Sheldon Dog Services Ltd

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Sheldon Dog Services Ltd

Our Amazing team at Sheldon Dog Services Ltd are proud to offer Dog Grooming, Training & Walking Services all under one Woof!

Voted amongst the Top 3 Dog Walkers in Birmingham

Dog products sold in store

Sheldon Dog Services Ltd Description

Dog walking and dog training based in sheldon Birmingham . We specialise in working dog exercise



Guys this is an absolutely incredible experience . Suzy and team are unbelievably brilliant at what they do. Check out your dates and venues if you’d like to get in before everywhere else sells out 🙏🏻


Obediance class has been cancelled I’m afraid . Partly because our obediance instructor lives somewhere it’s still snowing and partly so I can finish Lexi Leven cuddles .
Don’t forget - the dogs still need their mental stimulation today even if it’s done at home 🏠


Look at these pair 🙈😍
Guys it doesn’t matter how big or how small your dogs are. Our training gives YOU the confidence to build YOUR bond with your dogs NOT ours.
... We help you to understand your dogs needs so that they choose to walk next to their friend instead of teaching you to force them to with tools. Sure each and every dog is different and a small part of training is which lead or collar or harness best suits the dog, but regardless of the tools , wouldn’t it be nice if your dog just wanted to gravitate towards you irrespective of the lead or tool in question?
Confidence in ourselves is vital ! Anxiety for what our dogs might do next or what they are capable of fuels the fire. Our biggest secret to training dogs is that we are natural at helping to build confidence and lower anxieties. We focus more on the human than the dog.
How many of you would confidently step towards your dog and another mid fight , calmly but equally with authority, telling your dog to break away if they are the aggressor and the other dog is smaller or trying to run?
We see a lot of people daily that flinch when their dogs enter the room with us because they swear the dogs about to bite us. The only analogy I can give is to mothers out there. How many of you could tell your child what’s expected of them even after they far out grew you? How many of you would honestly without fear , stop two grown adult brothers (your sons) in a punch up with each other just with words and body language even though they could quite easily out power you and potentially turn on you? Many of you would do it in a flash without thought and the reality is that your sons will respect your authority without any threat to you.
It’s not the fact that they fear you it’s the fact that from small to big you instilled in them a respect level and also equally so an authority level of who has the final say should it come to that. If you asked them to do something or equally to stop something , your body language and voice came across like you knew they would listen instead of as if you was questioning wether they would or not .It’s this very fact that keeps everyone around you respectful to you.
Don’t doubt yourselves people . Keep the same respect levels No matter how big your dogs grow :)
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It’s Tongue Out Tuesday !
Let’s get some shots of your pooches smile faces below for a chance to win free photo edits 🙏🏻
Simply like/share and follow our page and check back throughout the day for more entries 🙏🏻😜


Guess who popped into my messages to say Hi and see us at class tomorrow ?


Anyone wanting to walk their dog in a group late at night can come and join us. Dogs of all shapes and sizes get to run off lead together or on lead with the rest of the humans :)
We’re a group of friendly people walking together in the park 😍👅 If you don’t have a dog but want to join us as an excuse to get up and out on your own or with the family please do :)
...Continue Reading


Just finished for the day. This is Lady from our last appointment.
We wasn’t visiting for her, however Lady has not been in the same room as a stranger for over 6 months. There is a stair gate with furniture towering that , to prevent her jumping over and potentially biting us.
Lady growled at us / snarled lunged to bite me at one stage when I startled her but look how amazing she can be with two strangers in the same room.
... How many of you guys have to lock the dogs away or just don’t allow visitors because of your dogs behaviour ? The relief Lady’s owner felt when we didn’t get attacked , her worst fears didn’t happen, her dog cane in sniffed around and sat down calm.
We understand why people avoid things . Dog plays up or hates other dogs? Cross the road . Or even worse we take them out at quiet times in the day or unsocial hours to avoid. Dog tries to bite or is just rude when guests come? Lock them away Dog tries to get food off our plate or get in our face? Put the dog away during food.
Avoidance only does one thing. It keeps the problem there but hides it and in most cases makes it worse and worse and worse. By teaching your dog how to greet people, how to behave around food, How to walk past another dog ... you are starting to take a massive load and weight of their mind and your own.
If you need any support or help drop us a message , don’t just sit there thinking “my dog is unfixable” because that will definitely only do one thing:
It will Keep the situation the same as it is now or worse , get worse.
I’m off to enjoy my last bit of weekend with all fingers and thumbs intact
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As promised :
Here is Ice (AKA Dreamz) Instagram account - he already has as many followers as us in just a few weeks 🙈
Go drop him a follow to keep updated on his growth🙈... He is currently living the life , driving around in a convertible Mustang , attending the office with his Mom as he’s allowed at work 😍 He goes to dog friendly pubs and just relaxes with crowds of people all making tons of noise around him.
Disco His brother (arch enemy) has found his forever home and has moved in today 🙏🏻 Can’t wait to watch all three including Donny grow into the Kings I know they are !
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Anyone wanting to walk their dog in a group late at night can come and join us. Dogs of all shapes and sizes get to run off lead together or on lead with the rest of the humans :)
We’re a group of friendly people walking together in the park 😍👅
Your first two social walks are completely free. A chance to meet new friends and become a member of the pack :)
... There after they are free as part of our “supporters membership” which is £20 per month.
We have 12 walks per month so that’s £1.66 a time if you forget our other benefits . These include 10 % discount at 10% discount on our own services at SDS or EDS 10% discount at 10% discount at Discounts from As well as ctory-home-deco-5…/

