Sheffields Labour

About Sheffields Labour

Page is for people who already support / are considering supporting Labour, & who either do /have /will live(d) in, or have friends & family in Sheffield. : )



Under the Tories it is the 1% richest corporations & individuals who have all the "magic" money trees in the mystical tax evasion forests on offshore islands that the panama papers revealed! The Tory "LEGAL tax avoidance" by Vodaphone alone, just ONE of the MANY MANY corporations in this country, is considerably more than the entire UK budget for the unemployed! And yet the Tories try to say "there is no money for the needy and need more cuts to public services"!?!?!? The TOR...IES AND LIB DEMS both say they need to RAISE TAXES the poor pay to pay for the NHS - NO we don't, we just need a Jeremy Corbyn led Labour government to make the rich pay the taxes they owe, then there would be no more national debt and all our public services, like the NHS, would be FULLY funded! Only the rich would pay more tax which they can EASILY afford!
The Tories raked in BILLIONS from "austerity" (selling off our publicly owned services to the rich, who then turn around and triple what we used to pay & reduce the quality of the service - look at the trains & the NHS waiting times since they sold off a lot of the NHS services to private penny pinching companies like Virgin - most cost, worse service!), and national debt has nearly TRIPLED and there are record numbers of homeless people! Remember when the panama papers came out & revealed that all the rich people are part of an enormous criminal conspiracy to dodge taxes & hoard stolen wealth in offshore accounts.... & then LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENED TO CHANGE THIS KNOWN CRIME?
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The mega rich companies, which right wing governments (such as the Tories [May - who axed the British 'climate department'] and American republicans [Trump - how many times have we heard him deny global warming, until recently when he was FORCED to admit it]), are using the right wing media to hide the truth from us, so that they can continue to line their pockets. THIS IS FACT: UNLESS WE STOP USING FOSSIL FUELS AND STOP RICH COMPANIES DUMPING CHEAPLY, and FRACKING making it ...even worse, nearly ALL COASTAL CITIES IN THE WORLD WILL BE UNDER WATER *WITHIN 50 YEARS*! And there is enough ice up there that it could appear almost unchanged from space, whilst having melted enough to raise the oceans by 100 foot! How far is your home above sea level?
The greedy are by definition shortsighted, and believe whatever makes them most comfortable - if they were open to being wrong, they would not sit so comfortably on insane piles of cash when there are children living in the street.
Want your children / grandchildren to drown? Land so scarce that only insanely rich can afford to live on it? We ALREADY have had the technology to capture ALL the energy we need from solar for YEARS, with ZERO pollution and at a fraction of the price, we only need to capture LESS than 1% of the energy that hits our planet FREE from the sun for ALL our needs! But the TRILLIONAIRES would loose trillions in profits by not selling us all the oil, gas and coal so they are trying to stop this happening with their right wing political tools... do your part: 1. Consider getting solar panels on your house roof and getting an electric car to go off grid, 2. Back a Labour government (increasingly backed by the Green party who are working with them and often swing their voters to vote Labour to take a seat from the right wing) that will save our future by NATIONALISING our power (away from the selfish short sighted control of the greedy) and moving to renewable energy! #timlongson
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Join the Labour party TODAY and lets KICK THE TORIES OUT! We need to get as many people to join as possible to fight the right wing media fake news which hides Tory corruption and Labour victories (like the fact it CREATED THE NHS, & gave us almost every workers right we have - see comment below for more), whilst spreading anti-left-wing propaganda! We need a government which is TRULY DEMOCRATIC, which represent the 99% rather than just the 1% richest! JOIN TODAY BY CLICKING THIS LINK: #TimLongson


