She Lifts Lifestyles

About She Lifts Lifestyles

She Lifts Lifestyles is dedicated to helping people improve their health fitness and self-confidence through proper nutrition, fitness and supplementation.

She Lifts Lifestyles Description

She Lifts Lifestyles is dedicated to helping the community improve their health, fitness, confidence and inner beauty through clever nutrition and sophisticated supplementation.

We educate and provide personal support, plans, and handy tips and tricks to anyone who wishes to improve their general and physical health.

NOTE: We do NOT endorse using our products as a meal replacement. Instead, we use them to support a balanced diet. We also create clever and inventive recipes and have hundred of tips to help support a healthy, FIT lifestyle. Our products are loaded with vitamins and goodness that bring health benefits.

With round the clock support from our team, you will be a part of a community that is passionate about keeping you looking healthy inside and out.

Get in touch today, together we can transform your lifestyle!

She Lifts Lifestyles



Biiiiig glute session.
Carbs and protein before and after ­¤Źæ­¤Źæ­¤Źæ
Comment/message if you need any help with your fitness/nutrition ŌØż’ĖÅ




Sunday Protein Pancakes. Breakfast/Brunch Pre or Post workout meal:
Serves 1 1 egg white Splash of milk... 2 tbsp whole oats (add more if you want to up your carbs) 1 scoop whey protein (or plant protein) - flavour of your choice, I used banana Pinch of cinnamon/spices - good for burning fat 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 cal spray or coconut oil
Mix all ingredients in a bowl, but add protein powder last to make a sticky batter. Spoon into an oiled hot frying pan, and flip until cooked both sides.
Add yogurt, peanut butter, syrup, fruit, lemon - whatever you want!
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Killer Core Move of the day: Pike up plank rows
The idea of this move is to engage and tense all of your core by moving as slowly as you can. This move will also work the shoulders, arms, and legs. I particularly feel the burn in the intercostal muscles (between the ribs and chest)
... Set you feet on the seat of the row machine and walk your hands forward so they are flat, and you are in a raised plank position. From there, brace your core and slide your feet in towards your hands, to mimic the below image, pike. Move slowly back down to starting position, to raised plank. Repeat 20 times. Complete 3 sets.
To make it hard: slow right down To make it harder: try 1 foot raised To make it x-rated: use dumbells (or worse, kettle bells) as your grip.
Enjoy ­¤śśŌØż’ĖÅ
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After a long break of not posting, I'm back again bringing you healthy lifestyle tips around training and diet.
My trainer passed me on this video of a great back, core and arm exercise he taught me. The trick is to slow down the movement, engage your core, sit low enough to protect your lower back and really squeeze your shoulder blades together on contraction!!
Keep weight high and reps low.
... It's good to be back ŌØż’ĖÅ
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July was party month and was jam packed full of celebrations­¤ŹĖ­¤Äē August is results month ­¤Æ¬ 8 week challenge starting Monday!!
Food plans Ō£ö’ĖÅ Exercise guides Ō£ö’ĖÅ 1:1 health mentoring Ō£ö’ĖÅ... Online support group Ō£ö’ĖÅ Pro-activity & positivity Ō£ö’ĖÅ
Anyone that would like more info, get in touch!! ­¤Æø­¤Æ£
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3 Questions. Answer honestly:
ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ Do you/your kids like fruit and vegetables? ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ Do you/your kids eat enough fruit and vegetables? ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ Do you know why eating enough fruit and vegetables is essential for a healthy mind and body?
... Reply below ­¤śś­¤śś
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Juice PLUS+ is NOT just for weight loss! It's proven to up energy levels by providing essential vitamins and nutrients found in it's high protein, low fat, slow releasing formula.
I take my shake either as a breakfast or supper and as a post workout snack.
Here is my up line and wing woman Christine, founder of The Female Fitness Company showing us what us #FitChicks do best!!
... Message me for more info on how our products can transform your training and your lifestyle!
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This is what we call a post workout meal ­¤śŹ
Prawn and salmon salad (and yes a few sneaky chips to get the carbs in!!)
My body now craves good food with all the vitamins and natural goodness that are in the Juice PLUS+ supplements I take every day!
... I have very limited trial shakes! Message me for details before more disappear!!
#healthyhappy #strongnotskinny
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Food from the She Lifts Lifestyles guides prepped and ready for a busy next week!
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!