Free photo editing on demand
You are also subsidising towards free walks for vulnerable who may not be able to afford a dog walker / our training costs for everyone are also subsidised by this membership.
Our training prices will remain around 70% off normal rates (Just £16) because we believe EVERYONE should be able to afford a stress free life with their fury friends. We’ve lost count how many people have come to us unable to take their dogs anywhere , and left crying at how happy they are now their dogs don’t want to attack everything in sight. Hopefully this membership helps to keep our other prices as low as possible all while helping the community :)
We are also looking to start a warden service to help kids get home safe through our local parks . This membership will speed this dream up !
Just to be clear our membership service includes these walks as a free service and you are not tied into any contracts . £20 is requested on the 1st of every month but your first two social walks are entirely free of charge. Come say hi 👋
As normal only sociable dogs are allowed to attend. If you need any help getting your dog to this stage let us know in a message. We have social walks for reactive dogs too :)
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Guys can we all find Nicola’s comment on the below status and show our appreciation.
Maybe buy her a drink, maybe offer her a discounted / free service if you run a local business ?
This is such an amazing thing to have done 🙏🏻


Emma mentioned in post somewhere about loving listening to a radio station with Hugh but then it switched to Dab and they missed out.
Paul and Susan you’re both awesome !


Everything ! 🙈👅


Amazing work by our good friends Wood Vibes . Support a local Business by dropping a follow or purchasing one of their many great reclaimed wood creations (lots of doggy inspired ones too)