"Back then in the 1950s, my parents’ belief was based not on wistful idealism but on the insurmountable fact that the post-war Labour government had introduced a National Health Service and had allowed access to free education for their children." " the same time I am somehow glad that they were both gone by 1997 and thus never lived to have their hearts broken by the advent of Tony Blair and his rebranded Diet-Tory New Labour party." "Now, in the 21st century, we begin see a glimmer of re-emergence from political figures who appear to hold genuinely socialist ideals – Bernie Sanders in the U.S.; Jeremy Corbyn in the U.K. – only to be told that such figures are apparently “unelectable”, despite their massive groundswells of popular support." "The word “unelectable” seems to be shorthand for the phrase “You are henceforth only permitted to elect conservatives”, a massive adjustment to the concept of democracy with regard to which I don’t recall anyone being consulted. And yet, from the laughably disproportionate torrent of ridicule and demonization that politicians like Corbyn are being subjected to, one has to suspect that their opponents are increasingly afraid that they are anything but unelectable." "If we sincerely believe that Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable, why bother saying another word about Jeremy Corbyn? In fact, why bother pointing out his unelectable status in the first place? It’s worth remembering that vested powers and authorities, throughout time and across the world, are always at their most vicious when they are also at their most frightened. To a degree, every media barb and embarrassing bout of inter-party recriminations can be seen as a measure of your man’s unprecedented SUCCESS." The great Alan Moore. #TimLongson
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This man is the closest man in Labour history to the values that Jeremy Corbyn has. This man was ALSO called "unelectable". This man changed the face of British politics, and for the first time in British HISTORY, ran a government FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMON MAN! Who? The 99% of us who are neither aristocratic nobility nor mega rich inbreeds! Before this man: - there was no NHS, - there was massive unemployment - there was a massive shortage of affordable homes - there were... no teachers accessible to the 99% - there was no such thing as a "fair wage" - there was no such thing as child benefit - there was no such thing as invalidity benefit - there was no such thing as social security - there was no such thing as sick pay - there was no such thing as paid maternity leave So... this is what we get when the people of Britain chose to vote in an "unelectable Labour leader"? COUNT ME IN! Vote for Jeremy Corbyn's Labour and lets give a man like Clement Atlee a chance to make changes as amazing as these again! For a fairer and happier Britain for us 99%! What can Jeremy Corbyn add to this Earth shaking list of benefits to the British people? A few examples: - Raise the minimum wage to £10, a living wage - Reverse the NHS privatisation and make it work again - Abolish zero hour contracts that exploit workers - Deliver a safe Brexit which benefits the 99% - Ban fracking which will poison our waters and lands - Create a truly fair, and funded, education system - Put the services we all need under public control (eg transport) - and the list goes on and on Worth a punt? VOTE for Jeremy Corbyn's Labour EVERYWHERE in EVERY election, and watch as we unfold a golden future for a fairer and happier Britain! #votelabour #JeremyCorbyn #JC4PM #TrustJeremyCorbyn #TimLongson
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Tim Longson 21 May at 17:11 · Heard Labour would raise taxes? How will Jeremy Corbyn's Labour tax plan effect you? Very simple - study this pic. If you are on £80,000 or less a year (PERSONAL INCOME, not joint family total income), you are 100% GUARANTEED to be better off. If you are on over £80,000 a year then up front, it will appear you are paying a little bit more, BUT, remember the increased tax is ONLY on the money you make OVER the £80,000 so if you are on £80,001 the...n you would ONLY pay the rise on that £1.
The other thing is that with Jeremy Corbyn re-nationalising the railway, energy companies, water, etc.. your REAL day to day COSTS will go DOWN - so even if you are on OVER £80,000, realistically, unless you are on over £150,000 you will still be better off overall anyway with all the savings on expenses! And also, without Labour, the NHS will be privatised, so look forward to paying THOUSANDS of pounds a year for decent family healthcare plans! The average wage outside of London is still UNDER £20,000 a year! So if you are on less than £150,000 a year your choice is obvious: VOTE LABOUR! #TimLongson
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Dear BRITISH SOLDIERS – I would like to put aside this myth that the Conservatives are the party for you, and the other Brits who love and respect our soldiers. Jeremy Corbyn has said, on behalf of Labour, that our “great” soldiers have “been short changed. Short changed with bad quality housing, short changed with the equipment they have got”. Jeremy Corbyn will NOT be looking to make you unemployed – he just wants to make sure your lives aren’t put at risk needlessly; that ...military action will be the last resort, if peaceful talks and negotiations fail first. YOUR LIVES ARE IMPORTANT – you are not to be thrown in to dangerous situations needlessly simply because some right wing politician is having an ego trip and wants to be seen to be “strong and stable” to win them votes, rather than trying to find a peaceful solution first! Not only has Jeremy Corbyn won the International Gandhi award for peaceful negotiations, ending wars and terrorism conflicts, but also his Labour cares a LOT more about the soldiers as REAL people with REAL families and friends who care about them, and Jeremy wants to ensure our solider have a fair and happy life after they leave the army as well.
The Tories DON’T CARE about our solider, they only use the military to try and scare people into blindly following the government. The Tories are BLIND to the actual PEOPLE who are in our armies – there are literally ex-military soldiers, having given years of their life to serve our county, who are homeless and confused, with PTSD, not getting the physical or mental health support they need. In the video below, a Labour MP tells of poor soldiers who fought for our country in the past who, and now, under a Tory government, are now forced to beg on the streets and rely on charity just to eat!