She Lifts Lifestyles newest team member Golf Pro and Coach, Danny Adams. We are NOT just for women!!!
Financial freedom Be your own boss Work from home ... Earn achievable bonuses Work and meet amazing people Full flexibility, part time hours Travel opportunities Ō£ł’ĖÅ
Get in touch today by sending us a private message!
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Super quick, super healthy, super yummy breakfast smoothie!
Blend all ingredients together (remove skin and core from apple) then enjoy knowing you're getting at least 17 varieties of fruit and veg!
- High protein... - Low fat - Low glycemic index - Dairy free/100% natural ingredients
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Goal set, goal achieved Ōśæ’ĖÅ
When I talk to my customers about what their goals are, I ask them to visualise them in small steps and not to think of the big picture. Wanting to "lose 3 stone" or "build Hulk shoulders" is all very well and good, but it's vague and without manageable steps put in place, may hinder progress. ­¤Öī
For example, start by setting yourself the goal of losing 2lbs a week. Dedicate 3 hours of your time to 3 power workouts. Limit yourself to 2 glasses of win...e on a Saturday night. Walk to the shops instead of taking the car etc. All these little changes add up in the grand scheme of things, and after 4 weeks, you can reassess these targets as you start to close in on your goal. ŌØż’ĖÅ
My personal target was to be able to do full tricep press ups. Ask me to whack out 20 burpees no problem - but a full press up!? ­¤ś░ Press ups can be hard for women as we lack shoulder mass and upper body strength compared to men who have broader builds. But this is not an excuse!! It just might take more time, practise and dedication!!
Every single one of us has personal goals!! Sometimes we just need some clear guidance from someone on the outside on how we can achieve them. Are you curious as to how I could help you? Drop me a message ­¤śś
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Best way to start a busy morning! My pimped up Complete Chocolate protein shake.
Mix all ingredients together and pour over ice. In love with these glasses too ŌØż’ĖÅ
Nutritious breakfast in a hurry Ōśæ’ĖÅ... 17 varieties of fruit & veg Ōśæ’ĖÅ High protein Ōśæ’ĖÅ Low fat Ōśæ’ĖÅ Low GI (fuller for longer) Ōśæ’ĖÅ Suitable for vegans, children, pregnant women Ōśæ’ĖÅ OMG. Tastes amazing Ōśæ’ĖÅ
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The sooner you start, the sooner you change. Stop second guessing or doubting yourself, you're a lot stronger than you realise


The remedy to lose body fat: Clean diet + exercise? NOT ALWAYS
Both internet and science have conditioned us to believe that if we balance our lifestyles by eating a clean healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis, we will keep our bodies trim. Whilst this simple yet vague statement is essentially true, depending on your goals and how much body fat you want to lose, following a clean diet and exercising may not be enough to land you the body of your dreams.
2 crucial fa...ctors play a huge part in the task of burning fat and the lowering of your body fat percentage. Read on...
One of these factors is the hormone, cortisol. Cortisol, sometimes named as the "stress hormone", helps the body and brain when it is in survival mode and having to respond to instinctive situations. It also helps to boost immunity and lowers our sensitivity to pain. Cortisol levels are typically higher in the morning and lower in the evening and can vary from person to person. As it's name suggests, the cortisol hormone can be raised due to stress and poor management of stress and not enough or poor sleep; One effect of having a high level of cortisol in the body is that it can produce insulin spikes/blood sugar imbalances, can lead to more stubborn abdominal fat, higher blood pressure and a decrease/inability to gain muscle. You can control your cortisol levels by making sure you get enough sleep/having a good consistent sleep pattern and by practising good stress management techniques (yoga, working out, hypnosis, sex <--- YES!)
Another strange factor to consider as to why you might not be losing body fat is because a) you are over training (and b) you aren't doing the right type of training for your personal goals, this point will be discussed in a later post). A lot of people (myself included) may overtrain and push themselves too far because we have been drilled to believe that EXERCISE = FAT LOSS. Overtraining can be counterproductive towards achieving your goals as, leaving enough time for your body to repair and heal is essential for losing body fat (as well as building muscle). I firmly believe that 4 sessions of solid, high intense, "no messing around" training sessions are far more effective than 6 or 7 half-hearted and lethargic attempts to train, on tired and sore muscles.
A final factor worth a brief mention is genetics. Genetics will determine your natural body type and where you are more prone to store fat. Whilst it's true that genetics do contribute to your build, they are not a reason and shouldn't be used as an excuse to stop you from achieving your goals.
First assess your diet and then your workout regime. If you are still not getting your hard earned results, you need to tune into your health habits. If this blog has got you curious, why not give me a no-obligation message to find out how you can be on the way to a healthier, happier you <3
Much love
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If you are craving something sweet but don't want to undo all your hard work, try making my version of protein ice cream:
150g Total Greek Yogurt (0%) 1/2 scoop Juice Plus Vanilla Splash of Almond Milk... Splash of Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon (optional) Handful of Raw Cacao Nibs (could also use raisins/mixed nuts/desiccated coconut)
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and freeze for around 45 minutes. Eat without guilt!!
High in protein and fat free!
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More about She Lifts Lifestyles

She Lifts Lifestyles is located at M3 6DE Manchester, United Kingdom