Introducing “Sheldon’s Selfless Acts of kindness”
Guys, day in day out we see people struggling with something we call “the impossible task”
For some people it’s the washing up, for others it’s the wall papering or carpeting . Sometimes mental health plays a part , sometimes money ...and most of the time both. ... Equally so getting this impossible task done with support should go somewhat to brightening up peoples days and therefore lightening their mental load .
For this reason we want to bring the community together : small businesses that can volunteer a small amount of time and Everyday people that would like to help make someone’s life better by volunteering a small amount of time, and those that would love to help that have no time but may contribute a small amount of funds with others towards materials.
Together we can slowly turn someone’s year around.
So if you know someone that maybe cares for someone round the clock and is that mentally drained that they haven’t got around to fixing the sink, painting a room , or someone vulnerable who’s wall needs fixing, or carpets need changing etc we would love to hear from you.
Depending on how much support we can all put together we can slowly help a few people with their impossible task.
We will donate some funds our selves and time, we just need a handful or more people that would do the same and a business that relates to the problem needing solving, that would exchange some publicity for their time. All materials should be able to be covered by 20-30 of us in the community but if more join in the less each Individual would need to contribute.
Please share and tag any local businesses that would love to help make someone’s day ! Please drop us a message if you need any help with anything and would like to be considered . We are not in a position to judge, I’m currently fixing the house up after the puppies wrecked carpets etc so we’re currently saving for carpets ourselves and having to repaint and decorate slowly so please don’t feel ashamed to ask for help.
If you know someone deserving of this please also let us know by messaging us.
We can’t help everyone , at least not yet, but rest assured one person at a time we will get there !
Please also let us know below if you can help in any way at all, wether your handy with a paint brush , great with a mop, make home made things that can make a home more homely ... drop us a like and share the post with your post code and how you can help .
Do your thing Sheldon
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🐶🐶🐶Friday Fun🐶🐶🐶 ***********Prize included**********
Caption this photo 📷
... Best one gets a 50% off voucher on all our services for one month. Gift to someone that owns a dog if you don’t have one 🙂
We’re fully booked so we will have to book In the prize for next month but we will base the costs on last years costs to not penalise you with our yearly price rise due in Feb. Any services booked after the initial prize period has been used will be charged at last Years prices all year and won’t be affected by this years increase due In Feb
Rules : Must follow the page Must like and share this post Person claiming the prize Must live within 40 minutes bus travel time of Sheldon (that’s right, my entire days costs of running a business is £3.50 local daysaver😂🙏🏻)
Current prices : Note that all new customers on boarding before Feb will stick at these all year and won’t be affected by the increase
Walks for a dog that must be walked alone
Half an hour £9 One hour £12
Walks for a dog that is sociable and easily handled that can be walked with up to 3 other dogs
Half an hour £7.50 One hour £10
Evaluations £25 in Sheldon prices vary elsewhere
One to one training £20 per hour (reducing to £16 Feb)
Obediance class £6
Pop in service - 20 mins feed animals / let them out etc £7.50
2 pop ins the same day £13.50 Fully insured for keys etc
Up to 24 Social walks per month for social dogs (free with our £20 supporters membership or £5 per week - money raised subsidises vulnerable customers costs)
Up to 12 reactive dog walks per month (free with our £40 supporters membership or £10 per week- money raised subsidises vulnerable customers costs )
Working dog exercise - £12 per hour
Vulnerable customers prices £8 per hour regardless if its an evaluation or any other service - of which I pay £4 out my own pocket towards this so making it a grand total of £4 per hour .
Please note this service requires full honesty. There’s only so much money in the pot dependant on how well the social walks are doing. Some customers that we may consider vulnerable, still refuse subsidised costs because money isn’t a concern and they would rather it be paid forward to someone in greater need . We will always prioritise the funds towards people based on their situation and needs. Let us know if you’d like more info on our subsidised costs.
Remember to vote for the best caption in the comments and we will make a Meme in your honour 🙂
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So I thought me and Vic were close.
I think pretty much everyone in Sheldon knows it’s my dream to own a piano.
Heading down to Welcome Community Centre and Cafe (which has a great cafe , extremely tasty food, friendly staff, and extremely great value for money) was the highlight of my week to have a play on theirs for free after puppy class.
... Did I mention these guys have a cafe , they’re in shard end by the library and are open most days and do a banging breakfast?
So I was saying to the Mrs last week I need to ask Vic for the piano if they ever get rid of it...
I only posted a week or two ago that I’d love to own a piano 🎹
Anyway Welcome Change Community Centre are a great place to chill out, have a birthday bash, private hall hire, fun activities and events for all ages , they have fitness / crafts you name it, They just don’t have a piano 🙈 They’re based behind the library in shard end where the co op and post office etc are. Walk through under the tunnel thing and grab some food and tell Vic Shane isn’t happy about the piano !
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Just to let you all know:
While our prices are going up in Feb for new customers , we are actually reducing one to one sessions to just £16 for everyone ! Some of you lucky people may be thinking “they’re already £16” but we keep existing customers on old prices so you guys just didn’t get the price hike last year 🙏🏻
... We absolutely love being able to make peoples lives and days easier so if you have any issues you would like one to one help with drop us a message .
Please bare in mind that there is obediance one to ones that covers things like walking on leads or off, and many other things like recall / heal training, retrieve etc
There is behaviour one to ones that covers things like biting, lunging, dogs that misbehave around other dogs etc
We will not conduct behaviour one to ones without an evaluation simply because we give all the foundations and everything you’ll need to get the most out of our future sessions during them. Your dog won’t change its behaviour just by having lessons with us, they will need things implementing at home and outside so giving these sessions without an evaluation would be ripping you off in our opinion.
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We’re so exited to show you this video of Rio and his progress.
Rio first started our walk service a little bit before Christmas. He can now walk past people without issue . Just from having clear rules on our normal structured walks.
... Dogs are something we are working on, but is a lot more difficult baring in kind we only walk Rio. Today we took disco round and went from constant aggressive lunging/ barking and trying to fight , to calm off lead play time. This was just one hour !
We do want to highlight that this is no where near perfect, Rio still has and will have many issues with dogs for some time simply due to us not getting enough time to train on his walks , but it’s progress !
If you know Rio , tell us what you think In The comments below and follow us / hit that share button so we can help even more dogs 🙏🏻
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Where do I start with Shane firstly when we met Shane we knew straight away that his love for dogs was unbelievable he met my boy Rex and I think he knew he had his work cut out with him Rex is a scared reactive dog so he feels the need to lunge at other dogs Shane has been working hard with us all over the last few weeks n u can see the improvement in Rex he is getting better and better every week and we our learning so much from Shane the most important thing Shane has been teaching us is how to distract Rex and when he has done what we want him to do show him lots of love and tell him GOOD CHOICE when he makes the right decision and we look forward to working with Shane even more every week so thanks Shane very much from Rex and family


We had our first evaluation with these and they was grate now where leaning brandy to not jump up people and not to dominate the kids, thanks for the advice we are looking forwards to more sessions with use


This is the second week of doing the obedience classes and my dog Skye has came out of her shell so much. She is becoming a little star � each week and the skills that Shane and abi are showing us is great, never thought Skye would get it but she does, it’s given me the confidence and Skye to keep up the good work. Also knowing that if I have a problem with Skye I can access sheldon dogs to help, great work guys�


This couple have enabled me to socialise with other dog owners and have really boosted my confidence when out walking my rotty..... I thought my dog was aggressive until Shane eased my worries... my lexi and Shane’s lexi have got on well, and has taught me a few things. Being out with the other dogs too has been great. My experience has been a great one and I’m looking forward to being able to socialise with other pooch owners and not be worried.