Does it sound anything like the Tories are "proud of our soldiers" to you? Do the Conservatives respect our soldiers as human being with rights, families and lives of their own? NO! They use soldiers like they use everyone else who isn’t in the richest 1% category – they use us as a means to get what they want, which is richer themselves, and screw everyone else! #TimLongson
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Still hearing the right wing owned mainstream media trying to play down Labour's victory, and play up the Conservatives defeat to make it sound like a victory? The media tried to use a child’s manipulation tool of 'building up impossibly fake expectations for Labour' before the elections such that "unless they win EVERY seat possible then they are losers", & 'downplaying expectations for the Tories' such that unless they lost EVERY seat then they have "done well & beaten back... the mighty Jeremy Corbyn". Then, when the results come in, their media created impossibly high Labour expectation somehow becomes a 'loss' (what do you mean there are some seat left anywhere in the country which aren't now Labour? lol), & the media created insanely low expectation for the Tories becomes a 'win', when in reality its just the media spin doctors making up the rules as they go along, to try & manipulate us into believing the right wing are doing well, when in reality WE, the people (99%), are wising up and rising up against their richest 1% owner lies!
See the verifiable facts in the graphs below - how is this ANYTHING but a VICTORY for Jeremy Corbyn's Labour? Labour it's increased seat holding lead over the Tories by 110 - the best since 1971! And this doesn't even take into account that overall the Tories lost 2 councils whilst Labour overall lost NONE! Jeremy Corybn's Labour now has more seats than EVERY other party combined! Jeremy Corbyn's Labour is read to win the next general election! #JC4PM #TimLongson
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REMEMBER TO VOTE TODAY! Some other things to remember: 1. The TORIES & Lib Dems cut council funding by half (49%) since 2010 (along with other things the promised they wouldn't, like police, etc. The Lib Dems are as bad as the Tories in a LOT of ways, & if you check their voting history, they ALSO vote to give the rich tax cuts, whilst voting to INCREASE VAT & tax for the rest of us non-mega rich). 2. Unless the TORY GOVERNMENT is kicked out soon, they will increase cuts to... councils by 77% (over 3/4) by 2020, which will hike up council tax! 3. The CUTS & actions of your current local council are 100% the fault of the GOVERNMENT not your councils! So use your vote to punch those at fault, not those who had no other choice because of funding cuts, otherwise the Tories played you! 4. If you want things to get better locally then you need to send a message to the central government by VOTING for the ONLY party who scare them & who can actually kick them out in an early election: VOTE LABOUR EVERYWHERE! 5. Every other issue (local developments, sales, contracts, cuts, Brexit, etc) are TINY in comparison to the effect a change in government will have - e.g. the effect of Brexit's outcome (no matter how it goes) has on your day to day life will be less than 1% of the change that changing from Tory to JC's Labour would be - an early election could stop the Tories fully, & irreversibly, privatising our services like the NHS, whereas the effects of Brexit could be reversed if needs be! 6. Not voting, or voting for a party other than Labour, is not fighting the Tories, nor sending any kind of message, so don't fool yourself. See the bigger picture, send a message & vote for Jeremy Corbyn's Labour FOR CHANGE TODAY! #TimLongson
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VITALLY IMPORTANT: Thursday 3rd is VOTING DAY. You may think "it makes no difference" or "I can't be bothered with politics" but THINK AGAIN - what does politics mean/effect? EVERYTHING, you can't opt out! How much income tax you pay, how much council tax you pay, how much road tax you pay, how much benefit you receive, how you are treated if you get ill, what education you & your kids can get, your protection level by police & fire services, how likely you are to end up hung...ry or homeless, etc... EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE IS EFFECTED BY POLITICS, & IF YOU DON'T VOTE YOU LOSE THE RIGHT TO HAVE A SAY OR TO COMPLAIN! So PLAN WHEN (open between 7am & 10pm) you are going to VOTE Thursday, set a time & stick to it, ideally take along your polling card, but if you don't have one, take along some I.D. (ideally something with your photo on it, or a letter with your name and address on it) just in case - you don't legally need ID but it will make things smoother.
If you don't know where to go to vote, simply click this link (the text "Where Do I Vote?") and type in your postcode & it will tell you. Most importantly, put aside any gripes or preferences for who you like locally & remember - County Councils have had their funding cut in HALF by the Tory and Lib Dem Government, so any activities locally you don't like is the GOVERNMENTS FAULT, & it will get WORSE if we don't FORCE CHANGE as the Conservatives plan to increase cuts to 77% by 2020! So current local issues are only minor compared to the bigger picture & the ONLY way to get CHANGE is threaten the government with the ONLY party that can kick them out, so VOTE LABOUR EVERYWHERE! Ring round your friends & family, remind them to vote & make sure they know why its vitally important that they all vote LABOUR FOR CHANGE nationally! #TimLongson
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IMPORTANT: THIS THURSDAY (May 3rd) is voting day. We have to send a STRONG message to this government that we DEMAND CHANGE: remember, ALL the hardships than have been forced upon us are because of GOVERNMENT actions & policies; one example: DID YOU KNOW THAT THE TORIES (& Lib Dems whilst in government) CUT FUNDING TO OUR COUNCILS BY NEARLY HALF (49%) SINCE 2010? SO LOCAL PROBLEMS ARE NOT YOUR COUNCILS FAULT (whether they be Labour, Green party, or whoever)! THE RIGHT WING ARE TO BLAME, & WE NEED TO SEND A MESSAGE THAT WE DEMAND CHANGE, & THE ONLY WAY TO DO THAT IS TO GET OUT & VOTE FOR THE ONLY PARTY WHO CAN THREATEN THE TORIES - & take your friends & family with you! This Thursday, no matter where you are or who you current council is, get out & VOTE LABOUR FOR CHANGE! #JC4PM #TimLongson #Labour


