pounds. Those Christmas and New Year parties may seem a long way off but will be here before you know it and you wont appreciate those extra pounds then.
... Want to make sure you look amazing in that special outfit??
I am re running a succsseful 8 week online programme I did a couple of years ago. It will only be available to 10 ladies as i want to ensure I have give enough time to each one with any questions and advice along the way. With the programme you will get: - 8 weeks training plan - home or gym based dependent on which you require -Nutrition guidelines specific to you - 8 weeks of advice via email/ whatsapp anytime - Weekly check ins where amendments to plans will be made as and when needed - discount on 1-2-1 personal training sessions
All this for....... ┬Ż80!! Just ┬Ż10 per week!!!
As I said this is only going to be available to 10 ladies! It will begin on 7th October and end on 2nd December!
To get signed up or for any more questions please contact me!
All I ask is commitment to the programme and I will help you at every step of the way. Please share with any friends who may be interested. Looking forward to working with you!
Laura xxxx
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New website coming soon..... ­¤ś£­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗


IM BACK!!!! So iv been slacking on my Facebook page for a long time! I'm still working hard training clients and will once again be ensuring I'm keeping you all up to date with offers and fitness and nutrition tips to help you achieve the goals you have! Will be launching an new version of my Little Black Dress Programme in time for this years Christmas Party season so keep your eyes peeled for details!! If anyone has any fitness or nutrition questions they would like to ask to get us going again just leave a comment below!! L xxx


Post HIIT breakfast today! 1 frozen banana Handful frozen berries Handful spinach 1/2 scoop protein powder... Almond milk
Blitz in a blender. Will blend to a thick smoothie bowl that you can eat with a spoon. I chose to add a bit more water to be able to drink. I topped with pomegranate and seeds!
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Last day today!!!!!! Get sharing!!!! Xx


Never thought I would enjoy getting fit - but love Laura's sessions! She's a hard task master but very motivational and you see and feel results very quickly.


Laura was a great teacher - listened to what I needed to improve on and pushed me to my limits and harder. I felt pain in muscles I never knew existed but it was a good pain. She made it fun, but also tough and switched between home and gym work. She helped me with a healthier diet, wrote me food plans and gym routines. Loved it and will come back.

More about She Fitness

She Fitness is located at Watford, United Kingdom