Thank you so much for all of your support for me and Mom (Kim) and to Lexi for teaching Belle and Marcell how to behave around other dogs. I am amazed in just one session how good they are...there is still room to improve and I trust that going on the social walks and giving them an extra walk with you and other dogs will massively help them and eventually they will learn to stop barking and pouncing at other dogs. The extra support from you has given us so many things to do with them that will also help with their general behaviours. We can't thank you enough and when we have been on the walks and given them the chance to be better dogs I will be so happy to make 4* into 5* I believe in you and everything you do just by seeing the bond between you and Lexi and the trust you have for each other. Again thank you and we look forward to Sunday social walks �

I am now editing this post to 5* from 4* as both Belle and Marcell have been on the social walks and come along sooooo well since interacting with other dogs. Marcell still has his moments but the main thing is he now plays with other dogs with Belle and I can let them both off the lead � can't thank you all enough for your support �


Shane came out for an assessment for my 6 month old pups,they had given me a swollen hand and bruising almost every time I walked them,I took them for a walk two hours after Shane left,using his advise he gave us,they tried to pull for the first five minutes and that was it,they walked slower than us,amazing,


Shane came for an assessment with buddy told us a few things about his behaviours straight away our main issue was jumping up on visitors and pulling he taught us we need to be in control again and them when walked buddy actually walked nicely . We had a visitor notblong after visit and used what we had been taught and it worked we r so pleased after one session thanks Shane


Ok everyone i would just like to start of by saying i have been amazied to see the level and standard that shane and the team are now capabul of providing its everything and more then what i origanly set out to start on my owen and after spending a couple of hours wit shane and abbie and meeting some of the fantastick family that is been built i just new after a couple of hours of watching people that are as energetick hiped up and genuinly want to be out ther helping dogs and ther owners to achive all of ther dream's and it just felt so right when myself and shane sat down in our new office (Shanes back yard)and we spoke about pulling our resourses together the the answer was easy for me myself and shane bounce of each other like a good lookin Ant and Deck of the Dog world just better least one of ouse are ... 😉..its a dream to work with people that are just as passionate as i am and we get to do what we love and enjoy everyday and id like to take a moment to thank everyone iv meet and who have made me fell so welcome and only for yous and your stuning dogs (SOME TEMPERMENTAL😎💯💪) and some not iv loved every moment of every day. I have spend 20+ years dealing with rescue dogs the majority of whom wher deamed uncontrolabul and due to be destroyed this is never an option in my books. If you need our help will give it ... I do advise to anyone who asks ous for help to see a specialest i am awear of how exspencive thouse services can be and that meany of our clients have end up coming to ous as a last resort because of the extreamly cheap rates and combined abilty of multipul dog handlers on hand ... I look forward to Building our constantly growing and expanding Family and thank yous for allowing me to be a part of it ... Much lov..😎💕😘


My boy Teddy has been going on the social walks with Shane for a couple of weeks now, before he started he could barely look at bigger dogs without barking and going mad but after using Shanes advice and techniques he is walking with all kinds of dogs and can even be in the same room as some larger breeds. Brilliant service! Our boy is now transforming by the day, highly recommend!


Met with Shane from Sheldon Dog Services today for the initial consultation of our 16 week old Labrador. We found Shane to be professional, extremely knowledgeable and he left us with invaluable insights and strategies that are paying off already.

Lexi is a fabulous dog, she has shown our petulant puppy how to behaviour. If Callie grows up to be half as good as Lexi we will be really happy.

Really looking forward to our next session.

I highly recommend Shane and his services.


Me and Millie have just finished a session with Shane and Lexi, following some concerns I had with Millie' s social skills. She barks and jumps and pulls on the lead but can be quite timid and wary. Within 5 minutes of meeting Shane, Millie was quite happy to know he was there without causing her any concern. Walking with Shane and Lexi she was quite nervous to begin with buy Lexi was quite quick to show her how to say hello properly in a calm and controlled way!!! Really impressed with the work that Shane and Lexi do, and I highly recommend for you to get in touch with them if you have any areas that you feel you need help with!!


I would highly recommend using sheldon dog services. Our little Westie needs a little help with noises in our home & garden. My evaluation went very well and I gratefully revived very positive advice. We have been trying out the recommendations given but slowly I am confident our dog will improve. Many thanks Donna.


I was recommended by a family member who described Shane as a miracle worker.

After two visits and one social walk Coco is completely different.

Before hand she would chase every cat, duck, swan or bird she seen, she ignored basic commands, and was scared of other dogs.

Shane has given me a few basic techniques to try and she has responded brilliantly, I now have so much trust in my dog, and our bond is greater.

I tried for over twelve months to get my dog walking nicely on the lead, to obey commands and to get her comfortable with other dogs, Shane has achieved it in hours.