The media are trying to mind wash people that Jeremy Corbyn is "extreme far left" labour & try to FALSELY suggest communist, when in reality JC is only left of centre, & the REAL centre point in politics is far more to the left than the right wing media want you to realise; they have dragged the perceived centre point further & further to the right. So those currently tagged as "centralist" are in fact right wing! Just like Tony Blair & his Blairites are right wing, & Lib Dem...s are right wing, NOT central! & after DECADES of nothing but right wing governments, we NEED a left of centre party like Jeremy Corbyn's Labour to fix all the the damage of greedy self-serving right wing governments, & to move the "centre" point back to the centre!
The following diagram will help explain more; there is a Microsoft excel spreadsheet in the comments of the original post if you have problems viewing this image. Despite the fact that I created this originally over a year ago, with the aid of University politics experts, the Tory definition was bang on & is particularly relevant in light of the Windrush events & immigration! #TimLongson
For anyone having problems reading the image and accessing the spreadsheet version of the file, you can download it from the link at the very bottom of this post AFTER you have joined this group to gain permission, as file sharing on FB has to be done via groups: Once joined you will find this link works for the file itself:…/Politics-lef t-and-right-explaine…
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Our TORY GOVERNMENT'S CORRUPTION is being exposed by social media in a way that the mainstream media (which is owned by just a handful of billionaires, who back & fund the Conservatives) will never report. The Tory Government KNOWS about MASSIVE ILLEGAL MONEY LAUNDERING, but because these companies are massively financially backing the Tories (i.e. GIVING THE TORIES MONEY), the Tories are MISUSING their POWERS to make THEIR BACKERS OUTSIDE THE LAW! NO-ONE is above the law, but the corruption with the Tories is such that they apparently they think they are! We HAVE to send a huge message - vote Labour everywhere, regardless of who is standing & if you like them personally, this is too important nationally! VOTE LABOUR!


