Shine Offline

About Shine Offline

Helping people & businesses thrive in a 24 /7 connected world. When we look up from our phones & inboxes, magical things can happen. Time to Shine. Offline

Shine Offline Description

Shine Offline help people to understand their relationships with their smartphones and other mobile technology in our constantly connected world. Get ready to shine . . .



Join our founder Laura at this rare Shine Offline public event with Psychologies Magazine & NOW Live Events on 12th September at Conway Hall in London. Laura will be giving people some fun and practical insight on how they can make sure they are in control of their smartphones and not the other way around. Are you ready to Shine Offline?


Did you have trouble focusing on reading your book by the pool this summer? You aren't alone. Have a look at this fascinating article by cognitive neuroscientist Maryanne Wolf about the impact of the digital age on our brains, with strategies for maintaining and teaching deep reading


If you missed Laura's Facebook Live for Psychologies Magazine you can catch it again here.


Scrolling your way through your lunch break? Why not head on over to Psychologies Magazine at 1pm to catch Laura's Facebook Live on helping find a better balance with your smartphone usage. See you there!


Tune in to Psychologies Magazine at 1pm today (GMT) where our lovely Laura will be chatting LIVE about how to have a happy, healthy relationship with your smartphone.


Hope you can join Laura's Facebook Live over on Psychologies Magazine today at 1pm (GMT)!


Head on over the Psychologies Magazine page at 1pm tomorrow Friday 31st August to catch Shine Offline's founder Laura's Facebook Live talking about how to have a happy and healthy relationship with your smartphone


We don't often run public events so we were delighted to be invited by Psychologies Magazine to team up for a fun and inspiring evening with them on 12th September in London. Learn more and get tickets here - hope you can come and Shine Offline with us!


We are excited that our own Laura Willis will be taking stage at this rare Shine Offline public event with Psychologies Magazine on 12th September at Conway Hall in London. Laura will be giving people some fun and practical insight on how they can make sure they are in control of their smartphones and not the other way around. Are you ready to Shine Offline?


Thank you to our friends at OneYearNoBeer for inviting Laura onto their latest podcast


There are just a handful of tickets left for our public workshop next Thursday which we are co-hosting with productivity experts Think Productive.
The joint session will provide lots of practical solutions on how to improve your productivity, work life balance and develop a healthier relationship with your smartphone.
Hope you can join us!
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Our friends at Barreworks have a strict 'no mobiles' policy in their studio. Thanks to them for including us on their blog talking about why you shouldn't let your smartphone ruin your workout


Despite the latest scandals to hit Facebook here we still are.
I guess if you are reading this it means that the benefits that you get from Facebook outweigh any concerns over your privacy. At the very least it is probably best to review your privacy settings and what you share with apps and advertisers. This is more complicated than you may have at first thought - as is leaving Facebook altogether. This article gives a pretty comprehensive guide to both.
And please do ...bear in mind that when you click on 'How well do you remember the 90's?' quizzes and 'What you look like as a movie star' apps, if you don't have your privacy settings sorted it is like opening your front door to a stranger.
Certainly worth giving up a few minutes scrolling time to make sure your personal details are protected.
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Today is World Sleep Day.
1 in 3 people in the UK suffer from poor sleep. If you want to sleep better buy yourself an alarm clock and leave your smartphone at the bedroom door!
Here is Shine Offline's advice ... “It is not only the physiological impact of the blue light on our ability to produce melatonin. If you check your work email, Facebook or BBC News before you turn in for the night and read something that causes a negative emotion, for example, this could impact your ability to fall asleep or disturb your sleep throughout the night. By the same account, if you keep your phone in your bedroom and wake up in the middle of the night to see it flashing with notifications then the temptation to check it is there. We recommend that people get an alarm clock, turn off their phones and other technology and charge them in the kitchen or living room away from the sanctuary of their bedroom. Also, by leaving your phone off while you get up, dressed and eat breakfast makes for a better start to the day. You are setting your own agenda as opposed to allowing whatever you read to set it for you.” extract from the recently published Public Health England BITC Sleep & Recovery Toolkit
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This week I have got SO much done after attending Shine Offline’s event with action for happiness on Monday. Laura is hilarious (just like her awesome partner in crime Anna) and kept us engaged and entertained and really made me think about some of my technology habits. We felt inspired to make some small, easy, instant changes and the difference it has made this week to my productivity has been huge! And even more importantly I have felt a lot more calm and conscious of my interactions with my family. Absolutely love your work!


Thanks for coming to our office today. Some really helpful tips. Will head home tonight and change one thing.


Laura and Anna have created something truly unique; a workshop that is engaging, thought provoking and most importantly changes behaviour.... to create a healthy relationship with tech.


In today's 24/7 world with a blurred line between work & life it's essential to be given guidance and perspective. That's why Shine Offline are here...

More about Shine Offline

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