Thank you so much for helping Coco become the dog she is in such a short space of time.


I started of so nervous as lexi has always barked at dogs and children so I was so worried how today was going to go but my god my dog was amazing by then end of our FIRST session with colin & shane she was a completely different relaxed dog and I was sitting watching with a massive smile on my face ! Thank you for your hard work today guys *****


I have to say i met colin with shane today for first evaluation and by the time they left my lola was doing things i never thought she would thanks guys ive tried the walking up and down stairs and apart from a couple of pulls she stayed with me and didnt run ahead she also waited outside the house untill i called her in ���


Hi all we experienced our first social walk on Sunday my dog Rex has been a hand full as he gets scared n reacts by pouncing at other dogs so as u could imagine I thought it would be really hard with all the other dogs around but shane gave me some great advice and told me what we should and shouldn’t do before the walk if I’m going to be honest I didn’t think my boy would cope but he smashed it yes he did go for a couple of dogs but we got to walk with the pack and he coped really well all the other people were so nice to us and Shane is always there when u need him for support even when after the walk I chewed his ear off talking about everything he never once lost interest and it goes to show how much he loves all the dogs and how much he wants to help people I would recommend him to anyone who needs help with there dog just like to finish off with a big thanks to you Shane see you soon Des,Sarah,Rex


Guys you do amazing job there! I have been attending the obedience classes for 2 week now with my 3 months old staffy×rottwiler Molly (very energetic dog trust me!) and I already see so much improvement in both of us. Thank you for all your help. We can't wait to learn more �


First meeting with Sheldon Dogs services today, very impressed with their knowledge, tips and skills to use with my 2 dogs. To be honest I was a bit nervous about how my dogs would interact with the team.

They picked up straight away that both are very different in personality. Very honest and no false illusion. I was very impressed with their interaction and the change of behaviour in my dogs. Looking forward to further sessions with the team


After 12 months of issues with our furry son we had tried different techniques, training and enquiries to try and rein in his behaviour. I can admit that I sat and cried after our assessment with him this week as I actually feel someone is going to finally help us with our boy! We were impressed by Shanes knowledge and honesty. We already have implemented techniques he's shown and feel his way of teaching us is something we can do at home as a family. We are looking forward to working with him and glad we came across such a enthusiastic, respectful guy and whos attentive to our and our dogs needs.. �


Where do I start with Shane firstly when we met Shane we knew straight away that his love for dogs was unbelievable he met my boy Rex and I think he knew he had his work cut out with him Rex is a scared reactive dog so he feels the need to lunge at other dogs Shane has been working hard with us all over the last few weeks n u can see the improvement in Rex he is getting better and better every week and we our learning so much from Shane the most important thing Shane has been teaching us is how to distract Rex and when he has done what we want him to do show him lots of love and tell him GOOD CHOICE when he makes the right decision and we look forward to working with Shane even more every week so thanks Shane very much from Rex and family


We had our first evaluation with these and they was grate now where leaning brandy to not jump up people and not to dominate the kids, thanks for the advice we are looking forwards to more sessions with use


This is the second week of doing the obedience classes and my dog Skye has came out of her shell so much. She is becoming a little star � each week and the skills that Shane and abi are showing us is great, never thought Skye would get it but she does, it’s given me the confidence and Skye to keep up the good work. Also knowing that if I have a problem with Skye I can access sheldon dogs to help, great work guys�


This couple have enabled me to socialise with other dog owners and have really boosted my confidence when out walking my rotty..... I thought my dog was aggressive until Shane eased my worries... my lexi and Shane’s lexi have got on well, and has taught me a few things. Being out with the other dogs too has been great. My experience has been a great one and I’m looking forward to being able to socialise with other pooch owners and not be worried.


Thank you so much for all of your support for me and Mom (Kim) and to Lexi for teaching Belle and Marcell how to behave around other dogs. I am amazed in just one session how good they are...there is still room to improve and I trust that going on the social walks and giving them an extra walk with you and other dogs will massively help them and eventually they will learn to stop barking and pouncing at other dogs. The extra support from you has given us so many things to do with them that will also help with their general behaviours. We can't thank you enough and when we have been on the walks and given them the chance to be better dogs I will be so happy to make 4* into 5* I believe in you and everything you do just by seeing the bond between you and Lexi and the trust you have for each other. Again thank you and we look forward to Sunday social walks �

I am now editing this post to 5* from 4* as both Belle and Marcell have been on the social walks and come along sooooo well since interacting with other dogs. Marcell still has his moments but the main thing is he now plays with other dogs with Belle and I can let them both off the lead � can't thank you all enough for your support �


Shane came out for an assessment for my 6 month old pups,they had given me a swollen hand and bruising almost every time I walked them,I took them for a walk two hours after Shane left,using his advise he gave us,they tried to pull for the first five minutes and that was it,they walked slower than us,amazing,