The world is full of beautiful & caring people, just like YOU, who just want to be loved & enjoy life, just like YOU! Don't let politicians EVER scare you into forgetting that! WE, the PEOPLE, hold the real power, & WE are better off together, working together for peace, harmony & the betterment of mankind as a whole! WE the people should be able to make the decisions about the way we want to live – it’s called democracy. & a great place to start from is from a caring democra...tic socialist platform, spreading peace & compassion around the world! See the world the way we (Jeremy Corbyn & I) do: life is about people, not profits, so love it & share it in the name of peace & happiness! Find joy, take some, & spread it wherever YOU go (like this video dancing with people from all over the world)! If YOU agree with this, then you are already a success at life, a socialist & MY FRIEND! #TimLongson
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To guarentee we KICK THE TORIES OUT we ALL have to take an active role NOW, but its really easy for YOU TO HELP! The Tories have cut council funding by 49% since 2010, so don't blame your local council for any cuts you have noticed - the blame is 100% with the Tory government! To learn how to help, watch the video below, then click this link for events you can goto to help us ensure we get the Tories out by backing the ONLY PARTY which can kick them out - Jeremy Corbyn's Labour: If you haven't already, you can join the Labour party here: #TimLongson


Got a Labour council but hate the cuts they have made / decisions they have made to raise funds? Thinking of not voting for Labour in the May elections? Background fact check: The TORIES have CUT COUNCIL FUNDING by 49% since 2010 - its NOT your local Labour councils fault! The way to fix this is GET THE TORY GOVERNMENT OUT by replacing them ALL with Labour! Get a Labour government in & they will restore council funding so we get our local benefits back! VOTE LABOUR IN EVERY ELECTION, its the ONLY way to guarantee to get the Tories out! Read this link and share: os/10160359189980454/


Just a reminder that Jeremy Corbyn's policies are fantastically popular, until the moment people are told that they're actually the policies of a man they've been "mentally conditioned"/ brainwashed into hating by the mainstream media. That's the power of political propaganda. THIS is what WE, those who are no longer fooled by the right wing owned media (which is 95% owned by a small handful of multi-billionaires who will do anything to keep JC out of power as they are afraid of him) must take to the streets, talk to people about the policies, get them on board with the policies, and only THEN reveal that they are Jeremy Corbyn's Labour policies. Remove the "JC hate preconditioning", sell them on the policies, then you will succeed in winning them over to Labour! Break the conditioning & kick the tories out! #JC4PM #TimLongson


If you are having problems with your landlord, or living in poverty, its worth giving these great people a shout!‚ Ķ