Shane came for an assessment with buddy told us a few things about his behaviours straight away our main issue was jumping up on visitors and pulling he taught us we need to be in control again and them when walked buddy actually walked nicely . We had a visitor notblong after visit and used what we had been taught and it worked we r so pleased after one session thanks Shane


Ok everyone i would just like to start of by saying i have been amazied to see the level and standard that shane and the team are now capabul of providing its everything and more then what i origanly set out to start on my owen and after spending a couple of hours wit shane and abbie and meeting some of the fantastick family that is been built i just new after a couple of hours of watching people that are as energetick hiped up and genuinly want to be out ther helping dogs and ther owners to achive all of ther dream's and it just felt so right when myself and shane sat down in our new office (Shanes back yard)and we spoke about pulling our resourses together the the answer was easy for me myself and shane bounce of each other like a good lookin Ant and Deck of the Dog world just better least one of ouse are ... 😉..its a dream to work with people that are just as passionate as i am and we get to do what we love and enjoy everyday and id like to take a moment to thank everyone iv meet and who have made me fell so welcome and only for yous and your stuning dogs (SOME TEMPERMENTAL😎💯💪) and some not iv loved every moment of every day. I have spend 20+ years dealing with rescue dogs the majority of whom wher deamed uncontrolabul and due to be destroyed this is never an option in my books. If you need our help will give it ... I do advise to anyone who asks ous for help to see a specialest i am awear of how exspencive thouse services can be and that meany of our clients have end up coming to ous as a last resort because of the extreamly cheap rates and combined abilty of multipul dog handlers on hand ... I look forward to Building our constantly growing and expanding Family and thank yous for allowing me to be a part of it ... Much lov..😎💕😘


My boy Teddy has been going on the social walks with Shane for a couple of weeks now, before he started he could barely look at bigger dogs without barking and going mad but after using Shanes advice and techniques he is walking with all kinds of dogs and can even be in the same room as some larger breeds. Brilliant service! Our boy is now transforming by the day, highly recommend!


Met with Shane from Sheldon Dog Services today for the initial consultation of our 16 week old Labrador. We found Shane to be professional, extremely knowledgeable and he left us with invaluable insights and strategies that are paying off already.

Lexi is a fabulous dog, she has shown our petulant puppy how to behaviour. If Callie grows up to be half as good as Lexi we will be really happy.

Really looking forward to our next session.

I highly recommend Shane and his services.


Me and Millie have just finished a session with Shane and Lexi, following some concerns I had with Millie' s social skills. She barks and jumps and pulls on the lead but can be quite timid and wary. Within 5 minutes of meeting Shane, Millie was quite happy to know he was there without causing her any concern. Walking with Shane and Lexi she was quite nervous to begin with buy Lexi was quite quick to show her how to say hello properly in a calm and controlled way!!! Really impressed with the work that Shane and Lexi do, and I highly recommend for you to get in touch with them if you have any areas that you feel you need help with!!


I would highly recommend using sheldon dog services. Our little Westie needs a little help with noises in our home & garden. My evaluation went very well and I gratefully revived very positive advice. We have been trying out the recommendations given but slowly I am confident our dog will improve. Many thanks Donna.


I was recommended by a family member who described Shane as a miracle worker.

After two visits and one social walk Coco is completely different.

Before hand she would chase every cat, duck, swan or bird she seen, she ignored basic commands, and was scared of other dogs.

Shane has given me a few basic techniques to try and she has responded brilliantly, I now have so much trust in my dog, and our bond is greater.

I tried for over twelve months to get my dog walking nicely on the lead, to obey commands and to get her comfortable with other dogs, Shane has achieved it in hours.

Thank you so much for helping Coco become the dog she is in such a short space of time.


I started of so nervous as lexi has always barked at dogs and children so I was so worried how today was going to go but my god my dog was amazing by then end of our FIRST session with colin & shane she was a completely different relaxed dog and I was sitting watching with a massive smile on my face ! Thank you for your hard work today guys *****


I have to say i met colin with shane today for first evaluation and by the time they left my lola was doing things i never thought she would thanks guys ive tried the walking up and down stairs and apart from a couple of pulls she stayed with me and didnt run ahead she also waited outside the house untill i called her in ���


Hi all we experienced our first social walk on Sunday my dog Rex has been a hand full as he gets scared n reacts by pouncing at other dogs so as u could imagine I thought it would be really hard with all the other dogs around but shane gave me some great advice and told me what we should and shouldn’t do before the walk if I’m going to be honest I didn’t think my boy would cope but he smashed it yes he did go for a couple of dogs but we got to walk with the pack and he coped really well all the other people were so nice to us and Shane is always there when u need him for support even when after the walk I chewed his ear off talking about everything he never once lost interest and it goes to show how much he loves all the dogs and how much he wants to help people I would recommend him to anyone who needs help with there dog just like to finish off with a big thanks to you Shane see you soon Des,Sarah,Rex


Guys you do amazing job there! I have been attending the obedience classes for 2 week now with my 3 months old staffy×rottwiler Molly (very energetic dog trust me!) and I already see so much improvement in both of us. Thank you for all your help. We can't wait to learn more �


First meeting with Sheldon Dogs services today, very impressed with their knowledge, tips and skills to use with my 2 dogs. To be honest I was a bit nervous about how my dogs would interact with the team.

They picked up straight away that both are very different in personality. Very honest and no false illusion. I was very impressed with their interaction and the change of behaviour in my dogs. Looking forward to further sessions with the team


After 12 months of issues with our furry son we had tried different techniques, training and enquiries to try and rein in his behaviour. I can admit that I sat and cried after our assessment with him this week as I actually feel someone is going to finally help us with our boy! We were impressed by Shanes knowledge and honesty. We already have implemented techniques he's shown and feel his way of teaching us is something we can do at home as a family. We are looking forward to working with him and glad we came across such a enthusiastic, respectful guy and whos attentive to our and our dogs needs.. �


Where do I start with Shane firstly when we met Shane we knew straight away that his love for dogs was unbelievable he met my boy Rex and I think he knew he had his work cut out with him Rex is a scared reactive dog so he feels the need to lunge at other dogs Shane has been working hard with us all over the last few weeks n u can see the improvement in Rex he is getting better and better every week and we our learning so much from Shane the most important thing Shane has been teaching us is how to distract Rex and when he has done what we want him to do show him lots of love and tell him GOOD CHOICE when he makes the right decision and we look forward to working with Shane even more every week so thanks Shane very much from Rex and family


We had our first evaluation with these and they was grate now where leaning brandy to not jump up people and not to dominate the kids, thanks for the advice we are looking forwards to more sessions with use


This is the second week of doing the obedience classes and my dog Skye has came out of her shell so much. She is becoming a little star � each week and the skills that Shane and abi are showing us is great, never thought Skye would get it but she does, it’s given me the confidence and Skye to keep up the good work. Also knowing that if I have a problem with Skye I can access sheldon dogs to help, great work guys�


This couple have enabled me to socialise with other dog owners and have really boosted my confidence when out walking my rotty..... I thought my dog was aggressive until Shane eased my worries... my lexi and Shane’s lexi have got on well, and has taught me a few things. Being out with the other dogs too has been great. My experience has been a great one and I’m looking forward to being able to socialise with other pooch owners and not be worried.


Thank you so much for all of your support for me and Mom (Kim) and to Lexi for teaching Belle and Marcell how to behave around other dogs. I am amazed in just one session how good they are...there is still room to improve and I trust that going on the social walks and giving them an extra walk with you and other dogs will massively help them and eventually they will learn to stop barking and pouncing at other dogs. The extra support from you has given us so many things to do with them that will also help with their general behaviours. We can't thank you enough and when we have been on the walks and given them the chance to be better dogs I will be so happy to make 4* into 5* I believe in you and everything you do just by seeing the bond between you and Lexi and the trust you have for each other. Again thank you and we look forward to Sunday social walks �

I am now editing this post to 5* from 4* as both Belle and Marcell have been on the social walks and come along sooooo well since interacting with other dogs. Marcell still has his moments but the main thing is he now plays with other dogs with Belle and I can let them both off the lead � can't thank you all enough for your support �


Shane came out for an assessment for my 6 month old pups,they had given me a swollen hand and bruising almost every time I walked them,I took them for a walk two hours after Shane left,using his advise he gave us,they tried to pull for the first five minutes and that was it,they walked slower than us,amazing,


Shane came for an assessment with buddy told us a few things about his behaviours straight away our main issue was jumping up on visitors and pulling he taught us we need to be in control again and them when walked buddy actually walked nicely . We had a visitor notblong after visit and used what we had been taught and it worked we r so pleased after one session thanks Shane


Ok everyone i would just like to start of by saying i have been amazied to see the level and standard that shane and the team are now capabul of providing its everything and more then what i origanly set out to start on my owen and after spending a couple of hours wit shane and abbie and meeting some of the fantastick family that is been built i just new after a couple of hours of watching people that are as energetick hiped up and genuinly want to be out ther helping dogs and ther owners to achive all of ther dream's and it just felt so right when myself and shane sat down in our new office (Shanes back yard)and we spoke about pulling our resourses together the the answer was easy for me myself and shane bounce of each other like a good lookin Ant and Deck of the Dog world just better least one of ouse are ... 😉..its a dream to work with people that are just as passionate as i am and we get to do what we love and enjoy everyday and id like to take a moment to thank everyone iv meet and who have made me fell so welcome and only for yous and your stuning dogs (SOME TEMPERMENTAL😎💯💪) and some not iv loved every moment of every day. I have spend 20+ years dealing with rescue dogs the majority of whom wher deamed uncontrolabul and due to be destroyed this is never an option in my books. If you need our help will give it ... I do advise to anyone who asks ous for help to see a specialest i am awear of how exspencive thouse services can be and that meany of our clients have end up coming to ous as a last resort because of the extreamly cheap rates and combined abilty of multipul dog handlers on hand ... I look forward to Building our constantly growing and expanding Family and thank yous for allowing me to be a part of it ... Much lov..😎💕😘


My boy Teddy has been going on the social walks with Shane for a couple of weeks now, before he started he could barely look at bigger dogs without barking and going mad but after using Shanes advice and techniques he is walking with all kinds of dogs and can even be in the same room as some larger breeds. Brilliant service! Our boy is now transforming by the day, highly recommend!


Met with Shane from Sheldon Dog Services today for the initial consultation of our 16 week old Labrador. We found Shane to be professional, extremely knowledgeable and he left us with invaluable insights and strategies that are paying off already.

Lexi is a fabulous dog, she has shown our petulant puppy how to behaviour. If Callie grows up to be half as good as Lexi we will be really happy.

Really looking forward to our next session.

I highly recommend Shane and his services.


Me and Millie have just finished a session with Shane and Lexi, following some concerns I had with Millie' s social skills. She barks and jumps and pulls on the lead but can be quite timid and wary. Within 5 minutes of meeting Shane, Millie was quite happy to know he was there without causing her any concern. Walking with Shane and Lexi she was quite nervous to begin with buy Lexi was quite quick to show her how to say hello properly in a calm and controlled way!!! Really impressed with the work that Shane and Lexi do, and I highly recommend for you to get in touch with them if you have any areas that you feel you need help with!!


I would highly recommend using sheldon dog services. Our little Westie needs a little help with noises in our home & garden. My evaluation went very well and I gratefully revived very positive advice. We have been trying out the recommendations given but slowly I am confident our dog will improve. Many thanks Donna.


I was recommended by a family member who described Shane as a miracle worker.

After two visits and one social walk Coco is completely different.

Before hand she would chase every cat, duck, swan or bird she seen, she ignored basic commands, and was scared of other dogs.

Shane has given me a few basic techniques to try and she has responded brilliantly, I now have so much trust in my dog, and our bond is greater.

I tried for over twelve months to get my dog walking nicely on the lead, to obey commands and to get her comfortable with other dogs, Shane has achieved it in hours.

Thank you so much for helping Coco become the dog she is in such a short space of time.


I started of so nervous as lexi has always barked at dogs and children so I was so worried how today was going to go but my god my dog was amazing by then end of our FIRST session with colin & shane she was a completely different relaxed dog and I was sitting watching with a massive smile on my face ! Thank you for your hard work today guys *****


I have to say i met colin with shane today for first evaluation and by the time they left my lola was doing things i never thought she would thanks guys ive tried the walking up and down stairs and apart from a couple of pulls she stayed with me and didnt run ahead she also waited outside the house untill i called her in ���


Hi all we experienced our first social walk on Sunday my dog Rex has been a hand full as he gets scared n reacts by pouncing at other dogs so as u could imagine I thought it would be really hard with all the other dogs around but shane gave me some great advice and told me what we should and shouldn’t do before the walk if I’m going to be honest I didn’t think my boy would cope but he smashed it yes he did go for a couple of dogs but we got to walk with the pack and he coped really well all the other people were so nice to us and Shane is always there when u need him for support even when after the walk I chewed his ear off talking about everything he never once lost interest and it goes to show how much he loves all the dogs and how much he wants to help people I would recommend him to anyone who needs help with there dog just like to finish off with a big thanks to you Shane see you soon Des,Sarah,Rex


Guys you do amazing job there! I have been attending the obedience classes for 2 week now with my 3 months old staffy×rottwiler Molly (very energetic dog trust me!) and I already see so much improvement in both of us. Thank you for all your help. We can't wait to learn more �


First meeting with Sheldon Dogs services today, very impressed with their knowledge, tips and skills to use with my 2 dogs. To be honest I was a bit nervous about how my dogs would interact with the team.

They picked up straight away that both are very different in personality. Very honest and no false illusion. I was very impressed with their interaction and the change of behaviour in my dogs. Looking forward to further sessions with the team


After 12 months of issues with our furry son we had tried different techniques, training and enquiries to try and rein in his behaviour. I can admit that I sat and cried after our assessment with him this week as I actually feel someone is going to finally help us with our boy! We were impressed by Shanes knowledge and honesty. We already have implemented techniques he's shown and feel his way of teaching us is something we can do at home as a family. We are looking forward to working with him and glad we came across such a enthusiastic, respectful guy and whos attentive to our and our dogs needs.. �

More about Sheldon Dog Services Ltd

Sheldon Dog Services Ltd is located at 34 East Meadway, B33 0AP Birmingham, United Kingdom
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -